def readData(pin): hum = 0 temp = 0 crc = 0 GPIO.pinMode(pin, 1) GPIO.digitalWrite(pin, 1) GPIO.digitalWrite(pin, 0) GPIO.delay(20) GPIO.digitalWrite(pin, 1) GPIO.pinMode(pin, 0) GPIO.delayMicroseconds(40) if GPIO.digitalRead(pin) == 0: untilHigh(pin) for i in range(16): hum <<= 1 untilLow(pin) untilHigh(pin) GPIO.delayMicroseconds(28) hum += GPIO.digitalRead(pin) for i in range(16): temp <<= 1 untilLow(pin) untilHigh(pin) GPIO.delayMicroseconds(28) temp += GPIO.digitalRead(pin) for i in range(8): crc <<= 1 untilLow(pin) untilHigh(pin) GPIO.delayMicroseconds(28) crc += GPIO.digitalRead(pin) return [True, hum, temp, crc] else: return [False, hum, temp, crc]
def get_data(channel): tl = [] gpio.digitalWrite(channel, gpio.HIGH) # 输出高电平 gpio.delay(1) ###发开始指令,要求DHT11传输数据 gpio.digitalWrite(channel, gpio.LOW) # 拉低25ms开始指令 gpio.delay(25) gpio.digitalWrite(channel, gpio.HIGH) # 输出高电平,开始指令结束 gpio.pinMode(channel, gpio.INPUT) # 设针脚为输入状态 ###开始指令发送完毕,把管脚设置为高电平,并等待DHT11拉低管脚。传输数据 while (gpio.digitalRead(channel) == gpio.HIGH): pass # 如果管脚一直是1,则一直等待。 ###若被拉低,说明传输开始,应答信号+40位数据+结束标志共42位 ###下边共循环45次,故意多循环几次看结果。 ###开始接受数据,50us低 + 26-28us高=0,50us低 + 70us高 = 1 for i in range(45): # 测试每个数据周期的时间(包括40bit数据加一个发送开始标志 tc = gpio.micros() # 记下当前us数(从初始化开始算起,必要时重新初始化) ''' 一个数据周期,包括一个低电平,一个高电平,从DHT11第一次拉低信号线开始 到DHT11发送最后一个50us的低电平结束(然后被拉高,一直维持高电平,所以 最后的完成标志是一直为高,超过500us) ''' while (gpio.digitalRead(channel) == gpio.LOW): pass # 一位数据由一个低电平 while (gpio.digitalRead(channel) == gpio.HIGH): # 加一个高电平组成 if gpio.micros() - tc > 500: # 如果超过500us就结束了本次循环,传输结束后 break # 会被上拉电阻拉成高电平,防止进入死循环 tl.append(gpio.micros() - tc) # 记录每个周期时间的us数,存到tl这个列表 print(tl) return tl
def Init(): wiringpi2.pinMode(data_pin, 0) wiringpi2.pinMode(clock_pin, 0) wiringpi2.wiringPiSetup() SendData(cmdlist["led_cmd"]) wiringpi2.delay(50)
def get_black_sw(): if(wiringpi2.digitalRead(2) == 0): wiringpi2.delay(50) if(wiringpi2.digitalRead(2) == 1): return True elif(wiringpi2.digitalRead(2) == 0): return False
def emitData(): global tprec, T0 # Délai nécessaire pour que le serveur ait le temps de démarrer wiringpi2.delay(5000) tprec = time.time() T0 = time.time() while True: loop() # appelle fonction loop sans fin
def get_white_sw(): if(wiringpi2.digitalRead(0) == 0): wiringpi2.delay(50) if(wiringpi2.digitalRead(0) == 1): return True elif(wiringpi2.digitalRead(0) == 0): return False
def winningAnimation(winningLine): # convert line to pins winningPins = winningLine if Turn == GREEN: for i in range(0, 3): winningPins[i] = winningLine[i] + 9 wiringpi.delay(LONG_PAUSE) led.ledsOff(winningPins, MED_PAUSE) # flash all three for i in range(0, 2): led.ledsOnOff(winningPins, MED_PAUSE) led.ledsOn(winningPins, LONG_PAUSE) # flash one at a time for i in range(0, 2): led.ledsOff(winningPins, SHORT_PAUSE) for j in range(0, 3): led.ledOn(winningPins[j], MED_PAUSE) wiringpi.delay(SHORT_PAUSE) led.ledsOff(winningPins, SHORT_PAUSE) # flash all three again for i in range(0, 2): led.ledsOnOff(winningPins, SHORT_PAUSE) # turn back on for final board led.ledsOn(winningPins)
