コード例 #1
    def __call__(self, *xs: Variable):
            *xs (:class:`~webdnn.graph.variable.Variable`): Inputs

            tuple of :class:`~webdnn.graph.variable.Variable`: Output
        concat_axis = self.parameters["axis"]  # type: Axis
        axis_index = xs[0].order.axes_dict[concat_axis]
        axes_set = set(xs[0].order.axes)

        y_shape = list(xs[0].shape)  # type: List[Placeholder]
        y_shape[axis_index] = 0

        for i, x in enumerate(xs):
            assert set(x.order.axes) == axes_set
            for other_axis in [other_axis for other_axis in axes_set if other_axis != concat_axis]:
                if Placeholder.check_resolved(xs[0].shape_dict[other_axis]) and Placeholder.check_resolved(x.shape_dict[other_axis]):
                    assert xs[0].shape_dict[other_axis] == x.shape_dict[other_axis]

            self.append_input(f"x{i}", x)
            y_shape[axis_index] += x.shape_dict[concat_axis]

        y = Variable(y_shape, xs[0].order)
        self.append_output("y", y)
        return y,
コード例 #2
ファイル: concat.py プロジェクト: fossabot/hash2face
    def exec(self):
        xs = [self.inputs[f"x{i}"] for i in range(len(self.inputs))]
        axis = self.axis
        axis_index = xs[0].order.axes_dict[axis]
        axes = xs[0].order.axes

        y_shape = list(xs[0].shape)  # type: List[Placeholder]
        y_shape[axis_index] = 0
        y_order = xs[0].order

        for a in y_order.axes:
            if a == axis:

            self.attributes.add(Tensorwise(self, a))

        for i, x in enumerate(xs):
            assert x.order.check_same_axes(xs[0].order), f"""
[Concat] Input variable of Concat operator must have same axes
  (x0.order.axes) = {xs[0].order.axes}
  (x{i}.order.axes) = {xs[i].order.axes}"""

            for other_axis in [other_axis for other_axis in axes if other_axis != axis]:
                if Placeholder.check_resolved(xs[0].shape_dict[other_axis]) and Placeholder.check_resolved(x.shape_dict[other_axis]):
                    assert xs[0].shape_dict[other_axis] == x.shape_dict[other_axis], f"""
[Concat] Input variable of Concat operator must be same shape except the specified axis:
  (x0.shape_dict[{other_axis}]) = {xs[0].shape_dict[other_axis]}
  (x{i}.shape_dict[{other_axis}]) = {xs[i].shape_dict[other_axis]}"""

            y_shape[axis_index] += x.shape_dict[axis]

        y = Variable(y_shape, y_order)
        self.append_output("y", y)
        return y,
コード例 #3
ファイル: convolution2d.py プロジェクト: wathela/webdnn
    def __call__(self, x: Variable, w: Variable) -> Tuple[Variable]:
        assert x.order.check_same_axes(OrderNCHW), \
            "Input variable of Convolution2D must have N, C, H, and W axes.: " \

        assert w.order.check_same_axes(OrderNCHW), \
            "Kernel variable of Convolution2D must have N, C, H, and W axes.: " \

        if Placeholder.check_resolved(w.shape_dict[Axis.H]) and Placeholder.check_resolved(w.shape_dict[Axis.W]):
            assert (w.shape_dict[Axis.H], w.shape_dict[Axis.W]) == self.ksize, \
                "Kernel variable of Convolution2D must be same spatial size as ksize parameter: " \
                f"w.shape_dict[Axis.H]={w.shape_dict[Axis.H]}, " \
                f"w.shape_dict[Axis.W]={w.shape_dict[Axis.W]}, " \

        if Placeholder.check_resolved(w.shape_dict[Axis.C]) and Placeholder.check_resolved(x.shape_dict[Axis.C]):
            assert w.shape_dict[Axis.C] == x.shape_dict[Axis.C], \
                "Input and Kernel variables of Convolution2D must be same channel size: " \
                f"x.shape_dict[Axis.C]={x.shape_dict[Axis.C]}, " \

