コード例 #1
 def buildProtocol(self, addr):
     self.proto = memcache.MemCacheProtocol()
     if self.deferred:
         reactor.callLater(0, self.deferred.callback, self.proto)
         del self.deferred
         self.deferred = None
     singleton.store('memCacheClient', self.proto)
     return self.proto
コード例 #2
def establishConnection(connID, hostname, port, username,
password, database, minPoolCons, maxPoolCons, sslEnabled=False, sslCACert='', useServerCursor=False,
    """I establish a connection to either:
        - A mySQL SQL server using twisted's ADBAPI connection pool semantics.
        - A dbproxy server using twisted perspective broker (PB).
    @param connectType: One of the following:
        - 'direct': Establish a connection to a mySQL SQL server using twisted's ADBAPI connection pool semantics.
        - 'dbproxy': Establish a connection to a dbproxy server using twisted perspective broker (PB).
    @param connID: A key to use that uniquely identifies this connection (pool). It is stored
    using our singleton interface, so if you make a pool with an ID of 'dbMyPool', you can get that
    connection object by using "singleton.get('dbMyPool'). Let's use the convention where every db pool
    ID must start with 'db' to avoid clashes with other objects stored in the singleton.
    @type connID: str
    @param hostname: The hostname or IP address of the database server. 
    @type hostname: str
    @param username: The username used to connect to the database. 
    @type username: str
    @param port: The port used to connect to the database. 
    @type port: int

    @param password: The password used to connect to the database. 
    @type password: str
    @param database: The default database name that we USE once connected. 
    @type database: str

    @param minPoolCons: The minimum number of connections to keep open to the database as part of the
    connection pool. 
    @type minPoolCons: int

    @param maxPoolCons: The maximum number of connections to keep open to the database as part of the
    connection pool. 
    @type maxPoolCons: int
    assert isinstance(connID, basestring) and len(connID) >= 2 and connID[0:2] == 'db'
    assert hostname and isinstance(hostname, basestring)
    assert port and isinstance(port, int)
    assert minPoolCons and isinstance(minPoolCons, int)
    assert maxPoolCons and isinstance(maxPoolCons, int)
    assert (sslEnabled and sslCACert) or not sslEnabled
    d = None
    assert database and isinstance(database, basestring)
    assert username and isinstance(username, basestring)
    assert password and isinstance(password, basestring)
    #connect directly to mysql database
    #for possible SSL support
    sslDict = {
        'ca': sslCACert,
        'capath': None,
        'key': None,
        'cert': None,
        'cipher': None,
    cursorClassDict = {}
    if useServerCursor:
        from MySQLdb.cursors import SSCursor
        cursorClassDict['cursorclass'] = SSCursor
    connPool = adbapi.ConnectionPool("pyPgSQL.PgSQL",
        database=database,user=username, password=password,
        host=hostname, port=port)
        #user=username, passwd=password,
        #db=database, cp_min=minPoolCons, cp_max=maxPoolCons)
        #use_unicode=True, charset='utf8', ssl=sslEnabled and sslDict or None,
        #cp_reconnect=True, poolName=connID,
        #errorutil.triggerFatalError("Could not connect to database for pool \"%s\"" % connID)
    d = defer.succeed(True)
    singleton.store(connID + 'Type', 'direct')
    singleton.store(connID, connPool)
    return d