def writedisplay(whattodisplay): for pos in range(0, 8): if 1 & pos <> 0: wiringpi.digitalWrite(A0, HIGH) else: wiringpi.digitalWrite(A0, LOW) if 2 & pos <> 0: wiringpi.digitalWrite(A1, HIGH) else: wiringpi.digitalWrite(A1, LOW) if 4 & pos <> 0: wiringpi.digitalWrite(A2, HIGH) else: wiringpi.digitalWrite(A2, LOW) wiringpi.digitalWrite(latch, LOW) wiringpi.shiftOut(SER, CLK, 1, ord(whattodisplay[pos])) wiringpi.digitalWrite(latch, HIGH) wiringpi.delay(1) wiringpi.digitalWrite(CE, LOW) wiringpi.delay(1) wiringpi.digitalWrite(WR, LOW) wiringpi.delay(1) wiringpi.digitalWrite(WR, HIGH) wiringpi.delay(1) wiringpi.digitalWrite(CE, HIGH) wiringpi.delay(1) return
def writedisplay(whattodisplay): for pos in range(0, 8): if 1 & pos <> 0: wiringpi.digitalWrite(A0, HIGH) else: wiringpi.digitalWrite(A0, LOW) if 2 & pos <> 0: wiringpi.digitalWrite(A1, HIGH) else: wiringpi.digitalWrite(A1, LOW) if 4 & pos <> 0: wiringpi.digitalWrite(A2, HIGH) else: wiringpi.digitalWrite(A2, LOW) wiringpi.digitalWrite(latch, LOW) wiringpi.shiftOut(SER, CLK, 1, ord(whattodisplay[pos])) wiringpi.digitalWrite(latch, HIGH) wiringpi.delay(1) whichdisplay(255) wiringpi.delay(1) wiringpi.digitalWrite(WR, LOW) wiringpi.delay(1) wiringpi.digitalWrite(WR, HIGH) wiringpi.delay(1) whichdisplay(254) wiringpi.delay(1) return
def get_distance(self, sensor): #wiringpi.digitalWrite(30,HIGH) wiringpi.digitalWrite(sensor.echo, LOW) wiringpi.delay(1000) wiringpi.digitalWrite(sensor.trigger, HIGH) wiringpi.delay(1) wiringpi.digitalWrite(sensor.trigger, LOW) #start = time.time() print "Trying to get distance of sensor " , sensor.position, "Trig: ", sensor.trigger, " Echo:", sensor.echo status = LOW while(wiringpi.digitalRead(sensor.echo) == LOW): status = LOW start = time.time() while(wiringpi.digitalRead(sensor.echo) == HIGH): status = LOW end = time.time() # while status == LOW: # feedback = wiringpi.digitalRead(sensor.echo) # if(feedback == HIGH): # while(feedback == HIGH): # status = LOW # end = time.time() # print("Time Elapsed: ", end-start) # status = HIGH # if((time.time() - start) > 1): # end = time.time() # status = HIGH # Below divide by 340.29 for air distance, or divide by 1484 for water distance return (end - start)*(340.29/2)
def foo_callback(self, path, args): wiringpi2.digitalWrite(args[0],1) #sleep(0.03) scaled = args[1] / 127.0 wiringpi2.delay(int(scaled*15 + 4)) # five is min, max is uhhh 20 ish? wiringpi2.digitalWrite(args[0],0) print("received message '%s' with arguments: %d, %d" % (path, args[0], args[1]))
