コード例 #1
ファイル: memcached.py プロジェクト: cloudappsetup/kalapy
class Store(SessionStore):

    def __init__(self, session_class=None):
        super(Store, self).__init__(session_class)
        if settings.DATABASE_ENGINE == 'gae':
            self.cache = GAEMemcachedCache(default_timeout=0)
            server = settings.SESSION_OPTIONS.get('memcached_servers', [])
            self.cache = MemcachedCache(servers, default_timeout=0)

    def save(self, session):
        self.cache.set(session.sid, dict(session))

    def delete(self, session):

    def get(self, sid):
        if not self.is_valid_key(sid):
            return self.session_class.new()
            data = self.cache.get(sid)
            data = {}
        return self.session_class(data, sid, False)

    def list(self):
        return self.cache.get_dict().keys()
コード例 #2
ファイル: memcached.py プロジェクト: garyyeap/zoe-robot
class Store(SessionStore):

    def __init__(self, session_class=None):
        super(Store, self).__init__(session_class)
        if settings.DATABASE_ENGINE == 'gae':
            self.cache = GAEMemcachedCache(default_timeout=0)
            server = settings.SESSION_OPTIONS.get('memcached_servers', [])
            self.cache = MemcachedCache(servers, default_timeout=0)

    def save(self, session):
        self.cache.set(session.sid, dict(session))

    def delete(self, session):

    def get(self, sid):
        if not self.is_valid_key(sid):
            return self.session_class.new()
            data = self.cache.get(sid)
            data = {}
        return self.session_class(data, sid, False)

    def list(self):
        return self.cache.get_dict().keys()
コード例 #3
ファイル: cache.py プロジェクト: HerlanAssis/web-comics
class RepoCache:
    def __init__(self, timeout=18000, version=None):
        cache_host = os.environ.get('CACHE_HOST')
        cache_port = os.environ.get('CACHE_PORT')
        # cache_username = os.environ.get('CACHE_USERNAME')
        # cache_password = os.environ.get('CACHE_PASSWORD')

        self._cache = MemcachedCache(['{}:{}'.format(cache_host, cache_port)])
        # self._cache = bmemcached.Client(
        # [cache_host], username=cache_username, password=cache_password)

        self._timeout = timeout
        self._version = version

    def get_cache(self, key):
        return self._cache.get(key)

    def set_cache(self, key, value):
        return self._cache.set(key, value, self._timeout)

    def delete_cache(self, key):
        return self._cache.delete(key, self._version)
コード例 #4
def create_vnffg_v2():
    """Sends and instantiates all VNFDs and VNFFGDs to the NFVO communication agent

    If an error occurs it also calls rollback actions

    JSON input parameters are:
        - sfc_uuid: the unique identifier of the composed SFC to be started

    :return: OK if all succeed, or ERROR and its reason
    vnffgd = None

    cache = MemcachedCache()

    if 'sfc_uuid' in request.json:
        vnffgd = cache.get(request.json['sfc_uuid'])

    if not vnffgd:
        return jsonify({'status': ERROR, 'reason': 'SFC UUID not found!'})

    database = DatabaseConnection()

    vnf_instance_list = []
    vnf_mapping = {}

    constituent_vnfs = vnffgd['vnffgd']['template']['vnffgd']['topology_template'] \
    # configuring VNFFGD unique name
    vnffgd['vnffgd']['name'] = unique_id()

    # instantiating all VNFDs in VNFFGD
    for vnfd_name in constituent_vnfs:
        result, data = database.list_catalog(vnfd_name=vnfd_name)
        if result != OK:
            return jsonify({'status': result, 'reason': data})

        vnf_data = instantiate_vnf(data[0]['_id'])  # returns a flask.Response object
        # vnf_data = json.loads(vnf_data.response[0])  # parsing from string do json
        vnf_data = vnf_data.json

        # Rollback action if a given VNF fails on instantiating
        if vnf_data['status'] != OK:
            message = sfc_rollback_actions(vnf_instance_list)
            vnf_data['reason'] = ' '.join([vnf_data['reason'], message])

            return jsonify(vnf_data)

        vnf_mapping[vnfd_name] = vnf_data['vnf_id']

    # incrementing SFP path_id number in VNFFGD
    # TODO: consider put the set_next_vnffgd_path_id() in a critical region to avoid condition racing
    result, data = set_next_vnffgd_path_id(vnffgd)
    if result != OK:
        message = sfc_rollback_actions(vnf_instance_list)
        data = ' '.join([data, message])
        return jsonify({'status': result, 'reason': data})

