コード例 #1
def test_mix():
    def compute_shader(
            index_xyz: ("input", "GlobalInvocationId", ivec3),
            data1: ("buffer", 0, Array(vec4)),
            data2: ("buffer", 1, Array(vec4)),
        index = index_xyz.x
        v = data1[index]
        v1 = mix(v.x, v.y, v.z)
        v2 = mix(vec2(v.x, v.x), vec2(v.y, v.y), v.z)
        data2[index] = vec4(v1, v2.x, v2.y, 0.0)


    values1 = [-4, -3, -2, -1, +0, +0, +1, +2, +3, +4]
    values2 = [-2, -5, -5, +2, +2, -1, +3, +1, +1, -6]
    weights = [0.1 * i for i in range(10)]
    stubs = [0] * 10
    values = sum(zip(values1, values2, weights, stubs), ())

    inp_arrays = {0: (ctypes.c_float * 40)(*values)}
    out_arrays = {1: ctypes.c_float * 40}
    out = compute_with_buffers(inp_arrays, out_arrays, compute_shader, n=10)

    res = list(out[1])
    ref = [
        values1[i] * (1 - w) + values2[i] * w for i, w in enumerate(weights)
    assert iters_close(res[0::4], ref)
    assert iters_close(res[1::4], ref)
    assert iters_close(res[2::4], ref)
コード例 #2
def test_pow():
    # note hat a**2 is converted to a*a and a**0.5 to sqrt(a)
    def compute_shader(
            index_xyz: ("input", "GlobalInvocationId", ivec3),
            data1: ("buffer", 0, Array(f32)),
            data2: ("buffer", 1, Array(vec4)),
        index = index_xyz.x
        a = data1[index]
        data2[index] = vec4(a**2, a**0.5, a**3.0, a**3.1)


    values1 = [i - 5 for i in range(10)]

    inp_arrays = {0: (ctypes.c_float * 10)(*values1)}
    out_arrays = {1: ctypes.c_float * 40}
    out = compute_with_buffers(inp_arrays, out_arrays, compute_shader)

    res = list(out[1])
    assert res[0::4] == [i**2 for i in values1]
    assert iters_close(res[1::4], [i**0.5 for i in values1])
    assert res[2::4] == [i**3 for i in values1]
    assert iters_close(res[3::4], [i**3.1 for i in values1])
コード例 #3
ファイル: test_py.py プロジェクト: udnaan/pyshader
def test_tuple_unpacking2():
    # Python implementations deal with tuple packing/unpacking differently.
    # Python 3.8+ has rot_four, pypy3 resolves by changing the order of the
    # store ops in the bytecode itself, and seems to even ditch unused variables.
    def compute_shader(
            index: ("input", "GlobalInvocationId", ivec3),
            data2: ("buffer", 1, "Array(vec2)"),
        i = f32(index.x)
        a, b = 1.0, 2.0  # Cover Python storing this as a tuple const
        c, d = a + i, b + 1.0
        c, d = d, c
        c += 100.0
        c, d = d, c
        c += 200.0
        c, d, _ = c, d, 0.0  # 3-tuple
        c, d, _, _ = c, d, 0.0, 0.0  # 4-tuple
        c, d, _, _, _ = c, d, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0  # 5-tuple
        data2[index.x] = vec2(c, d)


    out_arrays = {1: ctypes.c_float * 20}
    out = compute_with_buffers({}, out_arrays, compute_shader, n=10)
    res = list(out[1])
    assert res[0::2] == [200 + i + 1 for i in range(10)]
    assert res[1::2] == [100 + 3 for i in range(10)]
コード例 #4
def test_compute_1_3():
    def compute_shader(
        index: ("input", "GlobalInvocationId", ivec3),
        in1: ("buffer", 0, Array(i32)),
        out1: ("buffer", 1, Array(i32)),
        out2: ("buffer", 2, Array(i32)),
        i = index.x
        out1[i] = in1[i]
        out2[i] = i

