コード例 #1
ファイル: test_util.py プロジェクト: wxmiked/windb2
    def testCalcDirDegrees(self):

        # First quadrant
        self.assertEqual(util.calc_dir_deg(3, 3), 45)

        # Second quadrant
        self.assertEqual(util.calc_dir_deg(3, -3), 135)

        # Third quadrant
        self.assertEqual(util.calc_dir_deg(-3, -3), 225)

        # Fourth quadrant
        self.assertEqual(util.calc_dir_deg(-3, 3), 315)
コード例 #2
ファイル: heightinterp.py プロジェクト: wxmiked/windb2
def uv_column_interp(u_mass_column, v_mass_column, heights_above_ground, heights_to_interp, z_o=None):
    """Calculate the wind speeds at a given height (in meters) using the two adjacent pressure levels u and v
    wind components. Uses a log-law approximation from the ground to 100 m for points that are lower than the
    lowest eta level in the model. Direction interpolation is not performed for levels where the log-law
    approximation is used.

    :param u_mass_column: WRF U wind speed already interpolated to the mass coordinate system (native is flux coordinate)
    :param v_mass_column: WRF V wind speed already interpolated to the mass coordinate system (native is flux coordinate)
    :param heights_above_ground:
    :param heights_to_interp:

    :returns 2, 1D arrays u, v of the height interpolated wind speed and direction in the column.


    # Make sure array lengths match
    assert(u_mass_column.shape == v_mass_column.shape)
    assert(u_mass_column.shape == heights_above_ground.shape)

    # Make sure we've only been given a column
    assert(u_mass_column.ndim == 1)
    assert(v_mass_column.ndim == 1)
    assert(heights_above_ground.ndim == 1)

    # Convert heights_to_interp to an numpy array so we can mask it
    heights_to_interp = numpy.array(heights_to_interp)

    # Find the heights that need log-law interpolation i.e. below 100 m and lower than the lowest eta-half level
    mask_heights_to_interp_log_law = heights_to_interp < numpy.min(heights_above_ground)

    # Linear interp where we have model data
    if numpy.size(heights_to_interp[~mask_heights_to_interp_log_law]) > 0:
        u_mass_coord_interp_linear = numpy.interp(heights_to_interp[~mask_heights_to_interp_log_law],
                                                  heights_above_ground, u_mass_column)
        v_mass_coord_interp_linear = numpy.interp(heights_to_interp[~mask_heights_to_interp_log_law],
                                                  heights_above_ground, v_mass_column)
        logger.info('No eta-level heights were in the range of LINEAR interpolation.')
        u_mass_coord_interp_linear = []
        v_mass_coord_interp_linear = []

    # Log-law interp for speed using heights 100 m and below, if WRF ZNT was NOT provided
    speed = util.speed(u_mass_column, v_mass_column)
    if numpy.size(heights_to_interp[mask_heights_to_interp_log_law]) > 0 and z_o is None:

        # Make sure there is more than one height to linearly interpolate with below 100 m
        if heights_above_ground[1] < 100:
            speed_interp_log_law = log_law_interp(speed, heights_above_ground,
                                                  heights_to_interp[mask_heights_to_interp_log_law], 100)

        # Otherwise, issue a warning and include the second height above ground
        # This situation can sometimes occur at the edges of nested domains when the PSFC value
        # is lower than the lowest level of (P + PB). Speculate this is a bug in WRF where the PSFC is being taken
        # from the lower resolution domain rather than being calculated with the new topo height in the higher
        # resolution domain.
            speed_interp_log_law = log_law_interp(speed, heights_above_ground,
                                                  heights_to_interp[mask_heights_to_interp_log_law], heights_above_ground[1])
            logger.info('Had to use height above 100 m for log-linear log-law interp')
            logger.info('Heights used for log-linear log-law interp: {} m and {} m'
                        .format(heights_above_ground[0], heights_above_ground[1]))

    # Use the log-law with the WRF ZNT (surface roughness) to diagnose U,V
    elif numpy.size(heights_to_interp[mask_heights_to_interp_log_law]) > 0 and z_o is not None:
        speed_interp_log_law = speed[0] * \
                               numpy.log(heights_to_interp[mask_heights_to_interp_log_law] / z_o) / \
                               numpy.log(numpy.min(heights_above_ground) / z_o)
        logger.info('No eta-level heights were in the range of LOG-LAW interpolation.')
        speed_interp_log_law = []

