コード例 #1
    def setUp(self):
        self.channel = DummyChannel()
        request = Request(self.channel, False)
        transport = WebSocketTransport(request)
        handler = TestHandler(transport)
        self.decoder = WebSocketFrameDecoder(request, handler)
        # taken straight from the IETF spec, masking added where appropriate
        self.hello = "\x81\x85\x37\xfa\x21\x3d\x7f\x9f\x4d\x51\x58"
        self.frag_hello = ("\x01\x83\x12\x21\x65\x23\x5a\x44\x09",
        self.binary_orig = "\x3f" * 256
        self.binary = ("\x82\xfe\x01\x00\x12\x6d\xa6\x23" +
                       "\x2d\x52\x99\x1c" * 64)
        self.long_binary = ("\x82\xff\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00" +
                            "\x12\x6d\xa6\x23" +
                            "\x2d\x52\x99\x1c" * 16384)
        self.long_binary_orig = "\x3f" * 65536
        self.ping = "\x89\x85\x56\x23\x88\x23\x1e\x46\xe4\x4f\x39"
        self.pong = "\x8a\x85\xde\x41\x0f\x34\x96\x24\x63\x58\xb1"
        self.pong_unmasked = "\x8a\x05\x48\x65\x6c\x6c\x6f"
        # code 1000, message "Normal Closure"
        self.close = ("\x88\x90\x34\x23\x87\xde\x37\xcb\xc9\xb1\x46"

        ## close message can be empty or with normal close code (1000)
        self.empty_unmasked_close_list = ("\x88\x00", "\x88\x02\x03\xe8")
        self.empty_text = "\x81\x80\x00\x01\x02\x03"
        self.cont_empty_text = "\x00\x80\x00\x01\x02\x03"
コード例 #2
 def setUp(self):
     self.channel = DummyChannel()
     self.request = request = Request(self.channel, False)
     # Simulate request handling
     request.startedWriting = True
     transport = WebSocketTransport(request)
     self.handler = TestHandler(transport)
コード例 #3
 def setUp(self):
     self.channel = DummyChannel()
     request = Request(self.channel, False)
     transport = WebSocketTransport(request)
     handler = TestHandler(transport)
     self.decoder = WebSocketFrameDecoder(request, handler)
     self.decoder.MAX_LENGTH = 100
コード例 #4
 def setUp(self):
     self.channel = DummyChannel()
     self.request = request = Request(self.channel, False)
     # Simulate request handling
     request.startedWriting = True
     transport = WebSocketTransport(request)
     self.handler = TestHandler(transport)
コード例 #5
 def setUp(self):
     self.channel = DummyChannel()
     request = Request(self.channel, False)
     transport = WebSocketTransport(request)
     handler = TestHandler(transport)
     self.decoder = WebSocketFrameDecoder(request, handler)
     self.decoder.MAX_LENGTH = 100
コード例 #6
    def _checkClientHandshake(self):
        Verify client handshake, closing the connection in case of problem.

        @return: C{None} if a problem was detected, or a tuple of I{Origin}
            header, I{Host} header, I{WebSocket-Protocol} header, and
            C{WebSocketHandler} instance. The I{WebSocket-Protocol} header will
            be C{None} if not specified by the client.
        def finish():

        if self.queued:
            return finish()
        originHeaders = self.requestHeaders.getRawHeaders("Origin", [])
        if len(originHeaders) != 1:
            return finish()
        hostHeaders = self.requestHeaders.getRawHeaders("Host", [])
        if len(hostHeaders) != 1:
            return finish()

        handlerFactory = self.site.handlers.get(self.uri)
        if not handlerFactory:
            return finish()
        transport = WebSocketTransport(self)
        handler = handlerFactory(transport)

        protocolHeaders = self.requestHeaders.getRawHeaders(
            "WebSocket-Protocol", [])
        if len(protocolHeaders) not in (0, 1):
            return finish()
        if protocolHeaders:
            if protocolHeaders[0] not in self.site.supportedProtocols:
                return finish()
            protocolHeader = protocolHeaders[0]
            protocolHeader = None
        return originHeaders[0], hostHeaders[0], protocolHeader, handler
コード例 #7
ファイル: allPythonContent.py プロジェクト: Mondego/pyreco
    def _checkClientHandshake(self):
        Verify client handshake, closing the connection in case of problem.

