def generateBoxPlot(self, setnames=None, variable=None, filename='output'): if setnames is None: print("Warning: no setnames provided. Assuming all elements and nodes in model.") elif not isinstance(setnames, list): setnames = [setnames] if variable is None or not isinstance(variable, str): raise TypeError(variable) for s in setnames: fig = plt.Figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) quartiles = [] medians = [] df1 = pd.DataFrame() for k, v in self.element_sets[s].items(): weights = numpy_support.vtk_to_numpy(v.GetCellData().GetArray('Reference Volume')) data = numpy_support.vtk_to_numpy(v.GetCellData().GetArray(variable)) # idx = np.argwhere(data > 0.1).ravel() # weights = weights[idx] weights /= np.max(weights) # data = data[idx] medians.append(quantile(data, weights, 0.5)) quartiles.append([quantile(data, weights, x) for x in [0.0, 0.25, 0.75, 1.0]]) df2 = pd.DataFrame({k: np.array(data, dtype="object")}) df1 = pd.concat([df1, df2], axis=1) df1.boxplot(ax=ax, vert=False, grid=False) ax.xaxis.tick_top() ax.xaxis.set_label_position('top') fig.savefig('{}.svg'.format(filename))
def open_filters(fdir, usecols=[0, 1]): ff = RootDir + fdir + '/' fil_ext = 'fil' if fdir == 'CFHTLS' else 'dat' flist = glob.glob(ff + '*.' + fil_ext) nfilters = len(flist) print '%ld filters found for %s' % (nfilters, fdir) if nfilters == 0: raise ValueError('no filters found!') filters = {} #'flist':flist} filters_sorted = {} #'flist':flist} fname = [] meanw = [] for i in range(nfilters): fdata = np.loadtxt(flist[i], usecols=usecols) filtername = string.rsplit(flist[i], '/', 1)[1].rsplit('.', 1)[0] fname.append(filtername) meanw.append(wp.quantile(fdata[:, 0], fdata[:, 1], 0.5)) filters.update({filtername: fdata}) filters.update({'filters': fname}) filters.update({'MeanWavelength': meanw}) wsort = np.argsort(filters['MeanWavelength']) fnamelist = np.asarray(filters['filters'])[wsort] filters_sorted.update({'filters': fnamelist}) for i in range(nfilters): f_i = fnamelist[i] filters_sorted.update({f_i: filters[f_i]}) filters_sorted.update( {'MeanWavelength': np.asarray(filters['MeanWavelength'])[wsort]}) return filters_sorted
def test_weighted_median_3D(self): arr1 = quantile(self.a3D,, 0.5) arr2 = np.array([[ 43.66666667, 91., 35., 50., 23.],[30.66666667, 89., 75.66666667, 6., 48.33333333], [49., 54.66666667, 16.33333333, 89.33333333, 26.33333333], [63., 34., 37.33333333, 57.66666667, 82.], [34., 32., 29., 37., 51.33333333]]) #print(arr1, arr2) nptest.assert_array_almost_equal(arr1, arr2)
def test_weighted_median_3D(self): arr1 = quantile(self.a3D,, 0.5) arr2 = np.array( [[43.66666667, 91., 35., 50., 23.], [30.66666667, 89., 75.66666667, 6., 48.33333333], [49., 54.66666667, 16.33333333, 89.33333333, 26.33333333], [63., 34., 37.33333333, 57.66666667, 82.], [34., 32., 29., 37., 51.33333333]]) #print(arr1, arr2) nptest.assert_array_almost_equal(arr1, arr2)
