def add_text(page=None, addText=None, summary=None, regexSkip=None, regexSkipUrl=None, always=False, up=False, putText=True, oldTextGiven=None, reorderEnabled=True, create=False): # When a page is tagged as "really well written" it has a star in the # interwiki links. This is a list of all the templates used (in regex # format) to make the stars appear. starsList = [ u'bueno', u'bom interwiki', u'cyswllt[ _]erthygl[ _]ddethol', u'dolen[ _]ed', u'destacado', u'destaca[tu]', u'enllaç[ _]ad', u'enllaz[ _]ad', u'leam[ _]vdc', u'legătură[ _]a[bcf]', u'liamm[ _]pub', u'lien[ _]adq', u'lien[ _]ba', u'liên[ _]kết[ _]bài[ _]chất[ _]lượng[ _]tốt', u'liên[ _]kết[ _]chọn[ _]lọc', u'ligam[ _]adq', u'ligoelstara', u'ligoleginda', u'link[ _][afgu]a', u'link[ _]adq', u'link[ _]f[lm]', u'link[ _]km', u'link[ _]sm', u'linkfa', u'na[ _]lotura', u'nasc[ _]ar', u'tengill[ _][úg]g', u'ua', u'yüm yg', u'רא', u'وصلة مقالة جيدة', u'وصلة مقالة مختارة', ] errorCount = 0 site = pywikibot.getSite() pathWiki = site = pywikibot.getSite() if oldTextGiven is None: try: text = page.get() except pywikibot.NoPage: if create: pywikibot.output(u"%s doesn't exist, creating it!" % page.title()) text = u'' else: pywikibot.output(u"%s doesn't exist, skip!" % page.title()) return (False, False, always) except pywikibot.IsRedirectPage: pywikibot.output(u"%s is a redirect, skip!" % page.title()) return (False, False, always) else: text = oldTextGiven # If not up, text put below if not up: newtext = text # Translating the \\n into binary \n addText = addText.replace('\\n', '\n') if (reorderEnabled): # Getting the categories categoriesInside = pywikibot.getCategoryLinks(newtext, site) # Deleting the categories newtext = pywikibot.removeCategoryLinks(newtext, site) # Getting the interwiki interwikiInside = pywikibot.getLanguageLinks(newtext, site) # Removing the interwiki newtext = pywikibot.removeLanguageLinks(newtext, site) # Adding the text newtext += u"\n%s" % addText # Reputting the categories newtext = pywikibot.replaceCategoryLinks(newtext, categoriesInside, site, True) # Dealing the stars' issue allstars = [] starstext = pywikibot.removeDisabledParts(text) for star in starsList: regex = re.compile('(\{\{(?:template:|)%s\|.*?\}\}[\s]*)' % star, re.I) found = regex.findall(starstext) if found != []: newtext = regex.sub('', newtext) allstars += found if allstars != []: newtext = newtext.strip() + '\r\n\r\n' allstars.sort() for element in allstars: newtext += '%s\r\n' % element.strip() # Adding the interwiki newtext = pywikibot.replaceLanguageLinks(newtext, interwikiInside, site) else: newtext += u"\n%s" % addText else: newtext = addText + '\n' + text if putText and text != newtext: pywikibot.output(u"\n\n>>> \03{lightpurple}%s\03{default} <<<" % page.title()) #pywikibot.showDiff(text, newtext) # Let's put the changes. while True: # If someone load it as module, maybe it's not so useful to put the # text in the page if putText: if always or choice == 'y': try: pass if always: page.put(newtext, summary, minorEdit=False) else: page.put_async(newtext, summary, minorEdit=False) except pywikibot.EditConflict: pywikibot.output(u'Edit conflict! skip!') return (False, False, always) except pywikibot.ServerError: errorCount += 1 if errorCount < 5: pywikibot.output(u'Server Error! Wait..') time.sleep(5) continue else: raise pywikibot.ServerError(u'Fifth Server Error!') except pywikibot.SpamfilterError, e: pywikibot.output( u'Cannot change %s because of blacklist entry %s' % (page.title(), e.url)) return (False, False, always) except pywikibot.PageNotSaved, error: pywikibot.output(u'Error putting page: %s' % error.args) return (False, False, always) except pywikibot.LockedPage: pywikibot.output(u'Skipping %s (locked page)' % page.title()) return (False, False, always) else: # Break only if the errors are one after the other... errorCount = 0 return (True, True, always)