        N = x.shape_dict[Axis.N]
        H2 = (x.shape_dict[Axis.H] + 2 * self.PH - self.WH) // self.SH + 1
        W2 = (x.shape_dict[Axis.W] + 2 * self.PW - self.WW) // self.SW + 1
        C2 = w.shape_dict[Axis.N]

        y = Variable([N, H2, W2, C2], OrderNHWC)
        y.change_order(x.order)  # output same order as input to preserve following reshape semantics

        self.append_input("x", x)
        self.append_input("w", w)
        self.append_output("y", y)
        return y,
コード例 #4
    def __call__(self, x: Variable, w: Variable):
            x (:class:`~webdnn.graph.variable.Variable`): Input
            w (:class:`~webdnn.graph.variable.Variable`): Filter

            tuple of :class:`~webdnn.graph.variable.Variable`: Output
        x_shape_dict = x.shape_dict
        w_shape_dict = w.shape_dict
        if Placeholder.check_resolved(
                w_shape_dict[Axis.H]) and Placeholder.check_resolved(
            assert (w_shape_dict[Axis.H], w_shape_dict[Axis.W]) == self.ksize
        if Placeholder.check_resolved(
                w_shape_dict[Axis.C]) and Placeholder.check_resolved(
            assert w_shape_dict[Axis.C] == x_shape_dict[Axis.C]

        N = x_shape_dict[Axis.N]
        H2 = (x_shape_dict[Axis.H] - 1) * self.SH - 2 * self.PH + self.KH
        W2 = (x_shape_dict[Axis.W] - 1) * self.SW - 2 * self.PW + self.KW
        C2 = w_shape_dict[Axis.N]

        y = Variable([N, H2, W2, C2], OrderNHWC)

        self.append_input("x", x)
        self.append_input("w", w)
        self.append_output("y", y)
        return y,
コード例 #5
ファイル: deconvolution2d.py プロジェクト: zhangaz1/webdnn
    def __call__(self, x: Variable, w: Variable):
        assert x.order.check_same_axes(OrderNCHW), f"""
[Deconvolution2D] Input variable of Deconvolution2D must have N, C, H, and W axes:
    (x.order.axes) = {x.order.axes}"""

        assert w.order.check_same_axes(Order([Axis.N, Axis.KH, Axis.KW, Axis.C])), f"""
[Deconvolution2D] Kernel variable of Deconvolution2D must have N, C, KH, and KW axes:
    (w.order.axes) = {w.order.axes}"""

        if Placeholder.check_resolved(w.shape_dict[Axis.KH]) and Placeholder.check_resolved(w.shape_dict[Axis.KW]):
            assert (w.shape_dict[Axis.KH], w.shape_dict[Axis.KW]) == self.ksize, f"""
[Deconvolution2D] Kernel variable of Deconvolution2D must be same spatial size as ksize parameter:
    (w.shape_dict[Axis.KH]) = {w.shape_dict[Axis.KH]}
    (w.shape_dict[Axis.KW]) = {w.shape_dict[Axis.KW]}
    (self.ksize) = {self.ksize}"""

        if Placeholder.check_resolved(w.shape_dict[Axis.C]) and Placeholder.check_resolved(x.shape_dict[Axis.C]):
            assert w.shape_dict[Axis.C] == x.shape_dict[Axis.C], f"""
[Deconvolution2D] Input and Kernel variables of Deconvolution2D must be same channel size:
    (x.shape_dict[Axis.C]) = {x.shape_dict[Axis.C]}
    (w.shape_dict[Axis.C]) = {w.shape_dict[Axis.C]}"""

        N = x.shape_dict[Axis.N]
        H2 = (x.shape_dict[Axis.H] - 1) * self.SH - 2 * self.PH + self.KH
        W2 = (x.shape_dict[Axis.W] - 1) * self.SW - 2 * self.PW + self.KW
        C2 = w.shape_dict[Axis.N]

        y = Variable([N, H2, W2, C2], OrderNHWC)
        y.change_order(x.order)  # output same order as input to preserve following reshape semantics

        self.append_input("x", x)
        self.append_input("w", w)
        self.append_output("y", y)
        return y,
コード例 #6
ファイル: convert_rgba_to_r.py プロジェクト: zhangaz1/webdnn
    def __call__(self, *xs: "variable.Variable"):
        y_axes = []
        y_shape_dict = AxisKeyDict()

