def calculateGivenCombination(compilation_time, keywords, chrumprops, keys, combs, names, directory, plainName, name, idx): a = directory+'/default' b = directory+'/'+name shutil.copytree(a, b) substitutedWFPropertiesPath = directory+'/'+name+'/'+plainName substituteChrumWFProps(substitutedWFPropertiesPath,name,combs,keys,idx,compilation_time) execPath = sys.argv[0][:rightSignOrMax(sys.argv[0])] # sta = rightSignOrZero(sys.argv[3]) wfname = 'workflow.xml'#sys.argv[3][sta:len(sys.argv[3])-len('.chrum')] sta = rightSignOrZero(sys.argv[2]) finalWFPropertiesPath = directory+'/'+name+'/'+sys.argv[2][sta:len(sys.argv[2])-len('.chrum')] # finalWFPropertiesPath = directory+'/'+name+'/workflow.xml' wftxt = wf_transformations.main(execPath,substitutedWFPropertiesPath,sys.argv[3]) substitutedWFXMLPath = directory+'/'+name+'/'+wfname f = open(substitutedWFXMLPath,'w') f.write(wftxt) f.close() hdfsProps = '/'.join([keywords['HDFS'],keywords['PROJECT'],compilation_time,name,plainName]) hdfsPth = '/'.join([keywords['HDFS'],keywords['PROJECT'],compilation_time,name]) hdfsSrc = '/'.join([keywords['HDFS'],keywords['PROJECT'],compilation_time,'default/*']) localWfSrc = directory+'/'+name+'/'+wfname subs = {'plain_name' : plainName, 'oozie_server' : keywords['OOZIE_SERVER'], 'oozie_port' : keywords['OOZIE_PORT'], 'hdfs_wf_config' : hdfsProps, 'hdfsPth' : hdfsPth, 'hdfsSrc' : hdfsSrc, 'localWfSrc' : localWfSrc, 'substitutedWFPropertiesPath' : substitutedWFPropertiesPath, 'finalWFPropertiesPath' : finalWFPropertiesPath, 'substitutedWFXMLPath' : substitutedWFXMLPath } s = string.Template('\ #!/usr/bin/python \n\ import os \n\ import stat \n\ import time \n\ import sys \n\ \n\ #go to the executed script folder\n\ if sys.argv[0].rfind(\'/\') != -1:\n\ path = sys.argv[0][:sys.argv[0].rfind(\'/\')]\n\ else:\n\ path = os.getcwd()\n\ os.chdir(path)\n\ #perform substitution\n\ chrum_wf_props = \'/$substitutedWFPropertiesPath\'\n\ wf_props = \'/$substitutedWFXMLPath\'\n\ f = open(chrum_wf_props,\'r\') \n\ txt = \n\ f.close() \n\ f = open(\'$finalWFPropertiesPath\',\'w\') \n\ exec_time=str(time.time()) \n\ f.write(\'\ EXECUTION_TIME=\'+exec_time+\'\\n\ HDFS_EXEC_PATH=\\\n\ $hdfsPth/\'+exec_time+\'/\\n\'\ +txt)\n\ f.close() \n\ #create folder on HDFS\n\ os.system(\'hadoop fs -mkdir $hdfsPth/\'+exec_time+\'/\') \n\ #add all created files\n\ os.system(\'hadoop fs -put $localWfSrc $hdfsPth/\'+exec_time+\'/\') \n\ os.system(\'hadoop fs -cp $hdfsSrc $hdfsPth/\'+exec_time+\'/\') \n\ #list all added files\n\ #os.system(\'hadoop fs -ls $hdfsPth/\'+exec_time+\'/\') \n\ #run oozie workflow\n\ os.system(\'oozie job -oozie http://$oozie_server:$oozie_port/oozie -config $finalWFPropertiesPath -run\') \n\ #os.system(\'oozie job -oozie http://$oozie_server:$oozie_port/oozie -config $hdfsPth/\'+exec_time+\'/ -run\') \n\ ') f = open(directory+'/'+name+'/','w') tete = s.safe_substitute(subs); #print tete f.write(tete) f.close() os.system('chmod +x '+directory+'/'+name+'/')
