コード例 #1
ファイル: diffusivity.py プロジェクト: wseviour/cas_mars
def calc_Koc(ds, detrend=False, plot=False):

    if detrend:
        ds['s'].data = signal.detrend(ds['s'].data,
                                      axis=0) + ds['s'].mean(dim='time').data

    s_mean = ds['s'].mean(dim='time')
    s_anom = ds['s'] - s_mean

    w = VectorWind(ds['u'], ds['v'])

    grad_s_mean = w.gradient(s_mean)
    grad_s_mean = VectorWind(grad_s_mean[0], grad_s_mean[1])
    abs_grad_s_mean = grad_s_mean.magnitude()
    sq_abs_grad_s_mean = abs_grad_s_mean * abs_grad_s_mean

    grad_s_anom = w.gradient(s_anom)
    grad_s_anom = VectorWind(grad_s_anom[0], grad_s_anom[1])
    abs_grad_s_anom = grad_s_anom.magnitude()
    sq_abs_grad_s_anom = abs_grad_s_anom * abs_grad_s_anom
    sq_abs_grad_s_anom = sq_abs_grad_s_anom.mean(dim='time')

    sq_abs_grad_s_mean = sq_abs_grad_s_mean.mean(dim='longitude')
    sq_abs_grad_s_anom = sq_abs_grad_s_anom.mean(dim='longitude')

    Koc = sq_abs_grad_s_anom / sq_abs_grad_s_mean

    if plot:

        fig1, ax1 = plt.subplots()
        ax1.plot(lats, sq_abs_grad_s_mean.data, label='mean')
        ax1.plot(lats, sq_abs_grad_s_anom.data, label='anom')
        ax11 = ax1.twinx()
        ax11.plot(lats, ds['q'].mean(dim=['time', 'longitude']).data)

        fig2, ax2 = plt.subplots()
        ax2.plot(lats, Koc, label='Koc')
        ax21 = ax2.twinx()
        ax21.plot(lats, ds['q'].mean(dim=['time', 'longitude']).data)


    return Koc
コード例 #2
def potential_vorticity_baroclinic(uwnd, vwnd, theta, coord, **kwargs):
    Calculate potential vorticity on isobaric levels. Requires input uwnd,
    vwnd and tmp arrays to have (lat, lon, ...) format for Windspharm.

    uwnd    : zonal winds, array-like
    vwnd    : meridional winds, array-like
    tmp     : temperature, array-like
    theta   : potential temperature, array-like
    coord   : dimension name for pressure axis (eg. 'pfull')
    omega   : planetary rotation rate, optional
    g       : planetary gravitational acceleration, optional
    rsphere : planetary radius, in metres, optional
    omega = kwargs.pop('omega', 7.08822e-05)
    g = kwargs.pop('g', 3.72076)
    rsphere = kwargs.pop('rsphere', 3.3962e6)
    w = VectorWind(uwnd.fillna(0), vwnd.fillna(0), rsphere=rsphere)

    relvort = w.vorticity()
    relvort = relvort.where(relvort != 0, other=np.nan)
    planvort = w.planetaryvorticity(omega=omega)
    absvort = relvort + planvort

    dthtady, dthtadx = w.gradient(theta.fillna(0))
    dthtadx = dthtadx.where(dthtadx != 0, other=np.nan)
    dthtady = dthtady.where(dthtady != 0, other=np.nan)

    dthtadp = wrapped_gradient(theta, coord)
    dudp = wrapped_gradient(uwnd, coord)
    dvdp = wrapped_gradient(vwnd, coord)

    s = -dthtadp
    f = dvdp * dthtadx - dudp * dthtady
    ret = g * (absvort + f / s) * s

    return ret
コード例 #3
ファイル: rws_example.py プロジェクト: weilin2018/windspharm
# Read zonal and meridional wind components from file using the xarray module.
# The components are in separate files.
ds = xr.open_mfdataset(
    [example_data_path(f) for f in ('uwnd_mean.nc', 'vwnd_mean.nc')])
uwnd = ds['uwnd']
vwnd = ds['vwnd']

# Create a VectorWind instance to handle the computations.
w = VectorWind(uwnd, vwnd)

# Compute components of rossby wave source: absolute vorticity, divergence,
# irrotational (divergent) wind components, gradients of absolute vorticity.
eta = w.absolutevorticity()
div = w.divergence()
uchi, vchi = w.irrotationalcomponent()
etax, etay = w.gradient(eta)
etax.attrs['units'] = 'm**-1 s**-1'
etay.attrs['units'] = 'm**-1 s**-1'

# Combine the components to form the Rossby wave source term.
S = eta * -1. * div - (uchi * etax + vchi * etay)

# Pick out the field for December at 200 hPa.
S_dec = S[S['time.month'] == 12]

# Plot Rossby wave source.
clevs = [-30, -25, -20, -15, -10, -5, 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30]
ax = plt.subplot(111, projection=ccrs.PlateCarree(central_longitude=180))
S_dec *= 1e11
fill = S_dec[0].plot.contourf(ax=ax,
コード例 #4
ファイル: rws_example.py プロジェクト: ajdawson/windspharm
# Read zonal and meridional wind components from file using the xarray module.
# The components are in separate files.
ds = xr.open_mfdataset([example_data_path(f)
                        for f in ('uwnd_mean.nc', 'vwnd_mean.nc')])
uwnd = ds['uwnd']
vwnd = ds['vwnd']

# Create a VectorWind instance to handle the computations.
w = VectorWind(uwnd, vwnd)

# Compute components of rossby wave source: absolute vorticity, divergence,
# irrotational (divergent) wind components, gradients of absolute vorticity.
eta = w.absolutevorticity()
div = w.divergence()
uchi, vchi = w.irrotationalcomponent()
etax, etay = w.gradient(eta)
etax.attrs['units'] = 'm**-1 s**-1'
etay.attrs['units'] = 'm**-1 s**-1'

# Combine the components to form the Rossby wave source term.
S = eta * -1. * div - (uchi * etax + vchi * etay)

# Pick out the field for December at 200 hPa.
S_dec = S[S['time.month'] == 12]

# Plot Rossby wave source.
clevs = [-30, -25, -20, -15, -10, -5, 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30]
ax = plt.subplot(111, projection=ccrs.PlateCarree(central_longitude=180))
S_dec *= 1e11
fill = S_dec[0].plot.contourf(ax=ax, levels=clevs, cmap=plt.cm.RdBu_r,
                              transform=ccrs.PlateCarree(), extend='both',