def score(ref_trn=None, hyp_trn=None): # ref_trn="hello world" # hyp_trn="hello duck" ref_trn = "/Users/user/github/spoken_langauge_understanding/ms_speech_recognition_system/M1_Introduction/misc/ref.trn" hyp_trn = "/Users/user/github/spoken_langauge_understanding/ms_speech_recognition_system/M1_Introduction/misc/hyp.trn" ref_trn_list = normalize_sent(ref_trn) hyp_trn_list = normalize_sent(hyp_trn) for ref, hyp in zip(ref_trn_list, hyp_trn_list): num_tokens, num_errors, num_deletions, num_insertions, num_substitutions = wer.string_edit_distance(ref=ref, hyp=hyp) wer_result = (num_substitutions + num_deletions + num_insertions) / num_tokens print(wer_result) print("-----------------------------------") print("Sentence Error Rate") print("-----------------------------------") print("-----------------------------------") print("Word Error Rate") print("Sum: N={}, Err={}, Sub={}, Del={}, Ins={}".format(num_tokens, num_errors, \ num_deletions, num_insertions, num_substitutions)) print("Avg: N={}, Err={}%, Sub={}%, Del={}%, Ins={}%".format( num_tokens, percent_round_off(num_errors, num_tokens), \ percent_round_off(num_deletions, num_tokens), percent_round_off(num_insertions, num_tokens), \ percent_round_off(num_substitutions, num_tokens))) print("-----------------------------------") return
def score(ref_trn=None, hyp_trn=None): sentence_error = 0 num_words = 0 word_error = 0 sub_error = 0 del_error = 0 ins_error = 0 ref_trn_tokens = {} hyp_trn_tokens = {} fh = open(ref_trn) for line in fh: ref_trn_tokens[line.split()[-1]] = line.split()[:-1] fh.close() fh = open(hyp_trn) for line in fh: hyp_trn_tokens[line.split()[-1]] = line.split()[:-1] fh.close() for key, value in ref_trn_tokens.items(): num_tokens, num_errors, num_deletions, num_insertions, num_substitutions = wer.string_edit_distance( ref=value, hyp=hyp_trn_tokens[key]) num_words += num_tokens if (num_errors != 0): sentence_error += 1 word_error += num_errors sub_error += num_substitutions del_error += num_deletions ins_error += num_insertions print("id: {0:s}".format(key)) print("Scores: N={0:d}, S={4:d}, D={2:d}, I={3:d}".format( num_tokens, num_errors, num_deletions, num_insertions, num_substitutions)) print() print('---------------------------------') print('Sentence Error Rate:') print('Sum: N={0:d}, Err={1:d}'.format(len(ref_trn_tokens), sentence_error)) print('Avg: N={0:d}, Err={1:0.2f}%'.format( len(ref_trn_tokens), 100 * sentence_error / len(ref_trn_tokens))) print('---------------------------------') print('Word Error Rate:') print('Sum: N={0:d}, Err={1:d}, Sub={2:d}, Del={3:d}, Ins={4:d}'.format( num_words, word_error, sub_error, del_error, ins_error)) print( 'Avg: N={0:d}, Err={1:0.2f}%, Sub={2:0.2f}%, Del={3:0.2f}%, Ins={4:0.2f}%' .format(num_words, 100 * word_error / num_words, 100 * sub_error / num_words, 100 * del_error / num_words, 100 * ins_error / num_words)) return
def score(ref_trn=None, hyp_trn=None): reference_string = "" hypothesis_string = "" num_sentences = 0 num_words = 0 num_sentences_error = 0 num_deletions = 0 num_insertions = 0 num_substitutions = 0 num_errors = 0 with open(ref_trn) as reference, open(hyp_trn) as hypothesis: for lineR, lineH in zip(reference, hypothesis): num_sentences += 1 id_pattern = re.compile(r'\(.+\)') id_ref_match = reference_string = lineR[:id_ref_match.start()] id_hyp_match = hypothesis_string = lineH[:id_hyp_match.start()] ref_word_list = reference_string.split() hyp_word_list = hypothesis_string.split() num_words += len(reference_string.split()) #print(reference_string + id_ref_match[0]) #print(hypothesis_string + id_hyp_match[0]) tokens, edits, deletions, insertions, substitutions = wer.string_edit_distance( ref=ref_word_list, hyp=hyp_word_list) if deletions != 0 or insertions != 0 or substitutions != 0: num_sentences_error += 1 num_errors += edits num_deletions += deletions num_insertions += insertions