def FancyAnalyzer(expression=r"\s+", stoplist=STOP_WORDS, minsize=2, maxsize=None, gaps=True, splitwords=True, splitnums=True, mergewords=False, mergenums=False): """Composes a RegexTokenizer with an IntraWordFilter, LowercaseFilter, and StopFilter. >>> ana = FancyAnalyzer() >>> [token.text for token in ana("Should I call getInt or get_real?")] ["should", "call", "getInt", "get", "int", "get_real", "get", "real"] :param expression: The regular expression pattern to use to extract tokens. :param stoplist: A list of stop words. Set this to None to disable the stop word filter. :param minsize: Words smaller than this are removed from the stream. :param maxsize: Words longer that this are removed from the stream. :param gaps: If True, the tokenizer *splits* on the expression, rather than matching on the expression. """ return (RegexTokenizer(expression=expression, gaps=gaps) | IntraWordFilter(splitwords=splitwords, splitnums=splitnums, mergewords=mergewords, mergenums=mergenums) | LowercaseFilter() | StopFilter(stoplist=stoplist, minsize=minsize))
def StandardAnalyzer(expression=default_pattern, stoplist=STOP_WORDS, minsize=2, maxsize=None, gaps=False): """Composes a RegexTokenizer with a LowercaseFilter and optional StopFilter. >>> ana = StandardAnalyzer() >>> [token.text for token in ana("Testing is testing and testing")] ["testing", "testing", "testing"] :param expression: The regular expression pattern to use to extract tokens. :param stoplist: A list of stop words. Set this to None to disable the stop word filter. :param minsize: Words smaller than this are removed from the stream. :param maxsize: Words longer that this are removed from the stream. :param gaps: If True, the tokenizer *splits* on the expression, rather than matching on the expression. """ ret = RegexTokenizer(expression=expression, gaps=gaps) chain = ret | LowercaseFilter() if stoplist is not None: chain = chain | StopFilter( stoplist=stoplist, minsize=minsize, maxsize=maxsize) return chain
def StemmingAnalyzer(expression=default_pattern, stoplist=STOP_WORDS, minsize=2, maxsize=None, gaps=False, stemfn=stem, ignore=None, cachesize=50000): """Composes a RegexTokenizer with a lower case filter, an optional stop filter, and a stemming filter. >>> ana = StemmingAnalyzer() >>> [token.text for token in ana("Testing is testing and testing")] ["test", "test", "test"] :param expression: The regular expression pattern to use to extract tokens. :param stoplist: A list of stop words. Set this to None to disable the stop word filter. :param minsize: Words smaller than this are removed from the stream. :param maxsize: Words longer that this are removed from the stream. :param gaps: If True, the tokenizer *splits* on the expression, rather than matching on the expression. :param ignore: a set of words to not stem. :param cachesize: the maximum number of stemmed words to cache. The larger this number, the faster stemming will be but the more memory it will use. Use None for no cache, or -1 for an unbounded cache. """ ret = RegexTokenizer(expression=expression, gaps=gaps) chain = ret | LowercaseFilter() if stoplist is not None: chain = chain | StopFilter( stoplist=stoplist, minsize=minsize, maxsize=maxsize) return chain | StemFilter( stemfn=stemfn, ignore=ignore, cachesize=cachesize)
def SimpleAnalyzer(expression=default_pattern, gaps=False): """Composes a RegexTokenizer with a LowercaseFilter. >>> ana = SimpleAnalyzer() >>> [token.text for token in ana("Hello there, this is a TEST")] ["hello", "there", "this", "is", "a", "test"] :param expression: The regular expression pattern to use to extract tokens. :param gaps: If True, the tokenizer *splits* on the expression, rather than matching on the expression. """ return RegexTokenizer(expression=expression, gaps=gaps) | LowercaseFilter()
def LanguageAnalyzer(lang, expression=default_pattern, gaps=False, cachesize=50000): """Configures a simple analyzer for the given language, with a LowercaseFilter, StopFilter, and StemFilter. >>> ana = LanguageAnalyzer("es") >>> [token.text for token in ana("Por el mar corren las liebres")] ['mar', 'corr', 'liebr'] The list of available languages is in `whoosh.lang.languages`. You can use :func:`whoosh.lang.has_stemmer` and :func:`whoosh.lang.has_stopwords` to check if a given language has a stemming function and/or stop word list available. :param expression: The regular expression pattern to use to extract tokens. :param gaps: If True, the tokenizer *splits* on the expression, rather than matching on the expression. :param cachesize: the maximum number of stemmed words to cache. The larger this number, the faster stemming will be but the more memory it will use. """ from whoosh.lang import NoStemmer, NoStopWords # Make the start of the chain chain = (RegexTokenizer(expression=expression, gaps=gaps) | LowercaseFilter()) # Add a stop word filter try: chain = chain | StopFilter(lang=lang) except NoStopWords: pass # Add a stemming filter try: chain = chain | StemFilter(lang=lang, cachesize=cachesize) except NoStemmer: pass return chain
"""Text utilities.""" # Instead of adding more dependencies, let's take advantage of Whoosh's text # processing utilities. from whoosh.analysis.filters import CharsetFilter, LowercaseFilter from whoosh.analysis.tokenizers import IDTokenizer, RegexTokenizer from import accent_map ID_NORMALIZATION_CHAIN = IDTokenizer() | CharsetFilter( accent_map) | LowercaseFilter() SORT_NORMALIZATION_CHAIN = RegexTokenizer() | CharsetFilter( accent_map) | LowercaseFilter() SLUGIFY_CHAIN = RegexTokenizer(r"[^_\W]+") | CharsetFilter( accent_map) | LowercaseFilter() def id_normalize(text): return ' '.join([t.text for t in ID_NORMALIZATION_CHAIN(text)]) def sort_normalize(text): return ' '.join([t.text for t in SORT_NORMALIZATION_CHAIN(text)]) def slugify(text, delimiter='-'): return delimiter.join([t.text for t in SLUGIFY_CHAIN(text)])
