コード例 #1
def cleanUpCategories(description =''):
    Filter the categories in the description using the functions in imagerecat
    #Get the list of current categories
    categoryPages = wikipedia.getCategoryLinks(description, wikipedia.getSite())

    #Make it a list of strings (not page objects)
    categories = []
    for cat in categoryPages:

    #Strip the categories of the current description
    description = wikipedia.removeCategoryLinks(description, wikipedia.getSite())    

    #Filter the list of categories
    categories = imagerecat.applyAllFilters(categories)
    #If we have a category, remove the uncat template
    if not (categories==''):
	description = description.replace(u'{{subst:unc}}', u'')

    #Add the categories to the description again
    description = description + u'\n'
    for category in categories:
	#print u'Category : ' + category
	description = description + u'[[Category:' + category + u']]\n'
    return description
コード例 #2
ファイル: upload_to_commons.py プロジェクト: xqt/toollabs
def cleanUpCategories(description=''):
    Filter the categories in the description using the functions in imagerecat
    #Get the list of current categories
    categoryPages = wikipedia.getCategoryLinks(description,

    #Make it a list of strings (not page objects)
    categories = []
    for cat in categoryPages:

    #Strip the categories of the current description
    description = wikipedia.removeCategoryLinks(description,

    #Filter the list of categories
    categories = imagerecat.applyAllFilters(categories)

    #If we have a category, remove the uncat template
    if not (categories == ''):
        description = description.replace(u'{{subst:unc}}', u'')

    #Add the categories to the description again
    description = description + u'\n'
    for category in categories:
        #print u'Category : ' + category
        description = description + u'[[Category:' + category + u']]\n'
    return description
コード例 #3
def putAfterTemplate(page, template, toadd, loose=True):
    Try to put text after template.
    If the template is not found return False if loose is set to False
    If loose is set to True: Remove interwiki's, categories, add template, restore categories, restore interwiki's.

    Based on cc-by-sa-3.0 code by Dschwen
    oldtext = page.get()
    newtext = u''

    templatePosition = oldtext.find(u'{{%s' % (template, ))

    if templatePosition >= 0:
        previousChar = u''
        currentChar = u''
        templatePosition += 2
        curly = 1
        square = 0

        while templatePosition < len(oldtext):
            currentChar = oldtext[templatePosition]

            if currentChar == u'[' and previousChar == u'[':
                square += 1
                previousChar = u''
            if currentChar == u']' and previousChar == u']':
                square -= 1
                previousChar = u''
            if currentChar == u'{' and previousChar == u'{':
                curly += 1
                previousChar = u''
            if currentChar == u'}' and previousChar == u'}':
                curly -= 1
                previousChar = u''

            previousChar = currentChar
            templatePosition += 1

            if curly == 0 and square <= 0:
                # Found end of template
        newtext = oldtext[:templatePosition] + u'\n' + toadd + oldtext[

        if loose:
            newtext = oldtext
            cats = wikipedia.getCategoryLinks(newtext)
            ll = wikipedia.getLanguageLinks(newtext)
            nextext = wikipedia.removeLanguageLinks(newtext)
            newtext = wikipedia.removeCategoryLinks(newtext)
            newtext = newtext + u'\n' + toadd
            newtext = wikipedia.replaceCategoryLinks(newtext, cats)
            newtext = wikipedia.replaceLanguageLinks(newtext, ll)

    return newtext
コード例 #4
def putAfterTemplate (page, template, toadd, loose=True):
    Try to put text after template.
    If the template is not found return False if loose is set to False
    If loose is set to True: Remove interwiki's, categories, add template, restore categories, restore interwiki's.

    Based on cc-by-sa-3.0 code by Dschwen
    oldtext = page.get()
    newtext = u''

    templatePosition = oldtext.find(u'{{%s' % (template,))

    if templatePosition >= 0:
	previousChar = u''
	currentChar = u''
	templatePosition += 2
	curly = 1
	square = 0
	while templatePosition < len(oldtext):
	    currentChar = oldtext[templatePosition]

	    if currentChar == u'[' and previousChar == u'[' :
		square += 1
                previousChar = u''
            if currentChar == u']' and previousChar == u']' :
                square -= 1
                previousChar = u''
            if currentChar == u'{' and previousChar == u'{' :
                curly += 1
                previousChar = u''
            if currentChar == u'}' and previousChar == u'}' :
                curly -= 1
                previousChar = u''

	    previousChar = currentChar
	    templatePosition +=1

	    if curly == 0 and square <= 0 :
		# Found end of template
	newtext = oldtext[:templatePosition] + u'\n' + toadd + oldtext[templatePosition:]
	if loose:
	    newtext = oldtext
	    cats = wikipedia.getCategoryLinks(newtext)
	    ll = wikipedia.getLanguageLinks(newtext)
	    nextext = wikipedia.removeLanguageLinks (newtext)
	    newtext = wikipedia.removeCategoryLinks(newtext)
	    newtext = newtext + u'\n' + toadd
	    newtext = wikipedia.replaceCategoryLinks(newtext, cats)
	    newtext = wikipedia.replaceLanguageLinks(newtext, ll)
    return newtext
コード例 #5
 def standardizeCategories(self, text):
     Makes sure that categories are put to the correct position, but
     does not sort them.
     # The PyWikipediaBot is no longer allowed to touch categories on the German Wikipedia. See http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hilfe_Diskussion:Personendaten/Archiv/bis_2006#Position_der_Personendaten_am_.22Artikelende.22
     if self.site != wikipedia.getSite('de', 'wikipedia'):
         categories = wikipedia.getCategoryLinks(text, site = self.site)
         text = wikipedia.replaceCategoryLinks(text, categories, site = self.site)
     return text
コード例 #6
def add_text(page = None, addText = None, summary = None, regexSkip = None,
             regexSkipUrl = None, always = False, up = False, putText = True,
             oldTextGiven = None, reorderEnabled = True, create=False):
    if not addText:
        raise NoEnoughData('You have to specify what text you want to add!')
    if not summary:
        summary = i18n.twtranslate(pywikibot.getSite(), 'add_text-adding',
                                   {'adding': addText[:200]})

    # When a page is tagged as "really well written" it has a star in the
    # interwiki links. This is a list of all the templates used (in regex
    # format) to make the stars appear.
    starsList = [
        u'bom interwiki',
        u'cyswllt[ _]erthygl[ _]ddethol', u'dolen[ _]ed',
        u'destacado', u'destaca[tu]',
        u'enllaç[ _]ad',
        u'enllaz[ _]ad',
        u'leam[ _]vdc',
        u'legătură[ _]a[bcf]',
        u'liamm[ _]pub',
        u'lien[ _]adq',
        u'lien[ _]ba',
        u'liên[ _]kết[ _]bài[ _]chất[ _]lượng[ _]tốt',
        u'liên[ _]kết[ _]chọn[ _]lọc',
        u'ligam[ _]adq',
        u'link[ _][afgu]a', u'link[ _]adq', u'link[ _]f[lm]', u'link[ _]km',
        u'link[ _]sm', u'linkfa',
        u'na[ _]lotura',
        u'nasc[ _]ar',
        u'tengill[ _][úg]g',
        u'yüm yg',
        u'وصلة مقالة جيدة',
        u'وصلة مقالة مختارة',

    errorCount = 0
    site = pywikibot.getSite()
    # /wiki/ is not always the right path in non-wiki projects
    pathWiki = site.family.nicepath(site.lang)