def add_text(page=None, addText=None, summary=None, regexSkip=None, regexSkipUrl=None, always=False, up=False, putText=True, oldTextGiven=None, reorderEnabled=True, create=False): if not addText: raise NoEnoughData('You have to specify what text you want to add!') if not summary: summary = i18n.twtranslate(pywikibot.getSite(), 'add_text-adding', {'adding': addText[:200]}) # When a page is tagged as "really well written" it has a star in the # interwiki links. This is a list of all the templates used (in regex # format) to make the stars appear. errorCount = 0 site = pywikibot.getSite() pathWiki = if putText: pywikibot.output(u'Loading %s...' % page.title()) if oldTextGiven is None: try: text = page.get() except pywikibot.NoPage: if create: pywikibot.output(u"%s doesn't exist, creating it!" % page.title()) text = u'' else: pywikibot.output(u"%s doesn't exist, skip!" % page.title()) return (False, False, always) except pywikibot.IsRedirectPage: pywikibot.output(u"%s is a redirect, skip!" % page.title()) return (False, False, always) else: text = oldTextGiven # Understand if the bot has to skip the page or not # In this way you can use both -except and -excepturl if regexSkipUrl is not None: url = '%s%s' % (pathWiki, page.urlname()) result = re.findall(regexSkipUrl, site.getUrl(url)) if result != []: pywikibot.output( u'''Exception! regex (or word) used with -exceptUrl is in the page. Skip! Match was: %s''' % result) return (False, False, always) if regexSkip is not None: result = re.findall(regexSkip, text) if result != []: pywikibot.output( u'''Exception! regex (or word) used with -except is in the page. Skip! Match was: %s''' % result) return (False, False, always) # If not up, text put below if not up: newtext = text # Translating the \\n into binary \n addText = addText.replace('\\n', config.line_separator) if (reorderEnabled): # Getting the categories categoriesInside = pywikibot.getCategoryLinks(newtext, site) # Deleting the categories newtext = pywikibot.removeCategoryLinks(newtext, site) # Getting the interwiki interwikiInside = pywikibot.getLanguageLinks(newtext, site) # Removing the interwiki newtext = pywikibot.removeLanguageLinks(newtext, site) # Adding the text newtext += u"%s%s" % (config.line_separator, addText) # Reputting the categories newtext = pywikibot.replaceCategoryLinks(newtext, categoriesInside, site, True) # Dealing the stars' issue allstars = [] starstext = pywikibot.removeDisabledParts(text) for star in starsList: regex = re.compile('(\{\{(?:template:|)%s\|.*?\}\}[\s]*)' % star, re.I) found = regex.findall(starstext) if found != []: newtext = regex.sub('', newtext) allstars += found if allstars != []: newtext = newtext.strip() + config.line_separator * 2 allstars.sort() for element in allstars: newtext += '%s%s' % (element.strip(), config.LS) # Adding the interwiki newtext = pywikibot.replaceLanguageLinks(newtext, interwikiInside, site) else: newtext += u"%s%s" % (config.line_separator, addText) else: newtext = addText + config.line_separator + text if putText and text != newtext: pywikibot.output(u"\n\n>>> \03{lightpurple}%s\03{default} <<<" % page.title()) pywikibot.showDiff(text, newtext) # Let's put the changes. while True: # If someone load it as module, maybe it's not so useful to put the # text in the page if putText: if not always: choice = pywikibot.inputChoice( u'Do you want to accept these changes?', ['Yes', 'No', 'All', 'open in Browser'], ['y', 'n', 'a', 'b'], 'n') if choice == 'a': always = True elif choice == 'n': return (False, False, always) elif choice == 'b':"http://%s%s" % (, )) pywikibot.input("Press Enter when finished