def __init__(self): options = [ make_option('--all', action='store_true', default=False, help='display the expectations for *all* tests'), make_option( '-x', '--exclude-keyword', action='append', default=[], help= 'limit to tests not matching the given keyword (for example, "skip", "slow", or "crash". May specify multiple times' ), make_option( '-i', '--include-keyword', action='append', default=[], help= 'limit to tests with the given keyword (for example, "skip", "slow", or "crash". May specify multiple times' ), make_option( '--csv', action='store_true', default=False, help= 'Print a CSV-style report that includes the port name, modifiers, tests, and expectations' ), make_option( '-f', '--full', action='store_true', default=False, help='Print a full TestExpectations-style line for every match' ), ] + platform_options( platform= 'port/platform to use. Use glob-style wildcards for multiple ports (implies --csv)' ) + configuration_options() AbstractDeclarativeCommand.__init__(self, options=options) self._expectation_models = {}
def __init__(self): options = [ make_option('--all', action='store_true', default=False, help='display the baselines for *all* tests'), make_option( '--csv', action='store_true', default=False, help= 'Print a CSV-style report that includes the port name, test_name, test platform, baseline type, baseline location, and baseline platform' ), make_option('--include-virtual-tests', action='store_true', help='Include virtual tests'), ] + platform_options( platform= 'port/platform to use. Use glob-style wildcards for multiple ports (implies --csv)' ) + configuration_options() AbstractDeclarativeCommand.__init__(self, options=options) self._platform_regexp = re.compile('platform/([^\/]+)/(.+)')
def parse_args(args): option_group_definitions = [] option_group_definitions.append(("Platform options", platform_options())) option_group_definitions.append(("Configuration options", configuration_options())) option_group_definitions.append(("Printing Options", printing.print_options())) option_group_definitions.append(("Android-specific Options", [ optparse.make_option("--adb-device", action="append", default=[], help="Run Android layout tests on these devices."), # FIXME: Flip this to be off by default once we can log the device setup more cleanly. optparse.make_option("--no-android-logging", action="store_false", dest='android_logging', default=True, help="Do not log android-specific debug messages (default is to log as part of --debug-rwt-logging"), ])) option_group_definitions.append(("Results Options", [ optparse.make_option("--add-platform-exceptions", action="store_true", default=False, help="Save generated results into the *most-specific-platform* directory rather than the *generic-platform* directory"), optparse.make_option("--additional-driver-flag", "--additional-drt-flag", action="append", dest="additional_driver_flag", default=[], help="Additional command line flag to pass to the driver " "Specify multiple times to add multiple flags."), optparse.make_option("--additional-expectations", action="append", default=[], help="Path to a test_expectations file that will override previous expectations. " "Specify multiple times for multiple sets of overrides."), optparse.make_option("--additional-platform-directory", action="append", default=[], help="Additional directory where to look for test " "baselines (will take precendence over platform baselines). " "Specify multiple times to add multiple search path entries."), optparse.make_option("--build-directory", help="Path to the directory under which build files are kept (should not include configuration)"), optparse.make_option("--clobber-old-results", action="store_true", default=False, help="Clobbers test results from previous runs."), optparse.make_option("--compare-port", action="store", default=None, help="Use the specified port's baselines first"), optparse.make_option("--driver-name", type="string", help="Alternative driver binary to use"), optparse.make_option("--full-results-html", action="store_true", default=False, help="Show all failures in results.html, rather than only regressions"), optparse.make_option("--new-baseline", action="store_true", default=False, help="Save generated results as new baselines " "into the *most-specific-platform* directory, overwriting whatever's " "already there. Equivalent to --reset-results --add-platform-exceptions"), optparse.make_option("--no-new-test-results", action="store_false", dest="new_test_results", default=True, help="Don't create new baselines when no expected results exist"), optparse.make_option("--no-show-results", action="store_false", default=True, dest="show_results", help="Don't launch a browser with results after the tests " "are done"), optparse.make_option("-p", "--pixel", "--pixel-tests", action="store_true", dest="pixel_tests", help="Enable pixel-to-pixel PNG comparisons"), optparse.make_option("--no-pixel", "--no-pixel-tests", action="store_false", dest="pixel_tests", help="Disable pixel-to-pixel PNG comparisons"), #FIXME: we should support a comma separated list with --pixel-test-directory as well. optparse.make_option("--pixel-test-directory", action="append", default=[], dest="pixel_test_directories", help="A directory where it is allowed to execute tests as pixel tests. " "Specify multiple times to add multiple directories. " "This option implies --pixel-tests. If specified, only those tests " "will be executed as pixel tests that are located in one of the " "directories enumerated with the option. Some ports may ignore this " "option while others can have a default value that can be overridden here."), optparse.make_option("--reset-results", action="store_true", default=False, help="Reset expectations to the " "generated results in their existing location."), optparse.make_option("--results-directory", help="Location of test results"), optparse.make_option("--skip-failing-tests", action="store_true", default=False, help="Skip tests that are expected to fail. " "Note: When using this option, you might miss new crashes " "in these tests."), optparse.make_option("--smoke", action="store_true", help="Run just the SmokeTests"), optparse.make_option("--no-smoke", dest="smoke", action="store_false", help="Do not run just the