コード例 #1
    def think(self, thought):
        self.svars['stimulus'] = thought
        postdata = web.urlencode(self.svars)
        postdata += '&icognocheck=' + md5(postdata[9:29]).hexdigest()
        response = web.post('http://www.cleverbot.com/webservicemin', postdata).read().split('\r')

        self.svars['sessionid'] = response[1]
        self.svars['logurl'] = response[2]
        self.svars['vText8'] = response[3]
        self.svars['vText7'] = response[4]
        self.svars['vText6'] = response[5]
        self.svars['vText5'] = response[6]
        self.svars['vText4'] = response[7]
        self.svars['vText3'] = response[8]
        self.svars['vText2'] = response[9]
        self.svars['prevref'] = response[10]
        self.svars['emotionalhistory'] = response[12]
        self.svars['ttsLocMP3'] = response[13]
        self.svars['ttsLocTXT'] = response[14]
        self.svars['ttsLocTXT3'] = response[15]
        self.svars['ttsText'] = response[16]
        self.svars['lineRef'] = response[17]
        self.svars['lineURL'] = response[18]
        self.svars['linePOST'] = response[19]
        self.svars['lineChoices'] = response[20]
        self.svars['lineChoicesAbbrev'] = response[21]
        self.svars['typingData'] = response[22]
        self.svars['divert'] = response[23]

        return self.svars['ttsText']
コード例 #2
def weather(willie, trigger):
    """.weather location - Show the weather at the given location."""

    location = trigger.group(2)
    woeid = ''
    if not location:
        if willie.db and trigger.nick in willie.db.preferences:
            woeid = willie.db.preferences.get(trigger.nick, 'woeid')
        if not woeid:
            return willie.msg(
                trigger.sender, "I don't know where you live. " +
                'Give me a location, like .weather London, or tell me where you live by saying .setlocation London, for example.'
        if willie.db and location in willie.db.preferences:
            woeid = willie.db.preferences.get(location, 'woeid')
            woeid = woeid_search(location).find('woeid').text

    if not woeid:
        return willie.reply("I don't know where that is.")

    query = web.urlencode({'w': woeid, 'u': 'c'})
    url = 'http://weather.yahooapis.com/forecastrss?' + query
    parsed = feedparser.parse(url)
    location = parsed['feed']['title'].encode('utf-8')

    cover = get_cover(parsed)
    temp = get_temp(parsed)
    pressure = get_pressure(parsed)
    wind = get_wind(parsed)
    willie.say(u'%s: %s, %s, %s, %s'.encode('utf-8') %
               (location, cover, temp, pressure, wind))
コード例 #3
def weather(bot, trigger):
    """.weather location - Show the weather at the given location."""

    location = trigger.group(2)
    woeid = ''
    if not location:
        woeid = bot.db.get_nick_value(trigger.nick, 'woeid')
        if not woeid:
            return bot.msg(
                trigger.sender, "I don't know where you live. " +
                'Give me a location, like .weather London, or tell me where you live by saying .setlocation London, for example.'
        location = location.strip()
        woeid = bot.db.get_channel_value(location, 'woeid')
        if woeid is None:
            first_result = woeid_search(location)
            if first_result is not None:
                woeid = first_result.find('woeid').text

    if not woeid:
        return bot.reply("I don't know where that is.")

    query = web.urlencode({'w': woeid, 'u': 'c'})
    url = 'http://weather.yahooapis.com/forecastrss?' + query
    parsed = feedparser.parse(url)
    location = parsed['feed']['title']

    cover = get_cover(parsed)
    temp = get_temp(parsed)
    humidity = get_humidity(parsed)
    wind = get_wind(parsed)
    bot.say(u'%s: %s, %s, %s, %s' % (location, cover, temp, humidity, wind))
コード例 #4
ファイル: weather.py プロジェクト: StevenPine/willie
def weather(bot, trigger):
    """.weather location - Show the weather at the given location."""