    # For log-law interpolation, use the same wind direction as the bottom level where we have WRF data for the
    # direction. Assumes these heights are sorted from bottom to top, which is the WRF default.
    u_bottom = u_mass_column[0]
    v_bottom = v_mass_column[0]
    dir_interp_log_law = util.calc_dir_deg(u_bottom, v_bottom)
    u_mass_coord_interp_log_law = util.u_flow(speed_interp_log_law, dir_interp_log_law)
    v_mass_coord_interp_log_law = util.v_flow(speed_interp_log_law, dir_interp_log_law)

    return numpy.hstack((u_mass_coord_interp_log_law, u_mass_coord_interp_linear)), \
           numpy.hstack((v_mass_coord_interp_log_law, v_mass_coord_interp_linear))
コード例 #3
ファイル: suntans.py プロジェクト: didalijun/windb2
def insertNcFile(windb2_conn, ncFile, domainKey=None, tableName="current", replaceData=False, sqlWhere="true"):

    # Connect to the WinDB
    inserter = insert.Insert(windb2_conn)

    # Open the tide netCDF file
    print('netCDF file type passed to suntans.insertNcFile=', type(ncFile))
    if type(ncFile) != nc.netcdf_file:
        ncFile = nc.netcdf_file(ncFile, 'r')

    # Get the grid dimensions and coordinates
    nLong = ncFile.dimensions['west_east']
    nLat = ncFile.dimensions['south_north']
    nTime = ncFile.variables['Times'].shape[0] # 'Time' dim is UNLIMITED
    lonArr = ncFile.variables['utm_easting']
    latArr = ncFile.variables['utm_northing']
    timeArr = ncFile.variables['Times']
    u = ncFile.variables['u_top1m']
    v = ncFile.variables['v_top1m']

    # Create a new domain if necessary
    if domainKey == None:
        domainKey = str(inserter.create_new_domain("SF Bay currents ", "SUNTANS", 200, 'm'))
        inserter.insert_horiz_geom(domainKey, lonArr, latArr, 26910) # EPSG:26910: NAD83 / UTM zone 10N
        inserter.create_new_table(domainKey, tableName, ("speed", "direction"), ("real", "smallint"),
                                  ("speed_positive","direction_degree"), ("speed >= 0","direction >= 0 AND direction < 360"))
        # Make sure it's a string so that we don't have concatenation problems later
        domainKey = str(domainKey)

    # Get the geomkeys associated with the WRF coordinates
    horizGeomKey = inserter.calculateHorizWindGeomKeys(domainKey, nLong, nLat)

    # Create a counter to execute every so often
    counter = 0
    startTime = datetime.now()

    # Pass the timearr through the timearr filter, even if no filter is set to return Postres
    # compliant timestamps. See Python datetime.datetime for datetime format details
    timesToInsert = windb2_conn.filterTimes(timeArr, '%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S', sqlWhere=sqlWhere)

    # Info
    print('Reduced the number of times to insert by ',
          round((1 - float(len(timesToInsert)) / timeArr.shape[0]) * 100, 1), '%')

    # Iterate through the times that we want to insert
    ttiCount = 0
    tncfCount = 0
    timeValuesToReturn = []
    while ttiCount < len(timesToInsert) and tncfCount < nTime:

        # Only insert if this is a time we want to insert
        tncf = datetime.strptime(timeArr[tncfCount].tostring().decode('UTF-8'), '%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S').replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc)
        tti = timesToInsert[ttiCount]
        if tti != tncf:
            tncfCount += 1

        # Open a temporary file to COPY from
        temp_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w+b')

        # Create the time in GeoServer/GeoWebCache format

        # Info
        print('Processing time: ', timeValuesToReturn[-1])

        # Iterate through the x,y, and timearr and insert the tidal current data
        for x in range(horizGeomKey.shape[0]):
            for y in range(horizGeomKey.shape[1]):

                # Make sure that this is actually a x,y point we want to insert
                # In order to create a mask of selective insert points, all
                # a horizGeomKey of zero means we don't want to insert this one
                if horizGeomKey[x,y]==0:

                # Write the data string to the temp file
                if not numpy.isnan(u[tncfCount,y,x]):

                    # Calculate speed
                    speed = math.sqrt(math.pow(u[tncfCount,y,x],2) + math.pow(v[tncfCount,y,x],2))

                    # Calculate direction (using the 'flow' convention for tides)
                    dir = int(util.calc_dir_deg(u[tncfCount,y,x], v[tncfCount,y,x]))

