コード例 #1
ファイル: opportunity.py プロジェクト: nijil/erpnext
    def quote_table(self):
        if getlist(self.doclist, "enq_details"):
            header_lbl = ["Item Code", "Item Name", "Description", "Reqd Qty", "UOM"]
            item_tbl = """<table style="width:90%%; border:1px solid #AAA; border-collapse:collapse"><tr>"""
            for i in header_lbl:
                item_header = (
                    """<td style="width=20%%; border:1px solid #AAA; border-collapse:collapse;"><b>%s</b></td>""" % i
                item_tbl += item_header
            item_tbl += """</tr>"""

            for d in getlist(self.doclist, "enq_details"):
                item_det = """
					<tr><td style="width:20%%; border:1px solid #AAA; border-collpase:collapse">%s</td>
					<td style="width:20%%; border:1px solid #AAA; border-collapse:collpase">%s</td>
					<td style="width:20%%; border:1px solid #AAA; border-collapse:collpase">%s</td>
					<td style="width:20%%; border:1px solid #AAA; border-collapse:collpase">%s</td>
					<td style="width:20%%; border:1px solid #AAA; border-collapse:collpase">%s</td></tr>
				""" % (
                item_tbl += item_det
            item_tbl += """</table>"""
            return item_tbl
コード例 #2
ファイル: journal_voucher.py プロジェクト: nijil/erpnext
    def get_against_account(self):
        # Debit = Credit
        debit, credit = 0.0, 0.0
        debit_list, credit_list = [], []
        for d in getlist(self.doclist, "entries"):
            debit += flt(d.debit)
            credit += flt(d.credit)
            if flt(d.debit) > 0 and (d.account not in debit_list):
            if flt(d.credit) > 0 and (d.account not in credit_list):

        self.doc.total_debit = debit
        if self.doc.tds_applicable == "Yes":
            self.doc.total_credit = credit + flt(self.doc.ded_amount)
            self.doc.total_credit = credit

        if abs(self.doc.total_debit - self.doc.total_credit) > 0.001:
                "Debit must be equal to Credit. The difference is %s" % (self.doc.total_debit - self.doc.total_credit)
            raise Exception

        # update against account
        for d in getlist(self.doclist, "entries"):
            if flt(d.debit) > 0:
                d.against_account = ", ".join(credit_list)
            if flt(d.credit) > 0:
                d.against_account = ", ".join(debit_list)
コード例 #3
 def update_warranty_amc_history(self, submit = 1):
   if self.doc.order_type in ['AMC', 'OTS (One Time Service)']:
     sr_list = []
     if submit:
       for d in getlist(self.doclist, 'service_order_details'):
         sr = Document('Serial No', d.serial_no)
         child = addchild(sr, 'warranty_amc_history', 'Warranty AMC History', 0)
         child.from_date = d.start_date
         child.to_date = d.end_date
         child.status = (self.doc.order_type == 'AMC') and 'Under AMC' or 'OTS (One Time Service)'
         child.against_doctype = self.doc.doctype
         child.against_docname = self.doc.name
         child.customer = self.doc.customer
         child.territory = self.doc.territory
         sr.warranty_amc_status = (self.doc.order_type == 'AMC') and 'Under AMC' or 'OTS (One Time Service)'
         sr.amc_expiry_date = d.end_date
       sql("delete from `tabWarranty AMC History` where against_doctype = %s and against_docname = %s", (self.doc.doctype, self.doc.name))
       for d in getlist(self.doclist, 'service_order_details'):
         sql("update `tabSerial No` set amc_expiry_date = '' where name = '%s'" % (d.serial_no))
     self.update_serial_no_warranty_amc_status(serial_no_list = sr_list)
コード例 #4
ファイル: sales_common.py プロジェクト: prakashhodage/erpnext
	def get_item_list(self, obj, is_stopped):
		il = []
		for d in getlist(obj.doclist,obj.fname):
			reserved_qty = 0		# used for delivery note
			qty = flt(d.qty)
			if is_stopped:
				qty = flt(d.qty) > flt(d.delivered_qty) and flt(flt(d.qty) - flt(d.delivered_qty)) or 0
			if d.prevdoc_doctype == 'Sales Order':			# used in delivery note to reduce reserved_qty 
				# Eg.: if SO qty is 10 and there is tolerance of 20%, then it will allow DN of 12.
				# But in this case reserved qty should only be reduced by 10 and not 12.

				tot_qty, max_qty, tot_amt, max_amt = self.get_curr_and_ref_doc_details(d.doctype, 'prevdoc_detail_docname', d.prevdoc_detail_docname, 'Sales Order Item', obj.doc.name, obj.doc.doctype)
				if((flt(tot_qty) + flt(qty) > flt(max_qty))):
					reserved_qty = -(flt(max_qty)-flt(tot_qty))
					reserved_qty = - flt(qty)
			warehouse = (obj.fname == "sales_order_details") and d.reserved_warehouse or d.warehouse
			if self.has_sales_bom(d.item_code):
				for p in getlist(obj.doclist, 'packing_details'):
					#if p.parent_item == d.item_code: -- this fails when item with same name appears more than once in delivery note item table
					if p.parent_detail_docname == d.name:
						# the packing details table's qty is already multiplied with parent's qty
						il.append([warehouse, p.item_code, flt(p.qty), (flt(p.qty)/qty)*(reserved_qty), p.uom, p.batch_no, p.serial_no])
				il.append([warehouse, d.item_code, qty, reserved_qty, d.stock_uom, d.batch_no, d.serial_no])
		return il
コード例 #5
ファイル: landed_cost_wizard.py プロジェクト: ravidey/erpnext
	def calc_pr_other_charges(self, name):
		# re-calculate other charges
		obj = get_obj('Purchase Receipt', name, with_children = 1)
		total = 0
		net_total = obj.doc.net_total

		for prd in getlist(obj.doclist, 'purchase_receipt_details'):
			prev_total, item_tax = flt(prd.amount), 0
			total += flt(flt(prd.qty) * flt(prd.purchase_rate))
			check_tax = prd.item_tax_rate and eval(prd.item_tax_rate) or {}
			ocd = getlist(obj.doclist, 'purchase_tax_details')
			# calculate tax for other charges
			for oc in range(len(ocd)):
				if check_tax.get(ocd[oc].account_head) and ocd[oc].charge_type != 'Actual':
					rate = check_tax[ocd[oc].account_head]
					rate = flt(ocd[oc].rate)
				tax_amount = self.cal_tax(ocd, prd, rate, net_total, oc)
				if ocd[oc].add_deduct_tax == 'Add':
					add_deduct_taxes(self, ocd, oc, tax_amount, total_amount, total, prev_total, f=1)
				elif ocd[oc].add_deduct_tax == 'Deduct':
					add_deduct_taxes(self, ocd, oc, tax_amount, total_amount, total, prev_total, f=-1)