SmokeTests"), ])) option_group_definitions.append(("Testing Options", [ optparse.make_option("--additional-env-var", type="string", action="append", default=[], help="Passes that environment variable to the tests (--additional-env-var=NAME=VALUE)"), optparse.make_option("--batch-size", help=("Run a the tests in batches (n), after every n tests, " "the driver is relaunched."), type="int", default=None), optparse.make_option("--build", dest="build", action="store_true", default=True, help="Check to ensure the build is up-to-date (default)."), optparse.make_option("--no-build", dest="build", action="store_false", help="Don't check to see if the build is up-to-date."), optparse.make_option("--child-processes", help="Number of drivers to run in parallel."), optparse.make_option("--disable-breakpad", action="store_true", help="Don't use breakpad to symbolize unexpected crashes."), optparse.make_option("--driver-logging", action="store_true", help="Print detailed logging of the driver/content_shell"), optparse.make_option("--enable-leak-detection", action="store_true", help="Enable the leak detection of DOM objects."), optparse.make_option("--enable-sanitizer", action="store_true", help="Only alert on sanitizer-related errors and crashes"), optparse.make_option("--exit-after-n-crashes-or-timeouts", type="int", default=None, help="Exit after the first N crashes instead of " "running all tests"), optparse.make_option("--exit-after-n-failures", type="int", default=None, help="Exit after the first N failures instead of running all " "tests"), optparse.make_option("--ignore-builder-category", action="store", help=("The category of builders to use with the --ignore-flaky-tests " "option ('layout' or 'deps').")), optparse.make_option("--ignore-flaky-tests", action="store", help=("Control whether tests that are flaky on the bots get ignored." "'very-flaky' == Ignore any tests that flaked more than once on the bot." "'maybe-flaky' == Ignore any tests that flaked once on the bot." "'unexpected' == Ignore any tests that had unexpected results on the bot.")), optparse.make_option("--iterations", type="int", default=1, help="Number of times to run the set of tests (e.g. ABCABCABC)"), optparse.make_option("--max-locked-shards", type="int", default=0, help="Set the maximum number of locked shards"), optparse.make_option("--no-retry-failures", action="store_false", dest="retry_failures", help="Don't re-try any tests that produce unexpected results."), optparse.make_option("--nocheck-sys-deps", action="store_true", default=False, help="Don't check the system dependencies (themes)"), optparse.make_option("--order", action="store", default="natural", help=("determine the order in which the test cases will be run. " "'none' == use the order in which the tests were listed either in arguments or test list, " "'natural' == use the natural order (default), " "'random-seeded' == randomize the test order using a fixed seed, " "'random' == randomize the test order.")), optparse.make_option("--profile", action="store_true", help="Output per-test profile information."), optparse.make_option("--profiler", action="store", help="Output per-test profile information, using the specified profiler."), optparse.make_option("--repeat-each", type="int", default=1, help="Number of times to run each test (e.g. AAABBBCCC)"), optparse.make_option("--retry-failures", action="store_true", help="Re-try any tests that produce unexpected results. Default is to not retry if an explicit list of tests is passed to run-webkit-tests."), optparse.make_option("--run-chunk", help=("Run a specified chunk (n:l), the nth of len l, " "of the layout tests")), optparse.make_option("--run-part", help=("Run a specified part (n:m), " "the nth of m parts, of the layout tests")), optparse.make_option("--run-singly", action="store_true", default=False, help="DEPRECATED, same as --batch-size=1 --verbose"), optparse.make_option("--skipped", action="store", default=None, help=("control how tests marked SKIP are run. " "'default' == Skip tests unless explicitly listed on the command line, " "'ignore' == Run them anyway, " "'only' == only run the SKIP tests, " "'always' == always skip, even if listed on the command line.")), optparse.make_option("--test-list", action="append", help="read list of tests to run from file", metavar="FILE"), optparse.make_option("--time-out-ms", help="Set the timeout for each test"), optparse.make_option("--wrapper", help="wrapper command to insert before invocations of " "the driver; option is split on whitespace before " "running. (Example: --wrapper='valgrind --smc-check=all')"), # FIXME: Display default number of child processes that will run. optparse.make_option("-f", "--fully-parallel", action="store_true", help="run all tests in parallel"), optparse.make_option("-i", "--ignore-tests", action="append", default=[], help="directories or test to ignore (may specify multiple times)"), optparse.make_option("-n", "--dry-run", action="store_true", default=False, help="Do everything but actually run the tests or upload results."), ])) # FIXME: Move these into option_group_definitions.append(("Result JSON Options", [ optparse.make_option("--build-name", default="DUMMY_BUILD_NAME", help=("The name of the builder used in its path, e.g. " "webkit-rel.")), optparse.make_option("--build-number", default="DUMMY_BUILD_NUMBER", help=("The build number of the builder running this script.")), optparse.make_option("--builder-name", default="", help=("The name of the builder shown on the waterfall running " "this script e.g. WebKit.")), optparse.make_option("--master-name", help="The name of the buildbot master."), optparse.make_option("--test-results-server", default="", help=("If specified, upload results json files to this appengine " "server.")), optparse.make_option("--write-full-results-to", help=("If specified, copy full_results.json from the results dir " "to the specified path.")), ])) option_parser = optparse.OptionParser() for group_name, group_options in option_group_definitions: option_group = optparse.OptionGroup(option_parser, group_name) option_group.add_options(group_options) option_parser.add_option_group(option_group) return option_parser.parse_args(args)