                    # Add this row to be inserted into the database
                    str_to_write = '{},{},{},{},{},{}\n'.format(domainKey, horizGeomKey[x,y],
                                                                   tncf.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z'), speed, dir, 0)
                    counter += 1

        # Insert the data at height 0 for tidal current
        insertColumns = ('domainkey', 'geomkey', 't', 'speed', 'direction', 'height')
            windb2_conn.curs.copy_from(open(temp_file.name, 'rb'), tableName + '_' + domainKey, sep=',', columns=insertColumns)
        except psycopg2.IntegrityError as e:

            # Delete the duplicate data
            errorTest = 'duplicate key value violates unique constraint "' + tableName + "_" + domainKey + '_domainkey_geomkey_t_height_key"'
            if re.search(errorTest, str(e)):

                # Delete the data and retry the insert if asked to replace data in the function call
                if replaceData:

                    # Rollback to the last commit (necessary to reset the database connection)

                    # Delete that timearr (assumes UTC timearr zone)
                    sql = 'DELETE FROM ' +  tableName + '_' + domainKey + ' WHERE t = timestamp with time zone\'' + \
                          tti.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z') + '\' ' + \
                          'AND height=0'
                    print("Deleting conflicting times: " + sql)

                    # Reinsert that timearr
                    windb2_conn.curs.copy_from(open(temp_file.name, 'r'), tableName + '_' + domainKey, sep=',', columns=insertColumns)

                # Otherwise, just notify that the insert failed because of duplicate data
                    logging.error("ERROR ON INSERT: ", e.message)
                    logging.error("Use 'replaceData=True' if you want the data to be reinserted.")

        # Commit the changes

        # Calaculate the insert rate
        elapsedTime = (datetime.now() - startTime).seconds
        if elapsedTime > 0:
            insertRate = counter / elapsedTime
            print("Inserted ", counter, " x,y wind points at ", insertRate, " I/s")

        # Close the tempfile so it is deleted

        # Increment the time
        ttiCount += 1

    return timeValuesToReturn
コード例 #4
ファイル: insert.py プロジェクト: wxmiked/windb2
    def insert_variable(self,
        """Inserts a netCDF file with WinDB2 or WRF output into a WinDB2 database.
       * windb2Conn - Connection to a WinDB2 database.
       * ncfile - Either an open file or a string name of a file to open.
       * var_name - Name of WinDB2 supported variable or a WRF 3D variable (currently WIND, THETA, RHO).
       * domain_key - Existing domain key in the database. If left blank, a new domain will be created.
       * replace_data - Deletes data for the same time in the database if True. Useful for freshening data.
       * file_type - Type of netCDF file to insert: {'windb2' (default), or 'wrf'}
       * mask - String name of a mask in the WinDB2 database. Only relevant when creating a new domain (the mask is
       *        applied automatically thereafter).
       * returns timesInsertedList, domain_key - A list of times inserted in ISO time format, and the
         domain_key where the data was inserted.
         :param file_type:

        # Make sure this the file_type of file is support
        if file_type != 'windb2' and file_type != 'wrf':
            raise TypeError('Unsupported file file_type: {}'.format(file_type))

        # Open the WinDB netCDF file
            'netCDF file file_type passed to wrf.insertNcFile={}'.format(
        if type(ncfile) != Dataset:
            ncfile = Dataset(ncfile, 'r')

        # Get the grid dimensions and coordinates
        if file_type == 'windb2':
            nlong = len(ncfile.dimensions['x'])
            nlat = len(ncfile.dimensions['y'])
            x_coord_array = ncfile.groups['WRF']['XLONG'][:]
            y_coord_array = ncfile.groups['WRF']['XLAT'][:]
            if self.config['vars'][var_name]['dims'] == 3:
                height_array = ncfile.variables['height'][:]
            elif self.config['vars'][var_name]['dims'] == 2:
                height_array = [self.config['vars'][var_name]['insert'][0]]
                raise Exception('Number of dimensions must either be 2 or 3')
            init_t = datetime.strptime(
        elif file_type == 'wrf':
            nlong = len(ncfile.dimensions['west_east'])
            nlat = len(ncfile.dimensions['south_north'])
            x_coord_array = ncfile['XLONG'][:]
            y_coord_array = ncfile['XLAT'][:]
            height_array = [self.config[var_name]['insert'][0]]
            init_t = datetime.strptime(