			prd.item_tax_amount = flt(item_tax)
コード例 #6
ファイル: salary_manager.py プロジェクト: trycatcher/erpnext
	def create_sal_slip(self):
			Creates salary slip for selected employees if already not created
		emp_list = self.get_emp_list()
		ss_list = []
		for emp in emp_list:
			if not sql("""select name from `tabSalary Slip` 
					where docstatus!= 2 and employee = %s and month = %s and fiscal_year = %s and company = %s
					""", (emp[0], self.doc.month, self.doc.fiscal_year, self.doc.company)):
				ss = Document('Salary Slip')
				ss.fiscal_year = self.doc.fiscal_year
				ss.employee = emp[0]
				ss.month = self.doc.month
				ss.email_check = self.doc.send_email
				ss.company = self.doc.company
				ss_obj = get_obj('Salary Slip', ss.name, with_children=1)
				for d in getlist(ss_obj.doclist, 'earning_details'):
				for d in getlist(ss_obj.doclist, 'deduction_details'):
		return self.create_log(ss_list)
コード例 #7
ファイル: sales_common.py プロジェクト: tobrahma/erpnext
	def get_allocated_sum(self,obj):
		sum = 0
		for d in getlist(obj.doclist,'sales_team'):
			sum += flt(d.allocated_percentage)
		if (flt(sum) != 100) and getlist(obj.doclist,'sales_team'):
			msgprint("Total Allocated % of Sales Persons should be 100%")
			raise Exception
コード例 #8
	def cal_charges_and_item_tax_amt(self):
		""" Re-calculates other charges values and itemwise tax amount for getting valuation rate"""
		import json
		for pr in self.selected_pr:
			obj = get_obj('Purchase Receipt', pr, with_children = 1)
			total = 0

			for prd in getlist(obj.doclist, 'purchase_receipt_details'):
				prev_total, item_tax = flt(prd.amount), 0
				total += flt(prd.qty) * flt(prd.purchase_rate)
					item_tax_rate = prd.item_tax_rate and json.loads(prd.item_tax_rate) or {}
				except ValueError:
					item_tax_rate = prd.item_tax_rate and eval(prd.item_tax_rate) or {}

				ocd = getlist(obj.doclist, 'purchase_tax_details')
				# calculate tax for other charges
				for oc in range(len(ocd)):
					# Get rate : consider if diff for this item
					if item_tax_rate.get(ocd[oc].account_head) and ocd[oc].charge_type != 'Actual':
						rate = item_tax_rate[ocd[oc].account_head]
						rate = flt(ocd[oc].rate)
					tax_amount = self.cal_tax(ocd, prd, rate, obj.doc.net_total, oc)					
					total, prev_total, item_tax = self.add_deduct_taxes(ocd, oc, tax_amount, total, prev_total, item_tax)

				prd.item_tax_amount = flt(item_tax)
コード例 #9
ファイル: journal_voucher.py プロジェクト: tassadaque/erpnext
  def get_balance(self):
    if not getlist(self.doclist,'entries'):
      msgprint("Please enter atleast 1 entry in 'GL Entries' table")
      flag, self.doc.total_debit, self.doc.total_credit = 0,0,0
      diff = flt(self.doc.difference)
      # If any row without amount, set the diff on that row
      for d in getlist(self.doclist,'entries'):
        if (d.credit==0 or d.credit is None) and (d.debit==0 or d.debit is None) and (flt(diff) != 0):
          if diff>0:
            d.credit = flt(diff)
          elif diff<0:
            d.debit = flt(diff)
          flag = 1
      # Set the diff in a new row
      if flag == 0 and (flt(diff) != 0):
        jd = addchild(self.doc, 'entries', 'Journal Voucher Detail', 1, self.doclist)
        if diff>0:
          jd.credit = flt(diff)
        elif diff<0:
          jd.debit = flt(diff)
      # Set the total debit, total credit and difference
      for d in getlist(self.doclist,'entries'):
        self.doc.total_debit += flt(d.debit)
        self.doc.total_credit += flt(d.credit)

      if self.doc.tds_applicable == 'Yes':
        self.doc.total_credit = flt(self.doc.total_credit) + flt(self.doc.ded_amount)

      self.doc.difference = flt(self.doc.total_debit) - flt(self.doc.total_credit)
コード例 #10
 def update_warranty_amc_history(self, submit = 1):
   if submit:
     for d in getlist(self.doclist, 'delivery_note_details'):
       if d.serial_no:
         serial_nos = self.get_sr_no_list(d.serial_no)
         for s in serial_nos:
           sr = Document('Serial No', s)
           child = addchild(sr, 'warranty_amc_history', 'Warranty AMC History', 0)
           child.from_date = self.doc.transaction_date
           child.to_date = d.warranty_expiry_date
           child.status = 'Under Warranty'
           child.against_doctype = self.doc.doctype
           child.against_docname = self.doc.name
           child.customer = self.doc.customer
           child.territory = self.doc.territory
           sr.warranty_amc_status = 'Under Warranty'
           sr.warranty_expiry_date = d.warranty_expiry_date
     sql("delete from `tabWarranty AMC History` where against_doctype = %s and against_docname = %s", (self.doc.doctype, self.doc.name))
     sr_list = []
     for d in getlist(self.doclist, 'service_order_details'):
       if d.serial_no:
         serial_nos = self.get_sr_no_list(d.serial_no)
         for s in serial_nos:
           sql("update `tabSerial No` set warranty_expiry_date = '' where name = '%s'" % (s))
     self.update_serial_no_warranty_amc_status(serial_no_list = sr_list) 
コード例 #11
ファイル: service_order.py プロジェクト: Vichagserp/cimworks
 def update_warranty_amc_history(self, submit=1):
     if self.doc.order_type in ["AMC", "OTS (One Time Service)"]:
         sr_list = []
         if submit:
             for d in getlist(self.doclist, "service_order_details"):
                 sr = Document("Serial No", d.serial_no)
                 child = addchild(sr, "warranty_amc_history", "Warranty AMC History", 0)
                 child.from_date = d.start_date
                 child.to_date = d.end_date
                 child.status = (self.doc.order_type == "AMC") and "Under AMC" or "OTS (One Time Service)"
                 child.against_doctype = self.doc.doctype
                 child.against_docname = self.doc.name
                 child.customer = self.doc.customer
                 child.territory = self.doc.territory
                 sr.warranty_amc_status = (self.doc.order_type == "AMC") and "Under AMC" or "OTS (One Time Service)"
                 sr.amc_expiry_date = d.end_date
                 "delete from `tabWarranty AMC History` where against_doctype = %s and against_docname = %s",
                 (self.doc.doctype, self.doc.name),
             for d in getlist(self.doclist, "service_order_details"):
                 sql("update `tabSerial No` set amc_expiry_date = '' where name = '%s'" % (d.serial_no))
コード例 #12
  def on_submit(self):
    if not getlist(self.doclist, 'maintenance_schedule_detail'):
      msgprint("Please click on 'Generate Schedule' to get schedule")
      raise Exception