in browser.") if always or choice == 'y': try: if always: page.put(newtext, summary, minorEdit=page.namespace() != 3) else: page.put_async(newtext, summary, minorEdit=page.namespace() != 3) except pywikibot.EditConflict: pywikibot.output(u'Edit conflict! skip!') return (False, False, always) except pywikibot.ServerError: errorCount += 1 if errorCount < config.maxretries: pywikibot.output(u'Server Error! Wait..') time.sleep(5) continue else: raise pywikibot.ServerError(u'Fifth Server Error!') except pywikibot.SpamfilterError as e: pywikibot.output( u'Cannot change %s because of blacklist entry %s' % (page.title(), e.url)) return (False, False, always) except pywikibot.PageNotSaved as error: pywikibot.output(u'Error putting page: %s' % error.args) return (False, False, always) except pywikibot.LockedPage: pywikibot.output(u'Skipping %s (locked page)' % page.title()) return (False, False, always) else: # Break only if the errors are one after the other... errorCount = 0 return (True, True, always) else: return (text, newtext, always)
def main(): """ Main Function """ # Loading the comments global categoryToCheck, comment, project_inserted # always, define a generator to understand if the user sets one, # defining what's genFactory always = False generator = False show = False moveBlockCheck = False protectedpages = False protectType = 'edit' namespace = 0 genFactory = pagegenerators.GeneratorFactory() # To prevent Infinite loops errorCount = 0 # Loading the default options. for arg in pywikibot.handleArgs(): if arg == '-always': always = True elif arg == '-move': moveBlockCheck = True elif arg == '-show': show = True elif arg.startswith('-protectedpages'): protectedpages = True if len(arg) > 15: namespace = int(arg[16:]) elif arg.startswith('-moveprotected'): protectedpages = True protectType = 'move' if len(arg) > 14: namespace = int(arg[15:]) else: genFactory.handleArg(arg) if config.mylang not in project_inserted: pywikibot.output( u"Your project is not supported by this script.\nYou have to edit the script and add it!" ) return site = pywikibot.getSite() if protectedpages: generator = site.protectedpages(namespace=namespace, type=protectType) # Take the right templates to use, the category and the comment TSP = pywikibot.translate(site, templateSemiProtection) TTP = pywikibot.translate(site, templateTotalProtection) TSMP = pywikibot.translate(site, templateSemiMoveProtection) TTMP = pywikibot.translate(site, templateTotalMoveProtection) TNR = pywikibot.translate(site, templateNoRegex) TU = pywikibot.translate(site, templateUnique) category = pywikibot.translate(site, categoryToCheck) commentUsed = pywikibot.translate(site, comment) if not generator: generator = genFactory.getCombinedGenerator() if not generator: generator = list() pywikibot.output(u'Loading categories...') # Define the category if no other generator has been setted for CAT in category: cat = catlib.Category(site, CAT) # Define the generator gen = pagegenerators.CategorizedPageGenerator(cat) for pageCat in gen: generator.append(pageCat) pywikibot.output(u'Categories loaded, start!') # Main Loop preloadingGen = pagegenerators.PreloadingGenerator(generator, pageNumber=60) for page in preloadingGen: pagename = page.title(asLink=True) pywikibot.output('Loading %s...' % pagename) try: text = page.get() restrictions = page.getRestrictions() except pywikibot.NoPage: pywikibot.output("%s doesn't exist! Skipping..." % pagename) continue except pywikibot.IsRedirectPage: pywikibot.output("%s is a redirect! Skipping..." % pagename) if show: showQuest(site, page) continue """ # This check does not work : # PreloadingGenerator cannot set correctly page.editRestriction # (see bug #1949476 ) if not page.canBeEdited(): pywikibot.output("%s