def calc_fit_power_law(delta_f_snr_bins=snr_stats_total): snr_bins = delta_f_snr_bins_helper.get_log_snr_axis() y_quantile = np.zeros_like(snr_bins) y1 = delta_f_snr_bins_helper.get_delta_f_axis() for i in range(50): y_quantile[i] = weighted.quantile(y1, delta_f_snr_bins[i], .9) mask = [np.logical_and(-0 < snr_bins, snr_bins < 3)] masked_snr_bins = snr_bins[mask] # print("x2:", masked_snr_bins) fit_params = lmfit.Parameters() fit_params.add('a', -2., min=-5, max=-1) fit_params.add('b', 1., min=0.1, max=20.) fit_params.add('c', 0.08, min=0, max=0.2) fit_params.add('d', 3, min=-5, max=5) fit_result = lmfit.minimize(fit_function, fit_params, kws={'data': y_quantile[mask], 'x': masked_snr_bins}) return fit_result, snr_bins, masked_snr_bins, y_quantile
def reduce_and_save(output_file, global_histogram, histogram, group_parameters): comm.Reduce([histogram, MPI.DOUBLE], [global_histogram, MPI.DOUBLE], op=MPI.SUM, root=0) if comm.rank == 0: # compute the median and add it to the npz file ism_spec = np.zeros(shape=global_histogram.shape[1], dtype=np.double) for i in range(ism_spec.size): ism_spec[i] = weighted.quantile( np.arange(global_histogram.shape[0]), global_histogram[:, i], 0.5) ism_spec *= float(flux_range) / num_bins ism_spec += flux_min np.savez_compressed(output_file, histogram=global_histogram, ar_wavelength=ar_wavelength, flux_range=[flux_min, flux_max], ism_spec=ism_spec, group_parameters=group_parameters)
def calc_fit_power_law(delta_f_snr_bins=snr_stats_total): snr_bins = delta_f_snr_bins_helper.get_log_snr_axis() y_quantile = np.zeros_like(snr_bins) y1 = delta_f_snr_bins_helper.get_delta_f_axis() for i in range(50): y_quantile[i] = weighted.quantile(y1, delta_f_snr_bins[i], .9) mask = [np.logical_and(-0 < snr_bins, snr_bins < 3)] masked_snr_bins = snr_bins[mask] # print("x2:", masked_snr_bins) fit_params = lmfit.Parameters() fit_params.add('a', -2., min=-5, max=-1) fit_params.add('b', 1., min=0.1, max=20.) fit_params.add('c', 0.08, min=0, max=0.2) # make sure the exponent base is non-negative fit_params.add('d', 3, min=-masked_snr_bins.min(), max=5) fit_result = lmfit.minimize(fit_function, fit_params, kws={ 'data': y_quantile[mask], 'x': masked_snr_bins }) return fit_result, snr_bins, masked_snr_bins, y_quantile
def getQuantileIncome(quantile, state, race, sex, agegroup): # NOTE: please see # # for column identifiers # select all records matching the valid criteria query = """ SELECT PERNP, PWGTP FROM PUMS_2014_Persons """ query += getWhereClause(state, race, sex, agegroup) cursor.execute(query) # fetch all results and compute the quantile value results = cursor.fetchall() r = numpy.asarray(results, dtype=float) if len(r) > 0: pernp = r[:, 0] pwgtp = r[:, 1] return int(round(weighted.quantile(pernp, pwgtp, quantile),-2)) else: return 0
def getQuantileIncome(quantile, state, race, sex, agegroup): # NOTE: please see # # for column identifiers # select all records matching the valid criteria query = """ SELECT PERNP, PWGTP FROM PUMS_2014_Persons """ query += getWhereClause(state, race, sex, agegroup) cursor.execute(query) # fetch all results and compute the quantile value results = cursor.fetchall() r = numpy.asarray(results, dtype=float) if len(r) > 0: pernp = r[:, 0] pwgtp = r[:, 1] return int(round(weighted.quantile(pernp, pwgtp, quantile), -2)) else: return 0