        @return: C{None} if a problem was detected, or a tuple of I{Origin}
            header, I{Host} header, I{WebSocket-Protocol} header, and
            C{WebSocketHandler} instance. The I{WebSocket-Protocol} header will
            be C{None} if not specified by the client.
        def finish():
        if self.queued:
            return finish()
        originHeaders = self.requestHeaders.getRawHeaders("Origin", [])
        if len(originHeaders) != 1:
            return finish()
        hostHeaders = self.requestHeaders.getRawHeaders("Host", [])
        if len(hostHeaders) != 1:
            return finish()

        handlerFactory = self.site.handlers.get(self.uri)
        if not handlerFactory:
            return finish()
        transport = WebSocketTransport(self)
        handler = handlerFactory(transport)

        protocolHeaders = self.requestHeaders.getRawHeaders(
            "WebSocket-Protocol", [])
        if len(protocolHeaders) not in (0,  1):
            return finish()
        if protocolHeaders:
            if protocolHeaders[0] not in self.site.supportedProtocols:
                return finish()
            protocolHeader = protocolHeaders[0]
            protocolHeader = None
        return originHeaders[0], hostHeaders[0], protocolHeader, handler
コード例 #8
ファイル: allPythonContent.py プロジェクト: Mondego/pyreco
    def _clientHandshake76(self):
        Complete hixie-76 handshake, which consists of a challenge and response.

        If the request is not identified with a proper WebSocket handshake, the
        connection will be closed. Otherwise, the response to the handshake is
        sent and a C{WebSocketHandler} is created to handle the request.
        def finish():
        if self.queued:
            return finish()

        secKey1 = self.requestHeaders.getRawHeaders("Sec-WebSocket-Key1", [])
        secKey2 = self.requestHeaders.getRawHeaders("Sec-WebSocket-Key2", [])

        if len(secKey1) != 1 or len(secKey2) != 1:
            return finish()

        # copied
        originHeaders = self.requestHeaders.getRawHeaders("Origin", [])
        if len(originHeaders) != 1:
            return finish()
        hostHeaders = self.requestHeaders.getRawHeaders("Host", [])
        if len(hostHeaders) != 1:
            return finish()
        handlerFactory = self.site.handlers.get(self.uri)
        if not handlerFactory:
            return finish()

        # key1 and key2 exist and are a string of characters
        # filter both keys to get a string with all numbers in order
        key1 = secKey1[0]
        key2 = secKey2[0]
        numBuffer1 = ''.join([x for x in key1 if x in _ascii_numbers])
        numBuffer2 = ''.join([x for x in key2 if x in _ascii_numbers])

        # make sure numbers actually exist
        if not numBuffer1 or not numBuffer2:
            return finish()

        # these should be int-like
        num1 = int(numBuffer1)
        num2 = int(numBuffer2)

        # count the number of spaces in each character string
        numSpaces1 = 0
        for x in key1:
            if x == ' ':
                numSpaces1 += 1
        numSpaces2 = 0
        for x in key2:
            if x == ' ':
                numSpaces2 += 1

        # there should be at least one space in each
        if numSpaces1 == 0 or numSpaces2 == 0:
            return finish()

        # get two resulting numbers, as specified in hixie-76
        num1 = num1 / numSpaces1
        num2 = num2 / numSpaces2

        transport = WebSocketTransport(self)
        handler = handlerFactory(transport)


        def finishHandshake(nonce):
            """ Receive nonce value from request body, and calculate repsonse. """
            protocolHeaders = self.requestHeaders.getRawHeaders(
                "WebSocket-Protocol", [])
            if len(protocolHeaders) not in (0,  1):
                return finish()
            if protocolHeaders:
                if protocolHeaders[0] not in self.site.supportedProtocols:
                    return finish()
                protocolHeader = protocolHeaders[0]
                protocolHeader = None

            originHeader = originHeaders[0]
            hostHeader = hostHeaders[0]
            self.startedWriting = True
            handshake = [
                "HTTP/1.1 101 Web Socket Protocol Handshake",
                "Upgrade: WebSocket",
                "Connection: Upgrade"]
            handshake.append("Sec-WebSocket-Origin: %s" % (originHeader))
            if self.isSecure():
                scheme = "wss"
                scheme = "ws"
                "Sec-WebSocket-Location: %s://%s%s" % (
                scheme, hostHeader, self.uri))

            if protocolHeader is not None:
                handshake.append("Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: %s" % protocolHeader)

            for header in handshake:
                self.write("%s\r\n" % header)


