def report_routes(self, reportname, docids=None, converter=None, **data): report_obj = request.env['report'] context = dict(request.env.context) if docids: docids = [int(i) for i in docids.split(',')] if data.get('options'): data.update(json.loads(data.pop('options'))) if data.get('context'): # Ignore 'lang' here, because the context in data is the one from the webclient *but* if # the user explicitely wants to change the lang, this mechanism overwrites it. data['context'] = json.loads(data['context']) if data['context'].get('lang'): del data['context']['lang'] context.update(data['context']) if converter == 'html': html = report_obj.with_context(context).get_html(docids, reportname, data=data) return request.make_response(html) elif converter == 'pdf': pdf = report_obj.with_context(context).get_pdf(docids, reportname, data=data) pdfhttpheaders = [('Content-Type', 'application/pdf'), ('Content-Length', len(pdf))] return request.make_response(pdf, headers=pdfhttpheaders) else: raise exceptions.HTTPException( description='Converter %s not implemented.' % converter)
def report_routes(self, reportname, docids=None, converter=None, **data): report_obj = request.registry['report'] cr, uid, context =, request.uid, request.context if docids: docids = [int(i) for i in docids.split(',')] options_data = None if data.get('options'): options_data = simplejson.loads(data['options']) if data.get('context'): # Ignore 'lang' here, because the context in data is the one from the webclient *but* if # the user explicitely wants to change the lang, this mechanism overwrites it. data_context = simplejson.loads(data['context']) if data_context.get('lang'): del data_context['lang'] context.update(data_context) if converter == 'html': html = report_obj.get_html(cr, uid, docids, reportname, data=options_data, context=context) return request.make_response(html) elif converter == 'xls': xls = report_obj.get_xls(cr, uid, docids, reportname, data=options_data, context=context) xlshttpheaders = [('Content-Type', 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet'), ('Cache-Control', 'max-age=0'), ('Content-Length', len(xls))] return request.make_response(xls, headers=xlshttpheaders) elif converter == 'pdf': pdf = report_obj.get_pdf(cr, uid, docids, reportname, data=options_data, context=context) pdfhttpheaders = [('Content-Type', 'application/pdf'), ('Content-Length', len(pdf))] return request.make_response(pdf, headers=pdfhttpheaders) else: raise exceptions.HTTPException(description='Converter %s not implemented.' % converter)
def report_routes(self, reportname, docids=None, converter=None, **data): report_obj = request.registry['report'] cr, uid, context =, request.uid, request.context if docids: docids = [int(i) for i in docids.split(',')] options_data = None if data.get('options'): options_data = simplejson.loads(data['options']) if data.get('context'): context.update(simplejson.loads(data['context'])) if converter == 'html': html = report_obj.get_html(cr, uid, docids, reportname, data=options_data, context=context) return request.make_response(html) elif converter == 'pdf': pdf = report_obj.get_pdf(cr, uid, docids, reportname, data=options_data, context=context) pdfhttpheaders = [('Content-Type', 'application/pdf'), ('Content-Length', len(pdf))] return request.make_response(pdf, headers=pdfhttpheaders) else: raise exceptions.HTTPException( description='Converter %s not implemented.' % converter)
def _check_listener_exists(self, listener_id): # check if we know about that listener if not os.path.exists(util.config_path(listener_id)): raise exceptions.HTTPException(response=webob.Response(json=dict( message='Listener Not Found', details="No listener with UUID: {0}".format(listener_id)), status=404))