is sysop-protected : this account can't edit it! Skipping..." % pagename) continue """ if 'edit' in restrictions.keys(): editRestr = restrictions['edit'] else: editRestr = None if editRestr and editRestr[0] == 'sysop': try: config.sysopnames[][site.lang] except: pywikibot.output( "%s is sysop-protected : this account can't edit it! Skipping..." % pagename) continue # Understand, according to the template in the page, what should be the protection # and compare it with what there really is. TemplateInThePage = understandBlock(text, TTP, TSP, TSMP, TTMP, TU) # Only to see if the text is the same or not... oldtext = text # keep track of the changes for each step (edit then move) changes = -1 if not editRestr: # page is not edit-protected # Deleting the template because the page doesn't need it. if TU != None: replaceToPerform = u'|'.join(TTP + TSP + TU) else: replaceToPerform = u'|'.join(TTP + TSP) text, changes = re.subn( '<noinclude>(%s)</noinclude>' % replaceToPerform, '', text) if changes == 0: text, changes = re.subn('(%s)' % replaceToPerform, '', text) msg = u'The page is editable for all' if not moveBlockCheck: msg += u', deleting the template..' pywikibot.output(u'%s.' % msg) elif editRestr[0] == 'sysop': # total edit protection if (TemplateInThePage[0] == 'sysop-total' and TTP != None) or (TemplateInThePage[0] == 'unique' and TU != None): msg = 'The page is protected to the sysop' if not moveBlockCheck: msg += ', skipping...' pywikibot.output(msg) else: pywikibot.output( u'The page is protected to the sysop, but the template seems not correct. Fixing...' ) if TU != None: text, changes = re.subn(TemplateInThePage[1], TNR[4], text) else: text, changes = re.subn(TemplateInThePage[1], TNR[1], text) elif TSP != None or TU != None: # implicitely editRestr[0] = 'autoconfirmed', edit-Semi-protection if TemplateInThePage[ 0] == 'autoconfirmed-total' or TemplateInThePage[ 0] == 'unique': msg = 'The page is editable only for the autoconfirmed users' if not moveBlockCheck: msg += ', skipping...' pywikibot.output(msg) else: pywikibot.output( u'The page is editable only for the autoconfirmed users, but the template seems not correct. Fixing...' ) if TU != None: text, changes = re.subn(TemplateInThePage[1], TNR[4], text) else: text, changes = re.subn(TemplateInThePage[1], TNR[0], text) if changes == 0: # We tried to fix edit-protection templates, but it did not work. pywikibot.output( 'Warning : No edit-protection template could be found') if moveBlockCheck and changes > -1: # checking move protection now try: moveRestr = restrictions['move'] except KeyError: moveRestr = False changes = -1 if not moveRestr: pywikibot.output( u'The page is movable for all, deleting the template...') # Deleting the template because the page doesn't need it. if TU != None: replaceToPerform = u'|'.join(TSMP + TTMP + TU) else: replaceToPerform = u'|'.join(TSMP + TTMP) text, changes = re.subn( '<noinclude>(%s)</noinclude>' % replaceToPerform, '', text) if changes == 0: text, changes = re.subn('(%s)' % replaceToPerform, '', text) elif moveRestr[0] == 'sysop': # move-total-protection if (TemplateInThePage[0] == 'sysop-move' and TTMP != None) or (TemplateInThePage[0] == 'unique' and TU != None): pywikibot.output( u'The page is protected from moving to the sysop, skipping...' ) if TU != None: text = oldtext # no changes needed, better to revert the old text. else: pywikibot.output( u'The page is protected from moving to the sysop, but the template seems not correct. Fixing...' ) if TU != None: text, changes = re.subn(TemplateInThePage[1], TNR[4], text) else: text, changes = re.subn(TemplateInThePage[1], TNR[3], text) elif TSMP != None or TU != None: # implicitely moveRestr[0] = 'autoconfirmed', move-semi-protection if