コード例 #1
ファイル: scrambler.py プロジェクト: gasparka/wifi
def do(data: bits) -> bits:
    output = bits('')
    shr = bits('1011101')
    for bit in data:
        feedback = int(shr[3]) ^ int(shr[6])
        output += str(int(bit) ^ feedback)
        shr = str(feedback) + shr[:-1]
    return output
コード例 #2
ファイル: convolutional_coder.py プロジェクト: gasparka/wifi
def do(data: bits) -> bits:
    """ See Figure 17-8—Convolutional encoder """
    output = bits('')
    shr = bits('0' * (K - 1))
    for bit in data:
        i = bit + shr
        output += OUTPUT_LUT[bitstr.to_int(i)]
        shr = i[:-1]  # advance the shift register

    return output
コード例 #3
def test_hypothesis(data, coding_rate):
    data = bits(data)

    # cant test equality because 'do' throws away data
    do1 = do(data, coding_rate)
    undo1 = undo(do1, coding_rate)
    assert len(undo1) == len(data)

    do2 = do(undo1, coding_rate)
    assert do1 == do2
コード例 #4
ファイル: receiver.py プロジェクト: gasparka/wifi
def test_loopback(data_rate):
    data_bits = bits(
    iq = transmit(data_bits, data_rate)
    iq = awgn(iq, 20)

    i = packet_detector(iq)[0]
    packet = receive(iq[i - 2:])
    assert packet.bits == data_bits
コード例 #5
ファイル: convolutional_coder.py プロジェクト: gasparka/wifi
def test_i161():
    Uses 3/4 coding rate for data field.

    # Table I-15—The DATA bits after scrambling (and resetting tail bits)
    input = bits(

    # Table I-16—The BCC encoded DATA bits
    expect = bits(

    output = do(input)
    output = puncturer.do(output, coding_rate='3/4')
    assert output == expect

    # test decoding
    data = puncturer.undo(output, coding_rate='3/4')
    decoded = undo(data)
    assert decoded == input
コード例 #6
ファイル: scrambler.py プロジェクト: gasparka/wifi
def test_i152():
    IEEE Std 802.11-2016: I.1.4.2 Coding the SIGNAL field bits
    # Table I-13—The DATA bits before scrambling
    input = bits(

    # Table I-15—The DATA bits after scrambling ( tail bits set to 0! )
    expect = bits(

    output = do(input)

    # test against standard -> restore the tail bits to 0
    tail_zeroed = list(output)
    tail_zeroed[816:822] = ['0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0']
    tail_zeroed = ''.join(tail_zeroed)
    assert tail_zeroed == expect

    # test reverse
    rev = undo(output)
    assert rev == input
コード例 #7
ファイル: convolutional_coder.py プロジェクト: gasparka/wifi
def test_signal():
    Uses 1/2 coding rate for signal field.

    # IEEE Std 802.11-2016: Table I-7—Bit assignment for SIGNAL field
    input = bits('101100010011000000000000')

    # IEEE Std 802.11-2016: Table I-8—SIGNAL field bits after encoding
    expected = bits('110100011010000100000010001111100111000000000000')
    output = do(input)
    assert output == expected

    # test decoding
    decoded = undo(output)
    assert decoded == input

    # test decoding with bit errors
    # 4 errors
    output = bits('010100011010100101000010001111100111000000100000')
    decoded = undo(output)
    assert decoded == input