コード例 #1
    def __init__(self, table = None):
    #	// DELETE FROM ...
        self._table = None
        if table:
#			// Set the inital table name
            self._table = table

#		// Start the query with no SQL
        database_query_builder_where.__init__(self, database.DELETE, '')
コード例 #2
    def __init__(self, table = None):
   #	// UPDATE ...
        self._table = None
    #	// SET ...
        self._set = dict()
        if table:
#                       // Set the inital table name
            self._table = table

#               // Start the query with no SQL
        database_query_builder_where.__init__(self, database.UPDATE, '')
コード例 #3
    def __init__(self, columns = None):
        self._select = []
        self._distinct = False
        self._from = []
        self._join = []
        self._group_by = []
        self._having = []
        self._offset = None
        self._union = []
        self._last_join = None

        if columns is not None and len(columns) > 0:
            # Set the initial columns
            self._select = columns

        # Start the query with no actual SQL statement
        database_query_builder_where.__init__(self, database.SELECT, '')
コード例 #4
    def __init__(self, table=None, columns=None):
    #	// INSERT INTO ...
        self._table = None

    #	// (...)
        self._columns = []
    #	// VALUES (...)
        self._values = []

        if table:
#			// Set the inital table name
            self._table = table

        if columns:
#			// Set the column names
            self._columns = columns

#		// Start the query with no SQL
        database_query_builder_where.__init__(self, database.INSERT, '')