    location = trigger.group(2)
    woeid = ''
    if not location:
        if bot.db and trigger.nick in bot.db.preferences:
            woeid = bot.db.preferences.get(trigger.nick, 'woeid')
        if not woeid:
            return bot.msg(trigger.sender, "I don't know where you live. " +
                           'Give me a location, like .weather London, or tell me where you live by saying .setlocation London, for example.')
        location = location.strip()
        if bot.db and location in bot.db.preferences:
            woeid = bot.db.preferences.get(location, 'woeid')
            first_result = woeid_search(location)
            if first_result is not None:
                woeid = first_result.find('woeid').text

    if not woeid:
        return bot.reply("I don't know where that is.")

    query = web.urlencode({'w': woeid, 'u': 'c'})
    url = 'http://weather.yahooapis.com/forecastrss?' + query
    parsed = feedparser.parse(url)
    location = parsed['feed']['title']

    cover = get_cover(parsed)
    temp = get_temp(parsed)
    pressure = get_pressure(parsed)
    wind = get_wind(parsed)
    bot.say(u'%s: %s, %s, %s, %s' % (location, cover, temp, pressure, wind))
コード例 #5
ファイル: tempo.py プロジェクト: neslinesli93/willie
def weather(bot, trigger):
    """.tempo location - Show the weather at the given location."""

    location = trigger.group(2)
    woeid = ''
    if not location:
        if bot.db and trigger.nick in bot.db.preferences:
            woeid = bot.db.preferences.get(trigger.nick, 'woeid')
        if not woeid:
            return bot.msg(trigger.sender, "Non so dove vivi. " +
                           'Dammi un comando, tipo .tempo Rome, o dimmi dove vivi con .setlocation Rome, ad esempio.')
        location = location.strip()
        if bot.db and location in bot.db.preferences:
            woeid = bot.db.preferences.get(location, 'woeid')
            first_result = woeid_search(location)
            if first_result is not None:
                woeid = first_result.find('woeid').text

    if not woeid:
        return bot.reply("Non so dove sia questo posto")

    query = web.urlencode({'w': woeid, 'u': 'c'})
    url = 'http://weather.yahooapis.com/forecastrss?' + query
    parsed = feedparser.parse(url)
    location = parsed['feed']['title']

    cover = get_cover(parsed)
    temp = get_temp(parsed)
    pressure = get_pressure(parsed)
    wind = get_wind(parsed)
    bot.say(u'%s: %s, %s, %s, %s' % (location, cover, temp, pressure, wind))
コード例 #6
ファイル: shindan.py プロジェクト: meew0/inumuta-modules
def shindan(bot, trigger):
    .shindan <id> [name] - Do the shindanmaker thing! Will automatically translate japanese shindans to english. (Waifu id: 215100 | Teh_Colt's Drama Gen id: 490953)
    if not trigger.group(3) or not trigger.group(3).isdigit() or int(trigger.group(3).strip()) < 2000:
        bot.say('You must specify a shindanmaker ID (Waifu id: 215100 | Teh_Colt\'s Drama Gen id: 490953)')
    name = trigger.nick    
    if (trigger.group(4)):
        name = trigger.group(4)
    data = web.urlencode({'u': name, 'from': ''}).encode('ascii')
    url = follow_redirects('http://en.shindanmaker.com/'+trigger.group(3).strip())
        soup = get_soup(web.post(url, data))
        shindan = soup.find(attrs={'class':re.compile("result")})
        if 'en' in url:
            msg, in_lang = translate.translate(shindan.text.strip())
            if in_lang == 'ja':
                in_lang = 'Japanese'
            bot.say('%s (Translated from %s)' % (msg, in_lang))
    except Exception as e:
        bot.say('418 I\'m a teapot')
コード例 #7
ファイル: shindan.py プロジェクト: cripperz/inumuta-modules
def shindan(bot, trigger):
    .shindan <id> [name] - Do the shindanmaker thing! Will automatically translate japanese shindans to english. (Waifu id: 215100 | Teh_Colt's Drama Gen id: 490953)
    if not trigger.group(3) or not trigger.group(3).isdigit() or int(
            trigger.group(3).strip()) < 2000:
        return bot.say(
            u'You must specify a shindanmaker ID (Waifu id: 215100 | T\u0081eh_Colt\'s Drama Gen id: 490953)'