    # Create an array of 100 random int32
    in1 = [int(random.uniform(0, 100)) for i in range(100)]
    in1 = (c_int32 * 100)(*in1)

    outspecs = {0: 100 * c_int32, 1: 100 * c_int32, 2: 100 * c_int32}
    out = compute_with_buffers({0: in1}, outspecs, compute_shader)
    assert isinstance(out, dict) and len(out) == 3
    assert isinstance(out[0], ctypes.Array)
    assert isinstance(out[1], ctypes.Array)
    assert isinstance(out[2], ctypes.Array)
    assert iters_equal(out[0], in1)  # because it's the same buffer
    assert iters_equal(out[1], in1)  # because the shader copied the data
    assert iters_equal(out[2], range(100))  # because this is the index
コード例 #5
ファイル: test_py_cast.py プロジェクト: udnaan/pyshader
def test_cast_vec_ivec3_vec3():
    return  # raise pytest.skip(msg="Cannot do vec3 storage buffers")

    # Exception: SpirV invalid:
    # error: line 23: Structure id 10 decorated as BufferBlock for
    # variable in Uniform storage class must follow standard storage
    # buffer layout rules: member 0 contains an array with stride 12
    # not satisfying alignment to 16
    def compute_shader(
            index: ("input", "GlobalInvocationId", ivec3),
            data1: ("buffer", 0, Array(ivec3)),
            data2: ("buffer", 1, Array(vec3)),
        i = index.x
        data2[i] = vec3(data1[i])


    # vec3's are padded to 16 bytes! I guess it's a "feature"
    # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/38172696
    # ... so now I updated my driver and then it works ... sigh
    values1 = [-999999, -100, -4, 1, 4, 100, 32767, 32760, 999999]
    values2 = [-999999, -100, -4, 0, 4, 100, 32767, 0, 999999]

    inp_arrays = {0: (ctypes.c_int32 * len(values1))(*values1)}
    out_arrays = {1: ctypes.c_float * len(values1)}
    out = compute_with_buffers(inp_arrays, out_arrays, compute_shader, n=3)
    it_works = iters_equal(out[1], values1)
    it_fails = iters_equal(out[1], values2)
    assert it_works or it_fails  # ah well ...
コード例 #6
def test_abs():
    def compute_shader(
            index_xyz: ("input", "GlobalInvocationId", ivec3),
            data1: ("buffer", 0, Array(f32)),
            data2: ("buffer", 1, Array(i32)),
            data3: ("buffer", 2, Array(vec2)),
        index = index_xyz.x
        v1 = abs(data1[index])  # float
        v2 = abs(data2[index])  # int
        data3[index] = vec2(f32(v1), v2)


    values1 = [random.uniform(-2, 2) for i in range(10)]
    values2 = [random.randint(-100, 100) for i in range(10)]

    inp_arrays = {
        0: (ctypes.c_float * 10)(*values1),
        1: (ctypes.c_int * 10)(*values2)
    out_arrays = {2: ctypes.c_float * 20}
    out = compute_with_buffers(inp_arrays, out_arrays, compute_shader, n=10)

    res = list(out[2])
    assert iters_close(res[0::2], [abs(v) for v in values1])
    assert res[1::2] == [abs(v) for v in values2]
コード例 #7
def test_add_sub3():
    def compute_shader(
            index_xyz: ("input", "GlobalInvocationId", ivec3),
            data1: ("buffer", 0, Array(f32)),
            data2: ("buffer", 1, Array(vec2)),
        index = index_xyz.x
        a = data1[index]
        a -= -1.0
        b = vec2(a, a)
        b += 2.0
        data2[index] = b


    values1 = [i - 5 for i in range(10)]

    inp_arrays = {0: (ctypes.c_float * 10)(*values1)}
    out_arrays = {1: ctypes.c_float * 20}
    out = compute_with_buffers(inp_arrays, out_arrays, compute_shader)