        # Check variable in descent order of the number of dimensions.
        # Without this procedure, in case that x0.order=C and x1.order=NC, the output order is CN. Expected result is NC.
        xs_order = [(i, x) for i, x in enumerate(xs)]
        xs_order.sort(key=lambda d: d[1].ndim, reverse=True)

        for i, x in xs_order:
            for axis in x.order.axes:
                if axis in y_axes:
                    if y_shape_dict[axis] == 1:
                        # broadcast
                        y_shape_dict[axis] = x.shape_dict[axis]
                    y_shape_dict[axis] = x.shape_dict[axis]

                if Placeholder.check_resolved(x.shape_dict[axis]):
                    if Placeholder.check_resolved(y_shape_dict[axis]):
                        assert y_shape_dict[axis] == x.shape_dict[axis] or x.shape_dict[axis] == 1, \
                            "All input variables of elementwise operator should be same shape: " \
                            f"y.shape_dict[{axis}]={y_shape_dict[axis]}, " \
                        y_shape_dict[axis] = x.shape_dict[axis]

        y = variable.Variable([y_shape_dict[axis] for axis in y_axes], Order(y_axes))
        ChannelMode.set(y, ChannelModeEnum.R)

        for i, x in enumerate(xs):
            self.append_input(f"x{i}", x)
        self.append_output("y", y)
        return y,
コード例 #7
    def __call__(self, x: Variable, w: Variable):
        assert set(x.order.axes) == {Axis.N, Axis.C, Axis.H, Axis.W}, \
            "Input variable of Deconvolution2D must have N, C, H, and W axes.: " \

        assert set(w.order.axes) == {Axis.N, Axis.C, Axis.H, Axis.W}, \
            "Kernel variable of Deconvolution2D must have N, C, H, and W axes.: " \

        if Placeholder.check_resolved(w.shape_dict[Axis.H]) and Placeholder.check_resolved(w.shape_dict[Axis.W]):
            assert (w.shape_dict[Axis.H], w.shape_dict[Axis.W]) == self.ksize, \
                "Kernel variable of Deconvolution2D must be same spatial size as ksize parameter: " \
                f"w.shape_dict[Axis.H]={w.shape_dict[Axis.H]}, " \
                f"w.shape_dict[Axis.W]={w.shape_dict[Axis.W]}, " \

        if Placeholder.check_resolved(w.shape_dict[Axis.C]) and Placeholder.check_resolved(x.shape_dict[Axis.C]):
            assert w.shape_dict[Axis.C] == x.shape_dict[Axis.C], \
                "Input and Kernel variables of Deconvolution2D must be same channel size: " \
                f"x.shape_dict[Axis.C]={x.shape_dict[Axis.C]}, " \

        N = x.shape_dict[Axis.N]
        H2 = (x.shape_dict[Axis.H] - 1) * self.SH - 2 * self.PH + self.KH
        W2 = (x.shape_dict[Axis.W] - 1) * self.SW - 2 * self.PW + self.KW
        C2 = w.shape_dict[Axis.N]

        y = Variable([N, H2, W2, C2], OrderNHWC)
        y.change_order(x.order)  # output same order as input to preserve following reshape semantics

        self.append_input("x", x)
        self.append_input("w", w)
        self.append_output("y", y)
        return y,
コード例 #8
    def __call__(self, *xs: Variable):
        axis = self.axis
        axis_index = xs[0].order.axes_dict[axis]
        axes = xs[0].order.axes

        y_shape = list(xs[0].shape)  # type: List[Placeholder]
        y_shape[axis_index] = 0

        for i, x in enumerate(xs):
            assert x.order.check_same_axes(xs[0].order), "Input variable of Concat operator must have same axes: " \
                                                         f"x0.order.axes={xs[0].order.axes}, x{i}.order.axes={xs[i].order.axes}"

            for other_axis in [
                    other_axis for other_axis in axes if other_axis != axis
                if Placeholder.check_resolved(xs[0].shape_dict[other_axis]
                                              ) and Placeholder.check_resolved(
                    assert xs[0].shape_dict[other_axis] == x.shape_dict[other_axis], "Input variable of Concat operator must be same " \
                                                                                     f"shape except the specified axis: " \
                                                                                     f"x0.shape_dict[{axis}]={xs[0].shape_dict[axis]}, " \