# simple attenuation to match observed data. #pdb.set_trace() att = [0.1,1.0] zratt = [0.2,1.8] att_gal = np.interp(GalArr['redshift'],zratt,att) loii = loii[0] + np.log10(att_gal) nFil = len(FiltArr['w']) CentralW = np.zeros(nFil) int_ab = np.zeros(nFil) p10p90W = np.zeros([nFil,2]) for i in range(nFil): CentralW[i] = wp.quantile(FiltArr['w'][i],FiltArr['t'][i],0.5) nz = np.where(FiltArr['w'][i] != 0) int_ab[i] = (integral.simps(FiltArr['t'][i][nz]/FiltArr['w'][i][nz],FiltArr['w'][i][nz])) p10p90W[i,0] = wp.quantile(FiltArr['w'][i][nz],FiltArr['t'][i][nz],0.1) p10p90W[i,1] = wp.quantile(FiltArr['w'][i][nz],FiltArr['t'][i][nz],0.9) print 'int_ab[i]',int_ab[i] mpc2cm_24 = 3.0856778 # mpc-to-cm /1e24 distance = np.sqrt(GalArr['pos'][:,0]**2 + GalArr['pos'][:,1]**2+GalArr['pos'][:,2]**2) log_dist = np.log10(distance) + np.log10(mpc2cm_24)+24.0 + np.log10(1+GalArr['redshift']) log_Fline = loii + 40.0 - (np.log10(4*np.pi)+2*(log_dist)) FLine = 10**log_Fline wgal = L_line*(1 + GalArr['redshift'])
# ax2.set_xlabel(r"${\rm SNR (red)}$", fontsize=14) # ax2.set_ylabel(r"${\rm \left|\delta F\right|}$", fontsize=14) # plt.set_cmap('gray') # plt.plot(x, y) result, snr_bins, masked_snr_bins, y_quantile = calc_fit_power_law() print(power_law_to_string(result)) ax1.plot(snr_bins, y_quantile, linewidth=1.) fit = fit_function(params=result.params, data=0, x=masked_snr_bins) fit = np.clip(fit, 0, 1) ax1.plot(masked_snr_bins, fit, color='deepskyblue', linewidth=4.) # , linestyle=(0., (8., 8.))) plt.xticks(np.arange(min(snr_bins), max(masked_snr_bins) + 1, 1.0)) fig.tight_layout() print( "test fit", fit_function(params=result.params, data=0, x=[-1.5, -1., 0., 1., 2., 10.])) plt.figure() plt.plot(snr_bins, snr_stats_total.sum(axis=1)) total_snr_quantile_1 = weighted.quantile(snr_bins, snr_stats_total.sum(axis=1), 0.10) total_snr_quantile_9 = weighted.quantile(snr_bins, snr_stats_total.sum(axis=1), 0.90) print("SNR: 0.1 limit:", total_snr_quantile_1, "0.9 limit:", total_snr_quantile_9)
def main(nproc, outfile): """ Creates files containing all emission line luminosities and magnitudes for lightcone galaxies. Calculation is split in a given number of processes, where each computes the emission lines of a chunk of data independently and outputs the results to a file. Arguments: nproc = number of processes outfile = Output file name. (final name will be followed by a number) """ # nproc = argv[0] # outfile = argv[1] # if (len(argv) < 2): # print 'you need to provide 2 arguments: nproc outfile.' # print 'Exiting..' # return 0 nproc = int(nproc) IncludeMags = True print 'nproc:', nproc, ' outfile:', outfile sys.stdout.flush() #L_line = 1215.67 # Angstroms L_line = 3727.0 # Angstroms #Lyaz,izr,GalArr,Vol = get_lya(zrange) FiltArr, wrange = rf.read_filters() jpaslims = jp.get_jpaslims() app_type = 1 # 0 means per 3 arcsec diameter, 1 means per square arcsec cosmo = FlatLambdaCDM(H0=73, Om0=0.25) zrArr = comparat_zranges() zminlist = map(float, zrArr['zmin']) zmaxlist = map(float, zrArr['zmax']) minz = np.min(zminlist) maxz = np.max(zmaxlist) #maxz = np.max(zrArr['zmax']) print minz, maxz minsfr = 0.1 nFil = len(FiltArr['w']) CentralW = np.zeros(nFil) int_ab = np.zeros(nFil) p10p90W = np.zeros([nFil, 2]) for i in range(nFil): CentralW[i] = wp.quantile(FiltArr['w'][i], FiltArr['t'][i], 0.5) nz = np.where(FiltArr['w'][i] != 0) int_ab[i] = (integral.simps(FiltArr['t'][i][nz] / FiltArr['w'][i][nz], FiltArr['w'][i][nz])) p10p90W[i, 0] = wp.quantile(FiltArr['w'][i][nz], FiltArr['t'][i][nz], 0.1) p10p90W[i, 1] = wp.quantile(FiltArr['w'][i][nz], FiltArr['t'][i][nz], 0.9) print 'int_ab[i]', int_ab[i] print 'loading lightcone data' props = ['redshift', 'pos', 'Mz', 'Mcold', 'sfr', 'vel', 'stellarmass'] print 'now loading photo-ionisation grid' lineinfo, linesarr = read_photoion() nline = lineinfo['nlines'] usezspace = 1 # magtype stores both the value of the magnitude (float) and the # filter id (int) where that magnitude was computed. magtype = np.dtype('f4, i4') def read_lightcone_chunk(ip, nproc): GalArr, lLyc, ngg, DistNz, zdist = readmock_chunk(ip, nproc, props_array=props, zspace=usezspace, sfrmin=500) zcold = GalArr['Mcold'] / GalArr['Mz'] qpar = qZrelation(zcold) # assuming default pars. # This stores all line luminosities for all galaxies # LinesLumArr[i,j] = Luminosity of line j for galaxy i. LinesLumArr = np.zeros((ngg, nline)) redshiftArr = np.zeros(ngg) SfrArr = np.zeros(ngg) MStellarArr = np.zeros(ngg) ZArr = np.zeros(ngg) print 'ip ' + str( ip) + ', computing lines for ngals=', ngg, ' galaxies...' sys.stdout.flush() for ig in range(ngg): LinesLumArr[ig, :] = integ_line(lineinfo, linesarr, qpar[ig], zcold[ig], lLyc[ig], all_lines=True) redshiftArr[ig] = GalArr['redshift'][ig] SfrArr[ig] = GalArr['sfr'][ig] MStellarArr[ig] = GalArr['stellarmass'][ig] ZArr[ig] = zcold[ig] # LinesLumArr[ig,il] = iline print 'redshiftArr', redshiftArr[0:10] print 'Lines[0,:]', LinesLumArr[0, :] print 'Lines[10,:]', LinesLumArr[10, :] print 'Lines[100,:]', LinesLumArr[100, :] print 'zarr[100,:]', ZArr[0:100] print 'Proc ip:' + str(ip) + ' done with that.' # This stores the AB observed-frame apparent magnitude for all luminosities of all galaxies, indicating also to which filter # the stored magnitudes corresponds to. # MagsLumArr[i,j] = (AB magnitude, filter id) of line j of galaxy i. MagsLumArr = np.zeros((ngg, nline), dtype=magtype) realdist = np.sqrt(GalArr['pos'][:, 0]**2 + GalArr['pos'][:, 1]**2 + GalArr['pos'][:, 2]**2) log_dist = np.log10(realdist) + np.log10(mpc2cm_24) + 24.0 + np.log10( 1 + GalArr['redshift']) if IncludeMags is True: for il in range(nline): L_line = lineinfo['lambda0'][il] wgal = L_line * (1 + GalArr['redshift']) log_Fline = LinesLumArr[:, il] - (np.log10(4 * np.pi) + 2 * (log_dist)) FLine = 10**log_Fline for i in range(ngg): idFilter, Val = find_nearest_vector(CentralW, wgal[i]) if idFilter == 0: if wgal[i] < p10p90W[0, 0]: MagsLumArr[i, il] = (-99, -99) continue elif idFilter == nFil - 1: if wgal[i] > p10p90W[nFil - 1, 1]: MagsLumArr[i, il] = (99, 99) continue else: nz = np.where(FiltArr['w'][idFilter] != 0) lamb = FiltArr['w'][idFilter][nz] tlamb = FiltArr['t'][idFilter][nz] tlam0 = np.interp(wgal[i], lamb, tlamb) # mag_app[i] = -2.5*(log_Fline[i]+ np.log10((wgal[i]*tlam0)/int_ab[idFilter]) - 18-np.log10(3.0)) - 48.60 mag_app = -2.5 * (log_Fline[i] + np.log10( (wgal[i] * tlam0) / int_ab[idFilter]) - 18 - np.log10(3.0)) - 48.60 MagsLumArr[i, il] = (mag_app, idFilter) filename = outfile + '.' + str(ip) nf = open(filename, "wb") print 'writing file ' + filename nf.write(struct.pack('l', ngg)) nf.write(struct.pack('i', nline)) LinesLumArr.tofile(nf) if IncludeMags is True: MagsLumArr.tofile(nf) redshiftArr.tofile(nf) SfrArr.tofile(nf) MStellarArr.tofile(nf) ZArr.tofile(nf) nf.close() print 'file ' + filename + ' written succesfully.' return 1 if nproc == 1: processes = read_lightcone_chunk(0, 1) else: print 'start processes' processes = [ mp.Process(target=read_lightcone_chunk, args=(ip, nproc)) for ip in range(nproc) ] for p in processes: p.start() for p in processes: p.join() return 1
def main(nproc,outfile): """ Creates files containing all emission line luminosities and magnitudes for lightcone galaxies. Calculation is split in a given number of processes, where each computes the emission lines of a chunk of data independently and outputs the results to a file. Arguments: nproc = number of processes outfile = Output file name. (final name will be followed by a number) """ # nproc = argv[0] # outfile = argv[1] # if (len(argv) < 2): # print 'you need to provide 2 arguments: nproc outfile.' # print 'Exiting..' # return 0 nproc = int(nproc) IncludeMags = True print 'nproc:',nproc,' outfile:',outfile sys.stdout.flush() #L_line = 1215.67 # Angstroms L_line = 3727.0 # Angstroms #Lyaz,izr,GalArr,Vol = get_lya(zrange) FiltArr,wrange = rf.read_filters() jpaslims = jp.get_jpaslims() app_type = 1 # 0 means per 3 arcsec diameter, 1 means per square arcsec cosmo = FlatLambdaCDM(H0=73, Om0=0.25) zrArr = comparat_zranges() zminlist = map(float,zrArr['zmin']) zmaxlist = map(float,zrArr['zmax']) minz = np.min(zminlist) maxz = np.max(zmaxlist) #maxz = np.max(zrArr['zmax']) print minz,maxz minsfr = 0.1 nFil = len(FiltArr['w']) CentralW = np.zeros(nFil) int_ab = np.zeros(nFil) p10p90W = np.zeros([nFil,2]) for i in range(nFil): CentralW[i] = wp.quantile(FiltArr['w'][i],FiltArr['t'][i],0.5) nz = np.where(FiltArr['w'][i] != 0) int_ab[i] = (integral.simps(FiltArr['t'][i][nz]/FiltArr['w'][i][nz],FiltArr['w'][i][nz])) p10p90W[i,0] = wp.quantile(FiltArr['w'][i][nz],FiltArr['t'][i][nz],0.1) p10p90W[i,1] = wp.quantile(FiltArr['w'][i][nz],FiltArr['t'][i][nz],0.9) print 'int_ab[i]',int_ab[i] print 'loading lightcone data' props = ['redshift','pos','Mz','Mcold','sfr','vel','stellarmass'] print 'now loading photo-ionisation grid' lineinfo,linesarr = read_photoion() nline = lineinfo['nlines'] usezspace = 1 # magtype stores both the value of the magnitude (float) and the # filter id (int) where that magnitude was