コード例 #1
 class request(Tab):  # noqa
     TAB_NAME = 'Request'
     email = WInput(name='requester__owner_email')
     first_name = WInput(name='requester__owner_first_name')
     last_name = WInput(name='requester__owner_last_name')
     notes = WInput(name='requester__request_notes')
     manager_name = WInput(name='requester__owner_manager')
コード例 #2
class InfraVmReconfigureView(BaseLoggedInPage):
    title = Text('#explorer_title_text')

    memory = BootstrapSwitch(name='cb_memory')
    # memory set to True unlocks the following (order matters - first type then value!):
    mem_size_unit = BootstrapSelect(id='mem_type')
    mem_size = WInput(id='memory_value')

    cpu = BootstrapSwitch(name='cb_cpu')
    # cpu set to True unlocks the following:
    sockets = BootstrapSelect(id='socket_count')
    cores_per_socket = BootstrapSelect(id='cores_per_socket_count')
    cpu_total = WInput()  # read-only, TODO widgetastic

    disks_table = DisksTable()

    submit_button = Button('Submit', classes=[Button.PRIMARY])
    cancel_button = Button('Cancel', classes=[Button.DEFAULT])

    # The page doesn't contain enough info to ensure that it's the right VM -> always navigate
    is_displayed = False