    email_map ={}
    for d in getlist(self.doclist, 'item_maintenance_detail'):
      if d.serial_no:
        self.update_amc_date(d.serial_no, d.end_date)

      if d.incharge_name not in email_map:
      	e = sql("select email_id, name from `tabSales Person` where name='%s' " %(d.incharge_name),as_dict=1)[0]
        email_map[d.incharge_name] = (e['email_id'])

      scheduled_date =sql("select scheduled_date from `tabMaintenance Schedule Detail` \
        where incharge_name='%s' and item_code='%s' and parent='%s' " %(d.incharge_name, \
        d.item_code, self.doc.name), as_dict=1)

      for key in scheduled_date:
        if email_map[d.incharge_name]:
    set(self.doc, 'status', 'Submitted')    
コード例 #13
 def sum_mod_val(self):
   count = count1 = count2 = 0.0
   for e in getlist(self.doclist,'exe_declaration_details'):
     count += flt(e.modified_amount1)
   count = round(flt(self.doc.gross_income)) - count
   for oi in getlist(self.doclist,'oth_inc_decl_details'):
     count += flt(oi.modified_amount2)
   for vi in getlist(self.doclist,'chap_via_decl_details'):
     count2 += flt(vi.modified_amount3)
   count = count - count2
   for inv in getlist(self.doclist,'invest_80_decl_details'):
     count1 += flt(inv.modified_amount4)
     if(count1 >= 100000):
   count_lst = [count,count1]
   return count_lst
コード例 #14
 def validate_reference_value(self, obj, to_docname):
   for t in getlist(self.doclist, 'table_mapper_details'):
     # Reference key is the fieldname which will relate to the from_table
     if t.reference_doctype_key:
       for d in getlist(obj.doclist, t.to_field):
         if d.fields[t.reference_doctype_key] == self.doc.from_doctype:
           self.check_consistency(obj.doc, d, to_docname)
コード例 #15
    def add_to_calendar(self):
        send = sql("select email_id from `tabSales Person` where name = %s", self.doc.prepared_by)
        for d in getlist(self.doclist, "scheduled_visit_details"):
            message = """Purpose : %s for Customer : %s""" % (d.purpose, d.customer_name)
            self.calendar_entry(send, message, d.scheduled_date, self.doc.doctype, self.doc.name)

        for d in getlist(self.doclist, "unscheduled_visit_details"):
            message = """Purpose : %s for Customer : %s""" % (d.purpose, d.customer_name)
            self.calendar_entry(send, message, d.scheduled_date, self.doc.doctype, self.doc.name)
コード例 #16
ファイル: delivery_note.py プロジェクト: tobrahma/erpnext
  def update_current_stock(self):
    for d in getlist(self.doclist, 'delivery_note_details'):
      bin = sql("select actual_qty from `tabBin` where item_code = %s and warehouse = %s", (d.item_code, d.warehouse), as_dict = 1)
      d.actual_qty = bin and flt(bin[0]['actual_qty']) or 0