def parse_args(args): option_group_definitions = [] option_group_definitions.append(("Platform options", platform_options())) option_group_definitions.append( ("Configuration options", configuration_options())) option_group_definitions.append( ("Printing Options", printing.print_options())) option_group_definitions.append(( "Android-specific Options", [ optparse.make_option( "--adb-device", action="append", default=[], help="Run Android layout tests on these devices."), # FIXME: Flip this to be off by default once we can log the device setup more cleanly. optparse.make_option( "--no-android-logging", action="store_false", dest='android_logging', default=True, help= "Do not log android-specific debug messages (default is to log as part of --debug-rwt-logging" ), ])) option_group_definitions.append(( "Results Options", [ optparse.make_option("-p", "--pixel", "--pixel-tests", action="store_true", dest="pixel_tests", help="Enable pixel-to-pixel PNG comparisons"), optparse.make_option( "--no-pixel", "--no-pixel-tests", action="store_false", dest="pixel_tests", help="Disable pixel-to-pixel PNG comparisons"), optparse.make_option("--results-directory", help="Location of test results"), optparse.make_option( "--build-directory", help= "Path to the directory under which build files are kept (should not include configuration)" ), optparse.make_option( "--add-platform-exceptions", action="store_true", default=False, help= "Save generated results into the *most-specific-platform* directory rather than the *generic-platform* directory" ), optparse.make_option( "--new-baseline", action="store_true", default=False, help="Save generated results as new baselines " "into the *most-specific-platform* directory, overwriting whatever's " "already there. Equivalent to --reset-results --add-platform-exceptions" ), optparse.make_option( "--reset-results", action="store_true", default=False, help="Reset expectations to the " "generated results in their existing location."), optparse.make_option( "--no-new-test-results", action="store_false", dest="new_test_results", default=True, help="Don't create new baselines when no expected results exist" ), #FIXME: we should support a comma separated list with --pixel-test-directory as well. optparse.make_option( "--pixel-test-directory", action="append", default=[], dest="pixel_test_directories", help= "A directory where it is allowed to execute tests as pixel tests. " "Specify multiple times to add multiple directories. " "This option implies --pixel-tests. If specified, only those tests " "will be executed as pixel tests that are located in one of the " "directories enumerated with the option. Some ports may ignore this " "option while others can have a default value that can be overridden here." ), optparse.make_option( "--skip-failing-tests", action="store_true", default=False, help="Skip tests that are expected to fail. " "Note: When using this option, you might miss new crashes " "in these tests."), optparse.make_option( "--additional-drt-flag", action="append", default=[], help="Additional command line flag to pass to the driver " "Specify multiple times to add multiple flags."), optparse.make_option("--driver-name", type="string", help="Alternative driver binary to use"), optparse.make_option( "--additional-platform-directory", action="append", default=[], help="Additional directory where to look for test " "baselines (will take precendence over platform baselines). " "Specify multiple times to add multiple search path entries."), optparse.make_option( "--additional-expectations", action="append", default=[], help= "Path to a test_expectations file that will override previous expectations. " "Specify multiple times for multiple sets of overrides."), optparse.make_option( "--compare-port", action="store", default=None, help="Use the specified port's baselines first"), optparse.make_option( "--no-show-results", action="store_false", default=True, dest="show_results", help="Don't launch a browser with results after the tests " "are done"), optparse.make_option( "--full-results-html", action="store_true", default=False, help= "Show all failures in results.html, rather than only regressions" ), optparse.make_option( "--no-clobber-old-results", action="store_false", dest="clobber_old_results", default=True, help="Clobbers test results from previous runs."), optparse.make_option( "--enable-versioned-results", action="store_true", default=False, help="Archive the test results for later access."), optparse.make_option("--smoke", action="store_true", help="Run just the SmokeTests"), optparse.make_option("--no-smoke", dest="smoke", action="store_false", help="Do not run just the SmokeTests"), ])) option_group_definitions.append(( "Testing Options", [ optparse.make_option( "--build", dest="build", action="store_true", default=True, help="Check to ensure the build is up-to-date (default)."), optparse.make_option( "--no-build", dest="build", action="store_false", help="Don't check to see if the build is up-to-date."), optparse.make_option( "-n", "--dry-run", action="store_true", default=False, help= "Do everything but actually run the tests or upload results."), optparse.make_option( "--nocheck-sys-deps", action="store_true", default=False, help="Don't check the system dependencies (themes)"), optparse.make_option( "--wrapper", help="wrapper command to insert before invocations of " "the driver; option is split on whitespace before " "running. (Example: --wrapper='valgrind --smc-check=all')"), optparse.make_option( "-i", "--ignore-tests", action="append", default=[], help= "directories or test to ignore (may specify multiple times)"), optparse.make_option( "--ignore-flaky-tests", action="store", help= ("Control whether tests that are flaky on the bots get ignored." "'very-flaky' == Ignore any tests that flaked more than once on the bot." "'maybe-flaky' == Ignore any tests that flaked once on the bot." "'unexpected' == Ignore any tests that had unexpected results on the bot." )), optparse.make_option( "--ignore-builder-category", action="store", help= ("The category of builders to use with the --ignore-flaky-tests " "option ('layout' or 'deps').")), optparse.make_option("--test-list", action="append", help="read list of tests to run from file", metavar="FILE"), optparse.make_option( "--skipped", action="store", default=None, help= ("control