def RegexAnalyzer(expression=r"\w+(\.?\w+)*", gaps=False): """Deprecated, just use a RegexTokenizer directly. """ return RegexTokenizer(expression=expression, gaps=gaps)
class ExamplesIndex(ExamplesStore): """An ExampleStore that also provides interfaces such as querying for nearest examples of a certain type. It effectively provides a higher level interface around an IndexBackendABC specifically related to the domain of AInix examples.""" # TODO (DNGros): this tokenizer shouldn't really be here. Should not depend on whoosh x_tokenizer = RegexTokenizer() | LowercaseFilter() def __init__(self, type_context: TypeContext, backend: IndexBackendABC = None): super().__init__(type_context) scheme = self.get_scheme() self.parser = StringParser(type_context) self.backend = backend or WhooshIndexBackend(scheme) self.example_count = 0 @staticmethod def get_scheme() -> 'IndexBackendScheme': return IndexBackendScheme( example_id=IndexBackendFields.NUMBER, xquery=IndexBackendFields.TEXT, ytext=IndexBackendFields.TEXT, xtype=IndexBackendFields.ID, ytype=IndexBackendFields.ID, yindexable=IndexBackendFields.SPACE_STORED_TEXT, y_set_id=IndexBackendFields.ID, weight=IndexBackendFields.ONE_INTERVAL_NUM, split=IndexBackendFields.ID ) @staticmethod def get_default_ram_backend() -> 'IndexBackendABC': """Gets a default backend that does not if node is None: return Falsetouch any files and just keeps data in RAM""" return ainix_kernel.indexing.whooshbackend.WhooshIndexBackend( ExamplesIndex.get_scheme(), ram_only=True) def get_num_x_values(self) -> int: return self.backend.get_doc_count() def _get_yparsed_rep(self, y_string: str, y_type: str) -> str: ast = self.parser.create_parse_tree(y_string, y_type) return ast.indexable_repr() def add_example(self, example: XValue) -> None: self.backend.add_documents([attr.asdict(example)]) self.example_count += 1 def add_yset( self, x_values: List[str], y_values: List[str], x_type: str, y_type: str, y_preferences: List[float], splitter: DataSplits = DEFAULT_SPLITTER ) -> None: y_group = id_generator(size=10) for x in x_values: split = splitter.get_split_from_example(x, y_type) for y, weight in zip(y_values, y_preferences): new_example = XValue(self.example_count, x, y, x_type, y_type, weight, y_group, split=split.value, yindexable=self._get_yparsed_rep(y, y_type)) self.add_example(new_example) def _dict_to_example(self, doc: Dict) -> XValue: """Takes the dictionary form of an object and returns an example object""" # make a copy of the dict so we can mutate alter its keys without # mutating the input dict (this might be overkill....) doc_copy = copy.deepcopy(doc) doc_copy['weight'] = float(doc_copy['weight']) doc_copy['example_id'] = int(doc_copy['example_id']) doc_copy['split'] = int(doc_copy['split']) return XValue(**doc_copy) def get_example_by_id(self, id: int) -> XValue: query = Term("example_id", id) hits = list(self.backend.query(query)) assert len(hits) == 1 return self._dict_to_example(hits[0].doc) # This code is not very relvant anymore. def get_nearest_examples( self, x_value: str, choose_type_name: str = None, filter_splits=None, max_results=10 ) -> Generator[XValue, None, None]: """ Args: filter_splits: x_value: a string to look for the most similar example to choose_type_name: By optionally specifying this value you may require that a specific type choice appears in the example. You could for example only look for the nearest examples where the example features a choice between a Program type. filter_splits: A tuple of DataSplits. If provided, only examples in one of the splits in the provided tuple will be returned max_results: The max number of examples to return Returns: A list of all examples that are potentially near the example, sorted in order where the 0th item is predicted to be nearest. """ tokenized_x_value = (tok.text for tok in self.x_tokenizer(x_value)) query = Or([Term("xquery", term,) for term in tokenized_x_value]) if choose_type_name: y_type_indexable_rep = ast_components.indexable_repr_classify_type(choose_type_name) query &= Term("yindexable", y_type_indexable_rep) if filter_splits: query &= Or([Term("split", str(split.value)) for split in filter_splits]) query_result = self.backend.query(query, max_results) yield from (self._dict_to_example(hit.doc) for hit in query_result) def get_all_x_values( self, filter_splits: Tuple[DataSplits, ...] = None ) -> Generator[XValue, None, None]: """Yields all examples in the index""" if filter_splits is None or len(filter_splits) == 0: query = Every() else: query = Or([Term("split", str(split.value)) for split in filter_splits]) yield from (self._dict_to_example(hit.doc) for hit in self.backend.query(query, max_results=None, score=False)) def get_y_values_for_y_set(self, y_set_id: str) -> List[XValue]: query = Term("y_set_id", y_set_id) return [self._dict_to_example(hit.doc) for hit in self.backend.query(query, None, False)]
def NgramWordAnalyzer(minsize, maxsize=None, tokenizer=None, **kwargs): if not tokenizer: tokenizer = RegexTokenizer() return tokenizer | LowercaseFilter() | NgramFilter(minsize, maxsize, ** kwargs)