    name = trigger.nick
    if (trigger.group(4)):
        name = trigger.group(4)
    data = web.urlencode({'u': name, 'from': ''}).encode('ascii')
    url = follow_redirects('http://en.shindanmaker.com/' +
        soup = get_soup(web.post(url, data))
        shindan = soup.find(class_='result')
        if shindan is None:
            bot.say('The shindanmaker ID %s does not exist!' %
                    (trigger.group(3).strip(), ))
    except Exception as e:
        bot.say('418 I\'m a teapot')
コード例 #8
ファイル: weather.py プロジェクト: jinpark/common-bot
def old_wea(woeid):
    query = web.urlencode({'w': woeid, 'u': 'c'})
    url = 'http://weather.yahooapis.com/forecastrss?' + query
    parsed = feedparser.parse(url)
    location = parsed['feed']['title']

    cover = get_cover(parsed)
    temp = get_temp(parsed)
    pressure = get_pressure(parsed)
    wind = get_wind(parsed)
    bot.say(u'%s: %s, %s, %s, %s' % (location, cover, temp, pressure, wind))
コード例 #9
ファイル: weather.py プロジェクト: RodolfoTI/willie
def woeid_search(query):
    Find the first Where On Earth ID for the given query. Result is the etree
    node for the result, so that location data can still be retrieved. Returns
    None if there is no result, or the woeid field is empty.
    query = web.urlencode({'q': 'select * from geo.placefinder where text="%s"' % query})
    body = web.get('http://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql?' + query)
    parsed = etree.fromstring(body)
    first_result = parsed.find('results/Result')
    if first_result is None or len(first_result) == 0:
        return None
    return first_result
コード例 #10
def woeid_search(query):
    Find the first Where On Earth ID for the given query. Result is the etree
    node for the result, so that location data can still be retrieved. Returns
    None if there is no result, or the woeid field is empty.
    query = web.urlencode({'q': 'select * from geo.placefinder where text="%s"' % query})
    body = web.get('http://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql?' + query)
    parsed = etree.fromstring(body)
    first_result = parsed.find('results/Result')
    if first_result is None or len(first_result) == 0:
        return None
    return first_result
コード例 #11
ファイル: weather.py プロジェクト: ToTV/willie
def weather(bot, trigger):
    """.weather location - Show the weather at the given location."""

    location = trigger.group(2)
    woeid = ''
    if not location:
        woeid = bot.db.get_nick_value(trigger.nick, 'woeid')
        if not woeid:
            err_str = "I don't know where you live. Give me a location, like {0}weather " \
                      "London, or tell me where you live by saying {0}setlocation London, for example.".format(

            return bot.msg(trigger.sender, render_error(err_str, "weather"))
        location = location.strip()
        woeid = bot.db.get_nick_value(location, 'woeid')
        if woeid is None:
            first_result = woeid_search(location)
            if first_result is not None:
                woeid = first_result.find('woeid').text

    if not woeid:
        return bot.reply(render_error("I don't know where that is", "weather"))

    query = web.urlencode({'w': woeid, 'u': 'c'})
    url = 'http://weather.yahooapis.com/forecastrss?' + query
    parsed = feedparser.parse(url)
    location = parsed['feed']['title'][17:]

