def classify_url(self, domain, page, depth=0): """ Classify the documents after crawling them. args: domain - the domain part of the url page - the other part of the url depth - how deep to crawl returns: a list of predicted probabilities for each instance belonging to each class """ # get the documents documents, _ = crawl_page(domain, page, depth=0) # parse the documents string_data = [] for page, doc in documents.iteritems(): words = parse_html_simple(doc) parsed = [] for word in words: if (word in self.english_words and word not in self.stop_words and word in self.vocabulary): parsed.append(word) string_data.append(' '.join(parsed)) count_data = self.vectorizer.transform(string_data) # classify the documents probs = self.classifier.predict_proba(count_data) return probs
def load_training_data(self): # make some dictionaries to preprocess the words english_words = set() with open(PATH + "american-english.txt") as english_dictionary: english_words = set( word.strip().lower() for word in english_dictionary) stop_words = set() with open(PATH + "english_stopwords.txt") as stopwords: stop_words = set(word.strip().lower() for word in stopwords) self.english_words = english_words self.stop_words = stop_words if not os.path.isfile(PATH + 'categories.pickle'): scrape_wikipedia() categories = pickle.load(open(PATH + 'categories.pickle', 'rb')) # parse the html, turning it into a list of words # and removing stop words and non-dictionary words # we'll also collect all of the words so that we can make a map of # words to numbers all_words = set() # the category level for k, v in categories.iteritems(): # the document level for inner_k, inner_document in v.iteritems(): # parse the html to get lists of words per document words = parse_html_simple(inner_document) parsed = [] for word in words: if word in english_words and word not in stop_words: all_words.add(word) parsed.append(word) categories[k][inner_k] = parsed # aggregate all of the documents into one big data set while # transforming them into counts self.vocabulary = set(all_words) self.vectorizer = CountVectorizer(vocabulary=self.vocabulary) count_data = [] string_data = [] labels = [] # the category level for k, v in categories.iteritems(): # the document level for inner_k, inner_document in v.iteritems(): # oops, we actually need this in string format string_data.append(' '.join(inner_document)) labels.append(k) # transform the string data into count data count_data = self.vectorizer.transform(string_data).todense() # transform count_data and babels into numpy arrays for easy indexing count_data = numpy.array(count_data) labels = numpy.array(labels).squeeze() # make a map from the string label to a number and vice versa self.label_map = {} self.reverse_label_map = {} i = 0 for label in sorted(set(labels)): self.reverse_label_map[i] = label self.label_map[label] = i i += 1 # fit the model self.classifier = MultinomialNB(), labels)