    for d in getlist(self.doclist, 'packing_details'):
      bin = sql("select actual_qty, projected_qty from `tabBin` where item_code =  %s and warehouse = %s", (d.item_code, d.warehouse), as_dict = 1)
      d.actual_qty = bin and flt(bin[0]['actual_qty']) or 0
      d.projected_qty = bin and flt(bin[0]['projected_qty']) or 0
コード例 #17
ファイル: transfer_control.py プロジェクト: ravidey/erpnext
 def ovr_mapper(self, doclist, ovr, ignore, onupdate):
   doclist = [Document(fielddata = d) for d in doclist]
   doc = doclist[0]
   orig_modified = doc.modified
   cur_doc = Document('DocType Mapper',doc.name)
   added = 0
   fld_lst = ''
   # Field Mapper Details fields
   # ------
   for d in getlist(doclist, 'field_mapper_details'):
     fld = ''
     # if exists
     if d.from_field and d.to_field:
       fld = sql("select name from `tabField Mapper Detail` where from_field=%s and to_field=%s and parent=%s", (d.from_field, d.to_field, d.parent))
     if (not fld) and d.from_field and d.to_field: # must have label
       # add field
       nd = Document(fielddata = d.fields)
       nd.oldfieldname, nd.oldfieldtype = '', ''
       nd.save(new = 1, ignore_fields = ignore, check_links = 0)
       fld_lst += "\n"+'From Field : '+cstr(d.from_field)+'   ---   To Field : '+cstr(d.to_field)
       added += 1
   # Table Mapper Details fields
   # ------
   for d in getlist(doclist, 'table_mapper_details'):
     fld = ''
     # if exists
     if d.from_table and d.to_table: 
       fld = sql("select name from `tabTable Mapper Detail` where from_table=%s and to_table = %s and parent=%s", (d.from_table, d.to_table, d.parent))
     if (not fld) and d.from_table and d.to_table: # must have label
       # add field
       nd = Document(fielddata = d.fields)
       nd.oldfieldname, nd.oldfieldtype = '', ''
       nd.save(new = 1, ignore_fields = ignore, check_links = 0)
       fld_lst += "\n"+'From Table : '+cstr(d.from_table)+'   ---   To Table : '+cstr(d.to_table)
       added += 1
   cur_doc.save(ignore_fields = ignore, check_links = 0)
   if onupdate:
     so = get_obj('DocType Mapper', doc.name, with_children = 1)
     if hasattr(so, 'on_update'):
   if in_transaction: sql("COMMIT")
   if added == 0:
     added_fields = ''
     added_fields =  ' <div style="color : RED">Added Fields :- '+ cstr(fld_lst)+ '</div>' 
   return doc.name + (' Upgraded: %s fields added' % added)+added_fields
コード例 #18
 def check_serial_no_added(self):
   serial_present =[]
   for d in getlist(self.doclist, 'item_maintenance_detail'):
     if d.serial_no:
   for m in getlist(self.doclist, 'maintenance_schedule_detail'):
     if serial_present:
       if m.item_code in serial_present and not m.serial_no:
         msgprint("Please click on 'Generate Schedule' to fetch serial no added for item "+m.item_code)
         raise Exception
コード例 #19
ファイル: c_form.py プロジェクト: calvinfroedge/erpnext
	def on_update(self):
		"""	Update C-Form No on invoices"""
		if len(getlist(self.doclist, 'invoice_details')):
			inv = "'" + "', '".join([d.invoice_no for d in getlist(self.doclist, 'invoice_details')]) + "'"
			sql("""update `tabReceivable Voucher` set c_form_no = '%s', modified ='%s'
				where name in (%s)"""%(self.doc.name, self.doc.modified, inv))
			sql("""update `tabReceivable Voucher` set c_form_no = '', modified = %s where name not
				in (%s) and ifnull(c_form_no, '') = %s""", (self.doc.modified, self.doc.name, inv))
			msgprint("Please enter atleast 1 invoice in the table below", raise_exception=1)
コード例 #20
 def on_submit(self):
   if not getlist(self.doclist, 'maintenance_schedule_detail'):
     msgprint("Please click on 'Generate Schedule' to get schedule")
     raise Exception
   for d in getlist(self.doclist, 'item_maintenance_detail'):
     if d.serial_no:
       self.update_amc_date(d.serial_no, d.end_date)
   set(self.doc, 'status', 'Submitted')    
コード例 #21
ファイル: sms_center.py プロジェクト: antoxin/erpnext
 def send_sms(self):
   if not self.doc.message:
     msgprint("Please type the message before sending")
   elif not getlist(self.doclist, 'receiver_details'):
     msgprint("Receiver Table is blank.")
     receiver_list = []
     for d in getlist(self.doclist, 'receiver_details'):
       if d.mobile_no:
     if receiver_list:
       msgprint(get_obj('SMS Control', 'SMS Control').send_sms(receiver_list, self.doc.message))
コード例 #22
ファイル: erp_setup.py プロジェクト: ravidey/erpnext
 def remove_series(self):
   if not getlist(self.doclist, 'series_details'):
     msgprint("Please pull already existed series for the selected doctype and check the series that you want to remove")
     sr= sql("Select options from `tabDocField` where fieldname='voucher_series' and parent='%s'"%(self.doc.select_doctype))
     if sr:
     for d in getlist(self.doclist, 'series_details'):
       if d.remove == 1:
     sql("update `tabDocField` set options='%s' where fieldname='voucher_series' and parent='%s'"%("\n".join(sr_list),self.doc.select_doctype))
コード例 #23
	def get_item_list(self, obj, is_stopped):
		"""get item list"""
		il = []
		for d in getlist(obj.doclist,obj.fname):
			reserved_wh, reserved_qty = '', 0		# used for delivery note
			qty = flt(d.qty)
			if is_stopped:
				qty = flt(d.qty) > flt(d.delivered_qty) and flt(flt(d.qty) - flt(d.delivered_qty)) or 0
			if d.prevdoc_doctype == 'Sales Order':			
				# used in delivery note to reduce reserved_qty 
				# Eg.: if SO qty is 10 and there is tolerance of 20%, then it will allow DN of 12.
				# But in this case reserved qty should only be reduced by 10 and not 12.