def report_barcode(self, type, value, width=600, height=100, humanreadable=0): """Contoller able to render barcode images thanks to reportlab. Samples: <img t-att-src="'/report/barcode/QR/%s' %"/> <img t-att-src="'/report/barcode/?type=%s&value=%s&width=%s&height=%s' % ('QR',, 200, 200)"/> :param type: Accepted types: 'Codabar', 'Code11', 'Code128', 'EAN13', 'EAN8', 'Extended39', 'Extended93', 'FIM', 'I2of5', 'MSI', 'POSTNET', 'QR', 'Standard39', 'Standard93', 'UPCA', 'USPS_4State' :param humanreadable: Accepted values: 0 (default) or 1. 1 will insert the readable value at the bottom of the output image """ try: width, height, humanreadable = int(width), int(height), bool( humanreadable) barcode = createBarcodeDrawing(type, value=value, format='png', width=width, height=height, humanReadable=humanreadable) barcode = barcode.asString('png') except (ValueError, AttributeError): raise exceptions.HTTPException( description='Cannot convert into barcode.') return request.make_response(barcode, headers=[('Content-Type', 'image/png')])
def _check_udp_listener_exists(self, listener_id): if not os.path.exists(util.keepalived_lvs_cfg_path(listener_id)): raise exceptions.HTTPException( response=webob.Response(json=dict( message='UDP Listener Not Found', details="No UDP listener with UUID: {0}".format( listener_id)), status=404))
def _bring_if_up(cls, interface, what, flush=True): # Note, we are not using pyroute2 for this as it is not /etc/netns # aware. # Work around for bug: # int_up = "ip netns exec {ns} ip link set {int} up".format( ns=consts.AMPHORA_NAMESPACE, int=interface) addr_flush = "ip netns exec {ns} ip addr flush {int}".format( ns=consts.AMPHORA_NAMESPACE, int=interface) cmd = ("ip netns exec {ns} ifup {params}".format( ns=consts.AMPHORA_NAMESPACE, params=interface)) try: out = subprocess.check_output(int_up.split(), stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) LOG.debug(out) if flush: out = subprocess.check_output(addr_flush.split(), stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) LOG.debug(out) out = subprocess.check_output(cmd.split(), stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) LOG.debug(out) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: LOG.error('Failed to ifup %s due to error: %s %s', interface, e, e.output) raise exceptions.HTTPException(response=webob.Response(json=dict( message='Error plugging {0}'.format(what), details=e.output), status=500))
def _check_lb_exists(self, lb_id): # check if we know about that lb if lb_id not in util.get_loadbalancers(): raise exceptions.HTTPException(response=webob.Response(json=dict( message='Loadbalancer Not Found', details="No loadbalancer with UUID: {0}".format(lb_id)), status=404))
def _check_listener_exists(listener_id): # check if we know about that listener if not os.path.exists(util.config_path(listener_id)): raise exceptions.HTTPException( response=flask.make_response(flask.jsonify(dict( message='Listener Not Found', details="No listener with UUID: {0}".format( listener_id))), 404))
def report_barcode(self, type, value, width=None, height=None, humanreadable=0, lines=1): # TODO: Add "PDF417" support. # TODO: Support for multiple barcode lines for all codes. try: bs = barcode.createBarcodeImageInMemory(type, value, width=width and int(width) or None, height=height and int(height) or None, human_readable=bool(humanreadable), lines=lines and int(lines) or 1) except (ValueError, AttributeError) as e: raise exceptions.HTTPException(description='Cannot convert into barcode.') return request.make_response(bs, headers=[('Content-Type', 'image/png')])
def _interface_by_mac(mac): for interface in netifaces.interfaces(): if netifaces.AF_LINK in netifaces.ifaddresses(interface): for link in netifaces.ifaddresses(interface)[netifaces.AF_LINK]: if link.get('addr', '').lower() == mac.lower(): return interface raise exceptions.HTTPException( response=flask.make_response(flask.jsonify(dict( details="No suitable network interface found")), 404))