    res = list(out[1])
    assert res[0::2] == [i + 3 for i in values1]
    assert res[1::2] == [i + 3 for i in values1]
コード例 #8
def test_mul_modulo():
    # There are two module functions, one in which the result takes the sign
    # of the divisor and one in which it takes the sign of the divident.
    # In Python these are `%` and math.fmod respectively. Here we test that
    # the SpirV code matches that (fmod and frem).
    def compute_shader(
            index_xyz: ("input", "GlobalInvocationId", ivec3),
            data1: ("buffer", 0, Array(vec2)),
            data2: ("buffer", 1, Array(vec2)),
        index = index_xyz.x
        a = data1[index]
        data2[index] = vec2(a.x % a.y, math.fmod(a.x, a.y))


    values1 = [i - 5 for i in range(10)]
    values2 = [-2 if i % 2 else 2 for i in range(10)]
    values = sum(zip(values1, values2), ())

    inp_arrays = {0: (ctypes.c_float * 20)(*values)}
    out_arrays = {1: ctypes.c_float * 20}
    out = compute_with_buffers(inp_arrays, out_arrays, compute_shader)

    res = list(out[1])
    assert res[0::2] == [i % j for i, j in zip(values1, values2)]
    assert res[1::2] == [math.fmod(i, j) for i, j in zip(values1, values2)]
コード例 #9
def test_copy_vec3():
    return  # raise pytest.skip(msg="Cannot do vec3 storage buffers")

    def compute_shader(
        index: ("input", "GlobalInvocationId", ivec3),
        data1: ("buffer", 0, Array(vec3)),
        data2: ("buffer", 1, Array(vec3)),
        data3: ("buffer", 2, Array(ivec3)),
        i = index.x
        data2[i] = data1[i].xyz
        data3[i] = ivec3(i, i, i)

    # # Equivalent shader in GLSL
    # compute_shader = pyshader.dev.glsl2spirv("""
    #     #version 450
    #     layout(std430 , set=0, binding=0) buffer Foo1 { vec3[] data1; };
    #     layout(std430 , set=0, binding=1) buffer Foo2 { vec3[] data2; };
    #     layout(std430 , set=0, binding=2) buffer Foo3 { ivec3[] data3; };
    #     void main() {
    #         uint index = gl_GlobalInvocationID.x;
    #         data2[index] = data1[index];
    #         data3[index] = ivec3(index, index, index);
    #     }
    # """, "compute")


    inp_arrays = {0: (ctypes.c_float * 60)(*range(60))}
    out_arrays = {1: ctypes.c_float * 60, 2: ctypes.c_int32 * 60}
    out = compute_with_buffers(inp_arrays, out_arrays, compute_shader, n=20)

    # NOPE, buffers alignments are rounded to vec4 ...
    # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/38172696/

    # assert iters_equal(out[1], range(60))
    assert iters_equal(out[1][0::4], range(0, 60, 4))
    assert iters_equal(out[1][1::4], range(1, 60, 4))
    assert iters_equal(out[1][2::4], range(2, 60, 4))
    # Depending on your driver, this might or might not work
    align_ok = iters_equal(out[1][3::4], range(3, 60, 4))
    align_fail = iters_equal(out[1][3::4], [0 for i in range(3, 60, 4)])
    assert align_ok or align_fail

    if align_ok:
        assert iters_equal(out[2][0::3], range(20))
        assert iters_equal(out[2][1::3], range(20))
        assert iters_equal(out[2][2::3], range(20))
    if align_fail:
        assert iters_equal(out[2][0::4], range(15))
        assert iters_equal(out[2][1::4], range(15))
        assert iters_equal(out[2][2::4], range(15))
        assert iters_equal(out[2][3::4], [0 for i in range(15)])
コード例 #10
def test_compute_0_1_ctype():
    def compute_shader(
        index: ("input", "GlobalInvocationId", ivec3),
        out: ("buffer", 0, Array(i32)),
        out[index.x] = index.x

    # Create some ints!
    out = compute_with_buffers({}, {0: c_int32 * 100}, compute_shader)
    assert isinstance(out, dict) and len(out) == 1
    assert isinstance(out[0], ctypes.Array)
    assert iters_equal(out[0], range(100))