    if putText:
        pywikibot.output(u'Loading %s...' % page.title())
    if oldTextGiven == None:
            text = page.get()
        except pywikibot.NoPage:
            if create:
                pywikibot.output(u"%s doesn't exist, creating it!"
                                 % page.title())
                text = u''
                pywikibot.output(u"%s doesn't exist, skip!" % page.title())
                return (False, False, always) # continue
        except pywikibot.IsRedirectPage:
            pywikibot.output(u"%s is a redirect, skip!" % page.title())
            return (False, False, always) # continue
        text = oldTextGiven
    # Understand if the bot has to skip the page or not
    # In this way you can use both -except and -excepturl
    if regexSkipUrl != None:
        url = '%s%s' % (pathWiki, page.urlname())
        result = re.findall(regexSkipUrl, site.getUrl(url))
        if result != []:
u'''Exception! regex (or word) used with -exceptUrl is in the page. Skipping!
Match was: %s''' % result)
            return (False, False, always) # continue
    if regexSkip != None:
        result = re.findall(regexSkip, text)
        if result != []:
u'''Exception! regex (or word) used with -except is in the page. Skipping!
Match was: %s''' % result)
            return (False, False, always) # continue
    # If not up, text put below
    if not up:
        newtext = text
        # Translating the \\n into binary \n
        addText = addText.replace('\\n', '\n')
        if (reorderEnabled):
            # Getting the categories
            categoriesInside = pywikibot.getCategoryLinks(newtext, site)
            # Deleting the categories
            newtext = pywikibot.removeCategoryLinks(newtext, site)
            # Getting the interwiki
            interwikiInside = pywikibot.getLanguageLinks(newtext, site)
            # Removing the interwiki
            newtext = pywikibot.removeLanguageLinks(newtext, site)
            # nn got a message between the categories and the iw's
            # and they want to keep it there, first remove it
            hasCommentLine = False
            if (site.language()==u'nn'):
                regex = re.compile('(<!-- ?interwiki \(no(?:/nb)?, ?sv, ?da first; then other languages alphabetically by name\) ?-->)')
                found = regex.findall(newtext)
                if found:
                    hasCommentLine = True
                    newtext = regex.sub('', newtext)

            # Adding the text
            newtext += u"\n%s" % addText
            # Reputting the categories
            newtext = pywikibot.replaceCategoryLinks(newtext,
                                                 categoriesInside, site, True)
            #Put the nn iw message back
            if site.language()==u'nn' and (interwikiInside or hasCommentLine):
                newtext = newtext + u'\r\n\r\n' + nn_iw_msg
            # Dealing the stars' issue
            allstars = []
            starstext = pywikibot.removeDisabledParts(text)
            for star in starsList:
                regex = re.compile('(\{\{(?:template:|)%s\|.*?\}\}[\s]*)' % star,
                found = regex.findall(starstext)
                if found != []:
                    newtext = regex.sub('', newtext)
                    allstars += found
            if allstars != []:
                newtext = newtext.strip()+'\r\n\r\n'
                for element in allstars:
                    newtext += '%s\r\n' % element.strip()
            # Adding the interwiki
            newtext = pywikibot.replaceLanguageLinks(newtext, interwikiInside, site)
            # Adding the text
            newtext += u"\n%s" % addText
    # If instead the text must be added above...
        newtext = addText + '\n' + text
    if putText and text != newtext:
        pywikibot.output(u"\n\n>>> \03{lightpurple}%s\03{default} <<<"
                         % page.title())
        pywikibot.showDiff(text, newtext)
    # Let's put the changes.
    while True:
        # If someone load it as module, maybe it's not so useful to put the
        # text in the page
        if putText:
            if not always:
                choice = pywikibot.inputChoice(
                    u'Do you want to accept these changes?',
                    ['Yes', 'No', 'All', 'open in Browser'], ['y', 'N', 'a', 'b'], 'N')
                if choice == 'a':
                    always = True
                elif choice == 'n':
                    return (False, False, always)
                elif choice == 'b':
                    webbrowser.open("http://%s%s" % (
                    pywikibot.input("Press Enter when finished in browser.")
            if always or choice == 'y':
                    if always:
                        page.put(newtext, summary)
                        page.put_async(newtext, summary)
                except pywikibot.EditConflict:
                    pywikibot.output(u'Edit conflict! skip!')
                    return (False, False, always)
                except pywikibot.ServerError:
                    errorCount += 1
                    if errorCount < 5:
                        pywikibot.output(u'Server Error! Wait..')
                        raise pywikibot.ServerError(u'Fifth Server Error!')
                except pywikibot.SpamfilterError, e:
                        u'Cannot change %s because of blacklist entry %s'
                        % (page.title(), e.url))
                    return (False, False, always)
                except pywikibot.PageNotSaved, error:
                    pywikibot.output(u'Error putting page: %s' % error.args)
                    return (False, False, always)
                except pywikibot.LockedPage:
                    pywikibot.output(u'Skipping %s (locked page)'
                                     % page.title())
                    return (False, False, always)
                    # Break only if the errors are one after the other...
                    errorCount = 0
                    return (True, True, always)
コード例 #7
    def standardizePageFooter(self, text):
        Makes sure that interwiki links, categories and star templates are
        put to the correct position and into the right order.
        This combines the old instances standardizeInterwiki and standardizeCategories
        The page footer has the following section in that sequence:
        1. categories
        2. additional information depending on local site policy
        3. stars templates for featured and good articles
        4. interwiki links
        starsList = [
            u'cyswllt[ _]erthygl[ _]ddethol',
            u'dolen[ _]ed',
            u'enllaç[ _]ad',
            u'enllaz[ _]ad',
            u'leam[ _]vdc',
            u'legătură[ _]a[bcf]',
            u'liamm[ _]pub',
            u'lien[ _]adq',
            u'lien[ _]ba',
            u'liên[ _]kết[ _]bài[ _]chất[ _]lượng[ _]tốt',
            u'liên[ _]kết[ _]chọn[ _]lọc',
            u'ligam[ _]adq',
            u'link[ _][afgu]a',
            u'link[ _]adq',
            u'link[ _]f[lm]',
            u'link[ _]km',
            u'link[ _]sm',
            u'na[ _]lotura',
            u'nasc[ _]ar',
            u'tengill[ _][úg]g',
            u'yüm yg',
            u'وصلة مقالة جيدة',
            u'وصلة مقالة مختارة',

        categories = None
        interwikiLinks = None
        allstars = []
        hasCommentLine = False

        # The PyWikipediaBot is no longer allowed to touch categories on the German Wikipedia.
        # See http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hilfe_Diskussion:Personendaten/Archiv/bis_2006#Position_der_Personendaten_am_.22Artikelende.22
        # ignoring nn-wiki of cause of the comment line above iw section
        if not self.template and not '{{Personendaten' in text:
            categories = pywikibot.getCategoryLinks(text, site=self.site)

        if not self.talkpage:  # and pywikibot.calledModuleName() <> 'interwiki':
            subpage = False
            if self.template:
                loc = None
                    tmpl, loc = moved_links[self.site.lang]
                    del tmpl
                except KeyError:
                if loc != None and loc in self.title:
                    subpage = True
            interwikiLinks = pywikibot.getLanguageLinks(
                text, insite=self.site, template_subpage=subpage)

            # Removing the interwiki
            text = pywikibot.removeLanguageLinks(text, site=self.site)
            # Removing the stars' issue
            starstext = pywikibot.removeDisabledParts(text)
            for star in starsList:
                regex = re.compile(
                    '(\{\{(?:template:|)%s\|.*?\}\}[\s]*)' % star, re.I)
                found = regex.findall(starstext)
                if found != []:
                    if pywikibot.verbose:
                        print found
                    text = regex.sub('', text)
                    allstars += found