        # Read in the vars to insert
        wrf_copied_var = False
        if file_type == 'windb2' and var_name.lower() == 'WIND'.lower():
            u = ncfile.variables['eastward_wind'][:]
            v = ncfile.variables['northward_wind'][:]
        elif file_type == 'windb2' and var_name.lower() == 'DPT'.lower():
            ncVariable = ncfile.variables['dew_point_temperature'][:]
        # Otherwise try find the WinDB2 interp or WRF var
                ncVariable = ncfile.variables[var_name][:]
            except KeyError as e:
                wrf_copied_var = True
                ncVariable = ncfile.groups['WRF'][var_name][:]

        # Create a new and/or domain if necessary
        if domain_key is None:
            if file_type == 'windb2':
                domain_key = str(
                    self.create_new_domain(ncfile.groups['WRF'].TITLE, "WRF",
                                           ncfile.groups['WRF'].DX, 'm', mask))
            elif file_type == 'wrf':
                domain_key = str(
                    self.create_new_domain(ncfile.TITLE, "WRF", ncfile.DX, 'm',
            self.insert_horiz_geom(domain_key, x_coord_array, y_coord_array,
                                   create_wrf_srid(self.windb2, ncfile))

            # Mask the domain if necessary
            if mask is not None:
                self.mask_domain(domain_key, mask)

        # Create a new table if necessary and add an initialization time column
        if file_type == 'windb2' and var_name.lower() == 'wind'.lower():
            if not self.windb2.table_exists('wind' + '_' + domain_key):
                self.create_new_table(domain_key, var_name,
                                      ('speed', 'direction'),
                                      ('real', 'smallint'))
                self._create_initialization_time_column(var_name, domain_key)
            if not self.windb2.table_exists('{}_{}'.format(
                    var_name.lower(), domain_key)):
                self.create_new_table(domain_key, var_name, ('value', ),
                                      ('real', ))
                    var_name.lower(), domain_key)

        # Make sure it's a string so that we don't have concatenation problems later
        domain_key = str(domain_key)

        # Get the geomkeys associated with the WRF coordinates
        horizGeomKey = self.calculateHorizWindGeomKeys(domain_key, nlong, nlat)

        # Create a counter to execute every so often
        counter = 0
        startTime = datetime.now()

        # Get the time array to iterate through
        if file_type == 'windb2':
            time_char_array = chartostring(ncfile.variables['Time'][:])
        elif file_type == 'wrf':
            time_char_array = chartostring(ncfile.variables['Times'][:])

        # Create a statement to use
        tCount = 0
        timeValuesToReturn = []
        for t in time_char_array:

            # Create a datetime from the WRF string
            t = datetime.strptime(t,

            # Zero the seconds if asked to
            if zero_seconds:
                t = t.replace(second=0)

            # Create the time in GeoServer/GeoWebCache format

            # Info
            print('Processing time for {}: {}'.format(var_name,

            # Iterate through the x,y, and timearr and insert the WRF variable
            for h in height_array:

                # We actually need the index of the height, not the actual height itself
                height = None
                if file_type == 'windb2' and wrf_copied_var is False:
                        z = numpy.argwhere(
                            ncfile.variables['height'][:] == h)[0, 0]
                        height = height_array[z]
                    except IndexError:
                            'Height {} to insert does not exist in WinDB2 file'
                elif wrf_copied_var is True:
                    height = height_array[0]
                    height = 0

                counter = 0

                # Open a temporary file to COPY from
                tempFile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w')

                for x in range(horizGeomKey.shape[0]):
                    for y in range(horizGeomKey.shape[1]):

                        # Make sure that this is actually a x,y point we want to insert
                        # In order to create a mask of selective insert points, all
                        # a horizGeomKey of zero means we don't want to insert this one
                        if horizGeomKey[x, y] == 0:

                        # Write the data string to the temp file
                        if file_type == 'windb2' and var_name.lower(
                        ) == 'wind'.lower():
                            if not (numpy.isnan(u[tCount, z, y, x])
                                    or numpy.isnan(v[tCount, z, y, x])):

                                # Add this row to be inserted into the database
                                # Note that we negate U and V so they exist in WinDB2 as the vernacular "coming from" wind direction
                                print('{}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}'.format(
                                    domain_key, horizGeomKey[x, y],
                                    t.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z'),
                                    util.speed(u[tCount, z, y, x], v[tCount, z,
                                                                     y, x]),
                                            -u[tCount, z, y, x],
                                            -v[tCount, z, y, x])), height,
                                    init_t.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z')),
                                counter += 1