            self.append_input(f"x{i}", x)
            y_shape[axis_index] += x.shape_dict[axis]

        y = Variable(y_shape, xs[0].order)
        self.append_output("y", y)
        return y,
コード例 #9
ファイル: elementwise.py プロジェクト: newpouy/webdnn
    def __call__(self, *xs: "variable.Variable"):
        y_axes = []
        y_shape_dict = AxisKeyDict()
        for i, x in enumerate(xs):
            for axis in x.order.axes:
                if axis in y_axes:
                    if y_shape_dict[axis] == 1:
                        # broadcast
                        y_shape_dict[axis] = x.shape_dict[axis]
                    y_shape_dict[axis] = x.shape_dict[axis]

                if Placeholder.check_resolved(x.shape_dict[axis]):
                    if Placeholder.check_resolved(y_shape_dict[axis]):
                        assert y_shape_dict[axis] == x.shape_dict[axis] or x.shape_dict[axis] == 1, \
                            "All input variables of elementwise operator should be same shape: " \
                            f"y.shape_dict[{axis}]={y_shape_dict[axis]}, " \
                        y_shape_dict[axis] = x.shape_dict[axis]

            self.append_input(f"x{i}", x)

        y = variable.Variable([y_shape_dict[axis] for axis in y_axes],
        self.append_output("y", y)
        return y,
コード例 #10
    def exec(self):
        x = self.inputs["x"]
        w = self.inputs["w"]

        assert x.order.check_same_axes(OrderNCHW), f"""
[Convolution2D] Input variable of Convolution2D must have N, C, H, and W axes:
    (x.order.axes) = {x.order.axes}"""

        assert w.order.check_same_axes(Order([Axis.N, Axis.KH, Axis.KW, Axis.C])), f"""
[Convolution2D] Kernel variable of Convolution2D must have N, C, KH, and KW axes:
    (w.order.axes) = {w.order.axes}"""

        if Placeholder.check_resolved(w.shape_dict[Axis.KH]) and Placeholder.check_resolved(w.shape_dict[Axis.KW]):
            assert (w.shape_dict[Axis.KH], w.shape_dict[Axis.KW]) == self.ksize, f"""
[Convolution2D] Kernel variable of Convolution2D must be same spatial size as ksize parameter:
    (w.shape_dict[Axis.KH]) = {w.shape_dict[Axis.KH]}
    (w.shape_dict[Axis.KW]) = {w.shape_dict[Axis.KW]}
    (self.ksize) = {self.ksize}"""

        if Placeholder.check_resolved(w.shape_dict[Axis.C]) and Placeholder.check_resolved(x.shape_dict[Axis.C]):
            assert w.shape_dict[Axis.C] == x.shape_dict[Axis.C], f"""
[Convolution2D] Input and Kernel variables of Convolution2D must be same channel size:
    (x.shape_dict[Axis.C]) = {x.shape_dict[Axis.C]}
    (w.shape_dict[Axis.C]) = {w.shape_dict[Axis.C]}"""

        N = x.shape_dict[Axis.N]
        H2 = (x.shape_dict[Axis.H] + 2 * self.PH - self.WH) // self.SH + 1
        W2 = (x.shape_dict[Axis.W] + 2 * self.PW - self.WW) // self.SW + 1
        C2 = w.shape_dict[Axis.N]

        y = Variable([N, H2, W2, C2], OrderNHWC)
        y.change_order(x.order)  # output same order as input to preserve following reshape semantics

        self.append_output("y", y)
        return y,
コード例 #11
    def append(self, v: Variable, offset: IntLike = -1):
        if offset == -1:
            if Placeholder.check_resolved(
                    offset) and Placeholder.check_resolved(v.size):
                offset = self.static_size
                offset = self.dynamic_size

        self.allocations[v] = Allocation(offset, v.size)
コード例 #12
ファイル: kernel.py プロジェクト: xczhanjun/webdnn
    def unresolved_placeholders(self):
        result = []

        if not Placeholder.check_resolved(self.width):
            result += [self.width]

        if not Placeholder.check_resolved(self.height):
            result += [self.height]

        if not Placeholder.check_resolved(self.depth):
            result += [self.depth]