        # nn got a message between the categories and the iw's
        # and they want to keep it there, first remove it
        if self.site.language() == 'nn':
            regex = re.compile(
                '(<!-- ?interwiki \(no(?:/nb)?, ?sv, ?da first; then other languages alphabetically by name\) ?-->)'
            found = regex.findall(text)
            if found:
                if pywikibot.verbose:
                    print found
                hasCommentLine = True
                text = regex.sub('', text)

        # Adding categories
        if categories:
            text = pywikibot.replaceCategoryLinks(text,
        # Put the nn iw message back
        if self.site.language() == 'nn' and not self.talkpage and (
                interwikiLinks or hasCommentLine):
            text = text + '\r\n\r\n' + nn_iw_msg
        # Adding stars templates
        if allstars:
            text = text.strip() + self.site.family.interwiki_text_separator
            for element in allstars:
                text += '%s\r\n' % element.strip()
                if pywikibot.verbose:
                    pywikibot.output(u'%s' % element.strip())
        # Adding the interwiki
        if interwikiLinks:
            text = pywikibot.replaceLanguageLinks(text,
        return text
コード例 #8
def add_text(page=None, addText=None, summary=None, regexSkip=None,
             regexSkipUrl=None, always=False, up=False, putText=True,
             oldTextGiven=None, reorderEnabled=True, create=False):
    # When a page is tagged as "really well written" it has a star in the
    # interwiki links. This is a list of all the templates used (in regex
    # format) to make the stars appear.
    starsList = [
        u'bom interwiki',
        u'cyswllt[ _]erthygl[ _]ddethol', u'dolen[ _]ed',
        u'destacado', u'destaca[tu]',
        u'enllaç[ _]ad',
        u'enllaz[ _]ad',
        u'leam[ _]vdc',
        u'legătură[ _]a[bcf]',
        u'liamm[ _]pub',
        u'lien[ _]adq',
        u'lien[ _]ba',
        u'liên[ _]kết[ _]bài[ _]chất[ _]lượng[ _]tốt',
        u'liên[ _]kết[ _]chọn[ _]lọc',
        u'ligam[ _]adq',
        u'link[ _][afgu]a', u'link[ _]adq', u'link[ _]f[lm]', u'link[ _]km',
        u'link[ _]sm', u'linkfa',
        u'na[ _]lotura',
        u'nasc[ _]ar',
        u'tengill[ _][úg]g',
        u'yüm yg',
        u'وصلة مقالة جيدة',
        u'وصلة مقالة مختارة',

    errorCount = 0
    site = pywikibot.getSite()
    pathWiki = site.family.nicepath(site.lang)
    site = pywikibot.getSite()
    if oldTextGiven is None:
            text = page.get()
        except pywikibot.NoPage:
            if create:
                pywikibot.output(u"%s doesn't exist, creating it!"
                                 % page.title())
                text = u''
                pywikibot.output(u"%s doesn't exist, skip!" % page.title())
                return (False, False, always)
        except pywikibot.IsRedirectPage:
            pywikibot.output(u"%s is a redirect, skip!" % page.title())
            return (False, False, always)
        text = oldTextGiven
    # If not up, text put below
    if not up:
        newtext = text
        # Translating the \\n into binary \n
        addText = addText.replace('\\n', '\n')
        if (reorderEnabled):
            # Getting the categories
            categoriesInside = pywikibot.getCategoryLinks(newtext, site)
            # Deleting the categories
            newtext = pywikibot.removeCategoryLinks(newtext, site)
            # Getting the interwiki
            interwikiInside = pywikibot.getLanguageLinks(newtext, site)
            # Removing the interwiki
            newtext = pywikibot.removeLanguageLinks(newtext, site)

            # Adding the text
            newtext += u"\n%s" % addText
            # Reputting the categories
            newtext = pywikibot.replaceCategoryLinks(newtext,
                                                     categoriesInside, site,
            # Dealing the stars' issue
            allstars = []
            starstext = pywikibot.removeDisabledParts(text)
            for star in starsList:
                regex = re.compile('(\{\{(?:template:|)%s\|.*?\}\}[\s]*)'
                                   % star, re.I)
                found = regex.findall(starstext)
                if found != []:
                    newtext = regex.sub('', newtext)
                    allstars += found
            if allstars != []:
                newtext = newtext.strip() + '\r\n\r\n'
                for element in allstars:
                    newtext += '%s\r\n' % element.strip()
            # Adding the interwiki
            newtext = pywikibot.replaceLanguageLinks(newtext, interwikiInside,
            newtext += u"\n%s" % addText
        newtext = addText + '\n' + text
    if putText and text != newtext:
        pywikibot.output(u"\n\n>>> \03{lightpurple}%s\03{default} <<<"
                         % page.title())
        #pywikibot.showDiff(text, newtext)
    # Let's put the changes.
    while True:
        # If someone load it as module, maybe it's not so useful to put the
        # text in the page
        if putText:
            if always or choice == 'y':
                    if always:
                        page.put(newtext, summary,
                        page.put_async(newtext, summary,
                except pywikibot.EditConflict:
                    pywikibot.output(u'Edit conflict! skip!')
                    return (False, False, always)
                except pywikibot.ServerError:
                    errorCount += 1
                    if errorCount < 5:
                        pywikibot.output(u'Server Error! Wait..')
                        raise pywikibot.ServerError(u'Fifth Server Error!')
                except pywikibot.SpamfilterError, e:
                        u'Cannot change %s because of blacklist entry %s'
                        % (page.title(), e.url))
                    return (False, False, always)
                except pywikibot.PageNotSaved, error:
                    pywikibot.output(u'Error putting page: %s' % error.args)
                    return (False, False, always)
                except pywikibot.LockedPage:
                    pywikibot.output(u'Skipping %s (locked page)'
                                     % page.title())
                    return (False, False, always)
                    # Break only if the errors are one after the other...
                    errorCount = 0
                    return (True, True, always)
コード例 #9
ファイル: add_text.py プロジェクト: dantman/pywikia
def add_text(
    if not addText:
        raise NoEnoughData("You have to specify what text you want to add!")
    if not summary:
        summary = wikipedia.translate(wikipedia.getSite(), msg) % addText[:200]

    # When a page is tagged as "really well written" it has a star in the
    # interwiki links. This is a list of all the templates used (in regex
    # format) to make the stars appear.
    starsList = [
        u"cyswllt[ _]erthygl[ _]ddethol",
        u"dolen[ _]ed",
        u"enllaç[ _]ad",
        u"enllaz[ _]ad",
        u"leam[ _]vdc",
        u"legătură[ _]a[bcf]",
        u"liamm[ _]pub",
        u"lien[ _]adq",
        u"lien[ _]ba",
        u"liên[ _]kết[ _]bài[ _]chất[ _]lượng[ _]tốt",
        u"liên[ _]kết[ _]chọn[ _]lọc",
        u"ligam[ _]adq",
        u"link[ _][afgu]a",
        u"link[ _]adq",
        u"link[ _]f[lm]",
        u"link[ _]km",
        u"link[ _]sm",
        u"na[ _]lotura",
        u"nasc[ _]ar",
        u"tengill[ _][úg]g",
        u"yüm yg",
        u"وصلة مقالة جيدة",
        u"وصلة مقالة مختارة",

    errorCount = 0
    site = wikipedia.getSite()
    # /wiki/ is not always the right path in non-wiki projects
    pathWiki = site.family.nicepath(site.lang)