num_substitutions += substitutions print(f'''id: {id_ref_match[0]} Scores: N={tokens}, E={edits}, D={deletions}, I={insertions}, S={substitutions} ''') print(f'''----------------------------------- Sentence Error Rate: Sum: N={num_sentences}, Err={num_sentences_error} Avg: N={num_sentences}, Err={num_sentences_error/num_sentences*100:.2f}% ----------------------------------- Word Error Rate: Sum: N={num_words}, Err={num_errors}, Sub={num_substitutions}, Del={num_deletions}, Ins={num_insertions} Avg: N={num_words}, Err={num_errors/num_words*100:.2f}%, Sub={num_substitutions/num_words*100:.2f}%, Del={num_deletions/num_words*100:.2f}%, Ins={num_insertions/num_words*100:.2f}% -----------------------------------''') return
def score(ref_trn=None, hyp_trn=None): ref_dict = read_trn(ref_trn) hyp_dict = read_trn(hyp_trn) assert len(ref_dict) == len(hyp_dict) word2idx = {} word_to_idx(ref_dict, word2idx) word_to_idx(hyp_dict, word2idx) Err = 0 Sub = 0 Del = 0 Ins = 0 Tks = 0 ErrSen = 0 for hyp_k, hyp_v in hyp_dict.items(): if hyp_k not in ref_dict: raise RuntimeError("key {} not found in ref".format(hyp_k)) if hyp_k == '3170-137482-0006': print("hi") ref_v = ref_dict[hyp_k] ref_s = sen_to_idxs(ref_v, word2idx) hyp_s = sen_to_idxs(hyp_v, word2idx) (N, E, D, I, S) = wer.string_edit_distance(ref_s, hyp_s) if E > 0: ErrSen = ErrSen + 1 Tks = Tks + N Err = Err + E Sub = Sub + S Del = Del + D Ins = Ins + I print("id: ({})".format(hyp_k)) print("Scores: N={}, S={}, D={}, I={}\n".format(N, S, D, I)) N = len(ref_dict) print("-----------------------------------") print("Sentence Error Rate:") print("Sum: N={}, Err={}".format(N, ErrSen)) print("Avg: N={}, Err={:0.2f}%".format(N, 100. * ErrSen / N)) print("-----------------------------------") print("Word Error Rate:") print("Sum: N={}, Err={}, Sub={}, Del={}, Ins={}".format( Tks, Err, Sub, Del, Ins)) print("Avg: N={}, Err={:0.2f}%, Sub={:0.2f}%, Del={:0.2f}%, Ins={:0.2f}%". format(Tks, 100. * Err / Tks, 100. * Sub / Tks, 100. * Del / Tks, 100. * Ins / Tks)) print("-----------------------------------")
def score(ref_trn=None, hyp_trn=None): wer_sum = wer_err = wer_del = wer_ins = wer_sub = 0 ser_sum = ser_err = 0 for ref_line, hyp_line in zip(open(ref_trn), open(hyp_trn)): ref_m ='(.*) \((.*)\)', ref_line) hyp_m ='(.*) \((.*)\)', hyp_line) track_id = ref_string = hyp_string = print("id: ({})".format(track_id)) print("ref: {}".format(ref_string)) print("hyp: {}".format(hyp_string)) num_tokens, num_errors, num_deletions, num_insertions, num_substitutions = wer.string_edit_distance( ref=ref_string, hyp=hyp_string) print("Score N={} S={} D={} I={}".format(num_tokens, num_substitutions, num_deletions, num_insertions)) wer_sum += num_tokens wer_err += num_errors wer_del += num_deletions wer_sub += num_substitutions wer_ins += num_insertions ser_sum += 1 ser_err += 0 if num_errors == 0 else 1 print("") print("-----------------") print("Sentence Error Rate:") print("Sum: N={} Err={}".format(ser_sum, ser_err)) print("Avg: N={} Err={:.0%}".format(ser_sum, ser_err / ser_sum)) print("-----------------") print("Sentence Error Rate:") print("Sum: N={} Err={} Sub={} Del={} Ins={}".format( wer_sum, wer_err, wer_sub, wer_del, wer_ins)) print("Avg: N={} Err={:.0%} Sub={:.0%} Del={:.0%} Ins={:.0%}".format( wer_sum, wer_err / wer_sum, wer_sub / wer_sum, wer_del / wer_sum, wer_ins / wer_sum)) print("-----------------") return