        return result
コード例 #13
ファイル: kernel.py プロジェクト: fossabot/hash2face
    def get_depend_placeholders(self) -> Set[Placeholder]:
        result = set()

        if not Placeholder.check_resolved(self.width):

        if not Placeholder.check_resolved(self.height):

        if not Placeholder.check_resolved(self.depth):

        return result
コード例 #14
    def __call__(self, x: Variable, s: Variable):
        assert s.ndim == 1, f"Scale variable of AxiswiseScale operator should be 1D variable: s.ndim={s.ndim}"

        axis = self.axis
        if Placeholder.check_resolved(
                x.shape_dict[axis]) and Placeholder.check_resolved(s.size):
            assert x.shape_dict[axis] == s.size, f"Dimension mismatch: x.shape_dict[{axis}]={x.shape_dict[axis]}, " \

        y = Variable(x.shape, x.order)
        self.append_input("x", x)
        self.append_input("s", s)
        self.append_output("y", y)
        return y,
コード例 #15
    def append(self, var: Variable, offset: Union[int, Placeholder] = -1, buffer_type: Optional[BufferType] = None):
        if buffer_type is None:
            if Placeholder.check_resolved(offset) and Placeholder.check_resolved(var.size):
                buffer_type = BufferType.Static
                buffer_type = BufferType.Dynamic

        if offset == -1:
            if buffer_type is BufferType.Static:
                offset = self.static_size
                offset = self.dynamic_size

        self.allocations[var.name] = Allocation(var, offset, buffer_type)
コード例 #16
ファイル: axiswise_bias.py プロジェクト: xczhanjun/webdnn
    def __call__(self, x: Variable, b: Variable):
        assert b.ndim == 1, f"Bias variable of AxiswiseBias operator should be 1D variable: b.ndim={b.ndim}"

        axis = self.axis
        if Placeholder.check_resolved(
                x.shape_dict[axis]) and Placeholder.check_resolved(b.size):
            assert x.shape_dict[axis] == b.size, f"Dimension mismatch: x.shape_dict[{axis}]={x.shape_dict[axis]}, " \

        y = Variable(x.shape, x.order)
        self.append_input("x", x)
        self.append_input("b", b)
        self.append_output("y", y)
        return y,
コード例 #17
ファイル: sgemm.py プロジェクト: fossabot/hash2face
    def exec(self):
        A = self.inputs["A"]
        B = self.inputs["B"]
        if Placeholder.check_resolved(A.size) and Placeholder.check_resolved(
                self.M * self.K):
            assert A.size == self.M * self.K
        if Placeholder.check_resolved(B.size) and Placeholder.check_resolved(
                self.N * self.K):
            assert B.size == self.N * self.K

        C = Variable(self.parameters["out_shape"],
        self.append_output("C", C)

        return C,
コード例 #18
    def __call__(self, A: Variable, B: Variable):
        if Placeholder.check_resolved(A.size) and Placeholder.check_resolved(
                self.M * self.K):
            assert A.size == self.M * self.K
        if Placeholder.check_resolved(B.size) and Placeholder.check_resolved(
                self.N * self.K):
            assert B.size == self.N * self.K

        C = Variable(self.parameters["out_shape"],

        self.append_input("A", A)
        self.append_input("B", B)
        self.append_output("C", C)
        return C,
コード例 #19
def _convert_get_item(converter: ChainerConverter, c_op: "chainer.functions.GetItem"):
    x = converter.get_variable(c_op.inputs[0])
    if any(not Placeholder.check_resolved(v) for v in x.shape):
        raise NotImplementedError("[ChainerConverter] \"GetItem\" for dynamic shape variable is not supported ")

    y = x[c_op.slices]
    converter.set_variable(c_op.outputs[0](), y)
コード例 #20
ファイル: math.py プロジェクト: zhangaz1/webdnn
def _convert_logsumexp(converter: ChainerConverter,
                       c_op: "chainer.functions.LogSumExp"):
    x = converter.get_variable(c_op.inputs[0])

    if c_op.axis is None:
        axes = list(x.order.axes)
        axes = [x.order.axes[i] for i in c_op.axis]