def _interface_by_mac(self, mac): for interface in netifaces.interfaces(): if netifaces.AF_LINK in netifaces.ifaddresses(interface): for link in netifaces.ifaddresses(interface)[ netifaces.AF_LINK]: if link.get('addr', '').lower() == mac.lower(): return interface raise exceptions.HTTPException(response=webob.Response(json=dict( details="No suitable network interface found"), status=404))
def conecta(self, ids): print "CONTROLLER ##########################################################", self.uid, self.pool =, request.uid, request.registry def append_pdf(input, output): [ output.addPage(input.getPage(page_num)) for page_num in range(input.numPages) ] if isinstance(ids, unicode): ids = eval(ids) # (int(i) for i in ids.split(',')) contracts = request.env['hr.contract'].sudo().search([('id', 'in', ids)]) combined = StringIO() output = PdfFileWriter() pdf_form = PdfTemplate() # ? template. contract.type_id_template for contract in contracts: fields = [ ('ID_EMPR', contract.company_id.vat), ('Texto4',, ('Texto5', contract.company_id.manager_id.identification_id), ('Texto6', 'APODERADO'), ('Texto7',, ('Texto8', contract.company_id.street), ('Texto9', u'ESPAÑA'), ('Texto10', '724'), ('NOM_TRA', contract.employee_id.name_id.firstname), ('APE1_TRA', contract.employee_id.name_id.lastname), ('APE2_TRA', contract.employee_id.name_id.lastname2), ] result = pdf_form.render(fields, contract.type_id.template) append_pdf(PdfFileReader(StringIO(result)), output) for clause in contract.clause_ids: append_pdf( PdfFileReader(StringIO(base64.b64decode(clause.file))), output) output.write(combined) pdfhttpheaders = [ ('Content-Type', 'application/pdf'), ('Content-Length', len(combined.getvalue())), ('Content-Disposition', content_disposition('Contratos' + '.pdf')), ] return request.make_response(combined.getvalue(), headers=pdfhttpheaders) else: raise exceptions.HTTPException(description='NOT implemented.')
def _bring_if_up(params, what): # bring interface up cmd = "ifup {params}".format(params=params) try: subprocess.check_output(cmd.split(), stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: LOG.debug("Failed to if up %s", e) raise exceptions.HTTPException( response=flask.make_response(flask.jsonify(dict( message='Error plugging {0}'.format(what), details=e.output)), 500))
def __init__(self, limit): self.limit = limit # Set defaults self.code = 429 self.body = self.get_body() self.headers = self.get_headers() # Get the description if limit.error_message: self.description = limit.error_message if not callable( limit.error_message) else limit.error_message() else: self.description = text_type(limit.limit) # If error is given, get body & headers if self.limit.error_code: self.code = limit.error_code exception = exceptions.HTTPException(description=self.description) # Some common error codes, can add more here if self.code == 400: exception = exceptions.BadRequest() elif self.code == 401: exception = exceptions.Unauthorized() elif self.code == 403: exception = exceptions.Forbidden() elif self.code == 404: exception = exceptions.NotFound() elif self.code == 405: exception = exceptions.MethodNotAllowed() elif self.code == 406: exception = exceptions.NotAcceptable() elif self.code == 418: exception = exceptions.ImATeapot() # <3 elif self.code == 500: exception = exceptions.InternalServerError() elif self.code == 501: exception = exceptions.NotImplemented() # Update body & headers self.body = exception.get_body() self.headers = exception.get_headers() else: exception = exceptions.TooManyRequests( description=self.description) # Update body & headers self.body = exception.get_body() self.headers = exception.get_headers() super(RateLimitExceeded, self).__init__(description=self.description, response=Response(self.body, self.code, self.headers))