    if putText:
        wikipedia.output(u"Loading %s..." % page.title())
    if oldTextGiven == None:
            text = page.get()
        except wikipedia.NoPage:
            if create:
                wikipedia.output(u"%s doesn't exist, creating it!" % page.title())
                text = u""
                wikipedia.output(u"%s doesn't exist, skip!" % page.title())
                return (False, False, always)  # continue
        except wikipedia.IsRedirectPage:
            wikipedia.output(u"%s is a redirect, skip!" % page.title())
            return (False, False, always)  # continue
        text = oldTextGiven
    # Understand if the bot has to skip the page or not
    # In this way you can use both -except and -excepturl
    if regexSkipUrl != None:
        url = "%s%s" % (pathWiki, page.urlname())
        result = re.findall(regexSkipUrl, site.getUrl(url))
        if result != []:
            wikipedia.output(u"Exception! regex (or word) used with -exceptUrl is in the page. Skip!")
            return (False, False, always)  # continue
    if regexSkip != None:
        result = re.findall(regexSkip, text)
        if result != []:
            wikipedia.output(u"Exception! regex (or word) used with -except is in the page. Skip!")
            return (False, False, always)  # continue
    # If not up, text put below
    if not up:
        newtext = text
        # Getting the categories
        categoriesInside = wikipedia.getCategoryLinks(newtext, site)
        # Deleting the categories
        newtext = wikipedia.removeCategoryLinks(newtext, site)
        # Getting the interwiki
        interwikiInside = wikipedia.getLanguageLinks(newtext, site)
        # Removing the interwiki
        newtext = wikipedia.removeLanguageLinks(newtext, site)
        # nn got a message between the categories and the iw's and they want to keep it there, first remove it
        if site.language() == u"nn":
            newtext = newtext.replace(nn_iw_msg, "")
        # Translating the \\n into binary \n
        addText = addText.replace("\\n", "\n")
        # Adding the text
        newtext += u"\n%s" % addText
        # Reputting the categories
        newtext = wikipedia.replaceCategoryLinks(newtext, categoriesInside, site, True)
        # Put the nn iw message back
        if site.language() == u"nn":
            newtext = newtext + u"\n" + nn_iw_msg
        # Dealing the stars' issue
        allstars = []
        starstext = wikipedia.removeDisabledParts(text)
        for star in starsList:
            regex = re.compile("(\{\{(?:template:|)%s\|.*?\}\}[\s]*)" % star, re.I)
            found = regex.findall(starstext)
            if found != []:
                newtext = regex.sub("", newtext)
                allstars += found
        if allstars != []:
            newtext = newtext.strip() + "\r\n\r\n"
            for element in allstars:
                newtext += "%s\r\n" % element.strip()
        # Adding the interwiki
        newtext = wikipedia.replaceLanguageLinks(newtext, interwikiInside, site)
    # If instead the text must be added above...
        newtext = addText + "\n" + text
    if putText and text != newtext:
        wikipedia.output(u"\n\n>>> \03{lightpurple}%s\03{default} <<<" % page.title())
        wikipedia.showDiff(text, newtext)
    # Let's put the changes.
    while True:
        # If someone load it as module, maybe it's not so useful to put the
        # text in the page
        if putText:
            if not always:
                choice = wikipedia.inputChoice(
                    u"Do you want to accept these changes?", ["Yes", "No", "All"], ["y", "N", "a"], "N"
                if choice == "a":
                    always = True
                elif choice == "n":
                    return (False, False, always)
            if always or choice == "y":
                    if always:
                        page.put(newtext, summary)
                        page.put_async(newtext, summary)
                except wikipedia.EditConflict:
                    wikipedia.output(u"Edit conflict! skip!")
                    return (False, False, always)
                except wikipedia.ServerError:
                    errorCount += 1
                    if errorCount < 5:
                        wikipedia.output(u"Server Error! Wait..")
                        raise wikipedia.ServerError(u"Fifth Server Error!")
                except wikipedia.SpamfilterError, e:
                    wikipedia.output(u"Cannot change %s because of blacklist entry %s" % (page.title(), e.url))
                    return (False, False, always)
                except wikipedia.PageNotSaved, error:
                    wikipedia.output(u"Error putting page: %s" % error.args)
                    return (False, False, always)
                except wikipedia.LockedPage:
                    wikipedia.output(u"Skipping %s (locked page)" % page.title())
                    return (False, False, always)
                    # Break only if the errors are one after the other...
                    errorCount = 0
                    return (True, True, always)
コード例 #10
    def standardizePageFooter(self, text):
        Makes sure that interwiki links, categories and star templates are
        put to the correct position and into the right order. This combines the
        old instances standardizeInterwiki and standardizeCategories
        The page footer has the following section in that sequence:
        1. categories
        2. ## TODO: template beyond categories ##
        3. additional information depending on local site policy
        4. stars templates for featured and good articles
        5. interwiki links

        starsList = [
            u'bom interwiki',
            u'cyswllt[ _]erthygl[ _]ddethol', u'dolen[ _]ed',
            u'destacado', u'destaca[tu]',
            u'enllaç[ _]ad',
            u'enllaz[ _]ad',
            u'leam[ _]vdc',
            u'legătură[ _]a[bcf]',
            u'liamm[ _]pub',
            u'lien[ _]adq',
            u'lien[ _]ba',
            u'liên[ _]kết[ _]bài[ _]chất[ _]lượng[ _]tốt',
            u'liên[ _]kết[ _]chọn[ _]lọc',
            u'ligam[ _]adq',
            u'ligazón[ _]a[bd]',
            u'link[ _][afgu]a', u'link[ _]adq', u'link[ _]f[lm]', u'link[ _]km',
            u'link[ _]sm', u'linkfa',
            u'na[ _]lotura',
            u'nasc[ _]ar',
            u'tengill[ _][úg]g',
            u'yüm yg',
            u'وصلة مقالة جيدة',
            u'وصلة مقالة مختارة',

        categories = None
        interwikiLinks = None
        allstars = []

        # The PyWikipediaBot is no longer allowed to touch categories on the
        # German Wikipedia. See
        # http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hilfe_Diskussion:Personendaten/Archiv/1#Position_der_Personendaten_am_.22Artikelende.22
        # ignoring nn-wiki of cause of the comment line above iw section
        if not self.template and '{{Personendaten' not in text and \
           '{{SORTIERUNG' not in text and '{{DEFAULTSORT' not in text and \
           self.site.lang not in ('et', 'it', 'bg', 'ru'):
                categories = pywikibot.getCategoryLinks(text, site=self.site)
            # there are categories like [[categoy:Foo {{#time:Y...}}]]
            except pywikibot.InvalidTitle:

        if not self.talkpage:  # and pywikibot.calledModuleName() <> 'interwiki':
            subpage = False
            if self.template:
                loc = None
                    tmpl, loc = moved_links[self.site.lang]
                    del tmpl
                except KeyError:
                if loc is not None and loc in self.title:
                    subpage = True
            interwikiLinks = pywikibot.getLanguageLinks(
                text, insite=self.site, template_subpage=subpage)

            # Removing the interwiki
            text = pywikibot.removeLanguageLinks(text, site=self.site)
            # Removing the stars' issue
            starstext = pywikibot.removeDisabledParts(text)
            for star in starsList:
                regex = re.compile('(\{\{(?:template:|)%s\|.*?\}\}[\s]*)'
                                   % star, re.I)
                found = regex.findall(starstext)
                if found != []:
                    text = regex.sub('', text)
                    allstars += found

        # Adding categories
        if categories:
            ##Sorting categories in alphabetic order. beta test only on Persian Wikipedia, TODO fix bug for sorting
            #if self.site.language() == 'fa':
            #   categories.sort()
            ##Taking main cats to top
            #   for name in categories:
            #       if re.search(u"(.+?)\|(.{,1}?)",name.title()) or name.title()==name.title().split(":")[0]+title:
            #            categories.remove(name)
            #            categories.insert(0, name)
            text = pywikibot.replaceCategoryLinks(text, categories,
        # Adding stars templates
        if allstars:
            text = text.strip() + self.site.family.interwiki_text_separator
            for element in allstars:
                text += '%s\r\n' % element.strip()
                if pywikibot.verbose:
                    pywikibot.output(u'%s' % element.strip())