                        elif file_type == 'windb2':
                            # Add this row to be inserted into the database
                            if self.config['vars'][var_name]['dims'] == 2:
                                val = ncVariable[tCount, y, x]
                            elif self.config['vars'][var_name]['dims'] == 3:
                                val = ncVariable[tCount, z, y, x]

                            if not numpy.isnan(val):
                                print('{}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}'.format(
                                    domain_key, horizGeomKey[x, y],
                                    t.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z'), val,
                                    init_t.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z')),
                                counter += 1

                        elif file_type == 'wrf':
                            if not numpy.isnan(ncVariable[tCount, y, x]):

                                # Add this row to be inserted into the database
                                print('{}, {}, {}, {}, {}'.format(
                                    domain_key, horizGeomKey[x, y],
                                    t.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z'),
                                    ncVariable[tCount, y, x],
                                    init_t.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z')),
                                counter += 1

                # Insert the data
                if file_type == 'windb2' and var_name.lower() == 'wind'.lower(
                    insertColumns = columns = ('domainkey', 'geomkey', 't',
                                               'speed', 'direction', 'height',
                    insertColumns = columns = ('domainkey', 'geomkey', 't',
                                               'value', 'height', 'init')
                    self.windb2.curs.copy_from(open(tempFile.name, 'r'),
                                               var_name + '_' + domain_key,
                except psycopg2.IntegrityError as e:

                    # Delete the duplicate data
                    errorTest = 'duplicate key value violates unique constraint "' + var_name.lower(
                    ) + "_" + domain_key + '_domainkey_geomkey_t_height_init_key"'
                    if re.search(errorTest, str(e.pgerror)):

                        # Delete the data and retry the insert if asked to replace data in the function call
                        if replace_data:

                            # Rollback to the last commit (necessary to reset the database connection)

                            # Delete that timearr (assumes UTC timearr zone)
                            sql = 'DELETE FROM ' +  var_name + '_' + domain_key + \
                                  ' WHERE t = timestamp with time zone\'' + t.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z') + '\' ' + \
                                  'AND height=' + str(h)
                            print("Deleting conflicting times: " + sql)

                            # Reinsert that timearr
                                open(tempFile.name, 'r'),
                                var_name + '_' + domain_key,

                            # Commit again or the reinserts won't stick

                        # Otherwise, just notify that the insert failed because of duplicate data. We do re-raise this error
                        # because it's assumed that we want to suplement the WinDB with other data-heights if available.
                            logging.warning('ERROR ON INSERT: {}'.format(
                                'Use \'replace_data=True\' if you want the data to be reinserted.'

                # Commit the changes

                # Calaculate the insert rate
                elapsedTime = (datetime.now() - startTime).seconds
                    print('Inserted {}, {}-m height x,y wind points at {} I/s'.
                          format(counter, height_array[z],
                                 counter / elapsedTime))
                except ZeroDivisionError:
                    print('Inserted {}, {}-m height x,y wind points'.format(
                        counter, height_array[z]))
                except UnboundLocalError:
                    print('Inserted {}, {}-m height x,y wind points'.format(
                        counter, height_array[0]))

                # Close the tempfile so it is deleted

            # Increment the time
            tCount += 1

        return timeValuesToReturn, domain_key
コード例 #5
ファイル: suntans.py プロジェクト: sailorsenergy/windb2
def insertNcFile(windb2_conn, ncFile, domainKey=None, tableName="current", replaceData=False, sqlWhere="true"):

    # Connect to the WinDB
    inserter = insert.Insert(windb2_conn)

    # Open the tide netCDF file
    print('netCDF file type passed to suntans.insertNcFile=', type(ncFile))
    if type(ncFile) != nc.netcdf_file:
        ncFile = nc.netcdf_file(ncFile, 'r')

    # Get the grid dimensions and coordinates
    nLong = ncFile.dimensions['west_east']
    nLat = ncFile.dimensions['south_north']
    nTime = ncFile.variables['Times'].shape[0] # 'Time' dim is UNLIMITED
    lonArr = ncFile.variables['utm_easting']
    latArr = ncFile.variables['utm_northing']
    timeArr = ncFile.variables['Times']
    u = ncFile.variables['u_top1m']
    v = ncFile.variables['v_top1m']

    # Create a new domain if necessary
    if domainKey == None:
        domainKey = str(inserter.create_new_domain("SF Bay currents ", "SUNTANS", 200, 'm'))
        inserter.insert_horiz_geom(domainKey, lonArr, latArr, 26910) # EPSG:26910: NAD83 / UTM zone 10N
        inserter.create_new_table(domainKey, tableName, ("speed", "direction"), ("real", "smallint"),
                                  ("speed_positive","direction_degree"), ("speed >= 0","direction >= 0 AND direction < 360"))
        # Make sure it's a string so that we don't have concatenation problems later
        domainKey = str(domainKey)