				tot_qty, max_qty, tot_amt, max_amt, reserved_wh = self.get_curr_and_ref_doc_details(d.doctype, 'prevdoc_detail_docname', d.prevdoc_detail_docname, obj.doc.name, obj.doc.doctype)
				if((flt(tot_qty) + flt(qty) > flt(max_qty))):
					reserved_qty = -(flt(max_qty)-flt(tot_qty))
					reserved_qty = - flt(qty)
			if obj.doc.doctype == 'Sales Order':
				reserved_wh = d.reserved_warehouse
			if self.has_sales_bom(d.item_code):
				for p in getlist(obj.doclist, 'packing_details'):
					if p.parent_detail_docname == d.name:
						# the packing details table's qty is already multiplied with parent's qty
							'warehouse': d.warehouse,
							'reserved_warehouse': reserved_wh,
							'item_code': p.item_code,
							'qty': flt(p.qty),
							'reserved_qty': (flt(p.qty)/qty)*(reserved_qty),
							'uom': p.uom,
							'batch_no': p.batch_no,
							'serial_no': p.serial_no,
							'name': d.name
					'warehouse': d.warehouse,
					'reserved_warehouse': reserved_wh,
					'item_code': d.item_code,
					'qty': qty,
					'reserved_qty': reserved_qty,
					'uom': d.stock_uom,
					'batch_no': d.batch_no,
					'serial_no': d.serial_no,
					'name': d.name
		return il
コード例 #24
 def validate(self):
   for d in getlist(self.doclist, 'field_mapper_details'):
     # Automatically assigns default value if not entered
     if not d.match_id:
       d.match_id = 0
     if not d.map:
       d.map = 'Yes'
   for d in getlist(self.doclist, 'table_mapper_details'):
     if not d.reference_doctype_key:
       d.reference_doctype_key = ''
     if not d.reference_key:
       d.reference_key = ''
   # Check wrong field name
コード例 #25
ファイル: enquiry.py プロジェクト: tobrahma/erpnext
 def send_sms(self):
   if not self.doc.sms_message:
     msgprint("Please enter message in SMS Section ")
     raise Exception
   elif not getlist(self.doclist, 'enquiry_sms_detail'):
     msgprint("Please mention mobile no. to which sms needs to be sent")
     raise Exception
     receiver_list = []
     for d in getlist(self.doclist,'enquiry_sms_detail'):
       if d.other_mobile_no:
   if receiver_list:
     msgprint(get_obj('SMS Control', 'SMS Control').send_sms(receiver_list, self.doc.sms_message))
コード例 #26
	def reconcile(self):
			Links booking and payment voucher
			1. cancel payment voucher
			2. split into multiple rows if partially adjusted, assign against voucher
			3. submit payment voucher
		lst = []
		for d in getlist(self.doclist, 'ir_payment_details'):
			if d.selected and flt(d.amt_to_be_reconciled) > 0:
				args = {
					'voucher_no' : d.voucher_no,
					'voucher_detail_no' : d.voucher_detail_no, 
					'against_voucher_type' : self.dt[self.doc.voucher_type], 
					'against_voucher'  : self.doc.voucher_no,
					'account' : self.doc.account, 
					'is_advance' : 'No', 
					'dr_or_cr' :  self.acc_type=='debit' and 'credit' or 'debit', 
					'unadjusted_amt' : flt(d.amt_due),
					'allocated_amt' : flt(d.amt_to_be_reconciled)
		if not sql("select name from `tab%s` where name = %s" %(self.dt[self.doc.voucher_type], '%s'),  self.doc.voucher_no):
			msgprint("Please select valid Voucher No to proceed", raise_exception=1)
		if lst:
			get_obj('GL Control').reconcile_against_document(lst)
			msgprint("Successfully reconciled.")
			msgprint("No payment entries selected.", raise_exception=1)
コード例 #27
	def add_charges_in_pr(self):
		""" Add additional charges in selected pr proportionately"""
		total_amt = self.get_total_amt()
		for pr in self.selected_pr:
			pr_obj = get_obj('Purchase Receipt', pr, with_children = 1)
			cumulative_grand_total = flt(pr_obj.doc.grand_total)
			for lc in getlist(self.doclist, 'landed_cost_details'):
				amt = flt(lc.amount) * flt(pr_obj.doc.net_total)/ flt(total_amt)
				self.prwise_cost[pr] = self.prwise_cost.get(pr, 0) + amt
				cumulative_grand_total += amt
				pr_oc_row = sql("select name from `tabPurchase Taxes and Charges` where parent = %s and category = 'Valuation' and add_deduct_tax = 'Add' and charge_type = 'Actual' and account_head = %s",(pr, lc.account_head))
				if not pr_oc_row:	# add if not exists
					ch = addchild(pr_obj.doc, 'purchase_tax_details', 'Purchase Taxes and Charges', 1)
					ch.category = 'Valuation'
					ch.add_deduct_tax = 'Add'
					ch.charge_type = 'Actual'
					ch.description = lc.description
					ch.account_head = lc.account_head
					ch.rate = amt
					ch.tax_amount = amt
					ch.total = cumulative_grand_total
					ch.docstatus = 1
					ch.idx = 500 # add at the end
				else:	# overwrite if exists
					sql("update `tabPurchase Taxes and Charges` set rate = %s, tax_amount = %s where name = %s and parent = %s ", (amt, amt, pr_oc_row[0][0], pr))
コード例 #28
ファイル: gl_control.py プロジェクト: Coalas/erpnext
	def make_gl_entries(self, doc, doclist, cancel=0, adv_adj = 0, use_mapper='', merge_entries = 1, update_outstanding='Yes'):
		self.entries = []
		# get entries
		le_map_list = webnotes.conn.sql("select * from `tabGL Mapper Detail` where parent = %s", use_mapper or doc.doctype, as_dict=1)
		self.td, self.tc = 0.0, 0.0
		for le_map in le_map_list:
			if le_map['table_field']:
				for d in getlist(doclist,le_map['table_field']):
					# purchase_tax_details is the table of other charges in purchase cycle
					if le_map['table_field'] != 'purchase_tax_details' or (le_map['table_field'] == 'purchase_tax_details' and d.fields.get('category') != 'For Valuation'):
						self.make_single_entry(doc,d,le_map,cancel, merge_entries)
				self.make_single_entry(None,doc,le_map,cancel, merge_entries)

		# save entries
		self.save_entries(cancel, adv_adj, update_outstanding)

		# check total debit / credit
		# Due to old wrong entries (total debit != total credit) some voucher could be cancelled
		if abs(self.td - self.tc) > 0.001 and not cancel:
			msgprint("Debit and Credit not equal for this voucher: Diff (Debit) is %s" % (self.td-self.tc))
			raise Exception

		# set as cancelled
		if cancel:
			vt, vn = self.get_val(le_map['voucher_type'],	doc, doc), self.get_val(le_map['voucher_no'],	doc, doc)
			webnotes.conn.sql("update `tabGL Entry` set is_cancelled='Yes' where voucher_type=%s and voucher_no=%s", (vt, vn))
コード例 #29
ファイル: gl_control.py プロジェクト: Coalas/erpnext
	def update_against_document_in_jv(self, obj, table_field_name, against_document_no, against_document_doctype, account_head, dr_or_cr,doctype):
		for d in getlist(obj.doclist, table_field_name):
			self.validate_jv_entry(d, account_head, dr_or_cr)
			if flt(d.advance_amount) == flt(d.allocated_amount):
				# cancel JV
				jv_obj = get_obj('Journal Voucher', d.journal_voucher, with_children=1)
				get_obj(dt='GL Control').make_gl_entries(jv_obj.doc, jv_obj.doclist, cancel =1, adv_adj =1)

				# update ref in JV Detail
				webnotes.conn.sql("update `tabJournal Voucher Detail` set %s = '%s' where name = '%s'" % (doctype=='Purchase Invoice' and 'against_voucher' or 'against_invoice', cstr(against_document_no), d.jv_detail_no))

				# re-submit JV
				jv_obj = get_obj('Journal Voucher', d.journal_voucher, with_children =1)
				get_obj(dt='GL Control').make_gl_entries(jv_obj.doc, jv_obj.doclist, cancel = 0, adv_adj =1)

			elif flt(d.advance_amount) > flt(d.allocated_amount):
				# cancel JV
				jv_obj = get_obj('Journal Voucher', d.journal_voucher, with_children=1)
				get_obj(dt='GL Control').make_gl_entries(jv_obj.doc, jv_obj.doclist, cancel =1, adv_adj = 1)

				# add extra entries
				self.add_extra_entry(jv_obj, d.journal_voucher, d.jv_detail_no, flt(d.allocated_amount), account_head, doctype, dr_or_cr, against_document_no)