    # Same, but specify in bytes
    out = compute_with_buffers({}, {0: c_ubyte * 80}, compute_shader, n=20)
    assert isinstance(out, dict) and len(out) == 1
    assert isinstance(out[0], ctypes.Array)
    out0 = (c_int32 * 20).from_buffer(out[0])  # cast (a view in np)
    assert iters_equal(out0, range(20))
コード例 #11
def test_compute_0_1_int():
    def compute_shader(
        index: ("input", "GlobalInvocationId", ivec3),
        out: ("buffer", 0, Array(i32)),
        out[index.x] = index.x

    out = compute_with_buffers({}, {0: 400}, compute_shader)
    assert isinstance(out, dict) and len(out) == 1
    assert isinstance(out[0], memoryview)
    assert out[0].cast("i").tolist() == list(range(100))
コード例 #12
def test_array3():
    def compute_shader(
        index: ("input", "GlobalInvocationId", ivec3),
        data2: ("buffer", 0, Array(i32)),
        i = index.x
        data2[i] = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9][i] * 2

    out = compute_with_buffers({}, {0: (10, "i")}, compute_shader, n=10)
    assert list(out[0]) == list(range(0, 20, 2))
コード例 #13
def test_index():
    def compute_shader(
        index: ("input", "GlobalInvocationId", ivec3),
        data2: ("buffer", 1, Array(i32)),
        data2[index.x] = index.x


    inp_arrays = {}
    out_arrays = {1: ctypes.c_int32 * 20}
    out = compute_with_buffers(inp_arrays, out_arrays, compute_shader)

    assert iters_equal(out[1], range(20))
コード例 #14
ファイル: test_py_cast.py プロジェクト: udnaan/pyshader
def test_cast_f32_f64():
    def compute_shader(
            index: ("input", "GlobalInvocationId", ivec3),
            data1: ("buffer", 0, Array(f32)),
            data2: ("buffer", 1, Array(f64)),
        i = index.x
        data2[i] = f64(data1[i])


    inp_arrays = {0: (ctypes.c_float * 20)(*range(20))}
    out_arrays = {1: ctypes.c_double * 20}
    out = compute_with_buffers(inp_arrays, out_arrays, compute_shader)
    assert iters_equal(out[1], range(20))
コード例 #15
ファイル: test_py_cast.py プロジェクト: udnaan/pyshader
def test_cast_vec_any_vec4():
    # Look how all args in a vector are converted :)
    def compute_shader(
            index: ("input", "GlobalInvocationId", ivec3),
            data2: ("buffer", 1, Array(vec4)),
        data2[index.x] = vec4(7.0, 3, ivec2(False, 2.7))


    values2 = [7.0, 3.0, 0.0, 2.0] * 2

    inp_arrays = {}
    out_arrays = {1: ctypes.c_float * len(values2)}
    out = compute_with_buffers(inp_arrays, out_arrays, compute_shader, n=2)
    assert iters_equal(out[1], values2)
コード例 #16
ファイル: test_py_cast.py プロジェクト: udnaan/pyshader
def test_cast_u8_f32():
    def compute_shader(
            index: ("input", "GlobalInvocationId", ivec3),
            data1: ("buffer", 0, Array(u8)),
            data2: ("buffer", 1, Array(f32)),
        i = index.x
        data2[i] = f32(data1[i])


    values1 = [0, 1, 4, 127, 128, 255]

    inp_arrays = {0: (ctypes.c_ubyte * len(values1))(*values1)}
    out_arrays = {1: ctypes.c_float * len(values1)}
    out = compute_with_buffers(inp_arrays, out_arrays, compute_shader)
    assert iters_equal(out[1], values1)
コード例 #17
ファイル: test_py_cast.py プロジェクト: udnaan/pyshader
def test_cast_i32_f32():
    def compute_shader(
            index: ("input", "GlobalInvocationId", "ivec3"),
            data1: ("buffer", 0, "Array(i32)"),
            data2: ("buffer", 1, "Array(f32)"),
        i = index.x
        data2[i] = f32(data1[i])