def score(ref_trn=None, hyp_trn=None): ref = trn_to_dict('misc/ref.trn') hyp = trn_to_dict('misc/hyp.trn') n_error_sentences = 0 n_sentences = 0 n_word = 0 n_error_word = 0 total_del = 0 total_insert = 0 total_sub = 0 for key in ref: hyp_trans = hyp.get(key) ref_trans = ref[key] num_tokens, num_errors, num_deletions, num_insertions, num_substitutions = wer.string_edit_distance(ref_trans, hyp_trans) n_word += num_tokens n_error_word += num_errors total_del += num_deletions total_insert += num_insertions total_sub += num_substitutions n_sentences += 1 n_error_sentences += (1 if num_errors > 0 else 0) arg = { 'nsentence': n_sentences, 'n_error_sentence': n_error_sentences, 'ser': n_error_sentences//n_sentences, 'nwords': n_word, 'nsub': num_substitutions, 'ninsert': num_insertions, 'ndel': num_deletions, 'psub': num_substitutions/n_word * 100, 'pins': num_insertions/n_word * 100, 'pdel': num_deletions/n_word * 100, 'wer': n_error_word/n_word * 100, } report_str = ('Total sendtences: {nsentence},\n' 'Num sentences with an error: {n_error_sentence},\n' 'SER: {ser},\n' 'Total words: {nwords},\n' 'nsub, ninsert, ndel: {nsub}, {ninsert}, {ndel},\n' 'psub, pinsert, pdel: {psub}%, {pins}%, {pdel}%,\n' 'WER: {wer}').format(**arg) print(report_str) return
def score(ref_trn=None, hyp_trn=None): # Lectura de archivos .trf filehand_ref = open(ref_trn, 'r') filehand_hyp = open(hyp_trn, 'r') # Conteo de la cantidad de frases number_sentences = 0 # Variable para contar las frases con errores sentences_error = 0 # Palabras dentro del archivo REF reference_words = 0 # Errores globales errors = 0 sust = 0 inser = 0 delet = 0 print('\nResultados:\n') # Loop dentro del archio REF while True: line_r = filehand_ref.readline() if not line_r: break number_sentences += 1 line_list_r = line_r.split() # Separo una línea en PRHASE e ID phrase_ID = line_list_r.pop(-1) phrase_words_r = line_list_r reference_words = reference_words + len(phrase_words_r) # LOOP dentro de archivo HYP para cada linea del Archivo REF, usando el ID como tag while True: line_h = filehand_hyp.readline() line_list_h = line_h.split() if line_list_h[-1] == phrase_ID: line_list_h.pop(-1) phrase_words_h = line_list_h num_tokens, num_errors, num_deletions, num_insertions, num_substitutions = wer.string_edit_distance( ref=phrase_words_r, hyp=phrase_words_h) errors = errors + num_errors sust = sust + num_substitutions inser = inser + num_insertions delet = delet + num_deletions WER = (num_substitutions + num_insertions + num_deletions) / len(phrase_words_r) if not num_errors == 0: sentences_error += 1 print('ID:', phrase_ID, '\n' 'Palabras de referencia:', phrase_words_r, '\n' 'Palabras Adivinadas:', phrase_words_h, '\n' 'E:', num_errors, 'D:', num_deletions, 'S:', num_substitutions, 'I:', num_insertions) break sentences_error_perc = round(sentences_error / number_sentences * 100) WER_global = round(errors / reference_words * 100) Del_global = round(delet / reference_words * 100) Sust_global = round(sust / reference_words * 100) Ins_global = round(inser / reference_words * 100) # Salida en formato text print('El numero de sentencias es:', number_sentences, '\nEl numero de Sentencias con errores es:', sentences_error, '\n' 'El porcentaje de sentencias con errores es', sentences_error_perc, '% \n' 'El numero total de palabras en el archivo REF es', reference_words, '\n' 'Errores totales:', errors, 'WER:', Sust_global, '% \n' 'Sustituciones totales:', sust, Sust_global, ' % \n' 'Inserciones totales:', inser, Ins_global, ' % \n' 'Supreciones totales:', delet, Del_global, ' % \n') return
def score(ref_trn=None, hyp_trn=None): t_sen = 0 t_esen = 0 t_w = 0 t_i = 0 t_d = 0 t_s = 0 t_e = 0 with open(ref_trn) as f1, open(hyp_trn) as f2: for x, y in zip(f1, f2): x = x.split() y = y.split() #try: # x.remove('') # y.remove('') #except: # pass num_tokens, num_errors, num_deletions, num_insertions, num_substitutions = wer.string_edit_distance( ref=x, hyp=y) print("Id:" + str(x[len(x) - 1]) + "Scores: N=%i ,S=%i ,D=%i ,I=%i" % (num_tokens - 1, num_substitutions, num_deletions, num_insertions)) print(" ") t_sen = t_sen + 1 if num_errors > 0: t_esen = t_esen + 1 t_w = t_w + num_tokens - 1 t_d = t_d + num_deletions t_s = t_s + num_substitutions t_i = t_i + num_insertions t_e = t_e + num_errors print("Sentence Error Rate:") print("Sum: N=%i ,Error Sentences=%i" % (t_sen, t_esen)) print("Average: N=%i ,Error precentage=%f" % (t_sen, (t_esen / t_sen) * 100)) print("Word Error Rate:") print( "Sum: N=%i ,Total Error=%i, Substitution=%i, Deletion=%i, Insertion=%i" % (t_w, t_e, t_s, t_d, t_i)) print( "Average: N=%i ,Error precentage=%f,Subs. Error precentage=%f,Del. Error precentage=%f,Inser. Error precentage=%f" % (t_w, (t_e / t_w) * 100, (t_s / t_w) * 100, (t_d / t_w) * 100, (t_i / t_w) * 100)) return
