def main(): logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) ngrok = ngrokhelper.NgrokHelper(port=5000) bot_url = ngrok.start() logging.debug(f'Bot url: {bot_url}') # Create a new bot bot = TeamsBot(bot_app_name, teams_bot_token=teams_token, teams_bot_url=bot_url, teams_bot_email=bot_email, debug=True) # Spark API api = webexteamssdk.WebexTeamsAPI(teams_token) # Add new command bot.add_command('/chuck', 'get Chuck Norris joke', get_joke) bot.add_command('/traffic', 'show traffic cams', functools.partial(traffic, api)) bot.add_command('/number', 'get fun fact for a number', functools.partial(number, api)) bot.add_command('/dilbert', 'get random dilbert comic', functools.partial(dilbert, api)) bot.add_command('/peanuts', 'get random peanuts comic', peanuts) # run bot'', port=5000)
def main(): logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) ngrok = ngrokhelper.NgrokHelper(port=5000) bot_url = ngrok.start() logging.debug(f'Bot url: {bot_url}') # Create a new bot bot = TeamsBot(bot_app_name, teams_bot_token=teams_token, teams_bot_url=bot_url, teams_bot_email=bot_email, debug=True) # Spark API api = webexteamssdk.WebexTeamsAPI(teams_token) logging.debug(f'Bot identity: {}') # for the adaptive card demo we also need a webhook for card actions url = urllib.parse.urljoin(bot_url, 'card_action') name = f'{bot_app_name}_card_action' wh = next((h for h in api.webhooks.list() if == name), None) if wh is None: # create new webhook for card activities api.webhooks.create(name=name, targetUrl=url, resource='attachmentActions', event='created') else: # update existing webhook api.webhooks.update(, name=name, targetUrl=url, resource='attachmentActions', event='created') # register code for that webhook bot.add_url_rule('/card_action', 'card_action', functools.partial(card_action, api), methods=['POST']) # Add new command bot.add_command('/chuck', 'get Chuck Norris joke', get_joke) bot.add_command('/traffic', 'show traffic cams', functools.partial(traffic, api)) bot.add_command('/quote', 'get a random quote', quote) bot.add_command('/number', 'get fun fact for a number', functools.partial(number, api)) bot.add_command('/dilbert', 'get random dilbert comic', functools.partial(dilbert, api)) bot.add_command('/peanuts', 'get random peanuts comic', peanuts) bot.add_command('/card', 'create an adaptive card', functools.partial(card_demo, api)) # run bot'', port=5000)
response = requests.request("POST", url, json=payload, headers=headers) print(response.text) return "Reservation created ! You'll receive a confirmation mail shortly, now please fill in the briefing document by following this link : , see you @ IXC ! :) " # Bot commands :) bot.add_command("/hi", "I say Hi", greeting) bot.add_command("/reservations", 'Shows IXC reservation (Not implemented)', get_reservations) bot.add_command("/title", 'Start your IXC reservation with a title', giveTitle) bot.add_command( "/start", 'After entering the title, enter a start date please for your booking', startDate) bot.add_command( "/end", 'After entering the start date, enter a end date please for your booking', endDate) bot.add_command( "/sfdc", 'After entering a start and end date, please enter a VALID sfdc deal ID', sfdc) bot.add_command("/create", 'Will create a reservation based on your input', create_reservation) if __name__ == "__main__": # Run Bots"", port=8080)
# Set the bot greeting. bot.set_greeting(greeting) # Add new commands to the bot. bot.add_command("attachmentActions", "*", handle_cards) bot.add_command("/showcard", "show an adaptive card", show_card) bot.add_command("/dosomething", "help for do something", do_something) bot.add_command( "/demo", "Sample that creates a Teams message to be returned.", ret_message ) bot.add_command("/time", current_time_help, current_time) # Add new admin commands to the bot. bot.add_admin_command( "/approve_user", "Add user email address to bot approved users list", approve_user ) bot.add_admin_command( "/remove_user", "Remove user email address from bot approved users list", remove_user, ) # Every bot includes a default "/echo" command. You can remove it, or any # other command with the remove_command(command) method. bot.remove_command("/echo") if __name__ == "__main__": # Run Bot"", port=5000, ssl_context="adhoc")
bot.add_command( "/messageroom", "Send your regards to a given email, Example: **/messageroom [email protected]**", message_room) bot.add_command("/searchroom", "Search