    values1 = [-999999, -100, -4, 0, 4, 100, 32767, 32768, 999999]

    inp_arrays = {0: (ctypes.c_int32 * len(values1))(*values1)}
    out_arrays = {1: ctypes.c_float * len(values1)}
    out = compute_with_buffers(inp_arrays, out_arrays, compute_shader)
    assert iters_equal(out[1], values1)
コード例 #18
ファイル: test_py.py プロジェクト: udnaan/pyshader
def test_tuple_unpacking1():
    def compute_shader(
            index: ("input", "GlobalInvocationId", ivec3),
            data2: ("buffer", 1, "Array(vec2)"),
        i = f32(index.x)
        a, b = 1.0, 2.0  # Cover Python storing this as a tuple const
        c, d = a + i, b + 1.0
        data2[index.x] = vec2(c, d)


    out_arrays = {1: ctypes.c_float * 20}
    out = compute_with_buffers({}, out_arrays, compute_shader, n=10)
    res = list(out[1])
    assert res[0::2] == [i + 1 for i in range(10)]
    assert res[1::2] == [3 for i in range(10)]
コード例 #19
ファイル: test_py_cast.py プロジェクト: udnaan/pyshader
def test_cast_i64_i16():
    def compute_shader(
            index: ("input", "GlobalInvocationId", ivec3),
            data1: ("buffer", 0, Array(i64)),
            data2: ("buffer", 1, Array(i16)),
        i = index.x
        data2[i] = i16(data1[i])


    values1 = [-999999, -100, -4, 0, 4, 100, 32767, 32768, 999999]
    values2 = [-16959, -100, -4, 0, 4, 100, 32767, -32768, 16959]

    inp_arrays = {0: (ctypes.c_longlong * len(values1))(*values1)}
    out_arrays = {1: ctypes.c_short * len(values1)}
    out = compute_with_buffers(inp_arrays, out_arrays, compute_shader)
    assert iters_equal(out[1], values2)
コード例 #20
ファイル: test_py_cast.py プロジェクト: udnaan/pyshader
def test_cast_vec_ivec2_vec2():
    # This triggers the direct number-vector conversion
    def compute_shader(
            index: ("input", "GlobalInvocationId", ivec3),
            data1: ("buffer", 0, Array(ivec2)),
            data2: ("buffer", 1, Array(vec2)),
        i = index.x
        data2[i] = vec2(data1[i])


    values1 = [-999999, -100, -4, 1, 4, 100, 32767, 32760, 0, 999999]

    inp_arrays = {0: (ctypes.c_int32 * len(values1))(*values1)}
    out_arrays = {1: ctypes.c_float * len(values1)}
    out = compute_with_buffers(inp_arrays, out_arrays, compute_shader, n=5)
    assert iters_equal(out[1], values1)
コード例 #21
ファイル: test_py_cast.py プロジェクト: udnaan/pyshader
def test_cast_i16_u8():
    def compute_shader(
            index: ("input", "GlobalInvocationId", ivec3),
            data1: ("buffer", 0, Array(i16)),
            data2: ("buffer", 1, Array(u8)),
        i = index.x
        data2[i] = u8(data1[i])


    values1 = [-3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 127, 128, 255, 256, 300]
    values2 = [253, 254, 255, 0, 1, 2, 3, 127, 128, 255, 0, 44]

    inp_arrays = {0: (ctypes.c_short * len(values1))(*values1)}
    out_arrays = {1: ctypes.c_ubyte * len(values1)}
    out = compute_with_buffers(inp_arrays, out_arrays, compute_shader)
    assert iters_equal(out[1], values2)
コード例 #22
def test_min_max_clamp():
    def compute_shader(
            index_xyz: ("input", "GlobalInvocationId", ivec3),
            data1: ("buffer", 0, Array(vec4)),
            data2: ("buffer", 1, Array(vec4)),
            data3: ("buffer", 2, Array(vec4)),
        index = index_xyz.x
        v = data1[index].x
        mi = data1[index].y
        ma = data1[index].z