				# re-submit JV
				jv_obj = get_obj('Journal Voucher', d.journal_voucher, with_children =1)
				get_obj(dt='GL Control').make_gl_entries(jv_obj.doc, jv_obj.doclist, cancel = 0, adv_adj = 1)
				msgprint("Allocation amount cannot be greater than advance amount")
				raise Exception
コード例 #30
ファイル: maintenance_visit.py プロジェクト: ravidey/erpnext
 def update_customer_issue(self, flag):
   for d in getlist(self.doclist, 'maintenance_visit_details'):
     if d.prevdoc_docname and d.prevdoc_doctype == 'Customer Issue' :
       if flag==1:
         mntc_date = self.doc.mntc_date
         service_person = d.service_person
         work_done = d.work_done
         if self.doc.completion_status == 'Fully Completed':
           status = 'Closed'
         elif self.doc.completion_status == 'Partially Completed':
           status = 'Work In Progress'
         nm = sql("select t1.name, t1.mntc_date, t2.service_person, t2.work_done from `tabMaintenance Visit` t1, `tabMaintenance Visit Detail` t2 where t2.parent = t1.name and t1.completion_status = 'Partially Completed' and t2.prevdoc_docname = %s and t1.name!=%s and t1.docstatus = 1 order by t1.name desc limit 1", (d.prevdoc_docname, self.doc.name))
         if nm:
           status = 'Work In Progress'
           mntc_date = nm and nm[0][1] or ''
           service_person = nm and nm[0][2] or ''
           work_done = nm and nm[0][3] or ''
           status = 'Open'
           mntc_date = ''
           service_person = ''
           work_done = ''
       sql("update `tabCustomer Issue` set resolution_date=%s, resolved_by=%s, resolution_details=%s, status=%s where name =%s",(mntc_date,service_person,work_done,status,d.prevdoc_docname))
コード例 #31
 def pr_required(self):
     res = sql(
         "select value from `tabSingles` where doctype = 'Global Defaults' and field = 'pr_required'"
     if res and res[0][0] == 'Yes':
         for d in getlist(self.doclist, 'entries'):
             if not d.purchase_receipt:
                 msgprint("Purchase Receipt No. required against item %s" %
                 raise Exception
コード例 #32
	def validate_fixed_asset_account(self):
		for d in getlist(self.doclist,'entries'):
			item = webnotes.conn.sql("select name,is_asset_item,is_sales_item from `tabItem` where name = '%s' and (ifnull(end_of_life,'')='' or end_of_life = '0000-00-00' or end_of_life >	now())"% d.item_code)
			acc =	webnotes.conn.sql("select account_type from `tabAccount` where name = '%s' and docstatus != 2" % d.income_account)
			if not acc:
				msgprint("Account: "+d.income_account+" does not exist in the system")
				raise Exception
			elif item and item[0][1] == 'Yes' and not acc[0][0] == 'Fixed Asset Account':
				msgprint("Please select income head with account type 'Fixed Asset Account' as Item %s is an asset item" % d.item_code)
				raise Exception
コード例 #33
 def po_required(self):
     res = sql(
         "select value from `tabSingles` where doctype = 'Global Defaults' and field = 'po_required'"
     if res and res[0][0] == 'Yes':
         for d in getlist(self.doclist, 'purchase_receipt_details'):
             if not d.prevdoc_docname:
                 msgprint("Purchse Order No. required against item %s" %
                 raise Exception
コード例 #34
ファイル: journal_voucher.py プロジェクト: salmandaw/erpnext
 def validate_entries_for_advance(self):
     for d in getlist(self.doclist, 'entries'):
         if not d.is_advance and not d.against_voucher and not d.against_invoice and d.against_jv:
             master_type = self.get_master_type(d.account)
             if (master_type == 'Customer'
                     and flt(d.credit) > 0) or (master_type == 'Supplier'
                                                and flt(d.debit) > 0):
                     "Message: Please check Is Advance as 'Yes' against Account %s if this is an advance entry."
                     % d.account)
コード例 #35
 def validate_schedule(self):
   item_lst1 =[]
   item_lst2 =[]
   for d in getlist(self.doclist, 'item_maintenance_detail'):
     if d.item_code not in item_lst1:
   for m in getlist(self.doclist, 'maintenance_schedule_detail'):
     if m.item_code not in item_lst2:
   if len(item_lst1) != len(item_lst2):
     msgprint("Maintenance Schedule is not generated for all the items. Please click on 'Generate Schedule'")
     raise Exception
     for x in item_lst1:
       if x not in item_lst2:
         msgprint("Maintenance Schedule is not generated for item "+x+". Please click on 'Generate Schedule'")
         raise Exception
コード例 #36
 def validate_sales_order(self):
     for d in getlist(self.doclist, 'item_maintenance_detail'):
         if d.prevdoc_docname:
             chk = sql(
                 "select t1.name from `tabMaintenance Schedule` t1, `tabMaintenance Schedule Item` t2 where t2.parent=t1.name and t2.prevdoc_docname=%s and t1.docstatus=1",
             if chk:
                 msgprint("Maintenance Schedule against " +
                          d.prevdoc_docname + " already exist")
                 raise Exception
コード例 #37
    def validate_bom_belongs_to_item(self):
        for d in getlist(self.doclist, 'mtn_details'):
            if d.bom_no and not webnotes.conn.sql(
					SELECT name FROM `tabBill Of Materials`
					WHERE item = %s and name = %s
				""", (d.item_code, d.bom_no)):
                msgprint("BOM %s does not belong to Item: %s at row %s" %
                         (d.bom_no, d.item_code, d.idx),
コード例 #38
    def get_checklist(self):
        checklist = []
        for f in getlist(self.doclist, 'field_mapper_details'):

            # Check which field's value will be compared
            if f.checking_operator:
                    f.from_field, f.to_field, f.checking_operator, f.match_id
        return checklist
コード例 #39
ファイル: opportunity.py プロジェクト: eric20201688/erpnext
    def send_sms(self):
        if not self.doc.sms_message:
            msgprint("Please enter message in SMS Section ")
            raise Exception
        elif not getlist(self.doclist, 'enquiry_sms_detail'):
            msgprint("Please mention mobile no. to which sms needs to be sent")
            raise Exception
            receiver_list = []
            for d in getlist(self.doclist, 'enquiry_sms_detail'):
                if d.other_mobile_no:

        if receiver_list:
                get_obj('SMS Control',
                        'SMS Control').send_sms(receiver_list,
            self.add_in_follow_up(self.doc.sms_message, 'SMS')
コード例 #40
ファイル: quotation.py プロジェクト: eric20201688/erpnext
 def validate_for_items(self):
     chk_dupl_itm = []
     for d in getlist(self.doclist, 'quotation_details'):
         if [cstr(d.item_code), cstr(d.description)] in chk_dupl_itm:
                 "Item %s has been entered twice. Please change description atleast to continue"
                 % d.item_code)
             raise Exception
             chk_dupl_itm.append([cstr(d.item_code), cstr(d.description)])
コード例 #41
    def validate_appraisal_detail(self):
        if not self.doc.kra_approver:
            msgprint("Please mention the name of Approver")
            raise Exception

        if not getlist(self.doclist, 'appraisal_details'):
            msgprint("Please add KRA Details")
            raise Exception

