コード例 #1
def delete_slice(slice_id):
    Deletes the WAN Slice between the endpoints
    logger.info(f"Terminating WAN Slice {slice_id}")
    slice_data = mongoUtils.get("slice", slice_id)
    connections = slice_data.get("connections", None)
    if connections:
        for conn in connections:
                rules = conn["rules"]
            except KeyError:
                logger.info(f"Skipping {conn}")
            subprocess.run([f"wim/rules/{rules}", "delete", slice_data["_id"]])

    # Send the slice_id to the monitoring module
    wim_monitoring = os.getenv("WIM_MONITORING", None)
    if wim_monitoring:
        # Create the Kafka Producer
        producer = create_producer()
        wim_message = {"action": "terminate", "slice_data": slice_data}
        # Send the message
        producer.send("wan-monitoring", value=wim_message)
        logger.info("Updated monitoring module")

    mongoUtils.delete("slice", slice_id)
コード例 #2
 def get(self, _id):
     Find the slice from the database based on the id and return it
     If not found, return 404 error
     _slice = mongoUtils.get("slice", _id)
     return (_slice, 200) if _slice else (f"Slice {_id} was not found", 404)
コード例 #3
 def post(self, _id):
     Create a new slice and store it in the database
     args = request.json
     args["_id"] = _id
     if mongoUtils.get("slice", _id):
         return f"Slice {_id} already exists"
     producer = kafkaUtils.create_producer()
     wim_message = {"action": "create", "data": args}
     producer.send("wan-slice", value=wim_message)
     return (f"Creating Slice {_id}", 201)
コード例 #4
 def delete(self, _id):
     Delete an existing slice
     If not found, return 404 error
     _slice = mongoUtils.get("slice", _id)
     if _slice:
         producer = kafkaUtils.create_producer()
         wim_message = {"action": "terminate", "data": _id}
         producer.send("wan-slice", value=wim_message)
         return (f"Terrminating Slice {_id}", 200)
         return (f"Slice {_id} was not found", 404)
コード例 #5
for node in NODE_LIST:
    # Find the switch from neo4j db
    target = db.get_node(node["switch-id"])
    if not target:
        logger.error(f"Could not find node {node['swich-id']}")
        ctl = target["sdn_controller"]
        dpid = target["dpid"]
    except KeyError:
            f"SDN Controller and DPID were not defined for node {node['swich-id']}"
    node["switch-dpid"] = dpid
    node["sdn-ctl"] = ctl
        "bash", node["script"], "-c", ctl, "-d", dpid, "-f", slice_id, action

# Update the slice information with the created SDN flows
slice_data = mongoUtils.get("slice", slice_id)
slice_flows = slice_data.get("slice_flows", [])
if action == "create":
    new_slice_flows = slice_flows + NODE_LIST
    new_slice_flows = [node for node in slice_flows if node not in NODE_LIST]
slice_data["slice_flows"] = new_slice_flows
mongoUtils.update("slice", slice_id, slice_data)
コード例 #6
def create_slice(slice_data):
    Creates the WAN Slice between the endpoints
    logger.info("Creating WAN Slice")
    # Add the slice to the database
    mongoUtils.add("slice", slice_data)
    # Get the slices SLAs
    sla = slice_data["slice_sla"]
    # Get the probes
    probes = slice_data.get("probes", [])
    # Get the slice Components
    components = [ins["vim"] for ins in slice_data.get("extra_ns", [])] + probes
    for connection in slice_data["core_connections"]:
        core = connection["core"]
        core_vims = [ins["vim"] for ins in core.get("ns", [])]
        core_pnf = [ipnf["pnf-id"] for ipnf in core.get("pnf", [])]
        radio = connection["radio"]
        radio_vims = [ins["vim"] for ins in radio.get("ns", [])]
        radio_pnf = [ipnf["pnf-id"] for ipnf in radio.get("pnf", [])]
        components = set(core_vims + core_pnf + radio_vims + radio_pnf + components)

    # Create the slice connections
    connections = []
    while True:
            base_comp = components.pop()
        except KeyError:
        for i in components:
            connections.append({"endpoints": (base_comp, i)})

    # TODO: Calculate the qos level based on SLA

    # Find the rules to be created
    rules_list = []
    for conn in connections:
        endpoints = conn["endpoints"]
        rule = mongoUtils.find("rules", {"source": endpoints[0], "dest": endpoints[1]})
        if not rule:
            logger.warning(f"Didn't find connection rule from {endpoints[0]} to {endpoints[1]}")
        rule_file = rule["rule"]
        logger.info(f"Creating connection from {endpoints[0]} to {endpoints[1]}")
        subprocess.run([f"wim/rules/{rule_file}", "create", slice_data["_id"]])
        conn["rules"] = rule_file
    slice_data = mongoUtils.get("slice", slice_data["_id"])
    slice_data["connections"] = connections
    mongoUtils.update("slice", slice_data["_id"], slice_data)

    # Send the slice_id to the monitoring module if monitoring is enabled
    wim_monitoring = os.getenv("WIM_MONITORING", None)
    if wim_monitoring:
        # Create the Kafka Producer
        producer = create_producer()
        wim_message = {"action": "create", "slice_data": slice_data}
        # Send the message
        producer.send("wan-monitoring", value=wim_message)
        logger.info("Updated monitoring module")