            # concatenate num1 (32 bit in), num2 (32 bit int), nonce, and take md5 of result
            res = struct.pack('>II8s', num1, num2, nonce)
            server_response = md5(res).digest()

            # XXX we probably don't want to set _transferDecoder
            self.channel._transferDecoder = WebSocketFrameDecoder(
                self, handler)


        # we need the nonce from the request body
        self.channel._transferDecoder = _IdentityTransferDecoder(0, lambda _ : None, finishHandshake)
コード例 #9
    def _clientHandshake76(self):
        Complete hixie-76 handshake, which consists of a challenge and response.

        If the request is not identified with a proper WebSocket handshake, the
        connection will be closed. Otherwise, the response to the handshake is
        sent and a C{WebSocketHandler} is created to handle the request.
        def finish():

        if self.queued:
            return finish()

        secKey1 = self.requestHeaders.getRawHeaders("Sec-WebSocket-Key1", [])
        secKey2 = self.requestHeaders.getRawHeaders("Sec-WebSocket-Key2", [])

        if len(secKey1) != 1 or len(secKey2) != 1:
            return finish()

        # copied
        originHeaders = self.requestHeaders.getRawHeaders("Origin", [])
        if len(originHeaders) != 1:
            return finish()
        hostHeaders = self.requestHeaders.getRawHeaders("Host", [])
        if len(hostHeaders) != 1:
            return finish()
        handlerFactory = self.site.handlers.get(self.uri)
        if not handlerFactory:
            return finish()

        # key1 and key2 exist and are a string of characters
        # filter both keys to get a string with all numbers in order
        key1 = secKey1[0]
        key2 = secKey2[0]
        numBuffer1 = ''.join([x for x in key1 if x in _ascii_numbers])
        numBuffer2 = ''.join([x for x in key2 if x in _ascii_numbers])

        # make sure numbers actually exist
        if not numBuffer1 or not numBuffer2:
            return finish()

        # these should be int-like
        num1 = int(numBuffer1)
        num2 = int(numBuffer2)

        # count the number of spaces in each character string
        numSpaces1 = 0
        for x in key1:
            if x == ' ':
                numSpaces1 += 1
        numSpaces2 = 0
        for x in key2:
            if x == ' ':
                numSpaces2 += 1

        # there should be at least one space in each
        if numSpaces1 == 0 or numSpaces2 == 0:
            return finish()

        # get two resulting numbers, as specified in hixie-76
        num1 = num1 / numSpaces1
        num2 = num2 / numSpaces2

        transport = WebSocketTransport(self)
        handler = handlerFactory(transport)


        def finishHandshake(nonce):
            """ Receive nonce value from request body, and calculate repsonse. """
            protocolHeaders = self.requestHeaders.getRawHeaders(
                "WebSocket-Protocol", [])
            if len(protocolHeaders) not in (0, 1):
                return finish()
            if protocolHeaders:
                if protocolHeaders[0] not in self.site.supportedProtocols:
                    return finish()
                protocolHeader = protocolHeaders[0]
                protocolHeader = None

            originHeader = originHeaders[0]
            hostHeader = hostHeaders[0]
            self.startedWriting = True
            handshake = [
                "HTTP/1.1 101 Web Socket Protocol Handshake",
                "Upgrade: WebSocket", "Connection: Upgrade"
            handshake.append("Sec-WebSocket-Origin: %s" % (originHeader))
            if self.isSecure():
                scheme = "wss"
                scheme = "ws"
            handshake.append("Sec-WebSocket-Location: %s://%s%s" %
                             (scheme, hostHeader, self.uri))

            if protocolHeader is not None:
                handshake.append("Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: %s" % protocolHeader)

            for header in handshake:
                self.write("%s\r\n" % header)


            # concatenate num1 (32 bit in), num2 (32 bit int), nonce, and take md5 of result
            res = struct.pack('>II8s', num1, num2, nonce)
            server_response = md5(res).digest()

            # XXX we probably don't want to set _transferDecoder
            self.channel._transferDecoder = WebSocketFrameDecoder(
                self, handler)


        # we need the nonce from the request body
        self.channel._transferDecoder = _IdentityTransferDecoder(
            0, lambda _: None, finishHandshake)