how tests marked SKIP are run. " "'default' == Skip tests unless explicitly listed on the command line, " "'ignore' == Run them anyway, " "'only' == only run the SKIP tests, " "'always' == always skip, even if listed on the command line." )), optparse.make_option("--time-out-ms", help="Set the timeout for each test"), optparse.make_option( "--order", action="store", default="random-seeded", help= ("determine the order in which the test cases will be run. " "'none' == use the order in which the tests were listed either in arguments or test list, " "'natural' == use the natural order (default), " "'random-seeded' == randomize the test order using a fixed seed, " "'random' == randomize the test order.")), optparse.make_option( "--run-chunk", help=("Run a specified chunk (n:l), the nth of len l, " "of the layout tests")), optparse.make_option( "--run-part", help=("Run a specified part (n:m), " "the nth of m parts, of the layout tests")), optparse.make_option( "--batch-size", help=("Run a the tests in batches (n), after every n tests, " "the driver is relaunched."), type="int", default=None), optparse.make_option( "--run-singly", action="store_true", default=False, help="DEPRECATED, same as --batch-size=1 --verbose"), optparse.make_option("--child-processes", help="Number of drivers to run in parallel."), # FIXME: Display default number of child processes that will run. optparse.make_option("-f", "--fully-parallel", action="store_true", help="run all tests in parallel", default=True), optparse.make_option( "--exit-after-n-failures", type="int", default=None, help="Exit after the first N failures instead of running all " "tests"), optparse.make_option( "--exit-after-n-crashes-or-timeouts", type="int", default=None, help="Exit after the first N crashes instead of " "running all tests"), optparse.make_option( "--iterations", type="int", default=1, help="Number of times to run the set of tests (e.g. ABCABCABC)" ), optparse.make_option( "--repeat-each", type="int", default=1, help="Number of times to run each test (e.g. AAABBBCCC)"), optparse.make_option( "--retry-failures", action="store_true", help= "Re-try any tests that produce unexpected results. Default is to not retry if an explicit list of tests is passed to run-webkit-tests." ), optparse.make_option( "--no-retry-failures", action="store_false", dest="retry_failures", help="Don't re-try any tests that produce unexpected results." ), optparse.make_option( "--max-locked-shards", type="int", default=0, help="Set the maximum number of locked shards"), optparse.make_option( "--additional-env-var", type="string", action="append", default=[], help= "Passes that environment variable to the tests (--additional-env-var=NAME=VALUE)" ), optparse.make_option("--profile", action="store_true", help="Output per-test profile information."), optparse.make_option( "--profiler", action="store", help= "Output per-test profile information, using the specified profiler." ), optparse.make_option( "--driver-logging", action="store_true", help="Print detailed logging of the driver/content_shell"), optparse.make_option( "--disable-breakpad", action="store_true", help="Don't use breakpad to symbolize unexpected crashes."), optparse.make_option( "--enable-leak-detection", action="store_true", help="Enable the leak detection of DOM objects."), optparse.make_option( "--enable-sanitizer", action="store_true", help="Only alert on sanitizer-related errors and crashes"), optparse.make_option( "--path-to-server", action="store", help="Path to a locally build sky_server executable."), ])) option_group_definitions.append(("Miscellaneous Options", [ optparse.make_option("--lint-test-files", action="store_true", default=False, help=("Makes sure the test files parse for all " "configurations. Does not run any tests.")), ])) # FIXME: Move these into option_group_definitions.append(("Result JSON Options", [ optparse.make_option("--master-name", help="The name of the buildbot master."), optparse.make_option( "--builder-name", default="", help=("The name of the builder shown on the waterfall running " "this script e.g. WebKit.")), optparse.make_option( "--build-number", default="DUMMY_BUILD_NUMBER", help=("The build number of the builder running this script.")), optparse.make_option( "--test-results-server", default="", help=("If specified, upload results json files to this appengine " "server.")), optparse.make_option( "--write-full-results-to", help=("If specified, copy full_results.json from the results dir " "to the specified path.")), ])) option_parser = optparse.OptionParser() for group_name, group_options in option_group_definitions: option_group = optparse.OptionGroup(option_parser, group_name) option_group.add_options(group_options) option_parser.add_option_group(option_group) return option_parser.parse_args(args)
def parse_args(args=None): option_group_definitions = [] option_group_definitions.append(("Platform options", platform_options())) option_group_definitions.append(("Configuration options", configuration_options())) option_group_definitions.append(("Printing Options", printing.print_options())) # FIXME: These options should move onto the ChromiumPort. option_group_definitions.append(("Chromium-specific Options", [ optparse.make_option("--nocheck-sys-deps", action="store_true", default=False, help="Don't check the system dependencies (themes)"), optparse.make_option("--adb-device", action="append", default=[], help="Run Android layout tests on these devices."), ])) option_group_definitions.append(("EFL-specific Options", [ optparse.make_option("--webprocess-cmd-prefix", type="string", default=False, help="Prefix used when spawning the Web process (Debug mode only)"), ])) option_group_definitions.append(("WebKit Options", [ optparse.make_option("--gc-between-tests", action="store_true", default=False, help="Force garbage collection between each test"), optparse.make_option("--complex-text", action="store_true", default=False, help="Use the complex text code path for all text (Mac OS X and Windows only)"), optparse.make_option("-l", "--leaks", action="store_true", default=False, help="Enable leaks checking (Mac OS X only)"), optparse.make_option("-g", "--guard-malloc", action="store_true", default=False, help="Enable Guard