for the two most recent active room", search_room) bot.add_command( "/sendrequest", "Send a Yes or No card to a user, Example: **/sendrequest [email protected]**", send_request) bot.add_command("/changeoncallduty", "Change an on call duty date", on_call_duty_change_request) bot.add_command("/listcalendar", "List your calendars", list_calendar) bot.add_command("/listevents", "List your events of your calendar", list_events) bot.add_command("/createevent", "Create an event on your calendar", create_event) bot.add_command("/updateevent", "Update an event on your calendar", update_event) bot.add_command("/deleteevent", "Delete an event on your calendar", delete_event) bot.add_command( "/oncallduty", "Get all of today on call duty or a specific one if you add the domain", get_on_call_duty) bot.remove_command("/echo") if __name__ == "__main__":"", port=80)
path = ( r"C:\Users\aykorri\OneDrive - Cisco\Desktop\SE Hack\screenshot.png") #titles = pygetwindow.getAllTitles() #x1, y1, width, height = pygetwindow.getWindowGeometry('How to screenshot a specific window using Python') #x2 = x1 + width #y2 = y1 + height #pyautogui.screenshot(path) #im = #im = im.crop((x1, y1, x2, y2)) u = r"C:\Users\aykorri\OneDrive - Cisco\Desktop\SE Hack\screenshot.png" response.files = u return response bot.set_greeting(botgreeting) bot.add_command( "/capture dashboard", "Takes a screenshot from your Grafana dashboard to be returned", capturescreen) if __name__ == "__main__": # Run Bot"", port=5000)
#quick_guest(name), 'volume', 'config.cfg')) bot_email = config["Webex"]["TEAMS_BOT_EMAIL"] teams_token = config["Webex"]["TEAMS_BOT_TOKEN"] bot_url = config["Webex"]["TEAMS_BOT_URL"] bot_app_name = config["Webex"]["TEAMS_BOT_APP_NAME"] bot = TeamsBot(bot_app_name, teams_bot_token=teams_token, teams_bot_url=bot_url, teams_bot_email=bot_email, webhook_resource_event=[{ "resource": "messages", "event": "created" }, { "resource": "attachmentActions", "event": "created" }]) name = '' bot.add_command("/quick_guest", "help for do something", do_something) if __name__ == "__main__": # Run Bot"", port=5000, debug=True) schedule.every()"18:00").do( os.system('/usr/bin/python3')) while True: schedule.run_pending() time.sleep(1)
MAIN """ if __name__ == "__main__": # MQTT connection parameters client.on_connect = on_connect client.on_disconnect = on_disconnect client.on_message = on_message client.on_log = on_log client.on_publish = on_publish # Topics to subscribe client.subscribe("eschbornoffice/things/{}/uplink".format(parkEUI1)) client.subscribe("eschbornoffice/things/{}/uplink".format(parkEUI2)) client.subscribe("eschbornoffice/things/{}/uplink".format(parkEUI3)) client.subscribe("eschbornoffice/things/{}/uplink".format(parkEUI4)) #Initaliaze Memcached init_memcache_parkingstatus() # Bot commands bot.set_help_message("Hi! I will automatically notify you if one parking space is still available or all are occupied. You can also ask me, see commands below. More information:\n") bot.remove_command("/echo") bot.add_command("/c", "Get the current parking status", getc) #bot.add_command("/r", "Remove the bot from the current room", removebot) bot.add_new_url("/wc", "website-current", wc) # Start MQTT client and run bot client.loop_start()"", port=999)
app.add_command("/debug_data", "Debug Data. Examples of accessing Space specific data.", debug_data) app.add_command("/need_comic", "Need some random comic relief", need_comic) app.add_command("/aci_health", "Check Overall Health of the DevNet Always On APIC", aci_health) app.add_command("/aci_faults", "List top 15 Faults on DevNet Always On APIC", aci_faults) app.add_command("/l3_sum", "Show Routable Interfaces on device", l3_sum) app.add_command("/l3_report", "Device Routable Interfaces Report", l3_report) if __name__ == "__main__": logFormatStr = '[%(asctime)s] p%(process)s {%(pathname)s:%(lineno)d} %(levelname)s - %(message)s' logging.basicConfig(format = logFormatStr, filename = "./global.log", level=logging.DEBUG) formatter = logging.Formatter(logFormatStr,'%m-%d %H:%M:%S') fileHandler = logging.FileHandler("./global.log") fileHandler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) fileHandler.setFormatter(formatter) streamHandler = logging.StreamHandler() streamHandler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) streamHandler.setFormatter(formatter) app.logger.addHandler(fileHandler) app.logger.addHandler(streamHandler)"Logging is set up.")'')