コード例 #42
ファイル: sales_order.py プロジェクト: niliquan/erpnext
    def validate_sales_mntc_quotation(self):
        for d in getlist(self.doclist, 'sales_order_details'):
            if d.prevdoc_docname:
                res = sql(
                    "select name from `tabQuotation` where name=%s and order_type = %s",
                    (d.prevdoc_docname, self.doc.order_type))
                if not res:
                        """Order Type (%s) should be same in Quotation: %s \
						and current Sales Order""" % (self.doc.order_type, d.prevdoc_docname))
コード例 #43
 def po_required(self):
     res = sql(
         "select value from `tabSingles` where doctype = 'Manage Account' and field = 'po_required'"
     if res and res[0][0] == 'Yes':
         for d in getlist(self.doclist, 'entries'):
             if not d.purchase_order:
                 msgprint("Purchse Order No. required against item %s" %
                 raise Exception
コード例 #44
 def apply_action(self, rule_no, form_obj):
     rule_obj = get_obj('Workflow Rule', rule_no, with_children=1)
     for d in getlist(rule_obj.doclist, 'workflow_action_details'):
         field_name = sql(
             "select fieldname from tabDocField where parent='%s' and label='%s'"
             % (form_obj.doc.doctype, d.action_field))[0][0]
         if field_name:
             form_obj.doc.fields[field_name] = d.action_value
コード例 #45
ファイル: bom.py プロジェクト: eric20201688/erpnext
 def validate_operations(self):
     """ Check duplicate operation no"""
     self.op = []
     for d in getlist(self.doclist, 'bom_operations'):
         if cstr(d.operation_no) in self.op:
             msgprint("Operation no: %s is repeated in Operations Table" %
             # add operation in op list
コード例 #46
ファイル: stock_entry.py プロジェクト: eric20201688/erpnext
 def update_stock_ledger(self, is_cancelled=0):
     self.values = []
     for d in getlist(self.doclist, 'mtn_details'):
         if cstr(d.s_warehouse):
             self.add_to_values(d, cstr(d.s_warehouse),
                                -flt(d.transfer_qty), is_cancelled)
         if cstr(d.t_warehouse):
             self.add_to_values(d, cstr(d.t_warehouse), flt(d.transfer_qty),
     get_obj('Stock Ledger', 'Stock Ledger').update_stock(
         self.values, self.doc.amended_from and 'Yes' or 'No')
コード例 #47
    def validate(self):
        if not getlist(self.doclist, 'maintenance_visit_details'):
            msgprint("Please enter maintenance details")
            raise Exception

        for d in getlist(self.doclist, 'maintenance_visit_details'):
            if d.prevdoc_doctype == 'Sales Order':
                check_for = 'Sales Order'
            elif d.prevdoc_doctype == 'Customer Issue':
                check_for = 'Customer Issue'
                    "Maintenance Visit must be created either against Sales Order or against Customer Issue"
                raise Exception

        if check_for:

コード例 #48
    def validate_data(self):
        for d in getlist(self.doclist, 'pp_details'):
            if not d.pro_created:

                if not flt(d.planned_qty):
                        "Please Enter Planned Qty for item: %s at row no: %s" %
                        (d.item_code, d.idx),
        return 'validated'
コード例 #49
ファイル: receivable_voucher.py プロジェクト: ant0nk/erpnext
	def check_qty_in_stock(self):
		for d in getlist(self.doclist, 'entries'):
			is_stock_item = webnotes.conn.sql("select is_stock_item from `tabItem` where name = '%s'" % d.item_code)[0][0]
			actual_qty = 0
			if d.item_code and d.warehouse:
				actual_qty = webnotes.conn.sql("select actual_qty from `tabBin` where item_code = '%s' and warehouse = '%s'" % (d.item_code, d.warehouse))
				actual_qty = actual_qty and flt(actual_qty[0][0]) or 0

			if is_stock_item == 'Yes' and flt(d.qty) > flt(actual_qty):
				msgprint("For Item: " + cstr(d.item_code) + " at Warehouse: " + cstr(d.warehouse) + " Quantity: " + cstr(d.qty) +" is not Available. (Must be less than or equal to " + cstr(actual_qty) + " )")
				raise Exception, "Validation Error"
コード例 #50
	def set_pos_item_values(self):
		if cint(self.doc.is_pos) ==1:
			dtl = webnotes.conn.sql("select income_account, warehouse, cost_center from `tabPOS Setting` where ifnull(user,'') = '%s' and company = '%s'" % (session['user'], self.doc.company), as_dict=1)
			if not dtl:
				dtl = webnotes.conn.sql("select income_account, warehouse, cost_center from `tabPOS Setting` where ifnull(user,'') = '' and company = '%s'" % (self.doc.company), as_dict=1)
			for d in getlist(self.doclist,'entries'):
				# overwrite if mentioned in item
				item = webnotes.conn.sql("select default_income_account, default_sales_cost_center, default_warehouse from tabItem where name = '%s'" %(d.item_code), as_dict=1)
				d.income_account = item and item[0]['default_income_account'] or dtl and dtl[0]['income_account'] or d.income_account
				d.cost_center = item and item[0]['default_sales_cost_center'] or dtl and dtl[0]['cost_center'] or d.cost_center
				d.warehouse = item and item[0]['default_warehouse'] or dtl and dtl[0]['warehouse'] or d.warehouse
コード例 #51
	def validate_customer(self):
			Validate customer name with SO and DN
		for d in getlist(self.doclist,'entries'):
			dt = d.delivery_note and 'Delivery Note' or d.sales_order and 'Sales Order' or ''
			if dt:
				dt_no = d.delivery_note or d.sales_order
				cust = webnotes.conn.sql("select customer from `tab%s` where name = %s" % (dt, '%s'), dt_no)
				if cust and cstr(cust[0][0]) != cstr(self.doc.customer):
					msgprint("Customer %s does not match with customer of %s: %s." %(self.doc.customer, dt, dt_no), raise_exception=1)
コード例 #52
ファイル: bill_of_materials.py プロジェクト: ant0nk/erpnext
 def calculate_op_cost(self):
     """Update workstation rate and calculates totals"""
     total_op_cost = 0
     for d in getlist(self.doclist, 'bom_operations'):
         hour_rate = sql(
             "select hour_rate from `tabWorkstation` where name = %s",
         d.hour_rate = hour_rate and flt(hour_rate[0][0]) or 0
         d.operating_cost = flt(d.hour_rate) * flt(d.time_in_mins) / 60
         total_op_cost += d.operating_cost
     self.doc.operating_cost = total_op_cost
コード例 #53
ファイル: expense_claim.py プロジェクト: salmandaw/erpnext
	def update_voucher(self):
		sql("delete from `tabExpense Claim Detail` where parent = '%s'"%self.doc.name)
		for d in getlist(self.doclist, 'expense_voucher_details'):
			if not d.expense_type or not d.claim_amount:
				msgprint("Please remove the extra blank row added")
				raise Exception
		if self.doc.total_sanctioned_amount:
		if self.doc.remark:
			set(self.doc, 'remark', self.doc.remark)
コード例 #54
ファイル: sales_invoice.py プロジェクト: eric20201688/erpnext
 def get_income_account(self, doctype):
     for d in getlist(self.doclist, doctype):
         if d.item_code:
             item = webnotes.conn.sql(
                 "select default_income_account, default_sales_cost_center from tabItem where name = '%s'"
                 % (d.item_code),
             d.income_account = item and item[0][
                 'default_income_account'] or ''
             d.cost_center = item and item[0][
                 'default_sales_cost_center'] or ''
コード例 #55
    def get_item_list(self, obj, is_stopped):
        il = []
        for d in getlist(obj.doclist, obj.fname):
            reserved_qty = 0  # used for delivery note
            qty = flt(d.qty)
            if is_stopped:
                qty = flt(d.qty) > flt(d.delivered_qty) and flt(
                    flt(d.qty) - flt(d.delivered_qty)) or 0