def score(ref_trn=None, hyp_trn=None): ref_trn_dic, hyp_trn_dic = build_transcriptions_dics(ref_trn, hyp_trn) total_num_of_words = 0 total_num_of_ref_sent = len(ref_trn_dic) sentences_with_errors = 0 total_errors = 0 total_substitutions, total_insertions, total_deletions = 0, 0, 0 for (key, value) in hyp_trn_dic.items(): reference_string = ref_trn_dic[key] hypothesis_string = value for ref_word, hyp_word in zip(reference_string.split(), hypothesis_string.split()): num_tokens, num_errors, num_deletions, num_insertions, num_substitutions = wer.string_edit_distance( ref=ref_word, hyp=hyp_word) total_num_of_words += num_tokens total_errors += num_errors total_deletions += num_deletions total_insertions += num_insertions total_substitutions += num_substitutions if num_errors > 0: sentences_with_errors += 1 print() print( "====================================================================") print("Total number of reference sentences: " + str(total_num_of_ref_sent)) print("Num of sentences with error: " + str(sentences_with_errors)) print("SER: " + __format_str(total_num_of_ref_sent, sentences_with_errors)) print() print("Total number of:") print("\tWords: " + str(total_num_of_words)) print("\tErrors: " + str(total_errors)) print("\tDeletions: " + str(total_deletions)) print("\tInsertions: " + str(total_insertions)) print("\tSubstitutions: " + str(total_substitutions)) print( "WER: " + __format_str(total_substitutions + total_insertions + total_deletions, total_num_of_words)) print( "====================================================================") return
def score(ref_trn=None, hyp_trn=None): num_ref_sent, ref_dict = read_file(ref_trn) #refernce transcription _, hyp_dict = read_file(hyp_trn) num_err_sents = 0 #number of sentences with errors total_ref_w = 0 #total number of reference words w_errors = 0 #total number of word errors total_deletions = 0 total_insertions = 0 total_substitutions = 0 for k in ref_dict: if k in hyp_dict: #print(k) num_tokens, num_errors, num_deletions, num_insertions, num_substitutions = wer.string_edit_distance( ref_dict[k], hyp_dict[k]) # print(num_tokens, num_errors, num_deletions, num_insertions, num_substitutions) total_ref_w += num_tokens #increas number of reference words if num_errors != 0: num_err_sents += 1 #increase number of error sentences w_errors += num_errors #increase number of error words total_deletions += num_deletions total_insertions += num_insertions total_substitutions += num_substitutions ###reports## WER = w_errors / total_ref_w #word error rate SER = num_err_sents / num_ref_sent #sentence error rate deletions_per = total_deletions / total_ref_w #he percentage of deletions insertions_per = total_insertions / total_ref_w #The percentage of insertions substitutions_per = total_substitutions / total_ref_w #The percentage of substitutions output = """Total number of reference sentences in the test set: {} sentences \n Number of sentences with an error :{} \n SER :{:2f} % \n Total number of reference words : {} words \n Total number of word errors : {} \n Total number of word substitutions, insertions, and deletions : {} , {} , {} \n WER :{:2f} % \n " percentage of substitutions, insertions, and deletions : {:2f} % ,{:2f} % , {:2f} % """.format( num_ref_sent, num_err_sents, 100 * SER, total_ref_w, w_errors, total_substitutions, total_insertions, total_deletions, 100 * WER, 100 * substitutions_per, 100 * insertions_per, 100 * deletions_per) print(output) return WER, SER