    # TODO: Conversion result is wrong in case x.shape[category_axis] is placeholder.
    if any(not Placeholder.check_resolved(x.shape_dict[axis])
           for axis in axes):
        raise NotImplementedError(
            "[ChainerConverter] \"LogSumExp\" for dynamic number of categories is not supported"

    max_x = x
    for axis in axes:
        max_x, = Max(None, axis=axis)(max_x)
    exp_delta_x, = Exp(None)(x - max_x)

    sum_exp_delta_x = exp_delta_x
    for axis in axes:
        sum_exp_delta_x, = Sum(None, axis=axis)(sum_exp_delta_x)

    y = Log(None)(sum_exp_delta_x)[0] + max_x
    converter.set_variable(c_op.outputs[0](), y)
コード例 #21
def allocate(graph: Graph) -> MemoryLayout:
    nodes = traverse.listup_nodes(graph)
    operators = traverse.filter_nodes(nodes, Operator)  # type: List[Operator]
    variables = traverse.filter_nodes(nodes, Variable)  # type: List[Variable]

    for i, v in enumerate(variables):
        if v.name is None:
            v.name = _name("v")

    dynamic_constants = traverse.filter_nodes([v for v in variables if not Placeholder.check_resolved(v.size)], ConstantVariable)
    assert len(dynamic_constants) == 0, f"ConstantVariable with unresolved placeholder shape is detected: f{dynamic_constants}"

    allocations = _get_allocations(graph, operators, variables)
    _optimize_inplace(operators, allocations)

    variable_allocations = {v: allocations[v] for v in variables if not isinstance(v, ConstantVariable)}
    constant_allocations = {v: allocations[v] for v in variables if isinstance(v, ConstantVariable)}


    data = _update_constant_offset(constant_allocations)

    for allocation in set(variable_allocations.values()):
        allocation.offset += data.size

    allocations = variable_allocations

    layout = MemoryLayout(allocations, data)

        _visualize_allocation(operators, variables, layout)

    return layout
コード例 #22
    def change_order(self, order: Order) -> "Variable":

        Change variable order.

        When number of dimension will be increased, axes whose size is one are created.
        Conversely when number of dimension will be decreased, the size of axes which will be removed must be one.

            order: new order
        old_shape_dict = self.shape_dict
        new_shape = [old_shape_dict.get(axis, 1) for axis in order.axes]
        for axis, size in old_shape_dict.items():
            if axis not in order.axes:
                if Placeholder.check_resolved(size):
                    assert size == 1, f"""
[Variable.change_order()] The size of axes which will be removed must be one:
    (variable) = {self}
    (shape[{axis}]) = {size}
    (new order) = {order}
        self._order = order
        self._shape = new_shape

        return self
コード例 #23
ファイル: allocator.py プロジェクト: fossabot/hash2face
def allocate(graph: Graph) -> WebGLMemoryLayout:
    nodes = traverse.listup_nodes(graph)
    operators = traverse.filter_nodes(nodes, Operator)  # type: List[Operator]
    variables = traverse.filter_nodes(nodes, Variable)  # type: List[Variable]

    for i, v in enumerate(variables):
        if v.name is None:
            v.name = _name("v")

    dynamic_constants = traverse.filter_nodes([v for v in variables if not Placeholder.check_resolved(v.size)], ConstantVariable)
    assert len(dynamic_constants) == 0, f"ConstantVariable with unresolved placeholder shape is detected: f{dynamic_constants}"

    allocations = _get_allocations(graph, operators, variables)

    variable_allocations = {v: allocations[v] for v in variables if not isinstance(v, ConstantVariable)}
    constant_allocations = {v: allocations[v] for v in variables if isinstance(v, ConstantVariable)}

    data = _update_constant_offset(constant_allocations)

    allocations = variable_allocations

    layout = WebGLMemoryLayout(allocations, data)
    return layout
コード例 #24
ファイル: allocator.py プロジェクト: cys4/webdnn
    def allocate_variables(cls, graph: Graph, variables: List[Variable]):
        # check if constant variable with shape with unresolved placeholder.
        dynamic_constants = traverse.filter_nodes(
            [v for v in variables if not Placeholder.check_resolved(v.size)],
        assert len(
        ) == 0, f"ConstantVariable with unresolved placeholder shape is detected: f{dynamic_constants}"