TemplateInThePage[ 0] == 'autoconfirmed-move' or TemplateInThePage[ 0] == 'unique': pywikibot.output( u'The page is movable only for the autoconfirmed users, skipping...' ) if TU != None: text = oldtext # no changes needed, better to revert the old text. else: pywikibot.output( u'The page is movable only for the autoconfirmed users, but the template seems not correct. Fixing...' ) if TU != None: text, changes = re.subn(TemplateInThePage[1], TNR[4], text) else: text, changes = re.subn(TemplateInThePage[1], TNR[2], text) if changes == 0: # We tried to fix move-protection templates, but it did not work. pywikibot.output( 'Warning : No move-protection template could be found') if oldtext != text: # Ok, asking if the change has to be performed and do it if yes. pywikibot.output(u"\n\n>>> \03{lightpurple}%s\03{default} <<<" % page.title()) pywikibot.showDiff(oldtext, text) if not always: choice = pywikibot.inputChoice( u'Do you want to accept these changes?', ['Yes', 'No', 'All'], ['y', 'N', 'a'], 'N') if choice == 'a': always = True if always or choice == 'y': while 1: try: page.put(text, commentUsed, force=True) except pywikibot.EditConflict: pywikibot.output(u'Edit conflict! skip!') break except pywikibot.ServerError: # Sometimes there is this error that's quite annoying because # can block the whole process for nothing. errorCount += 1 if errorCount < 5: pywikibot.output(u'Server Error! Wait..') time.sleep(3) continue else: # Prevent Infinite Loops raise pywikibot.ServerError(u'Fifth Server Error!') except pywikibot.SpamfilterError, e: pywikibot.output( u'Cannot change %s because of blacklist entry %s' % (page.title(), e.url)) break except pywikibot.PageNotSaved, error: pywikibot.output(u'Error putting page: %s' % (error.args, )) break except pywikibot.LockedPage: pywikibot.output( u'The page is still protected. Skipping...') break else: # Break only if the errors are one after the other errorCount = 0 break
def add_text(page = None, addText = None, summary = None, regexSkip = None, regexSkipUrl = None, always = False, up = False, putText = True, oldTextGiven = None, reorderEnabled = True, create=False): if not addText: raise NoEnoughData('You have to specify what text you want to add!') if not summary: summary = i18n.twtranslate(pywikibot.getSite(), 'add_text-adding', {'adding': addText[:200]}) # When a page is tagged as "really well written" it has a star in the # interwiki links. This is a list of all the templates used (in regex # format) to make the stars appear. starsList = [ u'bueno', u'cyswllt[ _]erthygl[ _]ddethol', u'dolen[ _]ed', u'destacado', u'destaca[tu]', u'enllaç[ _]ad', u'enllaz[ _]ad', u'leam[ _]vdc', u'legătură[ _]a[bcf]', u'liamm[ _]pub', u'lien[ _]adq', u'lien[ _]ba', u'liên[ _]kết[ _]bài[ _]chất[ _]lượng[ _]tốt', u'liên[ _]kết[ _]chọn[ _]lọc', u'ligam[ _]adq', u'ligoelstara', u'ligoleginda', u'link[ _][afgu]a', u'link[ _]adq', u'link[ _]f[lm]', u'link[ _]km', u'link[ _]sm', u'linkfa', u'na[ _]lotura', u'nasc[ _]ar', u'tengill[ _][úg]g', u'ua', u'yüm yg', u'רא', u'وصلة مقالة جيدة', u'وصلة مقالة مختارة', ] errorCount = 0 site = pywikibot.getSite() # /wiki/ is not always the right path in non-wiki projects pathWiki = if putText: pywikibot.output(u'Loading %s...' % page.title()) if oldTextGiven == None: try: text = page.get() except pywikibot.NoPage: if create: pywikibot.output(u"%s doesn't exist, creating it!" % page.title()) text = u'' else: pywikibot.output(u"%s doesn't exist, skip!" % page.title()) return (False, False, always) # continue except pywikibot.IsRedirectPage: pywikibot.output(u"%s is a redirect, skip!" % page.title()) return (False, False, always) # continue else: text = oldTextGiven # Understand if the bot has to skip the page or not # In this way you can use both -except and -excepturl if regexSkipUrl != None: url = '%s%s' % (pathWiki, page.urlname()) result = re.findall(regexSkipUrl, site.getUrl(url)) if result != []: pywikibot.output( u'''Exception! regex (or word) used with -exceptUrl is in the page. Skip! Match was: %s''' % result) return (False, False, always) # continue if regexSkip != None: result = re.findall(regexSkip, text) if result != []: pywikibot.output( u'''Exception! regex (or word) used with -except is in the page. Skip! Match was: %s''' % result) return (False, False, always) # continue # If not up, text put below if not up: newtext = text # Translating the \\n into binary \n addText = addText.replace('\\n', '\n') if (reorderEnabled): # Getting the categories categoriesInside = pywikibot.getCategoryLinks(newtext, site) # Deleting the categories #newtext = pywikibot.removeCategoryLinks(newtext, site) # Getting the interwiki interwikiInside = pywikibot.getLanguageLinks(newtext, site) # Removing the interwiki newtext = pywikibot.removeLanguageLinks(newtext, site) # nn got a message between the categories and the iw's # and they want to keep it there, first remove it hasCommentLine = False if (site.language()==u'nn'): regex = re.compile('(<!-- ?interwiki \(no(?:/nb)?, ?sv, ?da first; then other languages alphabetically by name\) ?-->)') found = regex.findall(newtext) if found: hasCommentLine = True newtext = regex.sub('', newtext) # Adding the text newtext += u"\n%s" % addText # Reputting the categories #newtext = pywikibot.replaceCategoryLinks(newtext, #categoriesInside, site, True) #Put the nn iw message back if site.language()==u'nn' and (interwikiInside or hasCommentLine): newtext = newtext + u'\r\n\r\n' + nn_iw_msg # Dealing the stars' issue allstars = [] starstext = pywikibot.removeDisabledParts(text) for star in starsList: regex = re.compile('(\{\{(?:template:|)%s\|.*?\}\}[\s]*)' % star, re.I) found = regex.findall(starstext) if found != []: newtext = regex.sub('', newtext) allstars += found if allstars != []: newtext = newtext.strip()+'\r\n\r\n' allstars.sort() for element in allstars: newtext += '%s\r\n' % element.strip() # Adding the interwiki newtext = pywikibot.replaceLanguageLinks(newtext, interwikiInside, site) else: # Adding the text newtext += u"\n%s" % addText # If instead the text must be added above... else: newtext = addText + '\n' + text if putText and text != newtext: pywikibot.output(u"\n\n>>> \03{lightpurple}%s\03{default} <<<" % page.title()) pywikibot.showDiff(text, newtext) # Let's put the changes. while True: # If someone load it as module, maybe it's not so useful to put the # text in the page if putText: if not always: choice = pywikibot.inputChoice( u'Do you want to accept these changes?', ['Yes', 'No', 'All'], ['y', 'N', 'a'], 'N') if choice == 'a': always = True elif choice == 'n': return (False, False, always) if always or choice == 'y': try: if always: page.put(newtext, summary) else: page.put_async(newtext, summary) except pywikibot.EditConflict: pywikibot.output(u'Edit conflict! skip!') return (False, False, always) except pywikibot.ServerError: errorCount += 1 if errorCount < 5: pywikibot.output(u'Server Error! Wait..') time.sleep(5) continue else: raise pywikibot.ServerError(u'Fifth Server Error!') except pywikibot.SpamfilterError, e: pywikibot.output( u'Cannot change %s because of blacklist entry %s' % (page.title(), e.url)) return (False, False, always) except pywikibot.PageNotSaved, error: pywikibot.output(u'Error putting page: %s' % error.args) return (False, False, always) except pywikibot.LockedPage: pywikibot.output(u'Skipping %s (locked page)' % page.title()) return (False, False, always) else: # Break only if the errors are one after the other... errorCount = 0 return (True, True, always)