def FindAdPrincipal(domain, account): import win32com.client as wc rootDse = wc.GetObject('LDAP://%s/RootDSE' % domain) namingContextStr = rootDse.get('defaultNamingContext') namingContext = wc.GetObject('LDAP://%s/%s' % (domain, namingContextStr)) adsPath = namingContext.AdsPath adoConnection = wc.Dispatch('ADODB.Connection') adoConnection.Provider = 'ADsDSOObject' adoConnection.Open('Active Directory Provider') adoCommand = wc.Dispatch('ADODB.Command') adoCommand.ActiveConnection = adoConnection adoQuery = "SELECT * FROM '%(adsPath)s' WHERE cn = '%(account)s'" adoCommand.CommandText = adoQuery % { 'adsPath': adsPath, 'account': account } log.Debug('adoCommand.CommandText = %s' % adoCommand.CommandText) recordSet, rowsAffected = adoCommand.Execute() userObj = None if not recordSet.EOF: userStr = recordSet.Fields.Item(0).value userObj = wc.GetObject(userStr) log.Debug('Ad object %s\%s found' % (domain, account)) else: log.Debug('Ad object %s\%s not found' % (domain, account)) return userObj
def getObject(dn, autoFindRootDSE): if not autoFindRootDSE: return com_client.GetObject(dn) ldap_loc = com_client.GetObject('LDAP://rootDSE').Get( "defaultNamingContext") ldap_obj_loc = dn + ldap_loc print ldap_obj_loc return com_client.GetObject("LDAP://" + ldap_obj_loc)
def AddUserToGroup(server_u, user, server_g, group): g = com_client.GetObject("LDAP://CN=%s,CN=Users,%s" % (group, GetDomainDN(server_g))) u = com_client.GetObject("LDAP://CN=%s,CN=Users,%s" % (user, GetDomainDN(server_u))) u_sid = win32security.SID(u.objectSid) try: g.Add("LDAP://%s/<SID=%s>" % (server_u, str(u_sid)[6:])) g.SetInfo() except: pass
def InitAdPrincipal(domain, accountName, principalType='User', containerName='users'): import win32com.client as wc rootDse = wc.GetObject('LDAP://%(domain)s/RootDSE' % {'domain': domain}) namingContextStr = rootDse.get('defaultNamingContext') container = wc.GetObject( 'LDAP://%(domain)s/CN=%(containerName)s,%(namingContextStr)s' % { 'domain': domain, 'containerName': containerName, 'namingContextStr': namingContextStr }) principalObj = container.Create( principalType, 'CN=%(account)s' % {'account': accountName}) return principalObj
def IsItemExist(server, name): try: com_client.GetObject("LDAP://CN=%s,CN=Users,%s" % (name, GetDomainDN(server))) return True except: return False
def reboot(self): updclient = jsonrpc_http.HttpServiceProxy( 'http://localhost:8008', bus.cnf.key_path(bus.cnf.DEFAULT_KEY)) try: dont_do_it = updclient.status()['state'].startswith( 'in-progress') except: pass else: if dont_do_it: raise Exception( 'Reboot not allowed, cause Scalarizr update is in-progress' ) wmi = client.GetObject('winmgmts:') for wos in wmi.InstancesOf('Win32_OperatingSystem'): if wos.Primary: # SCALARIZR-1609 # XXX: Function call happens without () here for some reason, # as just `wos.Reboot`. Then it returns 0 and we try to call it. # Check if this strange behavior persists when we upgrade # to the latest pywin32 version (219). try: wos.Reboot() except TypeError: pass
def get_hostname(self): try: wmi = client.GetObject('winmgmts:') for computer in wmi.InstancesOf('Win32_ComputerSystem'): return computer.Name except: return ''