    # create VNFFGD in NFVO
    resp, data = tacker_agent.vnffgd_create(vnffgd)
    # TODO: critical region until here

    # show the ultimate created VNFFGD
    logger.info('VNFFGD Template UUID: %s\n%s', request.json['sfc_uuid'], json.dumps(vnffgd, indent=4, sort_keys=True))

    if resp != OK:  # Rollback actions
        message = sfc_rollback_actions(vnf_instance_list)
        data = ' '.join([data, message])
        return jsonify({'status': resp, 'reason': data})

    vnffgd_id = data
    logger.info("VNFFG descriptor created with id %s", vnffgd_id)

    # instantiate VNFFG
    resp, data = tacker_agent.vnffg_create(vnffgd_id, vnf_mapping, unique_id())

    if resp != OK:  # Rollback actions
        message = sfc_rollback_actions(vnf_instance_list, vnffgd_id)
        message = ' '.join([data, message])
        return jsonify({'status': resp, 'reason': message})

    vnffg_id = data
    logger.info("VNFFG %s instantiated successfully!", vnffg_id)

    resp, data = database.insert_sfc_instance(vnf_instance_list, vnffgd_id, vnffg_id)
    if resp != OK:  # Rollback actions

        vnffg_resp, vnffg_data = tacker_agent.vnffg_delete(vnffg_id)
        if vnffg_resp != OK:
            return jsonify({'status': vnffg_resp, 'reason': ': '.join(['VNFFG', vnffg_data])})

        message = sfc_rollback_actions(vnf_instance_list, vnffgd_id)
        message = ' '.join([data, message])
        return jsonify({'status': resp, 'reason': message})


    return jsonify({'status': OK})
コード例 #5
ファイル: utils.py プロジェクト: orderlin/simple-qq-bot
class Memcache:
    WAIT_ASK = 1

    def __init__(self):
        self.cache = MemcachedCache([''])

    def get(self, key):
        ret = self.cache.get(key)
            ret = ret.decode('utf-8')
        return ret

    def set(self, key, value):
            value = value.encode('utf-8')
        return self.cache.set(key, value, timeout=600)

    def delete(self, key):
        return self.cache.delete(key)

    def check_history(self, qid, gid=0):
        r = self.get(u'H' + str(qid) + u'G' + str(gid))
        if r is None:
            return r, r
        if r == self.WAIT_ANSWER:
            return self.WAIT_ANSWER, self.get(u'A' + str(qid) + u'G' +
        if r == self.WAIT_ASK:
            return self.WAIT_ASK, None
        return None

    def set_before_ask(self, qid, gid=0):
        self.set(u'H' + str(qid) + u'G' + str(gid), self.WAIT_ASK)

    def set_before_answer(self, qid, ask, gid=0):
        self.set(u'A' + str(qid) + u'G' + str(gid), ask)
        self.set(u'H' + str(qid) + u'G' + str(gid), self.WAIT_ANSWER)

    def clear_state(self, qid, gid=0):
        self.delete(u'A' + str(qid) + u'G' + str(gid))
        self.delete(u'H' + str(qid) + u'G' + str(gid))

    def last_warn_time(self, qid):
        self.set(u'W' + str(qid), time.time())

    def check_last_chat_same(self, qid, msg):
        if self.get(u'LC' + str(qid)) and self.get(u'LC' + str(qid)) == msg:
            return self.last_chat_count(qid, add=True)
        self.set(u'LC' + str(qid), msg)
        self.set(u'LCC' + str(qid), 1)
        return True

    def last_chat_count(self, qid, add=False):
        lcc = self.get(u'LCC' + str(qid))
        if not lcc:
            self.set(u'LCC' + str(qid), 1)
            return True
        if add and lcc <= AdvancedSettings.same_response_limit:
            self.cache.inc(u'LCC' + str(qid))
            lcc += 1
        return lcc < AdvancedSettings.same_response_limit

    def check_block_user(self, qid):
        x = self.get(u'BU' + str(qid))
        if x is not None:
            return x
        db = MyDB()
        is_blocked = db.check_blocked(qid, 'user')
        self.set(u'BU' + str(qid), is_blocked)
        return is_blocked

    def check_block_group(self, gid):
        x = self.get(u'BG' + str(gid))
        if x is not None:
            return x
        db = MyDB()
        is_blocked = db.check_blocked(gid, 'group')
        self.set(u'BG' + str(gid), is_blocked)
        return is_blocked

    def check_disable_group(self, gid):
        x = self.get(u'BD' + str(gid))
        if x is not None:
            return x
        db = MyDB()
        is_disabled = db.check_disabled(gid)
        self.set(u'BD' + str(gid), is_disabled)
        return is_disabled