            if d.prevdoc_doctype == 'Sales Order':  # used in delivery note to reduce reserved_qty
                # Eg.: if SO qty is 10 and there is tolerance of 20%, then it will allow DN of 12.
                # But in this case reserved qty should only be reduced by 10 and not 12.

                tot_qty, max_qty, tot_amt, max_amt = self.get_curr_and_ref_doc_details(
                    d.doctype, 'prevdoc_detail_docname',
                    d.prevdoc_detail_docname, 'Sales Order Item', obj.doc.name,
                if ((flt(tot_qty) + flt(qty) > flt(max_qty))):
                    reserved_qty = -(flt(max_qty) - flt(tot_qty))
                    reserved_qty = -flt(qty)

            warehouse = (obj.fname == "sales_order_details"
                         ) and d.reserved_warehouse or d.warehouse

            if self.has_sales_bom(d.item_code):
                for p in getlist(obj.doclist, 'packing_details'):
                    #if p.parent_item == d.item_code: -- this fails when item with same name appears more than once in delivery note item table
                    if p.parent_detail_docname == d.name:
                        # the packing details table's qty is already multiplied with parent's qty
                            warehouse, p.item_code,
                            flt(p.qty), (flt(p.qty) / qty) * (reserved_qty),
                            p.uom, p.batch_no, p.serial_no
                    warehouse, d.item_code, qty, reserved_qty, d.stock_uom,
                    d.batch_no, d.serial_no
        return il
コード例 #56
ファイル: purchase_receipt.py プロジェクト: niliquan/erpnext
    def calculate_amount(self, d):
        amt = 0
        for i in getlist(self.doclist, 'pr_raw_material_details'):

            if (i.reference_name == d.name):
                #if i.consumed_qty == 0:
                # msgprint("consumed qty cannot be 0. Please Enter consumed qty ")
                #raise Exception
                i.amount = flt(i.consumed_qty) * flt(i.rate)
                amt += i.amount
        d.rm_supp_cost = amt
コード例 #57
ファイル: sales_common.py プロジェクト: ant0nk/erpnext
 def validate_max_discount(self, obj, detail_table):
     for d in getlist(obj.doclist, detail_table):
         discount = webnotes.conn.sql(
             "select max_discount from tabItem where name = '%s'" %
         if discount and discount[0]['max_discount'] and (flt(
                 d.adj_rate) > flt(discount[0]['max_discount'])):
             msgprint("You cannot give more than " +
                      cstr(discount[0]['max_discount']) +
                      " % discount on Item Code : " + cstr(d.item_code))
             raise Exception
コード例 #58
ファイル: expense_claim.py プロジェクト: eric20201688/erpnext
    def validate_exp_details(self):
        if not getlist(self.doclist, 'expense_voucher_details'):
            msgprint("Please add expense voucher details")
            raise Exception

        if not self.doc.total_claimed_amount:
            msgprint("Please calculate Total Claimed Amount")
            raise Exception

        if not self.doc.exp_approver:
            msgprint("Please select Expense Claim approver")
            raise Exception
コード例 #59
ファイル: sms_control.py プロジェクト: salmandaw/erpnext
    def send_via_personalized_gateway(self, arg):
        ss = get_obj('SMS Settings', 'SMS Settings', with_children=1)
        args = {ss.doc.message_parameter: arg.get('message')}
        for d in getlist(ss.doclist, 'static_parameter_details'):
            args[d.parameter] = d.value

        resp = []
        for d in arg.get('receiver_list'):
            args[ss.doc.receiver_parameter] = d
            resp.append(self.send_request(ss.doc.sms_gateway_url, args))

        return resp
コード例 #60
ファイル: purchase_receipt.py プロジェクト: niliquan/erpnext
 def update_valuation_rate(self):
     total_b_cost = flt(self.doc.buying_cost_transport) + flt(
         self.doc.buying_cost_taxes) + flt(self.doc.buying_cost_other)
     for d in getlist(self.doclist, 'purchase_receipt_details'):
         if flt(self.doc.net_total) and flt(d.qty):
             #d.valuation_rate = (flt(d.purchase_rate) + ((flt(d.amount) * (total_b_cost)) / (self.doc.net_total * flt(d.qty))) + (flt(d.rm_supp_cost) / flt(d.qty))) / flt(d.conversion_factor)
             d.valuation_rate = (flt(d.purchase_rate) +
                                 ((flt(d.amount) * (total_b_cost)) /
                                  (self.doc.net_total * flt(d.qty))) +
                                 (flt(d.rm_supp_cost) / flt(d.qty)) +
                                 (flt(d.item_tax_amount) /
                                  flt(d.qty))) / flt(d.conversion_factor)