        # Adding the interwiki
        if interwikiLinks:
            text = pywikibot.replaceLanguageLinks(text, interwikiLinks,
        return text
コード例 #11
    def standardizePageFooter(self, text):
        Makes sure that interwiki links, categories and star templates are
        put to the correct position and into the right order.
        This combines the old instances standardizeInterwiki and standardizeCategories
        The page footer has the following section in that sequence:
        1. categories
        2. additional information depending on local site policy
        3. stars templates for featured and good articles
        4. interwiki links
        starsList = [
            u"cyswllt[ _]erthygl[ _]ddethol",
            u"dolen[ _]ed",
            u"enllaç[ _]ad",
            u"enllaz[ _]ad",
            u"leam[ _]vdc",
            u"legătură[ _]a[bcf]",
            u"liamm[ _]pub",
            u"lien[ _]adq",
            u"lien[ _]ba",
            u"liên[ _]kết[ _]bài[ _]chất[ _]lượng[ _]tốt",
            u"liên[ _]kết[ _]chọn[ _]lọc",
            u"ligam[ _]adq",
            u"link[ _][afgu]a",
            u"link[ _]adq",
            u"link[ _]f[lm]",
            u"link[ _]km",
            u"link[ _]sm",
            u"na[ _]lotura",
            u"nasc[ _]ar",
            u"tengill[ _][úg]g",
            u"yüm yg",
            u"وصلة مقالة جيدة",
            u"وصلة مقالة مختارة",

        categories = None
        interwikiLinks = None
        allstars = []
        hasCommentLine = False

        # The PyWikipediaBot is no longer allowed to touch categories on the German Wikipedia.
        # See http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hilfe_Diskussion:Personendaten/Archiv/bis_2006#Position_der_Personendaten_am_.22Artikelende.22
        # ignoring nn-wiki of cause of the comment line above iw section
        if not self.template and not "{{Personendaten" in text:
            categories = pywikibot.getCategoryLinks(text, site=self.site)

        if not self.talkpage:  # and pywikibot.calledModuleName() <> 'interwiki':
            subpage = False
            if self.template:
                loc = None
                    tmpl, loc = moved_links[self.site.lang]
                    del tmpl
                except KeyError:
                if loc != None and loc in self.title:
                    subpage = True
            interwikiLinks = pywikibot.getLanguageLinks(text, insite=self.site, template_subpage=subpage)

            # Removing the interwiki
            text = pywikibot.removeLanguageLinks(text, site=self.site)
            # Removing the stars' issue
            starstext = pywikibot.removeDisabledParts(text)
            for star in starsList:
                regex = re.compile("(\{\{(?:template:|)%s\|.*?\}\}[\s]*)" % star, re.I)
                found = regex.findall(starstext)
                if found != []:
                    if pywikibot.verbose:
                        print found
                    text = regex.sub("", text)
                    allstars += found

        # nn got a message between the categories and the iw's
        # and they want to keep it there, first remove it
        if self.site.language() == "nn":
            regex = re.compile(
                "(<!-- ?interwiki \(no(?:/nb)?, ?sv, ?da first; then other languages alphabetically by name\) ?-->)"
            found = regex.findall(text)
            if found:
                if pywikibot.verbose:
                    print found
                hasCommentLine = True
                text = regex.sub("", text)

        # Adding categories
        if categories:
            text = pywikibot.replaceCategoryLinks(text, categories, site=self.site)
        # Put the nn iw message back
        if self.site.language() == "nn" and not self.talkpage and (interwikiLinks or hasCommentLine):
            text = text + "\r\n\r\n" + nn_iw_msg
        # Adding stars templates
        if allstars:
            text = text.strip() + self.site.family.interwiki_text_separator
            for element in allstars:
                text += "%s\r\n" % element.strip()
                if pywikibot.verbose:
                    pywikibot.output(u"%s" % element.strip())
        # Adding the interwiki
        if interwikiLinks:
            text = pywikibot.replaceLanguageLinks(
                text, interwikiLinks, site=self.site, template=self.template, template_subpage=subpage
        return text
コード例 #12
def add_text(page=None, addText=None, summary=None, regexSkip=None,
             regexSkipUrl=None, always=False, up=False, putText=True,
             oldTextGiven=None, reorderEnabled=True, create=False):
    if not addText:
        raise NoEnoughData('You have to specify what text you want to add!')
    if not summary:
        summary = i18n.twtranslate(pywikibot.getSite(), 'add_text-adding',
                                   {'adding': addText[:200]})

    # When a page is tagged as "really well written" it has a star in the
    # interwiki links. This is a list of all the templates used (in regex
    # format) to make the stars appear.

    errorCount = 0
    site = pywikibot.getSite()
    pathWiki = site.family.nicepath(site.lang)

    if putText:
        pywikibot.output(u'Loading %s...' % page.title())
    if oldTextGiven is None:
            text = page.get()
        except pywikibot.NoPage:
            if create:
                pywikibot.output(u"%s doesn't exist, creating it!"
                                 % page.title())
                text = u''
                pywikibot.output(u"%s doesn't exist, skip!" % page.title())
                return (False, False, always)
        except pywikibot.IsRedirectPage:
            pywikibot.output(u"%s is a redirect, skip!" % page.title())
            return (False, False, always)
        text = oldTextGiven
    # Understand if the bot has to skip the page or not
    # In this way you can use both -except and -excepturl
    if regexSkipUrl is not None:
        url = '%s%s' % (pathWiki, page.urlname())
        result = re.findall(regexSkipUrl, site.getUrl(url))
        if result != []:
u'''Exception! regex (or word) used with -exceptUrl is in the page. Skip!
Match was: %s''' % result)
            return (False, False, always)
    if regexSkip is not None:
        result = re.findall(regexSkip, text)
        if result != []:
u'''Exception! regex (or word) used with -except is in the page. Skip!
Match was: %s''' % result)
            return (False, False, always)
    # If not up, text put below
    if not up:
        newtext = text
        # Translating the \\n into binary \n
        addText = addText.replace('\\n', config.line_separator)
        if (reorderEnabled):
            # Getting the categories
            categoriesInside = pywikibot.getCategoryLinks(newtext, site)
            # Deleting the categories
            newtext = pywikibot.removeCategoryLinks(newtext, site)
            # Getting the interwiki
            interwikiInside = pywikibot.getLanguageLinks(newtext, site)
            # Removing the interwiki
            newtext = pywikibot.removeLanguageLinks(newtext, site)

