def _find_devenv_path(vs_version): devenv_path = None # First try the registry, because the environment variable is unreliable # (case of Visual Studio installed on a different drive; it still sets # the envvar to point to C:\Program Files even if is on D:\) #pylint: disable=import-error from winreg import OpenKey, QueryValue, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE key_path = 'SOFTWARE\\Classes\\VisualStudio.accessor.' + vs_version + '.0\\shell\\Open' try: with OpenKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, key_path) as key: cmdline = QueryValue(key, 'Command') if cmdline[:1] == '"': cmdline = cmdline.split('"')[1] elif ' ' in cmdline: cmdline = cmdline.split(' ')[0] devenv_path = cmdline.replace('devenv.exe', '') #pylint: disable=broad-except except Exception: pass # If the registry key is unhelpful, try the environment variable if not devenv_path: vstools_path = os.getenv('VS' + vs_version + '0COMNTOOLS') if vstools_path is not None: # Sanitize this because os.path.join sometimes gets confused if vstools_path[-1] in [ '/', '\\' ]: vstools_path = vstools_path[:-1] devenv_path = os.path.join(vstools_path, '../../Common7/IDE/') if not devenv_path or not os.path.exists(devenv_path): return None"Found Visual Studio at %s", devenv_path) return devenv_path
def _find_devenv_path(vs_version): devenv_path = None # Sanitize vs_version if vs_version == '2015': vs_version = '14' if vs_version == '2017': vs_version = '15' if vs_version == '2019': vs_version = '16' # First try the registry, because the environment variable is unreliable # (case of Visual Studio installed on a different drive; it still sets # the envvar to point to C:\Program Files even if is on D:\) #pylint: disable=import-error from winreg import OpenKey, QueryValue, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE key_path = 'SOFTWARE\\Classes\\VisualStudio.accessor.' + vs_version + '.0\\shell\\Open' try: with OpenKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, key_path) as key: cmdline = QueryValue(key, 'Command') if cmdline[:1] == '"': cmdline = cmdline.split('"')[1] elif ' ' in cmdline: cmdline = cmdline.split(' ')[0] devenv_path = cmdline.replace('devenv.exe', '') #pylint: disable=broad-except except Exception: pass # For VS2017 and later, there is vswhere if not devenv_path: vswhere_path = os.path.join(os.environ['ProgramFiles(x86)'], 'Microsoft Visual Studio/Installer/vswhere.exe') result, output, _ =[vswhere_path], capture_output=True, hide_output=True) if result == 0: for line in output.split('\n'): line = line.strip() if 'installationPath: ' in line: candidate = line.split(' ', 1)[1] elif 'installationVersion: ' + vs_version in line: devenv_path = os.path.join(candidate, 'Common7/IDE/') break # If the registry key is unhelpful, try the environment variable if not devenv_path: vstools_path = os.getenv('VS' + vs_version + '0COMNTOOLS') if vstools_path is not None: # Sanitize this because os.path.join sometimes gets confused if vstools_path[-1] in [ '/', '\\' ]: vstools_path = vstools_path[:-1] devenv_path = os.path.join(vstools_path, '../../Common7/IDE/') if not devenv_path or not os.path.exists(devenv_path): return None devenv_path = os.path.normpath(devenv_path)"Found Visual Studio at %s", devenv_path) return devenv_path
def get_browser(): cmd = str() with OpenKey(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, r"Software\Classes\http\shell\open\command") as key: cmd = QueryValue(key, None) if cmd.lower().__contains__('firefox'): return 'firefox' elif cmd.lower().__contains__('chrome'): return 'chrome' else: return 'other'
def verify_registry(): regHandle = ConnectRegistry(None, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE) keyHandle = OpenKey(regHandle, r"SOFTWARE\Mozilla\NativeMessagingHosts\org.cryptable.pki.keymgmnt", access=KEY_READ) data = QueryValue(keyHandle, None) print(data) if data != r"C:\Program Files\Cryptable\Key Management Web Extension\org.cryptable.pki.keymgmnt.json": raise "registry verification error"