Malloc (Mac OS X only)"), optparse.make_option("--threaded", action="store_true", default=False, help="Run a concurrent JavaScript thread with each test"), optparse.make_option("--webkit-test-runner", "-2", action="store_true", help="Use WebKitTestRunner rather than DumpRenderTree."), # FIXME: We should merge this w/ --build-directory and only have one flag. optparse.make_option("--root", action="store", help="Path to a directory containing the executables needed to run tests."), ])) option_group_definitions.append(("Results Options", [ optparse.make_option("-p", "--pixel-tests", action="store_true", dest="pixel_tests", help="Enable pixel-to-pixel PNG comparisons"), optparse.make_option("--no-pixel-tests", action="store_false", dest="pixel_tests", help="Disable pixel-to-pixel PNG comparisons"), optparse.make_option("--no-sample-on-timeout", action="store_false", dest="sample_on_timeout", help="Don't run sample on timeout (Mac OS X only)"), optparse.make_option("--no-ref-tests", action="store_true", dest="no_ref_tests", help="Skip all ref tests"), optparse.make_option("--tolerance", help="Ignore image differences less than this percentage (some " "ports may ignore this option)", type="float"), optparse.make_option("--results-directory", help="Location of test results"), optparse.make_option("--build-directory", help="Path to the directory under which build files are kept (should not include configuration)"), optparse.make_option("--add-platform-exceptions", action="store_true", default=False, help="Save generated results into the *most-specific-platform* directory rather than the *generic-platform* directory"), optparse.make_option("--new-baseline", action="store_true", default=False, help="Save generated results as new baselines " "into the *most-specific-platform* directory, overwriting whatever's " "already there. Equivalent to --reset-results --add-platform-exceptions"), optparse.make_option("--reset-results", action="store_true", default=False, help="Reset expectations to the " "generated results in their existing location."), optparse.make_option("--no-new-test-results", action="store_false", dest="new_test_results", default=True, help="Don't create new baselines when no expected results exist"), #FIXME: we should support a comma separated list with --pixel-test-directory as well. optparse.make_option("--pixel-test-directory", action="append", default=[], dest="pixel_test_directories", help="A directory where it is allowed to execute tests as pixel tests. " "Specify multiple times to add multiple directories. " "This option implies --pixel-tests. If specified, only those tests " "will be executed as pixel tests that are located in one of the " "directories enumerated with the option. Some ports may ignore this " "option while others can have a default value that can be overridden here."), optparse.make_option("--skip-failing-tests", action="store_true", default=False, help="Skip tests that are expected to fail. " "Note: When using this option, you might miss new crashes " "in these tests."), optparse.make_option("--additional-drt-flag", action="append", default=[], help="Additional command line flag to pass to DumpRenderTree " "Specify multiple times to add multiple flags."), optparse.make_option("--driver-name", type="string", help="Alternative DumpRenderTree binary to use"), optparse.make_option("--additional-platform-directory", action="append", default=[], help="Additional directory where to look for test " "baselines (will take precendence over platform baselines). " "Specify multiple times to add multiple search path entries."), optparse.make_option("--additional-expectations", action="append", default=[], help="Path to a test_expectations file that will override previous expectations. " "Specify multiple times for multiple sets of overrides."), optparse.make_option("--compare-port", action="store", default=None, help="Use the specified port's baselines first"), optparse.make_option("--no-show-results", action="store_false", default=True, dest="show_results", help="Don't launch a browser with results after the tests " "are done"), optparse.make_option("--full-results-html", action="store_true", default=False, help="Show all failures in results.html, rather than only regressions"), optparse.make_option("--clobber-old-results", action="store_true", default=False, help="Clobbers test results from previous runs."), optparse.make_option("--http", action="store_true", dest="http", default=True, help="Run HTTP and WebSocket tests (default)"), optparse.make_option("--no-http", action="store_false", dest="http", help="Don't run HTTP and WebSocket tests"), optparse.make_option("--ignore-metrics", action="store_true", dest="ignore_metrics", default=False, help="Ignore rendering metrics related information from test " "output, only compare the structure of the rendertree."), ])) option_group_definitions.append(("Testing Options", [ optparse.make_option("--build", dest="build", action="store_true", default=True, help="Check to ensure the DumpRenderTree build is up-to-date " "(default)."), optparse.make_option("--no-build", dest="build", action="store_false", help="Don't check to see if the " "DumpRenderTree build is up-to-date."), optparse.make_option("-n", "--dry-run", action="store_true", default=False, help="Do everything but actually run the tests or upload results."), optparse.make_option("--wrapper", help="wrapper command to insert before invocations of " "DumpRenderTree; option is split on whitespace before " "running. (Example: --wrapper='valgrind --smc-check=all')"), optparse.make_option("-i", "--ignore-tests", action="append", default=[], help="directories or test to ignore (may specify multiple times)"), optparse.make_option("--test-list", action="append", help="read list of tests to run from file", metavar="FILE"), optparse.make_option("--skipped", action="store", default="default", help=("control how tests marked SKIP are run. " "'default' == Skip tests unless explicitly listed on the command line, " "'ignore' == Run them anyway, " "'only' == only run the SKIP tests, " "'always' == always skip, even if listed on the command line.")), optparse.make_option("--force", dest="skipped", action="store_const", const='ignore', help="Run all tests, even those