computed. magtype = np.dtype('f4, i4') def read_lightcone_chunk(ip, nproc): GalArr,lLyc,ngg,DistNz,zdist = readmock_chunk(ip,nproc,props_array = props, zspace=usezspace,sfrmin=500) zcold = GalArr['Mcold']/GalArr['Mz'] qpar = qZrelation(zcold) # assuming default pars. # This stores all line luminosities for all galaxies # LinesLumArr[i,j] = Luminosity of line j for galaxy i. LinesLumArr = np.zeros((ngg,nline)) redshiftArr = np.zeros(ngg) SfrArr = np.zeros(ngg) MStellarArr = np.zeros(ngg) ZArr = np.zeros(ngg) print 'ip '+str(ip)+', computing lines for ngals=',ngg,' galaxies...' sys.stdout.flush() for ig in range(ngg): LinesLumArr[ig,:] = integ_line(lineinfo,linesarr,qpar[ig],zcold[ig],lLyc[ig],all_lines=True) redshiftArr[ig] = GalArr['redshift'][ig] SfrArr[ig] = GalArr['sfr'][ig] MStellarArr[ig] = GalArr['stellarmass'][ig] ZArr[ig] = zcold[ig] # LinesLumArr[ig,il] = iline print 'redshiftArr' , redshiftArr[0:10] print 'Lines[0,:]' , LinesLumArr[0,:] print 'Lines[10,:]' , LinesLumArr[10,:] print 'Lines[100,:]' , LinesLumArr[100,:] print 'zarr[100,:]' , ZArr[0:100] print 'Proc ip:'+str(ip)+' done with that.' # This stores the AB observed-frame apparent magnitude for all luminosities of all galaxies, indicating also to which filter # the stored magnitudes corresponds to. # MagsLumArr[i,j] = (AB magnitude, filter id) of line j of galaxy i. MagsLumArr = np.zeros((ngg,nline),dtype=magtype) realdist = np.sqrt(GalArr['pos'][:,0]**2 + GalArr['pos'][:,1]**2+GalArr['pos'][:,2]**2) log_dist = np.log10(realdist) + np.log10(mpc2cm_24)+24.0 + np.log10(1+GalArr['redshift']) if IncludeMags is True: for il in range(nline): L_line = lineinfo['lambda0'][il] wgal = L_line*(1 + GalArr['redshift']) log_Fline = LinesLumArr[:,il] - (np.log10(4*np.pi)+2*(log_dist)) FLine = 10**log_Fline for i in range(ngg): idFilter,Val = find_nearest_vector(CentralW,wgal[i]) if idFilter == 0: if wgal[i] < p10p90W[0,0]: MagsLumArr[i,il] = (-99,-99) continue elif idFilter == nFil-1: if wgal[i] > p10p90W[nFil-1,1]: MagsLumArr[i,il] = (99,99) continue else: nz = np.where(FiltArr['w'][idFilter] != 0) lamb = FiltArr['w'][idFilter][nz] tlamb = FiltArr['t'][idFilter][nz] tlam0 = np.interp(wgal[i],lamb,tlamb) # mag_app[i] = -2.5*(log_Fline[i]+ np.log10((wgal[i]*tlam0)/int_ab[idFilter]) - 18-np.log10(3.0)) - 48.60 mag_app = -2.5*(log_Fline[i]+ np.log10((wgal[i]*tlam0)/int_ab[idFilter]) - 18-np.log10(3.0)) - 48.60 MagsLumArr[i,il] = (mag_app, idFilter) filename = outfile + '.' + str(ip) nf = open(filename,"wb") print 'writing file '+filename nf.write(struct.pack('l',ngg)) nf.write(struct.pack('i',nline)) LinesLumArr.tofile(nf) if IncludeMags is True: MagsLumArr.tofile(nf) redshiftArr.tofile(nf) SfrArr.tofile(nf) MStellarArr.tofile(nf) ZArr.tofile(nf) nf.close() print 'file '+filename+' written succesfully.' return 1 if nproc == 1: processes = read_lightcone_chunk(0,1) else: print 'start processes' processes = [mp.Process(target=read_lightcone_chunk, args=(ip,nproc)) for ip in range(nproc)] for p in processes: p.start() for p in processes: p.join() return 1