    cover = get_cover(parsed)
    temp = get_temp(parsed)
    humidity = get_humidity(parsed)
    wind = get_wind(parsed)
            Entity("Cover", cover),
            Entity("Temp", temp),
            Entity("Hum.", humidity),
            Entity("Wind", wind)
コード例 #12
def shindan(bot, trigger):
    .shindan <id> [name] - Do the shindanmaker thing! Will automatically translate japanese shindans to english. (Waifu id: 215100 | Teh_Colt's Drama Gen id: 490953)
    if not trigger.group(3) or not trigger.group(3).isdigit() or int(trigger.group(3).strip()) < 2000:
        return bot.say(u'You must specify a shindanmaker ID (Waifu id: 215100 | T\u0081eh_Colt\'s Drama Gen id: 490953)')

    name = trigger.nick
    if (trigger.group(4)):
        name = trigger.group(4)
    data = web.urlencode({'u': name, 'from': ''}).encode('ascii')
    url = follow_redirects('http://en.shindanmaker.com/' + trigger.group(3).strip())
        soup = get_soup(web.post(url, data))
        shindan = soup.find(class_='result')
        if shindan is None:
            bot.say('The shindanmaker ID %s does not exist!' % (trigger.group(3).strip(), ))
    except Exception as e:
        bot.say('418 I\'m a teapot')
コード例 #13
def latex(bot, trigger):
    #Request Body
    # formula=<FORMULA>&fsize=17px&fcolor=000000&mode=0&out=1&remhost=quicklatex.com&preamble=\usepackage{amsmath}\usepackage{amsfonts}\usepackage{amssymb}
    data = web.urlencode({
    url = web.post('http://quicklatex.com/latex3.f', data).split()[1]
    bot.reply(web.get('http://is.gd/create.php?format=simple&url=' + url))
コード例 #14
ファイル: weather.py プロジェクト: kamilla/jambot
def weather(bot, trigger):
    """.weather location - Show the weather at the given location."""

    location = trigger.group(2)
    woeid = ''
    if not location:
        if bot.db and trigger.nick in bot.db.preferences:
            woeid = bot.db.preferences.get(trigger.nick, 'woeid')
        if not woeid:
            return bot.msg(trigger.sender, "I don't know where you live. " +
                           'Give me a location, like .weather London, or tell me where you live by saying .setlocation London, for example.')
        location = location.strip()
        if bot.db and location in bot.db.preferences:
            woeid = bot.db.preferences.get(location, 'woeid')
            first_result = woeid_search(location)
            if first_result is not None:
                woeid = first_result.find('woeid').text

    if not woeid:
        return bot.reply("I don't know where that is.")

    query = web.urlencode({'w': woeid, 'u': 'c'})
    url = 'http://weather.yahooapis.com/forecastrss?' + query
    parsed = feedparser.parse(url)
    location = parsed['feed']['title']

    cover = get_cover(parsed)
    temp = get_temp(parsed)
    pressure = get_pressure(parsed)
    wind = get_wind(parsed)
    sunrise = get_sunrise(parsed)
    sunset = get_sunset(parsed)
    humidity = get_humidity(parsed)
    visibility = get_visibility(parsed)

    bot.say(u'[WEATHER] %s - %s, \x02%s\x02, %s, \x02%s\x02, ilmankosteus: \x02%s\x02, näkyvyys: \x02%s\x02, aurinko nousee \x02%s\x02 ja laskee \x02%s\x02' % (location[17:], cover, temp, wind, pressure, humidity, visibility, sunrise, sunset))
コード例 #15
def latex(bot, trigger):
    #Request Body
    # formula=<FORMULA>&fsize=17px&fcolor=000000&mode=0&out=1&remhost=quicklatex.com&preamble=\usepackage{amsmath}\usepackage{amsfonts}\usepackage{amssymb}
    data = web.urlencode({'formula': trigger.group(2), 'fsize': '25px', 'fcolor': '000000', 'mode': '0', 'out': '1', 'remhost': 'quicklatex.com', 'preamble': '\\usepackage{amsmath}\\usepackage{amsfonts}\\usepackage{amssymb}'}).encode('ascii')
    url = web.post('http://quicklatex.com/latex3.f', data).split()[1]
    bot.reply(web.get('http://is.gd/create.php?format=simple&url=' + url))