marked SKIP in the test list (same as --skipped=ignore)"), optparse.make_option("--time-out-ms", help="Set the timeout for each test"), optparse.make_option("--order", action="store", default="natural", help=("determine the order in which the test cases will be run. " "'none' == use the order in which the tests were listed either in arguments or test list, " "'natural' == use the natural order (default), " "'random' == randomize the test order.")), optparse.make_option("--run-chunk", help=("Run a specified chunk (n:l), the nth of len l, " "of the layout tests")), optparse.make_option("--run-part", help=("Run a specified part (n:m), " "the nth of m parts, of the layout tests")), optparse.make_option("--batch-size", help=("Run a the tests in batches (n), after every n tests, " "DumpRenderTree is relaunched."), type="int", default=None), optparse.make_option("--run-singly", action="store_true", default=False, help="run a separate DumpRenderTree for each test (implies --verbose)"), optparse.make_option("--child-processes", help="Number of DumpRenderTrees to run in parallel."), # FIXME: Display default number of child processes that will run. optparse.make_option("-f", "--fully-parallel", action="store_true", help="run all tests in parallel"), optparse.make_option("--exit-after-n-failures", type="int", default=None, help="Exit after the first N failures instead of running all " "tests"), optparse.make_option("--exit-after-n-crashes-or-timeouts", type="int", default=None, help="Exit after the first N crashes instead of " "running all tests"), optparse.make_option("--iterations", type="int", default=1, help="Number of times to run the set of tests (e.g. ABCABCABC)"), optparse.make_option("--repeat-each", type="int", default=1, help="Number of times to run each test (e.g. AAABBBCCC)"), optparse.make_option("--retry-failures", action="store_true", default=True, help="Re-try any tests that produce unexpected results (default)"), optparse.make_option("--no-retry-failures", action="store_false", dest="retry_failures", help="Don't re-try any tests that produce unexpected results."), optparse.make_option("--max-locked-shards", type="int", default=0, help="Set the maximum number of locked shards"), optparse.make_option("--additional-env-var", type="string", action="append", default=[], help="Passes that environment variable to the tests (--additional-env-var=NAME=VALUE)"), ])) option_group_definitions.append(("Miscellaneous Options", [ optparse.make_option("--lint-test-files", action="store_true", default=False, help=("Makes sure the test files parse for all " "configurations. Does not run any tests.")), ])) # FIXME: Move these into option_group_definitions.append(("Result JSON Options", [ optparse.make_option("--master-name", help="The name of the buildbot master."), optparse.make_option("--builder-name", default="", help=("The name of the builder shown on the waterfall running " "this script e.g. WebKit.")), optparse.make_option("--build-name", default="DUMMY_BUILD_NAME", help=("The name of the builder used in its path, e.g. " "webkit-rel.")), optparse.make_option("--build-number", default="DUMMY_BUILD_NUMBER", help=("The build number of the builder running this script.")), optparse.make_option("--test-results-server", default="", help=("If specified, upload results json files to this appengine " "server.")), ])) option_parser = optparse.OptionParser() for group_name, group_options in option_group_definitions: option_group = optparse.OptionGroup(option_parser, group_name) option_group.add_options(group_options) option_parser.add_option_group(option_group) return option_parser.parse_args(args)
def parse_args(args): option_group_definitions = [] option_group_definitions.append(("Platform options", platform_options())) option_group_definitions.append( ("Configuration options", configuration_options())) option_group_definitions.append( ("Printing Options", printing.print_options())) # FIXME: These options should move onto the ChromiumPort. option_group_definitions.append(("Chromium-specific Options", [ optparse.make_option( "--nocheck-sys-deps", action="store_true", default=False, help="Don't check the system dependencies (themes)"), optparse.make_option( "--adb-device", action="append", default=[], help="Run Android layout tests on these devices."), ])) option_group_definitions.append(("EFL-specific Options", [ optparse.make_option( "--webprocess-cmd-prefix", type="string", default=False, help="Prefix used when spawning the Web process (Debug mode only)" ), ])) option_group_definitions.append(( "WebKit Options", [ optparse.make_option( "--gc-between-tests", action="store_true", default=False, help="Force garbage collection between each test"), optparse.make_option( "--complex-text", action="store_true", default=False, help= "Use the complex text code path for all text (Mac OS X and Windows only)" ), optparse.make_option("-l", "--leaks", action="store_true", default=False, help="Enable leaks checking (Mac OS X only)"), optparse.make_option("-g", "--guard-malloc", action="store_true", default=False, help="Enable Guard Malloc (Mac OS X only)"), optparse.make_option( "--threaded", action="store_true", default=False, help="Run a concurrent JavaScript thread with each test"), optparse.make_option( "--webkit-test-runner", "-2", action="store_true", help="Use WebKitTestRunner rather than DumpRenderTree."), # FIXME: We should merge this w/ --build-directory and only have one flag. optparse.make_option( "--root", action="store", help= "Path to a directory containing the executables needed to run tests." ), ])) option_group_definitions.append(( "Results Options", [ optparse.make_option("-p", "--pixel", "--pixel-tests", action="store_true", dest="pixel_tests", help="Enable pixel-to-pixel PNG comparisons"), optparse.make_option( "--no-pixel", "--no-pixel-tests", action="store_false", dest="pixel_tests", help="Disable pixel-to-pixel PNG comparisons"), optparse.make_option( "--no-sample-on-timeout", action="store_false", dest="sample_on_timeout", help="Don't run sample on timeout (Mac OS X only)"), optparse.make_option("--no-ref-tests", action="store_true", dest="no_ref_tests", help="Skip all ref tests"), optparse.make_option( "--tolerance", help="Ignore image differences less than this percentage (some " "ports may ignore this option)", type="float"), optparse.make_option("--results-directory", help="Location of test results"), optparse.make_option( "--build-directory", help= "Path to the directory under which build files are kept (should not include configuration)" ), optparse.make_option( "--add-platform-exceptions", action="store_true", default=False, help= "Save generated results into the *most-specific-platform* directory rather than the *generic-platform* directory" ), optparse.make_option( "--new-baseline", action="store_true", default=False, help="Save generated results as new baselines " "into the *most-specific-platform* directory, overwriting whatever's " "already there. Equivalent to --reset-results --add-platform-exceptions" ), optparse.make_option( "--reset-results", action="store_true", default=False, help="Reset expectations to the " "generated results in their existing location."), optparse.make_option( "--no-new-test-results", action="store_false", dest="new_test_results", default=True, help="Don't create new baselines when no expected results exist" ), #FIXME: we should support a comma separated list with --pixel-test-directory as well. optparse.make_option( "--pixel-test-directory", action="append", default=[], dest="pixel_test_directories", help= "A directory where it is allowed to execute tests as pixel tests. " "Specify multiple times to add multiple directories. " "This option implies --pixel-tests. If specified, only those tests " "will be executed as pixel tests that are located in one of the " "directories enumerated with the option. Some ports may ignore this " "option while others can have a default value that can be overridden here." ), optparse.make_option( "--skip-failing-tests", action="store_true", default=False, help="Skip tests that are expected to fail. " "Note: When using this option, you might miss new crashes " "in these tests."), optparse.make_option( "--additional-drt-flag", action="append", default=[], help="Additional command line flag to pass to DumpRenderTree " "Specify multiple times to add multiple flags."), optparse.make_option( "--driver-name", type="string", help="Alternative DumpRenderTree binary to use"), optparse.make_option( "--additional-platform-directory", action="append", default=[], help="Additional directory where to look for test " "baselines (will take precendence over platform baselines). " "Specify multiple times to add multiple search path entries."), optparse.make_option( "--additional-expectations", action="append", default=[], help= "Path to a test_expectations file that will override previous expectations. " "Specify multiple times for multiple sets of overrides."), optparse.make_option( "--compare-port", action="store", default=None, help="Use the specified port's baselines first"), optparse.make_option( "--no-show-results", action="store_false", default=True, dest="show_results", help="Don't launch a browser with results after the tests " "are done"), optparse.make_option( "--full-results-html", action="store_true", default=False, help= "Show all failures in results.html, rather than only regressions" ), optparse.make_option( "--clobber-old-results", action="store_true", default=False, help="Clobbers test results from previous runs."), optparse.make_option( "--http", action="store_true", dest="http", default=True, help="Run HTTP and WebSocket tests (default)"), optparse.make_option("--no-http", action="store_false", dest="http", help="Don't run HTTP and WebSocket tests"), optparse.make_option( "--ignore-metrics", action="store_true", dest="ignore_metrics", default=False, help="Ignore rendering metrics related information from test " "output, only compare the structure of the rendertree."), ])) option_group_definitions.append(( "Testing Options", [ optparse.make_option( "--build", dest="build", action="store_true", default=True, help="Check to ensure the DumpRenderTree build is up-to-date " "(default)."), optparse.make_option("--no-build", dest="build", action="store_false", help="Don't check to see if the " "DumpRenderTree build is up-to-date."), optparse.make_option( "-n", "--dry-run", action="store_true", default=False, help= "Do everything but actually run the tests or upload results."), optparse.make_option( "--wrapper", help="wrapper command to insert before invocations of " "DumpRenderTree; option is split on whitespace before " "running. (Example: --wrapper='valgrind --smc-check=all')"), optparse.make_option( "-i", "--ignore-tests", action="append", default=[], help= "directories or test to ignore (may specify multiple times)"), optparse.make_option("--test-list", action="append", help="read list of tests to run from file", metavar="FILE"), optparse.make_option( "--skipped", action="store", default="default", help= ("control how tests marked SKIP are run. " "'default' == Skip tests unless explicitly listed on the command line, " "'ignore' == Run them anyway, " "'only' == only run the SKIP tests, " "'always' == always skip, even if listed on the command line." )), optparse.make_option( "--force", dest="skipped", action="store_const", const='ignore', help= "Run all tests, even those marked SKIP in the test list (same as --skipped=ignore)" ), optparse.make_option("--time-out-ms", help="Set the timeout for each test"), optparse.make_option( "--order", action="store", default="natural", help= ("determine the order in which the test cases will be run. " "'none' == use the order in which the tests were listed either in arguments or test list, " "'natural' == use the natural order (default), " "'random' == randomize the test order.")), optparse.make_option( "--run-chunk", help=("Run a specified chunk (n:l), the nth of len l, " "of the layout tests")), optparse.make_option( "--run-part", help=("Run a specified part (n:m), " "the nth of m parts, of the layout tests")), optparse.make_option( "--batch-size", help=("Run a the tests in batches (n), after every n tests, " "DumpRenderTree is relaunched."), type="int", default=None), optparse.make_option( "--run-singly", action="store_true", default=False, help= "run a separate DumpRenderTree for each test (implies --verbose)" ), optparse.make_option( "--child-processes", help="Number of DumpRenderTrees to run in parallel."), # FIXME: Display