コード例 #1
    def test_fetch(self):
        fetch info from database
        # Don't use AssertRaisesException due to a super obscure bug in
        # python2.6 which returns an IOError in the 2nd argument of __exit__
        # in a context manager as a tuple. See this for a minimal reproducer:
        #    http://git.io/cKz30g
        with self.assertRaises(IOError):
            # check a db that doesnt exist
            whisper.fetch("this_db_does_not_exist", 0)

        retention = [(1, 60), (60, 60), (3600, 24), (86400, 365)]
        whisper.create(self.filename, retention)

        # check a db with an invalid time range
        now = int(time.time())
        past = now - 6000

        msg = "Invalid time interval: from time '{0}' is after until time '{1}'"
        with AssertRaisesException(whisper.InvalidTimeInterval(msg.format(now, past))):
            whisper.fetch(self.filename, now, past)

        fetch = whisper.fetch(self.filename, 0)

        # check time range
        self.assertEqual(fetch[0][1] - fetch[0][0],
                         retention[-1][0] * retention[-1][1])

        # check number of points
        self.assertEqual(len(fetch[1]), retention[-1][1])

        # check step size
        self.assertEqual(fetch[0][2], retention[-1][0])
コード例 #2
    def test_file_fetch_edge_cases(self):
        Test some of the edge cases in file_fetch() that should return
        None or raise an exception
        whisper.create(self.filename, [(1, 60)])

        with open(self.filename, 'rb') as fh:
            msg = "Invalid time interval: from time '{0}' is after until time '{1}'"
            until_time = 0
            from_time = int(time.time()) + 100

            with AssertRaisesException(
                    whisper.InvalidTimeInterval(msg.format(from_time, until_time))):
                whisper.file_fetch(fh, fromTime=from_time, untilTime=until_time)

            # fromTime > now aka metrics from the future
                whisper.file_fetch(fh, fromTime=int(time.time()) + 100,
                                   untilTime=int(time.time()) + 200),

            # untilTime > oldest time stored in the archive
            headers = whisper.info(self.filename)
            the_past = int(time.time()) - headers['maxRetention'] - 200
                whisper.file_fetch(fh, fromTime=the_past - 1, untilTime=the_past),

            # untilTime > now, change untilTime to now
            now = int(time.time())
                whisper.file_fetch(fh, fromTime=now, untilTime=now + 200, now=now),
                ((now + 1, now + 2, 1), [None]),