def _bring_if_up(self, interface, what): # Note, we are not using pyroute2 for this as it is not /etc/netns # aware. cmd = ("ip netns exec {ns} ifup {params}".format( ns=consts.AMPHORA_NAMESPACE, params=interface)) try: subprocess.check_output(cmd.split(), stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: LOG.error('Failed to if up %s due to error: %s', interface, e) raise exceptions.HTTPException(response=webob.Response(json=dict( message='Error plugging {0}'.format(what), details=e.output), status=500))
def setUp(self): super(AppTestCase, self).setUp() = app self.api_utils = api_utils self.flask = flask self.auth_token = auth_token self.render = self.patch(self.api_utils, 'render') self.fake_ff = self.patch(self.auth_token, 'filter_factory') self.ex = werkzeug_exceptions.HTTPException() self.ex.code = 1313 self.ex.description = "my favourite error"
def _bring_if_up(interface, what): # Note, we are not using pyroute2 for this as it is not /etc/netns # aware. cmd = ("ip netns exec {ns} ifup {params}".format( ns=consts.AMPHORA_NAMESPACE, params=interface)) try: subprocess.check_output(cmd.split(), stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: LOG.error(_LE('Failed to if up {0} due to ' 'error: {1}').format(interface, str(e))) raise exceptions.HTTPException( response=flask.make_response(flask.jsonify(dict( message='Error plugging {0}'.format(what), details=e.output)), 500))
def test_exception_repr(): exc = exceptions.NotFound() assert text_type(exc) == ( "404 Not Found: The requested URL was not found on the server." " If you entered the URL manually please check your spelling" " and try again.") assert repr(exc) == "<NotFound '404: Not Found'>" exc = exceptions.NotFound("Not There") assert text_type(exc) == "404 Not Found: Not There" assert repr(exc) == "<NotFound '404: Not Found'>" exc = exceptions.HTTPException("An error message") assert text_type(exc) == "??? Unknown Error: An error message" assert repr(exc) == "<HTTPException '???: Unknown Error'>"
def test_exception_repr(): exc = exceptions.NotFound() assert text_type(exc) == ( '404 Not Found: The requested URL was not found ' 'on the server. If you entered the URL manually please check your ' 'spelling and try again.') assert repr(exc) == "<NotFound '404: Not Found'>" exc = exceptions.NotFound('Not There') assert text_type(exc) == '404 Not Found: Not There' assert repr(exc) == "<NotFound '404: Not Found'>" exc = exceptions.HTTPException('An error message') assert text_type(exc) == '??? Unknown Error: An error message' assert repr(exc) == "<HTTPException '???: Unknown Error'>"
def report_routes(self, reportname, docids=None, converter=None, **data): report_obj = request.registry['report'] cr, uid, context =, request.uid, request.context if docids: docids = [int(i) for i in docids.split(',')] if data.get('options'): data.update(json.loads(data.pop('options'))) if data.get('context'): # Ignore 'lang' here, because the context in data is the # one from the webclient *but* if the user explicitely # wants to change the lang, this mechanism overwrites it. data['context'] = json.loads(data['context']) if data['context'].get('lang'): del data['context']['lang'] context.update(data['context']) if converter == 'xls': xls = report_obj.get_xls(cr, uid, docids, reportname, data=data, context=context) xlsxhttpheaders = [ ('Content-Type', 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.' 'spreadsheetml.sheet'), ('Content-Length', len(xls)) ] return request.make_response(xls, headers=xlsxhttpheaders) elif converter == 'ods': ods = report_obj.get_ods(cr, uid, docids, reportname, data=data, context=context) odshttpheaders = [ ('Content-Type', 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet'), ('Content-Length', len(ods)) ] return request.make_response(ods, headers=odshttpheaders) else: raise exceptions.HTTPException( description='Converter %s not implemented.' % converter)