def vba_email(recipients, subject, message, cc=[], attachments=[]): """ list of str, str, str, list of str, list of str -> None Sends an email using the existing oulook profile with the following params > Email is sent to the list of recipeints > Subject is the subject line of the message > Message is the HTML formatted body of the message > CC is the list of emails to include on the CC line > Attachments are the file paths to the attchments for the message """ # Initialize the outlook object within python outlook = win32.GetObject(Class="Outlook.Application") # Create the mail, populate the mail item mailer = outlook.CreateItem(0) mailer.To = ";".join(recipients) if cc: mailer.CC = ";".join(cc) mailer.Subject = subject mailer.HTMLBody = message # Add attachments if they exist, exit if attachment can't be found for item in attachments: if os.path.exists(item): mailer.Attachments.Add(item) else: raise FileNotFoundError( "The following attachment could not be found: {}".format(item)) # Send and collect garbage mailer.Send() del mailer del outlook
def add_account_to_group(account, group, domain_name): disting = domain_name_to_disting(domain_name) ad_account = find(account, disting) groupDomain = disting groupDomainDist = disting ad_group = None if (group.find("\\") != -1): groupDomain, group = group.split("\\") gd = groupDomain.upper() if gd == 'NT AUTHORITY' or gd == 'BUILTIN': ad_group = com_client.GetObject("LDAP://CN=%s,CN=Builtin,%s" % (group, disting)) else: groupDomainDist = domain_name_to_disting(groupDomain) if not ad_group: ad_group = find(group, groupDomainDist) if (not ad_group.IsMember(ad_account.ADsPath)): try: ad_group.Add(ad_account.ADsPath) except: u_sid = win32security.SID(ad_account.objectSid) ad_group.Add("LDAP://%s/<SID=%s>" % (groupDomain, str(u_sid)[6:])) ad_group.SetInfo()
def getProcess(pid=None, caption=None): #获得当前后台所有程序,或给定pid的程序 #取进程 id,失败返回 None global cfg pythoncom.CoInitialize( ) #默认win32com是非线程安全的,要在线程中安全使用,要在开始时CoInitialize,在结束时CoUninitialize if cfg['debug']: mylog("in getProcess(),pid=%s" % str(pid)) wmi = win32com.GetObject('winmgmts:') if not pid == None: wql = "SELECT * FROM Win32_Process where ProcessId=%s" % str(pid) elif not caption == None: #WQL是忽略大小写的,可以不用再转小写了 wql = "SELECT * FROM Win32_Process where Caption='%s'" % caption else: wql = "SELECT * FROM Win32_Process " procs = wmi.ExecQuery(wql) if cfg['debug']: mylog("wql=%s" % wql) mylog('proc=' + str(procs)) procs_dict = [] for p in procs: procs_dict.append({ 'cmd': p.CommandLine, 'name':, 'caption': p.caption, 'pid': p.ProcessId }) pythoncom.CoUninitialize() return procs_dict
def _GetPidFromProcessName(self, process_name): """取进程 id,失败返回 None""" wmi = win32com.GetObject('winmgmts:') pid_list = wmi.ExecQuery( "SELECT * FROM Win32_Process where name = '{process_name}'".format( process_name=process_name.replace("'", ""))) if len(pid_list): return int(pid_list[0].handle)
def CheckProcExistByPN(self, process_name): print "in CheckProcExistByPN step" try: WMI = client.GetObject('winmgmts:') processCodeCov = WMI.ExecQuery('select * from Win32_Process where Name="%s"' % process_name) except Exception, e: print process_name + "error : ", e
def __init__(self): self._c = wmi.WMI() self._com = client.Dispatch("WbemScripting.SWbemRefresher") self._obj = client.GetObject("winmgmts:\\root\cimv2") self._cs = self._c.Win32_ComputerSystem() self._os = self._c.Win32_OperatingSystem() self._pfu = self._c.Win32_PageFileUsage() self.hostname = self._os[0].CSName