            # Adding the text
            newtext += u"%s%s" % (config.line_separator, addText)
            # Reputting the categories
            newtext = pywikibot.replaceCategoryLinks(newtext,
                                                     categoriesInside, site,
            # Dealing the stars' issue
            allstars = []
            starstext = pywikibot.removeDisabledParts(text)
            for star in starsList:
                regex = re.compile('(\{\{(?:template:|)%s\|.*?\}\}[\s]*)'
                                   % star, re.I)
                found = regex.findall(starstext)
                if found != []:
                    newtext = regex.sub('', newtext)
                    allstars += found
            if allstars != []:
                newtext = newtext.strip() + config.line_separator * 2
                for element in allstars:
                    newtext += '%s%s' % (element.strip(), config.LS)
            # Adding the interwiki
            newtext = pywikibot.replaceLanguageLinks(newtext, interwikiInside,
            newtext += u"%s%s" % (config.line_separator, addText)
        newtext = addText + config.line_separator + text
    if putText and text != newtext:
        pywikibot.output(u"\n\n>>> \03{lightpurple}%s\03{default} <<<"
                         % page.title())
        pywikibot.showDiff(text, newtext)
    # Let's put the changes.
    while True:
        # If someone load it as module, maybe it's not so useful to put the
        # text in the page
        if putText:
            if not always:
                choice = pywikibot.inputChoice(
                    u'Do you want to accept these changes?',
                    ['Yes', 'No', 'All', 'open in Browser'],
                    ['y', 'n', 'a', 'b'], 'n')
                if choice == 'a':
                    always = True
                elif choice == 'n':
                    return (False, False, always)
                elif choice == 'b':
                    webbrowser.open("http://%s%s" % (
                    pywikibot.input("Press Enter when finished in browser.")
            if always or choice == 'y':
                    if always:
                        page.put(newtext, summary,
                                 minorEdit=page.namespace() != 3)
                        page.put_async(newtext, summary,
                                       minorEdit=page.namespace() != 3)
                except pywikibot.EditConflict:
                    pywikibot.output(u'Edit conflict! skip!')
                    return (False, False, always)
                except pywikibot.ServerError:
                    errorCount += 1
                    if errorCount < config.maxretries:
                        pywikibot.output(u'Server Error! Wait..')
                        raise pywikibot.ServerError(u'Fifth Server Error!')
                except pywikibot.SpamfilterError as e:
                        u'Cannot change %s because of blacklist entry %s'
                        % (page.title(), e.url))
                    return (False, False, always)
                except pywikibot.PageNotSaved as error:
                    pywikibot.output(u'Error putting page: %s' % error.args)
                    return (False, False, always)
                except pywikibot.LockedPage:
                    pywikibot.output(u'Skipping %s (locked page)'
                                     % page.title())
                    return (False, False, always)
                    # Break only if the errors are one after the other...
                    errorCount = 0
                    return (True, True, always)
            return (text, newtext, always)
コード例 #13
ファイル: add_text.py プロジェクト: moleculea/ess
def add_text(page = None, addText = None, summary = None, regexSkip = None,
             regexSkipUrl = None, always = False, up = False, putText = True,
             oldTextGiven = None, reorderEnabled = True, create=False):
    if not addText:
        raise NoEnoughData('You have to specify what text you want to add!')
    if not summary:
        summary = i18n.twtranslate(pywikibot.getSite(), 'add_text-adding',
                                   {'adding': addText[:200]})

    # When a page is tagged as "really well written" it has a star in the
    # interwiki links. This is a list of all the templates used (in regex
    # format) to make the stars appear.
    starsList = [
        u'cyswllt[ _]erthygl[ _]ddethol', u'dolen[ _]ed',
        u'destacado', u'destaca[tu]',
        u'enllaç[ _]ad',
        u'enllaz[ _]ad',
        u'leam[ _]vdc',
        u'legătură[ _]a[bcf]',
        u'liamm[ _]pub',
        u'lien[ _]adq',
        u'lien[ _]ba',
        u'liên[ _]kết[ _]bài[ _]chất[ _]lượng[ _]tốt',
        u'liên[ _]kết[ _]chọn[ _]lọc',
        u'ligam[ _]adq',
        u'link[ _][afgu]a', u'link[ _]adq', u'link[ _]f[lm]', u'link[ _]km',
        u'link[ _]sm', u'linkfa',
        u'na[ _]lotura',
        u'nasc[ _]ar',
        u'tengill[ _][úg]g',
        u'yüm yg',
        u'وصلة مقالة جيدة',
        u'وصلة مقالة مختارة',

    errorCount = 0
    site = pywikibot.getSite()
    # /wiki/ is not always the right path in non-wiki projects
    pathWiki = site.family.nicepath(site.lang)

    if putText:
        pywikibot.output(u'Loading %s...' % page.title())
    if oldTextGiven == None:
            text = page.get()
        except pywikibot.NoPage:
            if create:
                pywikibot.output(u"%s doesn't exist, creating it!"
                                 % page.title())
                text = u''
                pywikibot.output(u"%s doesn't exist, skip!" % page.title())
                return (False, False, always) # continue
        except pywikibot.IsRedirectPage:
            pywikibot.output(u"%s is a redirect, skip!" % page.title())
            return (False, False, always) # continue
        text = oldTextGiven
    # Understand if the bot has to skip the page or not
    # In this way you can use both -except and -excepturl
    if regexSkipUrl != None:
        url = '%s%s' % (pathWiki, page.urlname())
        result = re.findall(regexSkipUrl, site.getUrl(url))
        if result != []:
u'''Exception! regex (or word) used with -exceptUrl is in the page. Skip!
Match was: %s''' % result)
            return (False, False, always) # continue
    if regexSkip != None:
        result = re.findall(regexSkip, text)
        if result != []:
u'''Exception! regex (or word) used with -except is in the page. Skip!
Match was: %s''' % result)
            return (False, False, always) # continue
    # If not up, text put below
    if not up:
        newtext = text
        # Translating the \\n into binary \n
        addText = addText.replace('\\n', '\n')
        if (reorderEnabled):
            # Getting the categories
            categoriesInside = pywikibot.getCategoryLinks(newtext, site)
            # Deleting the categories
            #newtext = pywikibot.removeCategoryLinks(newtext, site)
            # Getting the interwiki
            interwikiInside = pywikibot.getLanguageLinks(newtext, site)
            # Removing the interwiki
            newtext = pywikibot.removeLanguageLinks(newtext, site)
            # nn got a message between the categories and the iw's
            # and they want to keep it there, first remove it
            hasCommentLine = False
            if (site.language()==u'nn'):
                regex = re.compile('(<!-- ?interwiki \(no(?:/nb)?, ?sv, ?da first; then other languages alphabetically by name\) ?-->)')
                found = regex.findall(newtext)
                if found:
                    hasCommentLine = True
                    newtext = regex.sub('', newtext)

            # Adding the text
            newtext += u"\n%s" % addText
            # Reputting the categories
            #newtext = pywikibot.replaceCategoryLinks(newtext,
                                                 #categoriesInside, site, True)
            #Put the nn iw message back
            if site.language()==u'nn' and (interwikiInside or hasCommentLine):
                newtext = newtext + u'\r\n\r\n' + nn_iw_msg
            # Dealing the stars' issue
            allstars = []
            starstext = pywikibot.removeDisabledParts(text)
            for star in starsList:
                regex = re.compile('(\{\{(?:template:|)%s\|.*?\}\}[\s]*)' % star,
                found = regex.findall(starstext)
                if found != []:
                    newtext = regex.sub('', newtext)
                    allstars += found
            if allstars != []:
                newtext = newtext.strip()+'\r\n\r\n'
                for element in allstars:
                    newtext += '%s\r\n' % element.strip()
            # Adding the interwiki
            newtext = pywikibot.replaceLanguageLinks(newtext, interwikiInside, site)
            # Adding the text
            newtext += u"\n%s" % addText
    # If instead the text must be added above...
        newtext = addText + '\n' + text
    if putText and text != newtext:
        pywikibot.output(u"\n\n>>> \03{lightpurple}%s\03{default} <<<"
                         % page.title())
        pywikibot.showDiff(text, newtext)
    # Let's put the changes.
    while True:
        # If someone load it as module, maybe it's not so useful to put the
        # text in the page
        if putText:
            if not always:
                choice = pywikibot.inputChoice(
                    u'Do you want to accept these changes?',
                    ['Yes', 'No', 'All'], ['y', 'N', 'a'], 'N')
                if choice == 'a':
                    always = True
                elif choice == 'n':
                    return (False, False, always)
            if always or choice == 'y':
                    if always:
                        page.put(newtext, summary)
                        page.put_async(newtext, summary)
                except pywikibot.EditConflict:
                    pywikibot.output(u'Edit conflict! skip!')
                    return (False, False, always)
                except pywikibot.ServerError:
                    errorCount += 1
                    if errorCount < 5:
                        pywikibot.output(u'Server Error! Wait..')
                        raise pywikibot.ServerError(u'Fifth Server Error!')
                except pywikibot.SpamfilterError, e:
                        u'Cannot change %s because of blacklist entry %s'
                        % (page.title(), e.url))
                    return (False, False, always)
                except pywikibot.PageNotSaved, error:
                    pywikibot.output(u'Error putting page: %s' % error.args)
                    return (False, False, always)
                except pywikibot.LockedPage:
                    pywikibot.output(u'Skipping %s (locked page)'
                                     % page.title())
                    return (False, False, always)
                    # Break only if the errors are one after the other...
                    errorCount = 0
                    return (True, True, always)
コード例 #14
ファイル: add_text.py プロジェクト: pyropeter/PyroBot-1G
def add_text(page = None, addText = None, summary = None, regexSkip = None, regexSkipUrl = None,
             always = False, up = False, putText = True, oldTextGiven = None):
    if not addText:
        raise NoEnoughData('You have to specify what text you want to add!')
    if not summary:
        summary = wikipedia.setAction(wikipedia.translate(wikipedia.getSite(), msg) % addText)