def get_python_install_path(self, major, minor): """ Return the name of the directory containing the root of a Python installation directory. It must not be called on a non-Windows platform. """ from winreg import HKEY_CURRENT_USER, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, QueryValue reg_version = '{}.{}'.format(major, minor) if self.target_arch_name.endswith('-32'): reg_version += '-32' sub_key_user = '******'.format( reg_version) sub_key_all_users = 'Software\\Wow6432Node\\Python\\PythonCore\\{}\\InstallPath'.format( reg_version) queries = ((HKEY_CURRENT_USER, sub_key_user), (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, sub_key_user), (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, sub_key_all_users)) for key, sub_key in queries: try: install_path = QueryValue(key, sub_key) except OSError: pass else: break else: self.error("unable to find an installation of Python v{0}".format( reg_version)) return install_path
def write_mobi(options: WriterOptions): try: kindlegen = find_tool('kindlegen') if kindlegen is None and == 'nt': kindlegen = Path( QueryValue(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, r'Software\Amazon\Kindle Previewer 3')).joinpath( 'lib/fc/bin/kindlegen.exe').resolve() except FileNotFoundError as e: raise Exception( 'Could not find KindleGen. Please install Kindle Previewer 3.' ) from e with TemporaryDirectory() as work_dir: work_dir = Path(work_dir) epub = work_dir.joinpath('temp.epub') write_epub(dataclasses.replace(options, output_path=str(epub))) # Necessary because KindleGen will only put the output mobi into # the same directory as the source epub. I wish I was kidding. temp_mobi_path = work_dir.joinpath('') process = [kindlegen, epub, '-o', str(]) # return code of 1 means warnings, but book was built if process.returncode not in [0, 1]: raise Exception( f'KindleGen died with exit code {process.returncode}.\n' + 'Also tell jcotton42 to get off his butt and do error handling right.' ) temp_mobi_path.replace(options.output_path)
def _find_exe_in_registry(self): try: from winreg import OpenKey, QueryValue, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE except ImportError: from winreg import OpenKey, QueryValue, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE import shlex keys = ( r"SOFTWARE\Classes\FirefoxHTML\shell\open\command", r"SOFTWARE\Classes\Applications\firefox.exe\shell\open\command" ) command = "" for path in keys: try: key = OpenKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, path) command = QueryValue(key, "") break except OSError: pass else: return "" if not command: return "" return shlex.split(command)[0]
def maybe_set_key(key_path: str, expected: str, dry_run: bool = False, var_name: str = None): from winreg import HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, OpenKey, QueryValue, CreateKeyEx, SetValue, REG_SZ, KEY_WRITE, KEY_READ from winreg import QueryValueEx, SetValueEx try: with OpenKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, key_path, 0, KEY_READ) as entry_key: if var_name: value = QueryValueEx(entry_key, var_name)[0] else: value = QueryValue(entry_key, None) except FileNotFoundError: value = None if value != expected: prefix = '[DRY RUN] Would set' if dry_run else 'Setting' if var_name:'{prefix} HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\\{key_path}[{var_name!r}] = {expected!r}') else:'{prefix} HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\\{key_path} = {expected!r}') if not dry_run: with CreateKeyEx(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, key_path, 0, KEY_WRITE) as entry_key: if var_name: SetValueEx(entry_key, var_name, 0, REG_SZ, expected) else: SetValue(entry_key, None, REG_SZ, expected) # noqa else:'Already contains expected value: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\\{key_path}')
def convert_report(self, report, ext): converted = False with self.task.lock('$report_conversion'): try: from subprocess import Popen, STDOUT, PIPE if == "nt": regpath = "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\App Paths\\soffice.exe" root = OpenKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, regpath) s_office = QueryValue(root, "") else: s_office = "soffice" convertion = Popen([s_office, '--headless', '--convert-to', ext, report.report_filename, '--outdir', os.path.join(self.work_dir, 'static', 'reports')], stderr=STDOUT,stdout=PIPE) out, err = convertion.communicate() converted = True except Exception as e: self.log.exception(error_message(e)) return converted