    # Get the geomkeys associated with the WRF coordinates
    horizGeomKey = inserter.calculateHorizWindGeomKeys(domainKey, nLong, nLat)

    # Create a counter to execute every so often
    counter = 0
    startTime = datetime.now()

    # Pass the timearr through the timearr filter, even if no filter is set to return Postres
    # compliant timestamps. See Python datetime.datetime for datetime format details
    timesToInsert = windb2_conn.filterTimes(timeArr, '%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S', sqlWhere=sqlWhere)

    # Info
    print('Reduced the number of times to insert by ',
          round((1 - float(len(timesToInsert)) / timeArr.shape[0]) * 100, 1), '%')

    # Iterate through the times that we want to insert
    ttiCount = 0
    tncfCount = 0
    timeValuesToReturn = []
    while ttiCount < len(timesToInsert) and tncfCount < nTime:

        # Only insert if this is a time we want to insert
        tncf = datetime.strptime(timeArr[tncfCount].tostring().decode('UTF-8'), '%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S').replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc)
        tti = timesToInsert[ttiCount]
        if tti != tncf:
            tncfCount += 1

        # Open a temporary file to COPY from
        temp_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w+b')

        # Create the time in GeoServer/GeoWebCache format

        # Info
        print('Processing time: ', timeValuesToReturn[-1])

        # Iterate through the x,y, and timearr and insert the tidal current data
        for x in range(horizGeomKey.shape[0]):
            for y in range(horizGeomKey.shape[1]):

                # Make sure that this is actually a x,y point we want to insert
                # In order to create a mask of selective insert points, all
                # a horizGeomKey of zero means we don't want to insert this one
                if horizGeomKey[x,y]==0:

                # Write the data string to the temp file
                if not numpy.isnan(u[tncfCount,y,x]):

                    # Calculate speed
                    speed = math.sqrt(math.pow(u[tncfCount,y,x],2) + math.pow(v[tncfCount,y,x],2))

                    # Calculate direction (using the 'flow' convention for tides)
                    dir = int(util.calc_dir_deg(u[tncfCount,y,x], v[tncfCount,y,x]))

                    # Add this row to be inserted into the database
                    str_to_write = '{},{},{},{},{},{}\n'.format(domainKey, horizGeomKey[x,y],
                                                                   tncf.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z'), speed, dir, 0)
                    temp_file.write(bytes(str_to_write, 'utf-8'))
                    counter += 1

        # Insert the data at height 0 for tidal current
        insertColumns = ('domainkey', 'geomkey', 't', 'speed', 'direction', 'height')
            windb2_conn.curs.copy_from(open(temp_file.name, 'rb'), tableName + '_' + domainKey, sep=',', columns=insertColumns)
        except psycopg2.IntegrityError as e:

            # Delete the duplicate data
            errorTest = 'duplicate key value violates unique constraint "' + tableName + "_" + domainKey + '_domainkey_geomkey_t_height_key"'
            if re.search(errorTest, str(e)):

                # Delete the data and retry the insert if asked to replace data in the function call
                if replaceData:

                    # Rollback to the last commit (necessary to reset the database connection)

                    # Delete that timearr (assumes UTC timearr zone)
                    sql = 'DELETE FROM ' +  tableName + '_' + domainKey + ' WHERE t = timestamp with time zone\'' + \
                          tti.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z') + '\' ' + \
                          'AND height=0'
                    print("Deleting conflicting times: " + sql)

                    # Reinsert that timearr
                    windb2_conn.curs.copy_from(open(temp_file.name, 'r'), tableName + '_' + domainKey, sep=',', columns=insertColumns)

                # Otherwise, just notify that the insert failed because of duplicate data
                    logging.error("ERROR ON INSERT: ", e.message)
                    logging.error("Use 'replaceData=True' if you want the data to be reinserted.")

        # Commit the changes

        # Calaculate the insert rate
        elapsedTime = (datetime.now() - startTime).seconds
        if elapsedTime > 0:
            insertRate = counter / elapsedTime
            print("Inserted ", counter, " x,y wind points at ", insertRate, " I/s")

        # Close the tempfile so it is deleted

        # Increment the time
        ttiCount += 1

    return timeValuesToReturn