コード例 #1
logfile = "logs/" + classifiername + "_" + dataname + crossvalidate + ".log"
log = open(logfile, 'w', bufsize)  # open general log file

for num in range(int(p['svm.initial']), fulltrainset.numInstances(),
                 (fulltrainset.numInstances() / int(p['svm.numdatapoints']))):
    trainset = Instances(fulltrainset, 0, num)  # create training set
    trainset.setClassIndex(trainset.numAttributes() - 1)

    for kerneltype in range(0, 4):
        log.write("---------------------------------\nTraining Set Size: " +
                  str(trainset.numInstances()) + ", Test Set Size: " +
                  str(testset.numInstances()) + ", Full data set size: " +
                  str(fulltrainset.numInstances()) + "\n")
        for dataset in [testset, fulltrainset]:
            algo = LibSVM()
            tag = SelectedTag(
                str(kerneltype), algo.TAGS_KERNELTYPE
            )  # 0 = linear, 1 = polynomial, 2 = radial basis function, 3 = sigmoid
            evaluation = Evaluation(trainset)
            output = PlainText()  # plain text output for predictions
            buffer = StringBuffer()  # buffer to use
            attRange = Range()  # no additional attributes output
            outputDistribution = Boolean(False)  # we don't want distribution
            x = time.time()
            if (int(crossvalidate)):
コード例 #2

# load data file
print "Loading data..."
file = FileReader(sys.argv[1])
data = Instances(file)

# set the class Index - the index of the dependent variable
data.setClassIndex(data.numAttributes() - 1)

# define the algorithms to be used.
algo_list = [(NaiveBayes(), 'NaiveBayes'), (BayesNet(), 'BayesNet'),
             (J48(), 'J48'), (JRip(), 'JRip'), (KStar(), 'KStar'),
             (RandomForest(), 'RandomForest'), (AdaBoostM1(), 'AdaBoostM1'),
             (MultilayerPerceptron(), 'MultilayerPerceptron'),
             (LibSVM(), 'LibSVM')]
algo_dict = dict([(x[1], x[0]) for x in algo_list])
algo_keys = [
    'NaiveBayes', 'J48', 'BayesNet', 'JRip', 'RandomForest', 'KStar',
    'AdaBoostM1', 'LibSVM', 'MultilayerPerceptron'

# example to set kernal type on libsvm.  Default is 2
#algo = algo_dict['LibSVM']
#tag = SelectedTag("1",algo.TAGS_KERNELTYPE)  # 0 = linear, 1 = polynomial, 2 = radial basis function, 3 = sigmoid

# train classifiers but filter out the name column first
print "Training classifiers..."
for key in algo_keys:
    algo = algo_dict[key]
コード例 #3
if (not (len(sys.argv) == 2)):
    print "Usage: supervised.py <ARFF-file>"

# load data file
print "Loading data..."
file = FileReader(sys.argv[1])
data = Instances(file)

# set the class Index - the index of the dependent variable
data.setClassIndex(data.numAttributes() - 1)

# define the algorithms to be used.
algo_list = [(NaiveBayes(), 'NaiveBayes'), (BayesNet(),'BayesNet'), (J48(),'J48'), (JRip(), 'JRip'),
                 (KStar(), 'KStar'), (RandomForest(), 'RandomForest'), (AdaBoostM1(),'AdaBoostM1'),
                 (MultilayerPerceptron(),'MultilayerPerceptron'), (LibSVM(), 'LibSVM')]
algo_dict = dict([(x[1], x[0]) for x in algo_list])
algo_keys = ['NaiveBayes', 'J48', 'BayesNet', 'JRip', 'RandomForest', 'KStar', 'AdaBoostM1', 'LibSVM', 'MultilayerPerceptron']

# example to set kernal type on libsvm.  Default is 2
algo = algo_dict['LibSVM']
tag = SelectedTag("1",algo.TAGS_KERNELTYPE)  # 0 = linear, 1 = polynomial, 2 = radial basis function, 3 = sigmoid

# train classifiers
print "Training classifiers..."
for key in algo_keys :
   algo = algo_dict[key]

# evaluate classifiers and print a result summary including confusion matrix