def get_py_install_path(version, target): """ Return the name of the directory containing the root of the Python installation directory for a particular version and target. It must not be called on a non-Windows platform. """ from winreg import HKEY_CURRENT_USER, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, QueryValue major, minor, _ = version reg_version = '{0}.{1}'.format(major, minor) if (major, minor) >= (3, 5) and'-32'): reg_version += '-32' sub_key_user = '******'.format( reg_version) sub_key_all_users = 'Software\\Wow6432Node\\Python\\PythonCore\\{}\\InstallPath'.format( reg_version) queries = ( (HKEY_CURRENT_USER, sub_key_user), (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, sub_key_user), (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, sub_key_all_users)) for key, sub_key in queries: try: install_path = QueryValue(key, sub_key) except OSError: pass else: break else: raise UserException( "Unable to find an installation of Python v{0}.".format( reg_version)) return install_path
def build_host_python(host, target_name, optional, use_system_python): """ Build (or install) a host Python. """ if use_system_python is None: if sys.platform == 'win32': fatal( "Building the host Python from source on Windows is not supported" ) source = host.sysroot.find_source('Python-*', optional=optional) if source is None: return host.sysroot.unpack_source(source) py_version = source.split('-')[1].split('.') # ensurepip was added in Python v2.7.9 and v3.4.0. ensure_pip = False if py_version[0] == '2': if py_version[2] >= '9': ensure_pip = True elif py_version[1] >= '4': ensure_pip = True configure = ['./configure', '--prefix', host.sysroot.host_python_dir] if ensure_pip: configure.append('--with-ensurepip=no')*configure), 'install') interp = os.path.join(host.sysroot.host_python_dir, 'bin', 'python' + '.'.join(py_version[:2])) elif sys.platform == 'win32': from winreg import (HKEY_CURRENT_USER, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, QueryValue) py_major, py_minor = use_system_python.split('.') reg_version = use_system_python if int(py_major) == 3 and int( py_minor ) >= 5 and target_name is not None and target_name.endswith('-32'): reg_version += '-32' sub_key_user = '******'.format( reg_version) sub_key_all_users = 'Software\\Wow6432Node\\Python\\PythonCore\\{}\\InstallPath'.format( reg_version) queries = ((HKEY_CURRENT_USER, sub_key_user), (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, sub_key_user), (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, sub_key_all_users)) for key, sub_key in queries: try: install_path = QueryValue(key, sub_key) except OSError: pass else: break else: fatal("Unable to find an installation of Python v{}".format( reg_version)) interp = install_path + 'python.exe' # Copy the DLL. The .exe will get copied later. dll = 'python' + py_major + py_minor + '.dll' make_directory(host.sysroot.bin_dir) shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(install_path, dll), os.path.join(host.sysroot.bin_dir, dll)) else: interp = 'python' + use_system_python host.python.get_configuration(interp) # Create symbolic links to the interpreter in a standard place in sysroot # so that they can be referred to in cross-target .pdy files. make_symlink(str(host.sysroot), host.python.interpreter, host.interpreter)
def getMODirectory(gameName): #This custom function is used to detect the location of Mod Organizer ModOrganizerINILocationFromConfig = ModifyINI("Bethini.ini").get_value("Directories", "s" + gameName + "ModOrganizerINIPath", default="Not Detected") pathValue = "Not Detected" gameReg = Info.nxmhandler_game_reference(gameName) #Look up the nxm link (download with mod manager links on the sites) handler to find Mod Organizer location try: nxm = QueryValue(OpenKey(ConnectRegistry(None, HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT), r'nxm\shell\open\command'),"") sm(f'NXM links point to {nxm}') if 'nxmhandler' in nxm: nxmhandler = nxm.split('\"')[1] nxmhandlers = nxmhandler.replace("nxmhandler.exe","nxmhandlers.ini") if os.path.isfile(nxmhandlers): nxmhandlersINI = ModifyINI(nxmhandlers) sm(f'nxmhandlers.ini found here: {nxmhandlers}') except: sm('NXM links are probably not set up.', exception=1) try: nxmhandlersINI except: #nxmhandlers.ini not found. Check for the AppData location. sm('nxmhandlers.ini not found. Checking AppData location.', exception=1) AppDataLocation = str(pathlib.Path.home()) + r"\AppData\Local\ModOrganizer\nxmhandler.ini" if os.path.isfile(AppDataLocation): nxmhandlers = AppDataLocation nxmhandlersINI = ModifyINI(nxmhandlers) sm(f'nxmhandler.ini found in {nxmhandlers}') try: size = int(nxmhandlersINI.get_value('handlers', 'size')) + 1 for n in range(size): key = str(n) + '\\games' value = nxmhandlersINI.get_value('handlers', key) if gameReg != "skyrimse": value = value.replace('skyrimse','') if gameReg in value: pathKey = str(n) + '\\executable' pathValue = os.path.split(nxmhandlersINI.get_value('handlers', pathKey).replace('\\\\','\\'))[0] pathValue += '\\' sm(f'Mod Organizer appears to be located at {pathValue}') except: sm('There is probably no nxmhandler.ini.', exception=1) ModOrganizerINILocation = 'Not Detected' if os.path.isfile(f'{pathValue}ModOrganizer.ini'): ModOrganizerINILocation = f'{pathValue}ModOrganizer.ini' sm(f'Found {ModOrganizerINILocation}') elif os.path.isfile(str(pathlib.Path.home()) + f"\\AppData\\Local\\ModOrganizer\\{gameReg}\\ModOrganizer.ini"): ModOrganizerINILocation = str(pathlib.Path.home()) + f"\\AppData\\Local\\ModOrganizer\\{gameReg}\\ModOrganizer.ini" sm(f'Found {ModOrganizerINILocation}') if ModOrganizerINILocation != 'Not Detected': ModOrganizerINILocation = os.path.split(ModOrganizerINILocation)[0] ModOrganizerINILocation += '\\' else: sm('Failed to locate ModOrganizer.ini') ModOrganizerINILocation = ModOrganizerINILocationFromConfig if ModOrganizerINILocation != ModOrganizerINILocationFromConfig and ModOrganizerINILocationFromConfig != "Not Detected": return [ModOrganizerINILocationFromConfig,ModOrganizerINILocation,"Browse..."] return [ModOrganizerINILocation,"Browse...","Manual..."]
def test_simple_write(self): from winreg import SetValue, QueryValue, REG_SZ value = "Some Default value" SetValue(self.root_key, self.test_key_name, REG_SZ, value) assert QueryValue(self.root_key, self.test_key_name) == value
def qadShowPluginHelp(section="", filename="index", packageName=None): """ show a help in the user's html browser. per conoscere la sezione/pagina del file html usare internet explorer, selezionare nella finestra di destra la voce di interesse e leggerne l'indirizzo dalla casella in alto. Questo perché internet explorer inserisce tutti i caratteri di spaziatura e tab che gli altri browser non fanno. """ try: basepath = "" if packageName is None: basepath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) else: basepath = os.path.dirname( os.path.realpath(sys.modules[packageName].__file__)) except: return # initialize locale userLocaleList = QSettings().value("locale/userLocale").split("_") language = userLocaleList[0] region = userLocaleList[1] if len(userLocaleList) > 1 else "" path = QDir.cleanPath(basepath + "/help/help") helpPath = path + "_" + language + "_" + region # provo a caricare la lingua e la regione selezionate if not os.path.exists(helpPath): helpPath = path + "_" + language # provo a caricare la lingua if not os.path.exists(helpPath): helpPath = path + "_en" # provo a caricare la lingua inglese if not os.path.exists(helpPath): return helpfile = os.path.join(helpPath, filename + ".html") if os.path.exists(helpfile): url = "file:///" + helpfile if section != "": url = url + "#" + urllib.parse.quote(section.encode('utf-8')) # la funzione QDesktopServices.openUrl in windows non apre la sezione if platform.system() == "Windows": import subprocess from winreg import HKEY_CURRENT_USER, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, OpenKey, QueryValue try: # provo a livello di utente with OpenKey( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, r"Software\Classes\http\shell\open\command") as key: cmd = QueryValue(key, None) except: # se non c'era a livello di utente provo a livello di macchina with OpenKey( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, r"Software\Classes\http\shell\open\command") as key: cmd = QueryValue(key, None) if cmd.find("\"%1\"") >= 0: subprocess.Popen(cmd.replace("%1", url)) else: if cmd.find("%1") >= 0: subprocess.Popen(cmd.replace("%1", "\"" + url + "\"")) else: subprocess.Popen(cmd + " \"" + url + "\"") else: QDesktopServices.openUrl(QUrl(url))
def getDefaultBrowser(): with OpenKey(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, r"Software\Classes\http\shell\open\command") as key: cmd = QueryValue(key, None) return cmd