default number of child processes that will run. optparse.make_option("-f", "--fully-parallel", action="store_true", help="run all tests in parallel"), optparse.make_option( "--exit-after-n-failures", type="int", default=None, help="Exit after the first N failures instead of running all " "tests"), optparse.make_option( "--exit-after-n-crashes-or-timeouts", type="int", default=None, help="Exit after the first N crashes instead of " "running all tests"), optparse.make_option( "--iterations", type="int", default=1, help="Number of times to run the set of tests (e.g. ABCABCABC)" ), optparse.make_option( "--repeat-each", type="int", default=1, help="Number of times to run each test (e.g. AAABBBCCC)"), optparse.make_option( "--retry-failures", action="store_true", default=True, help= "Re-try any tests that produce unexpected results (default)"), optparse.make_option( "--no-retry-failures", action="store_false", dest="retry_failures", help="Don't re-try any tests that produce unexpected results." ), optparse.make_option( "--max-locked-shards", type="int", default=0, help="Set the maximum number of locked shards"), optparse.make_option( "--additional-env-var", type="string", action="append", default=[], help= "Passes that environment variable to the tests (--additional-env-var=NAME=VALUE)" ), ])) option_group_definitions.append(("Miscellaneous Options", [ optparse.make_option("--lint-test-files", action="store_true", default=False, help=("Makes sure the test files parse for all " "configurations. Does not run any tests.")), ])) # FIXME: Move these into option_group_definitions.append(("Result JSON Options", [ optparse.make_option("--master-name", help="The name of the buildbot master."), optparse.make_option( "--builder-name", default="", help=("The name of the builder shown on the waterfall running " "this script e.g. WebKit.")), optparse.make_option( "--build-name", default="DUMMY_BUILD_NAME", help=("The name of the builder used in its path, e.g. " "webkit-rel.")), optparse.make_option( "--build-number", default="DUMMY_BUILD_NUMBER", help=("The build number of the builder running this script.")), optparse.make_option( "--test-results-server", default="", help=("If specified, upload results json files to this appengine " "server.")), ])) option_parser = optparse.OptionParser() for group_name, group_options in option_group_definitions: option_group = optparse.OptionGroup(option_parser, group_name) option_group.add_options(group_options) option_parser.add_option_group(option_group) return option_parser.parse_args(args)
def main(argv): parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage='%prog [path-to-results.json]') parser.add_option('--failures', action='store_true', help='show failing tests') parser.add_option('--flakes', action='store_true', help='show flaky tests') parser.add_option('--expected', action='store_true', help='include expected results along with unexpected') parser.add_option('--passes', action='store_true', help='show passing tests') parser.add_option('--ignored-failures-path', action='store', help='ignore failures seen in a previous run') parser.add_options(platform_options()) parser.add_options(configuration_options()) options, args = parser.parse_args(argv) host = Host() if args: if args[0] == '-': txt = elif os.path.exists(args[0]): with open(args[0], 'r') as fp: txt = else: print >> sys.stderr, "file not found: %s" % args[0] sys.exit(1) else: txt = host.filesystem.read_text_file( host.filesystem.join( host.port_factory.get( options=options).results_directory(), 'full_results.json')) if txt.startswith('ADD_RESULTS(') and txt.endswith(');'): txt = txt[12:-2] # ignore optional JSONP wrapper results = json.loads(txt) passes, failures, flakes = decode_results(results, options.expected) tests_to_print = [] if options.passes: tests_to_print += passes.keys() if options.failures: tests_to_print += failures.keys() if options.flakes: tests_to_print += flakes.keys() print "\n".join(sorted(tests_to_print)) if options.ignored_failures_path: with open(options.ignored_failures_path, 'r') as fp: txt = if txt.startswith('ADD_RESULTS(') and txt.endswith(');'): txt = txt[12:-2] # ignore optional JSONP wrapper results = json.loads(txt) _, ignored_failures, _ = decode_results(results, options.expected) new_failures = set(failures.keys()) - set(ignored_failures.keys()) if new_failures: print "New failures:" print "\n".join(sorted(new_failures)) print if ignored_failures: print "Ignored failures:" print "\n".join(sorted(ignored_failures.keys())) if new_failures: return 1 return 0
def __init__(self): options = [ make_option('--all', action='store_true', default=False, help='display the baselines for *all* tests'), make_option('--csv', action='store_true', default=False, help='Print a CSV-style report that includes the port name, test_name, test platform, baseline type, baseline location, and baseline platform'), make_option('--include-virtual-tests', action='store_true', help='Include virtual tests'), ] + platform_options(platform='port/platform to use. Use glob-style wildcards for multiple ports (implies --csv)') + configuration_options() AbstractDeclarativeCommand.__init__(self, options=options) self._platform_regexp = re.compile('platform/([^\/]+)/(.+)')
def __init__(self): options = [ make_option('--all', action='store_true', default=False, help='display the expectations for *all* tests'), make_option('-x', '--exclude-keyword', action='append', default=[], help='limit to tests not matching the given keyword (for example, "skip", "slow", or "crash". May specify multiple times'), make_option('-i', '--include-keyword', action='append', default=[], help='limit to tests with the given keyword (for example, "skip", "slow", or "crash". May specify multiple times'), make_option('--csv', action='store_true', default=False, help='Print a CSV-style report that includes the port name, modifiers, tests, and expectations'), make_option('-f', '--full', action='store_true', default=False, help='Print a full TestExpectations-style line for every match'), ] + platform_options(platform='port/platform to use. Use glob-style wildcards for multiple ports (implies --csv)') + configuration_options() AbstractDeclarativeCommand.__init__(self, options=options) self._expectation_models = {}