def _interface_by_mac(self, mac): for interface in netifaces.interfaces(): if netifaces.AF_LINK in netifaces.ifaddresses(interface): for link in netifaces.ifaddresses(interface)[ netifaces.AF_LINK]: if link.get('addr', '').lower() == mac.lower(): return interface # Poke the kernel to re-enumerate the PCI bus. # We have had cases where nova hot plugs the interface but # the kernel doesn't get the memo. filename = '/sys/bus/pci/rescan' flags = os.O_WRONLY if os.path.isfile(filename): with os.fdopen(, flags), 'w') as rescan_file: rescan_file.write('1') raise exceptions.HTTPException(response=webob.Response(json=dict( details="No suitable network interface found"), status=404))
def report_routes(self, reportname, docids=None, converter=None, **data): if converter != 'py3o': return super(ReportController, self).report_routes(reportname=reportname, docids=docids, converter=converter, **data) context = dict(request.env.context) if docids: docids = [int(i) for i in docids.split(',')] if data.get('options'): data.update(json.loads(data.pop('options'))) if data.get('context'): # Ignore 'lang' here, because the context in data is the # one from the webclient *but* if the user explicitely wants to # change the lang, this mechanism overwrites it. data['context'] = json.loads(data['context']) if data['context'].get('lang'): del data['context']['lang'] context.update(data['context']) ir_action = request.env[''] action_py3o_report = ir_action.get_from_report_name( reportname, "py3o").with_context(context) if not action_py3o_report: raise exceptions.HTTPException( description='Py3o action report not found for report_name ' '%s' % reportname) context['report_name'] = reportname py3o_report = request.env[''].create({ 'ir_actions_report_xml_id': }).with_context(context) res, filetype = py3o_report.create_report(docids, data) filename = action_py3o_report.gen_report_download_filename( docids, data) content_type = mimetypes.guess_type("x." + filetype)[0] http_headers = [('Content-Type', content_type), ('Content-Length', len(res)), ('Content-Disposition', content_disposition(filename))] return request.make_response(res, headers=http_headers)
def report_routes(self, reportname, docids=None, converter=None, **data): if converter != "py3o": return super(ReportController, self).report_routes(reportname=reportname, docids=docids, converter=converter, **data) context = dict(request.env.context) if docids: docids = [int(i) for i in docids.split(",")] if data.get("options"): data.update(json.loads(data.pop("options"))) if data.get("context"): # Ignore 'lang' here, because the context in data is the # one from the webclient *but* if the user explicitely wants to # change the lang, this mechanism overwrites it. data["context"] = json.loads(data["context"]) if data["context"].get("lang"): del data["context"]["lang"] context.update(data["context"]) ir_action = request.env[""] action_py3o_report = ir_action.get_from_report_name( reportname, "py3o").with_context(context) if not action_py3o_report: raise exceptions.HTTPException( description="Py3o action report not found for report_name " "%s" % reportname) res, filetype = action_py3o_report._render(docids, data) filename = action_py3o_report.gen_report_download_filename( docids, data) if not filename.endswith(filetype): filename = "{}.{}".format(filename, filetype) content_type = mimetypes.guess_type("x." + filetype)[0] http_headers = [ ("Content-Type", content_type), ("Content-Length", len(res)), ("Content-Disposition", content_disposition(filename)), ] return request.make_response(res, headers=http_headers)