def main(compilation_time, keywords, chrumprops, keys, combs, names, directory): plainName = '' idx = sys.argv[2].rfind('/') if idx == -1: plainName = sys.argv[2] else: plainName = sys.argv[2][idx + 1:] for idx, name in enumerate(names): a = directory + '/default' b = directory + '/' + name shutil.copytree(a, b) f = open(directory + '/' + name + '/' + plainName, 'r') txt = 'PARAMETER_COMBINATION=' + name + '\n' + f.close() txt2 = [] for li in txt.split('\n'): for inner_idx, val in enumerate(combs[idx]): if'^@' + keys[inner_idx] + '@', li): li = keys[inner_idx] + '=' + combs[idx][inner_idx] txt2.append(li) f = open(directory + '/' + name + '/' + plainName, 'w') f.write('\n'.join(txt2)) f.close() sto = sys.argv[0].rfind('/') execPath = sys.argv[0][:sto] print sys.argv[1] #''' CONF.CHRUM ''' print sys.argv[2] #''' WF.CONF.PROPS ''' print sys.argv[3] #''' WORKFLOW ''' # main(, PropsPath, ChrumPath): wftxt = wf_transformations.main( sys.argv[3], directory + '/' + name + '/' + plainName, execPath) sta = sys.argv[3].rfind('/') wfname = sys.argv[3][sta:len(sys.argv[3]) - len('.chrum')] print directory + '/' + name + '/' + wfname f = open(directory + '/' + name + '/' + wfname, 'w') f.write(wftxt) f.close() localPropsTmp = '/'.join([ keywords['HDFS'], keywords['PROJECT'], compilation_time, name, plainName ]) hdfsProps = '/'.join([ keywords['HDFS'], keywords['PROJECT'], compilation_time, name, plainName ]) hdfsPth = '/'.join( [keywords['HDFS'], keywords['PROJECT'], compilation_time, name]) subs = { 'plain_name': plainName, 'oozie_server': keywords['OOZIE_SERVER'], 'oozie_port': keywords['OOZIE_PORT'], 'hdfs_wf_config': hdfsProps, 'hdfsPth': hdfsPth } s = string.Template('\ #!/usr/bin/python \n\ import os \n\ import time \n\ import sys \n\ \n\ path = sys.argv[0][:sys.argv[0].rfind(\'/\')]\n\ os.chdir(path)\n\ chrum_wf_props = os.getcwd()+\'/\'\n\ wf_props = os.getcwd()+\'/\'\n\ f = open(chrum_wf_props,\'r\') \n\ txt = \n\ f.close() \n\ f = open(wf_props,\'w\') \n\ exec_time=str(time.time()) \n\ f.write(\'\ EXECUTION_TIME=\'+exec_time+\'\\n\ HDFS_EXEC_PATH=\\\n\ $hdfsPth/\'+exec_time+\'/\\n\'\ +txt)\n\ f.close() \n\ \'\'\' \n\ cp -r ../pig/*.pig ${WORKFLOW_LOCAL_PIG_DIR} \n\ echo "Recreating workflow data in HDFS" \n\ hadoop fs -rm -r ${WORKFLOW_HDFS_DIR} \n\ hadoop fs -mkdir ${WORKFLOW_HDFS_DIR} \n\ echo "Putting current workflow data to HDFS" \n\ hadoop fs -put ${TASK}/* ${WORKFLOW_HDFS_DIR} \n\ \'\'\' \n\ \'\'\' \n\ os.system(\'hadoop fs -put \'+wf_props+\'$hdfsPth/\'+exec_time+\'/\') \n\ \n\ os.system(\'cp os.getcwd()+\'/\'$plain_name $hadoop_config) \n\ os.system(\'oozie job -oozie http://$oozie_server:$oozie_port/oozie -config $hdfs_wf_config -run\') \n\ os.system(\'oozie job -oozie http://$oozie_server:$oozie_port/oozie -config $hdfs_wf_config -run\') \n\ \'\'\' \n\ ') f = open(directory + '/' + name + '/', 'w') tete = s.safe_substitute(subs) print tete f.write(tete) f.close()