"Try it out and see!", "23% of working", "99.9% success rate", "Congratulations, yes!", "Ask a probably question," "Ask again later", "Better not tell you now", "Cannot predict now", "Concentrate and ask again", "Don't count on it" ] X = ("Your Response Is: ") return X + random.choice(list) # Add new commands to the box. bot.add_command("/dosomething", "Help, for do something.", do_something) bot.add_command("/TheOffice", "Post a meme from The Office.", TheOffice) bot.add_command("/Brooklyn99", "Post meme from Brooklyn99.", Brooklyn99) bot.add_command("/ParksAndRecreation", "Post a meme from Parks, and Recreation.", ParksAndRecreation) bot.add_command("/MrRobot", "Post a meme from Mr.Robot.", MrRobot) bot.add_command("/SchittsCreek", "Post a meme from Schittscreek.", SchittsCreek) bot.add_command("/Brawlstars", "Post a meme from brawlstars.", Brawlstars) bot.add_command("/Coding", "Post memes about coding.", Coding) bot.add_command("/Magic8Ball", "Post a random Magic 8 Ball response.", Magic8Ball) bot.add_command("/Harden", "Post a meme of James Harden", Harden) bot.add_command("/GreysAnatomy", "Post a meme of Greys Anatomy.", GreysAnatomy) bot.add_command("/Music", "Post a meme of music.", Music) if __name__ == "__main__": # Run Bot"", port=port)
answer = "" for item in lunchtime : if len(lunchtime[item])>1: user = "******".join(lunchtime[item]) answer += "{} want to eat at {}h{} \n".format(user,item[0:2],item[2:]) else: user = lunchtime[item][0] answer += "{} wants to eat at {}h{} \n".format(user,item[0:2],item[2:]) Lunch = Query() result = & (Lunch.userAction=='no')) return answer bot.add_command('attachmentActions','*',attachment) bot.add_command ("eat",'I will organise lunch',eat) bot.add_command ('/hello','hello world',hello) bot.add_command ('who','users eat', who)'',port=6000,debug=True)
updateStudents) bot.add_command("/announcements", "[Working] Gets announcements from all courses", announcements_test) bot.add_command("/work2do", "[Working] Gets outstanding work, organizable by time", work2do2) bot.add_command( "/worklist", "[Working] Gets your outstanding work to do from all courses [new func]", work2doALL) bot.add_command("/get_modlist", "[Working] Get list of enrolled courses (args: -dev)", get_moduleList) #bot.add_command("/db", "[Developer function] - Test connection to database with calldb()", callldb) #bot.add_command("/dosomething", "[Developer function] - returns list of enrolled courses from callgoogle()", do_something) #bot.add_command("/demo", "[Developer function] - send message with picture attached", picture_message) #bot.add_command("/pickle", "[Developer function] - delete token.pickle", deletePickle) #bot.add_command("/checkMods", "[Developer function] - check if dictionaries are populated", getModuleListDict) #bot.add_command("/oldwork2do", "[Developer function] - check work to do, old function", work2do) # Every bot includes a default "/echo" command. You can remove it, or any # other command with the remove_command(command) method. bot.remove_command("/echo") if __name__ == "__main__": # Run Bot"", port=6969) #get_moduleList() #get_moduleListAuto();