def report_routes(self, reportname, docids=None, converter=None, **data): if converter != 'docx': return super(ReportController, self).report_routes(reportname=reportname, docids=docids, converter=converter, **data) context = dict(request.env.context) if docids: docids = [int(i) for i in docids.split(',')] if data.get('options'): data.update(json.loads(data.pop('options'))) if data.get('context'): # Ignore 'lang' here, because the context in data is the # one from the webclient *but* if the user explicitely wants to # change the lang, this mechanism overwrites it. data['context'] = json.loads(data['context']) if data['context'].get('lang'): del data['context']['lang'] context.update(data['context']) ir_action = request.env[''] action_docx_report = ir_action.get_from_report_name( reportname, "docx").with_context(context) if not action_docx_report: raise exceptions.HTTPException( description='Docx action report not found for report_name ' '%s' % reportname) res, filetype = action_docx_report.render(docids, data) filename = action_docx_report.gen_report_download_filename( docids, data) if not filename.endswith(filetype): filename = "{}.{}".format(filename, filetype) content_type = self.TYPES_MAPPING.get(filetype, 'octet-stream') http_headers = [('Content-Type', content_type), ('Content-Length', len(res)), ('Content-Disposition', content_disposition(filename))] return request.make_response(res, headers=http_headers)
def _interface_by_mac(self, mac): try: with pyroute2.IPRoute() as ipr: idx = ipr.link_lookup(address=mac)[0] addr = ipr.get_links(idx)[0] for attr in addr['attrs']: if attr[0] == 'IFLA_IFNAME': return attr[1] except Exception as e:'Unable to find interface with MAC: %s, rescanning ' 'and returning 404. Reported error: %s', mac, str(e)) # Poke the kernel to re-enumerate the PCI bus. # We have had cases where nova hot plugs the interface but # the kernel doesn't get the memo. filename = '/sys/bus/pci/rescan' flags = os.O_WRONLY if os.path.isfile(filename): with os.fdopen(, flags), 'w') as rescan_file: rescan_file.write('1') raise exceptions.HTTPException( response=webob.Response(json=dict( details="No suitable network interface found"), status=404))
def _check_ssl_filename_format(self, filename): # check if the format is (xxx.)*xxx.pem if not'(\w.)+pem', filename): raise exceptions.HTTPException(response=webob.Response( json=dict(message='Filename has wrong format'), status=400))
def test_response_header_content_type_should_contain_charset(): exc = exceptions.HTTPException("An error message") h = exc.get_response({}) assert h.headers["Content-Type"] == "text/html; charset=utf-8"
def conecta(self, ids): print "controller ---------------------------------------------------------", self.uid, self.pool =, request.uid, request.registry ids = eval(ids) def append_pdf(input, output): [ output.addPage(input.getPage(page_num)) for page_num in range(input.numPages) ] print ids if ids: print "HOLA" employees = request.env['hr.employee'].sudo().search([('id', 'in', ids)]) combined = StringIO() output = PdfFileWriter() pdf_form = PdfTemplate() # ? template. contract.type_id_template for employee in employees: fields = [ ('dato.nif.1', employee.fiscal_last_id.employee_id.identification_id ), # dni empleado ('dato.1',, # nombre empleado ('dato.2', time.strftime( '%Y', time.strptime(employee.birthday, '%Y-%m-%d'))), # nombre empleado ('dato.3', 1 if employee.fiscal_last_id.situation == '1' else 0), # situacion ('dato.4', 1 if employee.fiscal_last_id.situation == '2' else 0), # situacion ('dato.nif.2', employee.fiscal_last_id.conyuge_nif if employee.fiscal_last_id.situation == '2' else ''), # situacion ('dato.6', 1 if employee.fiscal_last_id.situation == '3' else 0), # situacion: ('dato.7', 1 if employee.fiscal_last_id.minus == '3' else 0), # minusvalia: Entre 33% y 65%, ('dato.7', 1 if employee.fiscal_last_id.minus == 'A' else 0), # minusvalia: Entre 33% y 65%, con asistencia ('dato.9', 1 if employee.fiscal_last_id.minus == 'A' or employee.fiscal_last_id.minus == 'B' else 0), # minusvalia: Entre 33% y 65%, con asistencia ('dato.8', 1 if employee.fiscal_last_id.minus == '6' else 0), # minusvalia Igual/Superior a 65% ('dato.8', 1 if employee.fiscal_last_id.minus == 'B' else 0), # minusvalia: Igual/Superior a 65%, con asistencia #('dato.9', 1 if employee.fiscal_last_id.minus == 'B' else 0), # minusvalia: Igual/Superior a 65%, con asistencia ('dato.10', time.strftime( '%d/%m/%Y', time.strptime(employee.fiscal_last_id.geo_date, '%Y-%m-%d')) if employee.fiscal_last_id.geo_move == 'S' else '' ), # fecha movilidad ('dato.11', 0), # rendimientos periodo superior 2 años ('dato.53', 1 if == 'S' else 0), # vivienda ('dato.54', employee.home_city), # employee city ('dato.55', time.strftime( '%d', time.strptime(employee.fiscal_last_id.date_from, '%Y-%m-%d'))), # fecha movilidad ('dato.56', time.strftime( '%B', time.strptime(employee.fiscal_last_id.date_from, '%Y-%m-%d'))), # fecha movilidad ('dato.57', time.strftime( '%Y', time.strptime(employee.fiscal_last_id.date_from, '%Y-%m-%d'))), # fecha movilidad ('dato.58',, # Empleado ('dato.59',, # company ('dato.60',, # company city ('dato.61', time.strftime( '%d', time.strptime(employee.fiscal_last_id.date_from, '%Y-%m-%d'))), # fecha movilidad ('dato.62', time.strftime( '%B', time.strptime(employee.fiscal_last_id.date_from, '%Y-%m-%d'))), # fecha movilidad ('dato.63', time.strftime( '%Y', time.strptime(employee.fiscal_last_id.date_from, '%Y-%m-%d'))), # fecha movilidad ('dato.64',, # Manager ] i = 0 for fam in employee.fiscal_last_id.fam_ids: if fam.type in ['2', '6']: fields.append( ('dato.' + str(12 + i), time.strftime( '%Y', time.strptime(fam.birthday, '%Y-%m-%d')) if fam.birthday != False else '')) fields.append( ('dato.' + str(13 + i), time.strftime( '%Y', time.strptime(fam.date_adoption, '%Y-%m-%d')) if fam.date_adoption != False else '')) fields.append( ('dato.' + str(14 + i), 1 if fam.minus == '3' else 0)) # minusvalia: Entre 33% y 65%, fields.append( ('dato.' + str(14 + i), 1 if fam.minus == 'A' else 0)) # minusvalia: Entre 33% y 65%, con asistencia fields.append( ('dato.' + str(16 + i), 1 if fam.minus == 'A' or fam.minus == 'B' else 0)) # minusvalia: Entre 33% y 65%, con asistencia fields.append( ('dato.' + str(15 + i), 1 if fam.minus == '6' else 0) ) # minusvalia:Igual/Superior a 33% e inferior 65% fields.append( ('dato.' + str(15 + i), 1 if fam.minus == 'B' else 0) ) # minusvalia: Igual/Superior a 65%, con asistencia fields.append( ('dato.' + str(17 + i), 1 if fam.factor == '3' else 0)) # computo: totalidad del minimo i += 6 i = 0 for fam in employee.fiscal_last_id.fam_ids: if fam.type in ['11']: fields.append( ('dato.' + str(40 + i), time.strftime( '%Y', time.strptime(fam.birthday, '%Y-%m-%d')) if fam.birthday != False else '')) fields.append( ('dato.' + str(41 + i), 1 if fam.minus == '3' else 0)) # minusvalia: Entre 33% y 65%, fields.append( ('dato.' + str(41 + i), 1 if fam.minus == 'A' else 0)) # minusvalia: Entre 33% y 65%, con asistencia fields.append( ('dato.' + str(42 + i), 1 if fam.minus == 'A' or fam.minus == 'B' else 0)) # minusvalia: Entre 33% y 65%, con asistencia fields.append( ('dato.' + str(43 + i), 1 if fam.minus == '6' else 0) ) # minusvalia:Igual/Superior a 33% e inferior 65% fields.append( ('dato.' + str(43 + i), 1 if fam.minus == 'B' else 0) ) # minusvalia: Igual/Superior a 65%, con asistencia fields.append(('dato.' + str(44 + i), fam.conviven if fam.conviven != '0' else 0)) # computo: totalidad del minimo i += 6 result = pdf_form.render( fields, "G:\odoo\V9\conecta\hr_employee_fiscal\pdfs\Mod145.pdf") append_pdf(PdfFileReader(StringIO(result)), output) output.write(combined) pdfhttpheaders = [ ('Content-Type', 'application/pdf'), ('Content-Length', len(combined.getvalue())), ('Content-Disposition', content_disposition('Mod145' + '.pdf')), ] return request.make_response(combined.getvalue(), headers=pdfhttpheaders) else: raise exceptions.HTTPException(description='NOT implemented.')
def _check_ssl_filename_format(filename): # check if the format is (xxx.)*xxx.pem if not'(\w.)+pem', filename): raise exceptions.HTTPException( response=flask.make_response(flask.jsonify(dict( message='Filename has wrong format')), 400))