        ops = traverse.listup_operators(graph)
        layout = MemoryLayout()

        lifetime = get_lifetime(
            graph, ops, variables)  # type: Dict[Variable, Tuple[int, int]]
        offsets = generate_allocation_info(
            lifetime)  # type: Dict[Variable, Union[int, Placeholder]]
        for variable, offset in offsets.items():
            layout.append(variable, offset)

        layout.data = np.zeros(layout.static_size, dtype=np.float32)
        constant_size = 0
        for var in variables:
            if not isinstance(var, ConstantVariable):

            allocation = layout[var]
            layout.data[allocation.offset:allocation.offset +
                        allocation.size] = var.data.flatten()
            constant_size += var.data.size
        layout.data = layout.data[:constant_size]
            _visualize_allocation(ops, variables, layout, lifetime, offsets)

        return layout
コード例 #25
    def __call__(self):
        # noinspection PyTypeChecker
        if Placeholder.check_resolved(self.expression):
            return ["(", float(self.expression), ")"]

            return ["(float(", self.expression, "))"]
コード例 #26
def _convert_broadcast_to(converter: ChainerConverter, c_op: "chainer.functions.BroadcastTo"):
    x = converter.get_variable(c_op.inputs[0])
    if any(not Placeholder.check_resolved(v) for v in x.shape):
        raise NotImplementedError("[ChainerConverter] \"BroadcastTo\" for dynamic shape variable is not supported ")

    # noinspection PyProtectedMember
    y, = Broadcast(None, out_shape=c_op._shape, out_order=x.order)(x)
    converter.set_variable(c_op.outputs[0](), y)
コード例 #27
def shape_handler(converter: TensorFlowConverter, tf_op: "tf.Operation"):
    x = converter.get_variable(tf_op.inputs[0])
    assert all(
        Placeholder.check_resolved(s) for s in x.shape
    ), "[TensorFlowConverter] op 'Shape' with dynamic shape is not supported yet. "

    y = ConstantVariable(np.array(x.shape), Order([None]))
    converter.set_variable(tf_op.outputs[0], y)
コード例 #28
def _optimize_inplace(operators: Sequence[Operator],
                      allocations_dict: AllocationDict):
    if not (flags.optimize.OPTIMIZE
            and flags.optimize.OPTIMIZE_MEMORY_ALLOCATION
            and flags.optimize.OPTIMIZE_INPLACE_OPERATION):
        console.debug('_optimize_inplace is skipped')

    for op in operators:
        for attr in op.get_attribute(Inplace):  # type: Inplace
            a1 = allocations_dict[attr.get_input()]
            a2 = allocations_dict[attr.get_output()]
            if not Placeholder.check_resolved(
                    a1.size) or not Placeholder.check_resolved(a2.size):

            _merge_allocation(allocations_dict, a1, a2)
コード例 #29
ファイル: elementwise.py プロジェクト: xczhanjun/webdnn
    def __call__(self, *xs: "variable.Variable"):
        y = variable.Variable(xs[0].shape, xs[0].order)
        for i, x in enumerate(xs):
            for axis in x.order.axes:
                assert axis in y.order.axes, f"All input variables of elementwise operator should be same shape. x[{i}] does not have " \
                                             f"{axis}: x0.order={xs[0].order}, x{i}.order={xs[i].order}"

                if Placeholder.check_resolved(
                        x.shape_dict[axis]) or Placeholder.check_resolved(
                    assert y.shape_dict[axis] == x.shape_dict[axis], "All input variables of elementwise operator should be " \
                                                                     f"same shape: x0.shape_dict=f{xs[0].shape_dict}, x{i}" \

            self.append_input(f"x{i}", x)
        self.append_output("y", y)
        return y,
コード例 #30
ファイル: array.py プロジェクト: VislaLabs/webdnn-1
def _convert_flip_ud(converter: ChainerConverter,
                     c_op: "chainer.functions.FlipUD"):
    x = converter.get_variable(c_op.inputs[0])
    if any(not Placeholder.check_resolved(v) for v in x.shape):
        raise NotImplementedError(
            "[ChainerConverter] \"FlipUD\" for dynamic shape variable is not supported "

    converter.set_variable(c_op.outputs[0](), x[::-1, :])