    # When a page is tagged as "really well written" it has a star in the interwiki links.
    # This is a list of all the templates used (in regex format) to make the stars appear.
    starsList = ['link[ _]fa', 'link[ _]adq', 'enllaç[ _]ad',
                 'link[ _]ua', 'legătură[ _]af', 'destacado',
                 'ua', 'liên k[ _]t[ _]chọn[ _]lọc']

    errorCount = 0
    site = wikipedia.getSite()
    # /wiki/ is not always the right path in non-wiki projects
    pathWiki = site.family.nicepath(site.lang)

    if putText:
        wikipedia.output(u'Loading %s...' % page.title())
    if oldTextGiven == None:
            text = page.get()
        except wikipedia.NoPage:
            wikipedia.output(u"%s doesn't exist, skip!" % page.title())
            return (False, always) # continue
        except wikipedia.IsRedirectPage:
            wikipedia.output(u"%s is a redirect, skip!" % page.title())
            return (False, always) # continue
        text = oldTextGiven
    # Understand if the bot has to skip the page or not
    # In this way you can use both -except and -excepturl
    if regexSkipUrl != None:
        url = '%s%s' % (pathWiki, page.urlname())
        result = re.findall(regexSkipUrl, site.getUrl(url))
        if result != []:
            wikipedia.output(u'Exception! regex (or word) used with -exceptUrl is in the page. Skip!')
            return (False, always) # continue
    if regexSkip != None:
        result = re.findall(regexSkip, text)
        if result != []:
            wikipedia.output(u'Exception! regex (or word) used with -except is in the page. Skip!')
            return (False, always) # continue
    # If not up, text put below
    if not up:
        newtext = text
        # Getting the categories
        categoriesInside = wikipedia.getCategoryLinks(newtext, site)
        # Deleting the categories
        newtext = wikipedia.removeCategoryLinks(newtext, site)
        # Getting the interwiki
        interwikiInside = wikipedia.getLanguageLinks(newtext, site)
        # Removing the interwiki
        newtext = wikipedia.removeLanguageLinks(newtext, site)
        #nn got a message between the categories and the iw's and they want to keep it there, first remove it
        if (site.language()==u'nn'):
            newtext = newtext.replace(nn_iw_msg, '')
        # Translating the \\n into binary \n
        addText = addText.replace('\\n', '\n')
        # Adding the text
        newtext += u"\n%s" % addText
        # Reputting the categories
        newtext = wikipedia.replaceCategoryLinks(newtext, categoriesInside, site, True)
        #Put the nn iw message back
        if (site.language()==u'nn'):
            newtext = newtext + u'\n' + nn_iw_msg       
        # Dealing the stars' issue
        starsListInPage = list()
        for star in starsList:
            regex = re.compile('(\{\{(?:template:|)%s\|.*?\}\}\n)' % star, re.I)
            risultato = regex.findall(newtext)
            if risultato != []:
                newtext = regex.sub('', newtext)
                for element in risultato:
                    newtext += '\n%s' % element
        # Adding the interwiki
        newtext = wikipedia.replaceLanguageLinks(newtext, interwikiInside, site)
    # If instead the text must be added above...
        newtext = addText + '\n' + text
    if putText and text != newtext:
        wikipedia.output(u"\n\n>>> \03{lightpurple}%s\03{default} <<<" % page.title())
        wikipedia.showDiff(text, newtext)
    choice = ''
    # Let's put the changes.
    while 1:
        # If someone load it as module, maybe it's not so useful to put the text in the page
        if putText:
            if not always:
                choice = wikipedia.inputChoice(u'Do you want to accept these changes?', ['Yes', 'No', 'All'], ['y', 'N', 'a'], 'N')
            if choice == 'a':
                always = True
            if choice == 'n':
                return (False, always)
            if choice == 'y' or always:
                    if always:
                        page.put(newtext, summary)
                        page.put_async(newtext, summary)
                except wikipedia.EditConflict:
                    wikipedia.output(u'Edit conflict! skip!')
                    return (False, always)
                except wikipedia.ServerError:
                    errorCount += 1
                    if errorCount < 5:
                        wikipedia.output(u'Server Error! Wait..')
                        raise wikipedia.ServerError(u'Fifth Server Error!')
                except wikipedia.SpamfilterError, e:
                    wikipedia.output(u'Cannot change %s because of blacklist entry %s' % (page.title(), e.url))
                    return (False, always)
                except wikipedia.PageNotSaved, error:
                    wikipedia.output(u'Error putting page: %s' % error.args)
                    return (False, always)
                except wikipedia.LockedPage:
                    wikipedia.output(u'Skipping %s (locked page)' % page.title())
                    return (False, always)
                    # Break only if the errors are one after the other...
                    errorCount = 0
                    return (True, always)
コード例 #15
    def standardizePageFooter(self, text):
        Makes sure that interwiki links, categories and star templates are
        put to the correct position and into the right order. This combines the
        old instances standardizeInterwiki and standardizeCategories
        The page footer has the following section in that sequence:
        1. categories
        2. additional information depending on local site policy
        3. stars templates for featured and good articles
        4. interwiki links
        starsList = [
            u'bom interwiki',
            u'cyswllt[ _]erthygl[ _]ddethol', u'dolen[ _]ed',
            u'destacado', u'destaca[tu]',
            u'enllaç[ _]ad',
            u'enllaz[ _]ad',
            u'leam[ _]vdc',
            u'legătură[ _]a[bcf]',
            u'liamm[ _]pub',
            u'lien[ _]adq',
            u'lien[ _]ba',
            u'liên[ _]kết[ _]bài[ _]chất[ _]lượng[ _]tốt',
            u'liên[ _]kết[ _]chọn[ _]lọc',
            u'ligam[ _]adq',
            u'link[ _][afgu]a', u'link[ _]adq', u'link[ _]f[lm]', u'link[ _]km',
            u'link[ _]sm', u'linkfa',
            u'na[ _]lotura',
            u'nasc[ _]ar',
            u'tengill[ _][úg]g',
            u'yüm yg',
            u'وصلة مقالة جيدة',
            u'وصلة مقالة مختارة',

        categories = None
        interwikiLinks = None
        allstars = []
        hasCommentLine = False