        data2[index] = vec4(min(v, ma), max(v, mi), clamp(v, mi, ma), 0.0)
        data3[index] = vec4(nmin(v, ma), nmax(v, mi), nclamp(v, mi, ma), 0.0)


    the_vals = [-4, -3, -2, -1, +0, +0, +1, +2, +3, +4]
    min_vals = [-2, -5, -5, +2, +2, -1, +3, +1, +1, -6]
    max_vals = [+2, -1, -3, +3, +3, +1, +9, +9, +2, -3]
    stubs = [0] * 10
    values = sum(zip(the_vals, min_vals, max_vals, stubs), ())

    inp_arrays = {0: (ctypes.c_float * 40)(*values)}
    out_arrays = {1: ctypes.c_float * 40, 2: ctypes.c_float * 40}
    out = compute_with_buffers(inp_arrays, out_arrays, compute_shader, n=10)

    res1 = list(out[1])
    res2 = list(out[2])
    ref_min = [min(the_vals[i], max_vals[i]) for i in range(10)]
    ref_max = [max(the_vals[i], min_vals[i]) for i in range(10)]
    ref_clamp = [
        min(max(min_vals[i], the_vals[i]), max_vals[i]) for i in range(10)
    # Test normal variant
    assert res1[0::4] == ref_min
    assert res1[1::4] == ref_max
    assert res1[2::4] == ref_clamp
    # Test NaN-safe variant
    assert res2[0::4] == ref_min
    assert res2[1::4] == ref_max
    assert res2[2::4] == ref_clamp
コード例 #23
def test_math_constants():
    def compute_shader(
            index_xyz: ("input", "GlobalInvocationId", ivec3),
            data2: ("buffer", 1, Array(f32)),
        index = index_xyz.x
        if index % 2 == 0:
            data2[index] = math.pi
            data2[index] = math.e


    out = compute_with_buffers({}, {1: ctypes.c_float * 10},

    res = list(out[1])
    assert iters_close(res, [math.pi, math.e] * 5)
コード例 #24
def test_copy_vec2():
    def compute_shader(
        index: ("input", "GlobalInvocationId", ivec3),
        data1: ("buffer", 0, Array(vec2)),
        data2: ("buffer", 1, Array(vec2)),
        data3: ("buffer", 2, Array(ivec2)),
        i = index.x
        data2[i] = data1[i].xy
        data3[i] = ivec2(i, i)


    inp_arrays = {0: (ctypes.c_float * 60)(*range(60))}
    out_arrays = {1: ctypes.c_float * 60, 2: ctypes.c_int32 * 60}
    out = compute_with_buffers(inp_arrays, out_arrays, compute_shader, n=30)

    assert iters_equal(out[1], range(60))
    assert iters_equal(out[2][0::2], range(30))
    assert iters_equal(out[2][1::2], range(30))
コード例 #25
ファイル: test_py_cast.py プロジェクト: udnaan/pyshader
def test_cast_ivec2_bvec2():
    # This triggers the per-element vector conversion
    def compute_shader(
            index: ("input", "GlobalInvocationId", ivec3),
            data1: ("buffer", 0, Array(ivec2)),
            data2: ("buffer", 1, Array(ivec2)),
        i = index.x
        tmp = bvec2(data1[i])
        data2[i] = ivec2(tmp)  # ext visible storage cannot be bool


    values1 = [-999999, -100, 0, 1, 4, 100, 32767, 32760, 0, 999999]
    values2 = [True, True, False, True, True, True, True, True, False, True]

