コード例 #1
ファイル: common.py プロジェクト: rj76/demovibes
def find_queue_time_limit(user, song):
    Return seconds left of limit
    next = False
        limit = models.TimeDelta(**QUEUE_TIME_LIMIT[0])
        duration = models.TimeDelta(**QUEUE_TIME_LIMIT[1])
        start = datetime.datetime.now() - duration

        #Fetch all queued objects by that user in given time period
        Q = models.Queue.objects.filter(requested__gt=start,

        total_seconds = limit.total_seconds() - song.get_songlength()

        if Q.count():
            queued_seconds = Q.aggregate(Sum("song__song_length"))[
                "song__song_length__sum"]  #Length of all songs queued
            seconds_left = total_seconds - queued_seconds
            earliest = Q[0].requested
            next = earliest + duration
            if seconds_left <= 0:
                seconds_left = seconds_left + song.get_songlength()
                return (True, seconds_left, next)
            return (False, seconds_left, next)
        return (False, total_seconds, next)
    return (False, False, next)
コード例 #2
ファイル: common.py プロジェクト: rj76/demovibes
def queue_song(song, user, event=True, force=False):
    event_metadata = {'song': song.id, 'user': user.id}

    if user.get_profile().is_hellbanned():
        return False

    if SELFQUEUE_DISABLED and song.is_connected_to(user):
        models.send_notification("You can't request your own songs!", user)
        return False

    # To update lock time and other stats
    #  select_for_update is used to lock the song row, so no other request
    #  can modify it at the same time.
    song = models.Song.objects.select_for_update().get(id=song.id)

    num_dj_hours = getattr(settings, 'DJ_HOURS', 0)

    if not force and num_dj_hours:
        # Don't allow requests to be played during DJ hours

        play_start = models.Queue(song=song).get_eta()
        hours_at_start = get_dj_hours(play_start, num_dj_hours)

        play_end = play_start + datetime.timedelta(
        if play_end.day == play_start.day:
            hours_at_end = hours_at_start
            hours_at_end = get_dj_hours(play_end, num_dj_hours)

        if play_start.hour in hours_at_start or play_end.hour in hours_at_end:
            if datetime.datetime.now().hour in hours_at_start:
                s = "Queuing songs is disabled during DJ Random sessions. DJ Random has the floor!!!"
                s = "Queuing songs during hour of expected play time is not allowed. DJ Random will have the floor!!!"
            models.send_notification(s, user)
            return False

    key = "songqueuenum-" + str(user.id)

    EVS = []
    Q = False
    time = song.create_lock_time()
    result = True

    total_req_count = models.Queue.objects.filter(played=False).count()
    if total_req_count < MIN_QUEUE_SONGS_LIMIT and not song.is_locked():
        Q = models.Queue.objects.filter(played=False, requested_by=user)
        user_req_and_play_count = Q.count()
        total_req_and_play_count = total_req_count

        now_playing = get_now_playing_song()
        if now_playing:
            total_req_and_play_count += 1
            if now_playing.requested_by == user:
                user_req_and_play_count += 1

        # Is user the only one requesting (and also same user as requester of
        # currently playing song) ? Then allow forced queueing.
        # In all other cases there's at least one other requester and
        # then the normal rules apply.
        if user_req_and_play_count == total_req_and_play_count:
            force = True

    time_full, time_left, time_next = find_queue_time_limit(user, song)
    time_left_delta = models.TimeDelta(seconds=time_left)

    if not force:
        if time_full:
            result = False
                "Song is too long. Remaining timeslot : %s. Next timeslot change: <span class='tzinfo'>%s</span>"
                % (time_left_delta.to_string(), time_next.strftime("%H:%M")),

        requests = cache.get(key, None)
        if not Q:
            Q = models.Queue.objects.filter(played=False, requested_by=user)
        if requests == None:
            requests = Q.count()
            requests = len(requests)

        if result and requests >= settings.SONGS_IN_QUEUE:

                "You have reached your unplayed queue entry limit! Please wait for your requests to play.",
            result = False

        if result and song.is_locked():
            # In a case, this should not append since user (from view) can't reqs song locked
            models.send_notification("Song is already locked", user)
            result = False

        if result and LOWRATE and song.rating and song.rating <= LOWRATE[
            if Q.filter(song__rating__lte=LOWRATE['lowvote']).count(
            ) >= LOWRATE['limit']:
                    "Anti-Crap: Song Request Denied (Rating Too Low For Current Queue)",
                result = False

    if result:
        song.locked_until = datetime.datetime.now() + time
        Q = models.Queue(song=song, requested_by=user, played=False)
        Q.eta = Q.get_eta()
        EVS.append('a_queue_%i' % song.id)

        #Need to add logic to decrease or delete when song gets played
        #cache.set(key, requests + 1, 600)

        if event:
            get_queue(True)  # generate new queue cached object
            msg = "%s has been queued." % escape(song.title)
            msg += " It is expected to play at <span class='tzinfo'>%s</span>." % Q.eta.strftime(
            if time_left != False:
                msg += " Remaining timeslot : %s." % time_left_delta.to_string(
            models.send_notification(msg, user)
        models.add_event(eventlist=EVS, metadata=event_metadata)
        return Q
コード例 #3
ファイル: common.py プロジェクト: ramonsmits/demovibes-cvgm
def queue_song(song, user, event=True, force=False):
    event_metadata = {'song': song.id, 'user': user.id}

    if SELFQUEUE_DISABLED and song.is_connected_to(user):
        models.send_notification("You can't request your own songs!", user)
        return False

    #To update lock time and other stats
    song = models.Song.objects.get(id=song.id)

    key = "songqueuenum-" + str(user.id)

    EVS = []
    Q = False
    time = song.create_lock_time()
    result = True

    if models.Queue.objects.filter(played=False).count(
    ) < MIN_QUEUE_SONGS_LIMIT and not song.is_locked():
        force = True

    time_full, time_left, time_next = find_queue_time_limit(user, song)
    time_left_delta = models.TimeDelta(seconds=time_left)

    if not force:

        if time_full:
            result = False
                "Song is too long. Remaining timeslot : %s. Next timeslot change: <span class='tzinfo'>%s</span>"
                % (time_left_delta.to_string(), time_next.strftime("%H:%M")),

        requests = cache.get(key, None)
        Q = models.Queue.objects.filter(played=False, requested_by=user)
        if requests == None:
            requests = Q.count()
            requests = num(requests)

        if result and requests >= settings.SONGS_IN_QUEUE:

                "You have reached your unplayed queue entry limit! Please wait for your requests to play.",
            result = False

        if result and song.is_locked():
            # In a case, this should not append since user (from view) can't reqs song locked
            models.send_notification("Song is already locked", user)
            result = False

        if result and LOWRATE and song.rating and song.rating <= LOWRATE[
            if Q.filter(song__rating__lte=LOWRATE['lowvote']).count(
            ) >= LOWRATE['limit']:
                    "Anti-Crap: Song Request Denied (Rating Too Low For Current Queue)",
                result = False

    if result:
        song.locked_until = datetime.datetime.now() + time
        Q = models.Queue(song=song, requested_by=user, played=False)
        Q.eta = Q.get_eta()
        EVS.append('a_queue_%i' % song.id)

        #Need to add logic to decrease or delete when song gets played
        #cache.set(key, requests + 1, 600)

        if event:
            bla = get_queue(True)  # generate new queue cached object
            msg = "%s has been queued." % escape(song.title)
            msg += " It is expected to play at <span class='tzinfo'>%s</span>." % Q.eta.strftime(
            if time_left != False:
                msg += " Remaining timeslot : %s." % time_left_delta.to_string(
            models.send_notification(msg, user)
        models.add_event(eventlist=EVS, metadata=event_metadata)
        return Q