def net_stats(self): class MIB_IFROW(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [ ('wszName', wintypes.WCHAR * 256), ('dwIndex', wintypes.DWORD), ('dwType', wintypes.DWORD), ('dwMtu', wintypes.DWORD), ('dwSpeed', wintypes.DWORD), ('dwPhysAddrLen', wintypes.DWORD), ('bPhysAddr', wintypes.BYTE * 8), ('dwAdminStatus', wintypes.DWORD), ('dwOperStatus', wintypes.DWORD), ('dwLastChange', wintypes.DWORD), ('dwInOctets', wintypes.DWORD), ('dwInUcastPkts', wintypes.DWORD), ('dwInNUcastPkts', wintypes.DWORD), ('dwInDiscards', wintypes.DWORD), ('dwInErrors', wintypes.DWORD), ('dwInUnknownProtos', wintypes.DWORD), ('dwOutOctets', wintypes.DWORD), ('dwOutUcastPkts', wintypes.DWORD), ('dwOutNUcastPkts', wintypes.DWORD), ('dwOutDiscards', wintypes.DWORD), ('dwOutErrors', wintypes.DWORD), ('dwOutQlen', wintypes.DWORD), ('dwDescrlen', wintypes.DWORD), ('bDescr', wintypes.BYTE * 256), ] wmi = client.GetObject('winmgmts:') adapters = [ adapter for adapter in wmi.InstancesOf('win32_networkadapter') if adapter.PhysicalAdapter is True ] iphlpapi = ctypes.windll.LoadLibrary('iphlpapi') res = dict() for adapter in adapters: if_entry = MIB_IFROW() if_entry.dwIndex = adapter.InterfaceIndex iphlpapi.GetIfEntry(ctypes.pointer(if_entry)) res[adapter.Name] = { 'receive': { 'bytes': int(if_entry.dwInOctets), 'packets': int(if_entry.dwInUcastPkts), 'errors': int(if_entry.dwInErrors), }, 'transmit': { 'bytes': int(if_entry.dwOutOctets), 'packets': int(if_entry.dwOutUcastPkts), 'errors': int(if_entry.dwOutErrors), }, } return res
def network(self): con = wmi.WMI(moniker="//./root/cimv2") com = client.Dispatch("WbemScripting.SWbemRefresher") obj = client.GetObject("winmgmts:\\root\cimv2") items = com.AddEnum( obj, "Win32_PerfRawData_Tcpip_NetworkInterface").objectSet net_info = [] net_dict = {} net_id_disk = {} for i, interface in enumerate( con.Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration(IPEnabled=1)): index = 'Network_Adapter' + str(i) info_dict = {} info_dict['net_MACAddress'] = interface.MACAddress info_dict['net_IPSubnet'] = interface.IPSubnet info_dict['net_DefaultIPGateway'] = interface.DefaultIPGateway info_dict['net_ip_address'] = [] info_dict['Caption'] = interface.Description if not interface.IPAddress is None: for ip_address in interface.IPAddress: info_dict['net_ip_address'].append(ip_address) net_id_disk[interface.Description] = index net_dict[index] = info_dict com.Refresh() for item in items: if net_id_disk.has_key(item.Name): net_bytes_in = long(item.BytesReceivedPerSec) net_bytes_out = long(item.BytesSentPerSec) time.sleep(1) com.Refresh() net_dict[net_id_disk[item.Name]]['net_bytes_in'] = { 'volume': (long(item.BytesReceivedPerSec) - net_bytes_in) * 8 / 1024, 'unit': 'Kbps' } net_dict[net_id_disk[item.Name]]['net_bytes_out'] = { 'volume': (long(item.BytesSentPerSec) - net_bytes_out) * 8 / 1024, 'unit': 'Kbps' } net_dict[net_id_disk[item.Name]]['net_bytes_in_cur'] = { 'volume': long(item.BytesReceivedPerSec), 'unit': 'B' } net_dict[net_id_disk[item.Name]]['net_bytes_in_cur'] = { 'volume': long(item.BytesReceivedPerSec), 'unit': 'B' } net_dict[net_id_disk[item.Name]]['net_pkts_in_cur'] = long( item.PacketsReceivedPerSec) net_dict[net_id_disk[item.Name]]['net_pkts_out_cur'] = long( item.PacketsSentPerSec) net_info.append(net_dict) return net_info
def get_net(self): c = wmi.WMI() com = client.Dispatch("WbemScripting.SWbemRefresher") obj = client.GetObject("winmgmts:\\root\cimv2") items = com.AddEnum( obj, "Win32_PerfRawData_Tcpip_NetworkInterface").objectSet data_dict = {} interfaces = [] for interface in c.Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration(IPEnabled=1): print interface.IPAddress[0] interfaces.append(interface.Description) net_bytes_in = 0 net_bytes_out = 0 net_pkts_in = 0 net_pkts_out = 0 com.Refresh() for item in items: if item.Name in interfaces: #print 'Name:%s -> B_in:%s, B_out:%s, P_in:%s, P_out:%s' %(item.Name, item.BytesReceivedPerSec, item.BytesSentPerSec, item.PacketsReceivedPerSec, item.PacketsSentPerSec) net_bytes_in += long(item.BytesReceivedPerSec) net_bytes_out += long(item.BytesSentPerSec) net_pkts_in += long(item.PacketsReceivedPerSec) net_pkts_out += long(item.PacketsSentPerSec) time.sleep(1) net_bytes_in_cur = 0 net_bytes_out_cur = 0 com.Refresh() for item in items: if item.Name in interfaces: net_bytes_in = long(item.BytesReceivedPerSec) - net_bytes_in net_bytes_in_cur += long(item.BytesReceivedPerSec) net_bytes_out = long(item.BytesSentPerSec) - net_bytes_out net_bytes_out_cur += long(item.BytesSentPerSec) net_pkts_in = long(item.PacketsReceivedPerSec) - net_pkts_in net_pkts_out = long(item.PacketsSentPerSec) - net_pkts_out data_dict['net_bytes_in'] = {'volume': net_bytes_in, 'unit': 'B/s'} data_dict['net_bytes_in_sum'] = { 'volume': net_bytes_in_cur, 'unit': 'B' } data_dict['net_bytes_out'] = {'volume': net_bytes_out, 'unit': 'B/s'} data_dict['net_bytes_out_sum'] = { 'volume': net_bytes_out_cur, 'unit': 'B' } data_dict['net_pkts_in'] = {'volume': net_pkts_in, 'unit': 'p/s'} data_dict['net_pkts_out'] = {'volume': net_pkts_out, 'unit': 'p/s'} return {'data': data_dict, 'timestamp': time.asctime(time.localtime())}
def block_devices(self): wmi = client.GetObject('winmgmts:') res = list() for disk in wmi.InstancesOf( 'Win32_PerfRawData_PerfDisk_LogicalDisk'): if disk.Name == '_Total': continue res.append(disk.Name) return res
def mounts(self): wmi = client.GetObject('winmgmts:') ret = {} for disk in wmi.InstancesOf('Win32_LogicalDisk'): letter = disk.DeviceId[0].lower() entry = {'device': letter, 'mpoint': letter} entry.update(self._format_statvfs(disk)) ret[letter] = entry return ret
def current_process(self): com = client.Dispatch("WbemScripting.SWbemRefresher") obj = client.GetObject("winmgmts:\\root\cimv2") items = com.AddEnum( obj, "Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfProc_Process").objectSet com.Refresh() for item in items: timestamp = time.strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S', time.localtime()) print item.IDProcess, item.Name, item.PriorityBase, item.VirtualBytes, item.PoolNonpagedBytes, item.PoolPagedBytes, item.PercentProcessorTime, item.WorkingSet, timestamp
def __init__(self): self._c = wmi.WMI() # conn = wmi.connect_server(server="", user="******", password="******") # self._c = wmi.WMI(wmi=conn) self._com = client.Dispatch("WbemScripting.SWbemRefresher") self._obj = client.GetObject("winmgmts:\\root\cimv2") self._cs = self._c.Win32_ComputerSystem() self._os = self._c.Win32_OperatingSystem() self._pfu = self._c.Win32_PageFileUsage() self.hostname = self._os[0].CSName
def __init__(self): = client.Dispatch("WbemScripting.SWbemRefresher") obj = client.GetObject("winmgmts:\\root\cimv2") #diskitems = com.AddEnum(obj, "Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfDisk_LogicalDisk").objectSet #time.sleep(1) self.diskitems = obj, "Win32_PerfRawData_PerfDisk_PhysicalDisk").objectSet
def abreWorkbook(xlArquivo): global excel global win32 try: xlwb = win32.GetObject(xlArquivo) except Exception as e: try: xlwb = excel.Workbooks.Open(xlArquivo) except Exception as e: print(e) xlwb = None return(xlwb)