    inp_arrays = {0: (ctypes.c_int32 * len(values1))(*values1)}
    out_arrays = {1: ctypes.c_int32 * len(values1)}
    out = compute_with_buffers(inp_arrays, out_arrays, compute_shader, n=5)
    assert iters_equal(out[1], values2)
コード例 #26
def test_length():
    def compute_shader(
            index_xyz: ("input", "GlobalInvocationId", ivec3),
            data1: ("buffer", 0, Array(vec2)),
            data2: ("buffer", 1, Array(f32)),
        index = index_xyz.x
        data2[index] = length(data1[index])


    values1 = [random.uniform(-2, 2) for i in range(20)]

    inp_arrays = {0: (ctypes.c_float * 20)(*values1)}
    out_arrays = {1: ctypes.c_float * 10}
    out = compute_with_buffers(inp_arrays, out_arrays, compute_shader, n=10)

    res = list(out[1])
    ref = [(values1[i * 2]**2 + values1[i * 2 + 1]**2)**0.5 for i in range(10)]
    assert iters_close(res, ref)
コード例 #27
def test_mul_dot():
    def compute_shader(
            index_xyz: ("input", "GlobalInvocationId", ivec3),
            data1: ("buffer", 0, Array(f32)),
            data2: ("buffer", 1, Array(f32)),
        index = index_xyz.x
        a = vec2(data1[index], data1[index])
        data2[index] = a @ a


    values1 = [i - 5 for i in range(10)]

    inp_arrays = {0: (ctypes.c_float * 10)(*values1)}
    out_arrays = {1: ctypes.c_float * 10}
    out = compute_with_buffers(inp_arrays, out_arrays, compute_shader)

    res = list(out[1])
    assert res == [i**2 * 2 for i in values1]
コード例 #28
def test_mul_div2():
    def compute_shader(
            index_xyz: ("input", "GlobalInvocationId", ivec3),
            data1: ("buffer", 0, Array(f32)),
            data2: ("buffer", 1, Array(vec2)),
        index = index_xyz.x
        a = data1[index]
        data2[index] = 2.0 * vec2(a * 2.0, a / 2.0) * 3.0


    values1 = [i - 5 for i in range(10)]

    inp_arrays = {0: (ctypes.c_float * 10)(*values1)}
    out_arrays = {1: ctypes.c_float * 20}
    out = compute_with_buffers(inp_arrays, out_arrays, compute_shader)

    res = list(out[1])
    assert res[0::2] == [6 * i * 2 for i in values1]
    assert res[1::2] == [6 * i / 2 for i in values1]
コード例 #29
def test_integer_div():
    def compute_shader(
            index_xyz: ("input", "GlobalInvocationId", ivec3),
            data1: ("buffer", 0, Array(i32)),
            data2: ("buffer", 1, Array(i32)),
        index = index_xyz.x
        a = data1[index]
        data2[index] = 12 // a


    values1 = [(i - 5) or 12 for i in range(10)]

    inp_arrays = {0: (ctypes.c_int * 10)(*values1)}
    out_arrays = {1: ctypes.c_int * 10}
    out = compute_with_buffers(inp_arrays, out_arrays, compute_shader)

    # NOTE: the shader // truncates, not floor like Python
    res = list(out[1])
    assert res == [math.trunc(12 / i) for i in values1]
コード例 #30
def test_normalize():
    def compute_shader(
            index_xyz: ("input", "GlobalInvocationId", ivec3),
            data1: ("buffer", 0, Array(f32)),
            data2: ("buffer", 1, Array(vec2)),
        index = index_xyz.x
        v = data1[index]
        data2[index] = normalize(vec2(v, v))


    values1 = [i - 5 for i in range(10)]

    inp_arrays = {0: (ctypes.c_float * 10)(*values1)}
    out_arrays = {1: ctypes.c_float * 20}
    out = compute_with_buffers(inp_arrays, out_arrays, compute_shader, n=10)

    res = list(out[1])
    assert iters_close(res[:10], [-(2**0.5) / 2 for i in range(10)])
    assert iters_close(res[-8:], [+(2**0.5) / 2 for i in range(8)])
    assert math.isnan(res[10]) and math.isnan(
        res[11])  # or can this also be inf?