        # The PyWikipediaBot is no longer allowed to touch categories on the
        # German Wikipedia. See
        # http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hilfe_Diskussion:Personendaten/Archiv/1#Position_der_Personendaten_am_.22Artikelende.22
        # ignoring nn-wiki of cause of the comment line above iw section
        if not self.template and not '{{Personendaten' in text:
            categories = pywikibot.getCategoryLinks(text, site = self.site)

        if not self.talkpage:# and pywikibot.calledModuleName() <> 'interwiki':
            subpage = False
            if self.template:
                loc = None
                    tmpl, loc = moved_links[self.site.lang]
                    del tmpl
                except KeyError:
                if loc != None and loc in self.title:
                    subpage = True
            interwikiLinks = pywikibot.getLanguageLinks(
                text, insite=self.site, template_subpage=subpage)

            # Removing the interwiki
            text = pywikibot.removeLanguageLinks(text, site = self.site)
            # Removing the stars' issue
            starstext = pywikibot.removeDisabledParts(text)
            for star in starsList:
                regex = re.compile('(\{\{(?:template:|)%s\|.*?\}\}[\s]*)'
                                   % star, re.I)
                found = regex.findall(starstext)
                if found != []:
                    if pywikibot.verbose:
                        print found
                    text = regex.sub('', text)
                    allstars += found

        # nn got a message between the categories and the iw's
        # and they want to keep it there, first remove it
        if self.site.lang in msg_interwiki:
            iw_msg = msg_interwiki[self.site.lang]
            if isinstance(iw_msg, tuple):
                iw_reg = iw_msg[1]
                iw_msg = iw_msg[0]
                iw_reg = u'(%s)' % iw_msg
            regex = re.compile(iw_reg)
            found = regex.findall(text)
            if found:
                if pywikibot.verbose:
                    print found
                hasCommentLine = True
                text = regex.sub('', text)

        # Adding categories
        if categories:
            text = pywikibot.replaceCategoryLinks(text, categories,
        # Put the iw message back
        if not self.talkpage and \
           ((interwikiLinks or hasCommentLine) and
            self.site.language() == 'nn' or
            (interwikiLinks and hasCommentLine) and
            self.site.language() == 'fr'):
            text = text + '\r\n\r\n' + iw_msg
        # Adding stars templates
        if allstars:
            text = text.strip()+self.site.family.interwiki_text_separator
            for element in allstars:
                text += '%s\r\n' % element.strip()
                if pywikibot.verbose:
                    pywikibot.output(u'%s' %element.strip())
        # Adding the interwiki
        if interwikiLinks:
            text = pywikibot.replaceLanguageLinks(text, interwikiLinks,
        return text
コード例 #16
ファイル: add_text.py プロジェクト: hroest/pywikibot-compat
def add_text(
    if not addText:
        raise NoEnoughData("You have to specify what text you want to add!")
    if not summary:
        summary = i18n.twtranslate(pywikibot.getSite(), "add_text-adding", {"adding": addText[:200]})

    # When a page is tagged as "really well written" it has a star in the
    # interwiki links. This is a list of all the templates used (in regex
    # format) to make the stars appear.

    errorCount = 0
    site = pywikibot.getSite()
    pathWiki = site.family.nicepath(site.lang)

    if putText:
        pywikibot.output(u"Loading %s..." % page.title())
    if oldTextGiven is None:
            text = page.get()
        except pywikibot.NoPage:
            if create:
                pywikibot.output(u"%s doesn't exist, creating it!" % page.title())
                text = u""
                pywikibot.output(u"%s doesn't exist, skip!" % page.title())
                return (False, False, always)
        except pywikibot.IsRedirectPage:
            pywikibot.output(u"%s is a redirect, skip!" % page.title())
            return (False, False, always)
        text = oldTextGiven
    # Understand if the bot has to skip the page or not
    # In this way you can use both -except and -excepturl
    if regexSkipUrl is not None:
        url = "%s%s" % (pathWiki, page.urlname())
        result = re.findall(regexSkipUrl, site.getUrl(url))
        if result != []:
                u"""Exception! regex (or word) used with -exceptUrl is in the page. Skip!
Match was: %s"""
                % result
            return (False, False, always)
    if regexSkip is not None:
        result = re.findall(regexSkip, text)
        if result != []:
                u"""Exception! regex (or word) used with -except is in the page. Skip!
Match was: %s"""
                % result
            return (False, False, always)
    # If not up, text put below
    if not up:
        newtext = text
        # Translating the \\n into binary \n
        addText = addText.replace("\\n", config.line_separator)
        if reorderEnabled:
            # Getting the categories
            categoriesInside = pywikibot.getCategoryLinks(newtext, site)
            # Deleting the categories
            newtext = pywikibot.removeCategoryLinks(newtext, site)
            # Getting the interwiki
            interwikiInside = pywikibot.getLanguageLinks(newtext, site)
            # Removing the interwiki
            newtext = pywikibot.removeLanguageLinks(newtext, site)

            # Adding the text
            newtext += u"%s%s" % (config.line_separator, addText)
            # Reputting the categories
            newtext = pywikibot.replaceCategoryLinks(newtext, categoriesInside, site, True)
            # Dealing the stars' issue
            allstars = []
            starstext = pywikibot.removeDisabledParts(text)
            for star in starsList:
                regex = re.compile("(\{\{(?:template:|)%s\|.*?\}\}[\s]*)" % star, re.I)
                found = regex.findall(starstext)
                if found != []:
                    newtext = regex.sub("", newtext)
                    allstars += found
            if allstars != []:
                newtext = newtext.strip() + config.line_separator * 2
                for element in allstars:
                    newtext += "%s%s" % (element.strip(), config.LS)
            # Adding the interwiki
            newtext = pywikibot.replaceLanguageLinks(newtext, interwikiInside, site)
            newtext += u"%s%s" % (config.line_separator, addText)
        newtext = addText + config.line_separator + text
    if putText and text != newtext:
        pywikibot.output(u"\n\n>>> \03{lightpurple}%s\03{default} <<<" % page.title())
        pywikibot.showDiff(text, newtext)
    # Let's put the changes.
    while True:
        # If someone load it as module, maybe it's not so useful to put the
        # text in the page
        if putText:
            if not always:
                choice = pywikibot.inputChoice(
                    u"Do you want to accept these changes?",
                    ["Yes", "No", "All", "open in Browser"],
                    ["y", "n", "a", "b"],
                if choice == "a":
                    always = True
                elif choice == "n":
                    return (False, False, always)
                elif choice == "b":
                    webbrowser.open("http://%s%s" % (page.site.hostname(), page.site.nice_get_address(page.title())))
                    pywikibot.input("Press Enter when finished in browser.")
            if always or choice == "y":
                    if always:
                        page.put(newtext, summary, minorEdit=page.namespace() != 3)
                        page.put_async(newtext, summary, minorEdit=page.namespace() != 3)
                except pywikibot.EditConflict:
                    pywikibot.output(u"Edit conflict! skip!")
                    return (False, False, always)
                except pywikibot.ServerError:
                    errorCount += 1
                    if errorCount < config.maxretries:
                        pywikibot.output(u"Server Error! Wait..")
                        raise pywikibot.ServerError(u"Fifth Server Error!")
                except pywikibot.SpamfilterError as e:
                    pywikibot.output(u"Cannot change %s because of blacklist entry %s" % (page.title(), e.url))
                    return (False, False, always)
                except pywikibot.PageNotSaved as error:
                    pywikibot.output(u"Error putting page: %s" % error.args)
                    return (False, False, always)
                except pywikibot.LockedPage:
                    pywikibot.output(u"Skipping %s (locked page)" % page.title())
                    return (False, False, always)
                    # Break only if the errors are one after the other...
                    errorCount = 0
                    return (True, True, always)
            return (text, newtext, always)