def get_fs_info(self): con = wmi.WMI(moniker="//./root/cimv2") disk_info = [] disk_dict = {} disk_id_disk = {} info_dict = {} # DriveType=3 : "Local Disk", for i, disk in enumerate(con.Win32_LogicalDisk(DriveType=3)): index = 'Partition' + str(i) info_dict = {} info_dict['disk_FreeSpace'] = { 'volume': round(float(disk.FreeSpace) / (1024 * 1024 * 1024), 2), 'unit': 'GB' } info_dict['disk_capacity'] = { 'volume': round(float(disk.Size) / (1024 * 1024 * 1024), 2), 'unit': 'GB' } info_dict['disk_Used'] = { 'volume': round((float(disk.Size) - float(disk.FreeSpace)) / (1024 * 1024 * 1024), 2), 'unit': 'GB' } info_dict['fstype'] = disk.FileSystem info_dict['mnt'] = '' info_dict['Caption'] = disk.DeviceID #print disk.DeviceID disk_id_disk[disk.DeviceID] = index disk_dict[index] = info_dict com = client.Dispatch("WbemScripting.SWbemRefresher") obj = client.GetObject("winmgmts:\\root\cimv2") diskitems = com.AddEnum( obj, "Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfDisk_LogicalDisk").objectSet com.Refresh() for item in diskitems: try: disk_dict[disk_id_disk[item.Name]]['io_stat_read'] = { 'volume': (float(item.DiskReadBytesPerSec) / 1024), 'unit': 'KB/s' } disk_dict[disk_id_disk[item.Name]]['io_stat_write'] = { 'volume': (float(item.DiskWriteBytesPerSec) / 1024), 'unit': 'KB/s' } except: pass disk_info.append(disk_dict) return disk_info
def do_work(self): self.pri_session = client.GetObject( "SAPGUI").GetScriptingEngine.Children(0) self.create_sessions() if self.action == 'query': self.submit_query() elif self.action == 'download': self.download_spools() elif self.action == 'clear': self.clear_spools() self.close_session() return True
def check_exsit(path, process_name): WMI = client.GetObject('winmgmts:') processCodeCov = WMI.ExecQuery( 'select * from Win32_Process where Name="%s"' % process_name) if len(processCodeCov) > 0: print '%s is exists' % process_name else: print '%s is not exists' % process_name os.chdir(path) # win32api.ShellExecute(0, 'open', process_name, '', '', 0) # 后台执行 print os.path.join(path, "services", process_name) os.system(os.path.join(path, "services", process_name))
def uptime(self): # pylint: disable=W0603 wmi = client.GetObject('winmgmts:') win_os = next(iter(wmi.InstancesOf('Win32_OperatingSystem'))) local_time, tz_op, tz_hh60mm = re.split(r'(\+|\-)', win_os.LastBootUpTime) local_time = local_time.split('.')[0] local_time = time.mktime(time.strptime(local_time, '%Y%m%d%H%M%S')) tz_seconds = int(tz_hh60mm) * 60 if tz_op == '+': return time.time() - local_time + tz_seconds else: return time.time() - local_time - tz_seconds
def disk_stats(self): wmi = client.GetObject('winmgmts:') res = dict() for disk in wmi.InstancesOf( 'Win32_PerfRawData_PerfDisk_LogicalDisk'): # Skip Total if disk.Name == '_Total': continue res[disk.Name] = dict( read=dict(bytes=int(disk.AvgDiskBytesPerRead)), write=dict(bytes=int(disk.AvgDiskBytesPerWrite))) return res
def cpu_stat(self): wmi = client.GetObject('winmgmts:') processors = wmi.InstancesOf('Win32_Processor') avg_percentage = float( sum([cpu.LoadPercentage for cpu in processors])) / len(processors) return { 'user': avg_percentage, 'system': 0, 'idle': 100 - avg_percentage, 'nice': 0 }
def statvfs(self, mpoints=None): wmi = client.GetObject('winmgmts:') # mpoints == disks letters on Windows mpoints = map(lambda s: s[0].lower(), mpoints) if not isinstance(mpoints, list): raise Exception( 'Argument "mpoints" should be a list of strings, ' 'not %s' % type(mpoints)) ret = {} for disk in wmi.InstancesOf('Win32_LogicalDisk'): letter = disk.DeviceId[0].lower() if letter in mpoints: ret[letter] = self._format_statvfs(disk) return ret
def close_app(): wmi = win32.GetObject('winmgmts:') process_desktop = wmi.ExecQuery( 'select * from Win32_Process where Name="%s"' % "desktop.exe") if len(process_desktop) > 0:"taskkill /f /im desktop.exe") time.sleep(2) process_outlook = wmi.ExecQuery( 'select * from Win32_Process where Name="%s"' % "outlook.exe") if len(process_outlook) > 0: pass else: subprocess.Popen( r'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office16\outlook.exe') time.sleep(20)