def main(): zoom = 15 tft = m5stack.Display() tft.text(10, 10, "> Reading settings.\n") with open("/flash/settings.json") as fp: settings = json.loads( tft.text(10, tft.LASTY, "> Connecting to wifi.\n") wifi = Wifi(settings["username"], settings["password"]) tft.text(10, tft.LASTY, "> Scanning networks.\n") networks = wifi.scan() tft.text(10, tft.LASTY, "> Locating current position.\n") geolocation = Geolocation(settings["api_key"], networks) coordinates = geolocation.coordinates() tft.text(10, tft.LASTY, "> Downloading the map.\n") map = Map(coordinates)"/flash/map.jpg") tft.image(0, 0, "/flash/map.jpg") button_a = DigitalInput(Pin(m5stack.BUTTON_A_PIN, Pin.IN), callback=lambda pin: zoom_in_handler(map, tft)) button_c = DigitalInput(Pin(m5stack.BUTTON_C_PIN, Pin.IN), callback=lambda pin: zoom_out_handler(map, tft))
class wifi(Command): def __init__(self): super().__init__('Handle Wifi connection and settings', {'-init': ['Run initialize sequence'], '-sta, --station': ['<ssid>', '<pass>', 'Disadle AP and try to connect to Wifi network. Uses knowns list if no SSID provided, if no connection estabilished - enables AP. If network has no password, type in only SSID argument'], '-ap, --startAP': ['Disadle STA and activate AP'], '-i, --info': ['Show STA and AP state and IP\'s'], '-s, --scan': ['Show available Wifi networks'], '-cap, --changeAP': ['<ssid>', '<password>', 'Change AP SSID and password'], '-a, --add': ['<ssid>', '<password>', 'Add new Wifi network to knowns list'], '-d, --delete': ['<ssid>', 'Delete Wifi network from knowns list'], '-t, --timeout': ['<timeout>', 'Get or set Wifi connection timeout (10 seconds by default)'],}) def __call__(self, *args): if len(args[1]) > 0: key = args[1][0] file = open('/flash/etc/settings.txt') settings = json.loads( file.close() if key == '-init': self.wifi_handler = Wifi() elif key in ['-sta', '--station']: if len(args[1]) > 1: password = '' ssid = args[1][1] if len(args[1])> 2: password = args[1][2] self.wifi_handler.connect_given(ssid, password) else: self.wifi_handler.connect() elif key in ['-ap', '--startAP']: self.wifi_handler.startAP() elif key in ['-i', '--info']: sta_ssid = self.wifi_handler.current_ssid sta_ip = self.wifi_handler.sta.ifconfig()[0] ap_ssid = self.wifi_handler.ap.config('essid') if else 'N/A' ap_ip = self.wifi_handler.ap.ifconfig()[0] print('STA:', sta_ssid, makeTab(sta_ssid, 15), sta_ip + makeTab(sta_ip, 15), green('Connected') if self.wifi_handler.sta.isconnected() else red('Not connected')) print('AP: ', ap_ssid, makeTab(ap_ssid, 15), ap_ip + makeTab(ap_ip, 15), green('Active') if else red('Inactive')) elif key in ['-s', '--scan']: self.wifi_handler.scan() print(*[i[0] + makeTab(i[0], 20) + str(i[1]) + ' dBm \t' + i[2] for i in self.wifi_handler.scanned], sep ='\n') elif key in ['-cap', '--changeAP'] and len(args[1]) > 1: settings['network']['ap'][0] = args[1][1] if len(args[1]) > 2: settings['network']['ap'][1] = args[1][2] else: settings['network']['ap'][1] = '' elif key in ['-a', '--add'] and len(args[1]) > 1: if len(args[1]) > 2: settings['network']['wifi'][args[1][1]] = args[1][2] else: settings['network']['wifi'][args[1][1]] = '' elif key in ['-d', '--delete'] and len(args[1]) > 1: res = settings['network']['wifi'].pop(args[1][1], -1) if res == -1: print(red('No such SSID found')) elif key in ['-t', '--timeout']: if len(args[1]) > 1 and args[1][1].isdigit(): timeout = int(args[1][1]) if timeout != 0: settings['network']['wifiConnectionTimeout'] = timeout print('Timeout:', settings['network']['wifiConnectionTimeout']) else: print(red('No valid key provided or arguments are missing')) file = open('/flash/etc/settings.txt', 'w') file.write(json.dumps(settings)) file.close()