def lcd_write(dc, data): wiringpi.digitalWrite(PIN_DC, dc) wiringpi.digitalWrite(PIN_SCE, LOW) wiringpi.delay(SLOW_DOWN) #wiringpi.shiftOut(PIN_SDIN, PIN_SCLK, MSBFIRST, data) slow_shift_out(PIN_SDIN, PIN_SCLK, data) wiringpi.digitalWrite(PIN_SCE, HIGH) wiringpi.delay(SLOW_DOWN)
def delayMs(ms): """ Delay specified number of milliseconds Params: [in] ms - number of milliseconds to delay """ wiringpi2.delay(ms)
def FlashDesk(): for i in range(0, 5): for j in range(0, 100, STEP): wiringpi2.softPwmWrite(PIN_TO_PWM, j) wiringpi2.delay(50) for j in range(100, 0, (STEP * -1)): wiringpi2.softPwmWrite(PIN_TO_PWM, j) wiringpi2.delay(50)
def spiral( duration ): trail = [0, 3, 6, 7, 8, 5, 2, 4, 1 ] for pin in trail: ledOn( pin, duration ) wiringpi.delay( duration ) trail.reverse() for pin in trail: ledOff( pin, duration )
def clear(fd): type = False writeByte = 0x00 # display on, cursor on (blink) LCD8bit(writeByte, type, fd) wp.delayMicroseconds(100) writeByte = 0x10 LCD8bit(writeByte, type, fd) wp.delay(5) return
def ushiro(radian): com.dSPIN_Move(hd.REV, int(radian)) while (wp.digitalRead(hd.dSPIN_BUSYN) == wp.GPIO.LOW): pass com.dSPIN_SoftStop() while (wp.digitalRead(hd.dSPIN_BUSYN) == wp.GPIO.LOW): pass wp.delay(500)
def Bruteforce(begin=0, end=255, ignore_known=True): while begin <= end: binstr = "00" + "{0:b}".format(begin) binstr = "0" * (7-(len(binstr)-3)) + binstr if binstr not in cmdlist.values() or ignore_known == False: SendData(binstr) print(binstr + " : " + str(begin)) else: print(binstr + " : " + cmdlist_reversed[binstr]) wiringpi2.delay(1000) begin += 1
def softPwm(): print "SoftPwm Mode" wiringpi2.wiringPiSetup() wiringpi2.pinMode(PIN_TO_PWM,SET_PWM) wiringpi2.pwmSetMode(PWM_MODE_MS) #wiringpi2.softPwmCreate(PIN_TO_PWM,0,100) # Setup PWM using Pin, Initial Value and Range parameters #wiringpi2.softServoSettup() #softServoWrite() wiringpi2.pwmWrite(PIN_TO_PWM, 900) wiringpi2.delay(150) print "PWM is in NEUTRAL"
def talk_to_badge(nfc_msg): name = nfc_msg[16:].split('\x00', 1)[0] mac = ':'.join((nfc_msg[10:12], nfc_msg[8:10], nfc_msg[6:8], nfc_msg[4:6], nfc_msg[2:4], nfc_msg[0:2])) device_id = ''.join((nfc_msg[14:16], nfc_msg[12:14])) ipc = wall_ipc.WallIPC(mac) ipc.connect() ipc.send("Welcome %s!" % name) ipc.send("") ipc.send("Checking your score ...") print('Talking to %s' % mac) eligible = trinket_limit(mac) if not eligible: print('%s not eligible for more trinkets!' % mac) ipc.send("You have all the trinkets!") trinket_log(mac) # Log extra attempts just for fun else: (score, lld) = get_badge_info(mac, device_id) if score is not None: score = int(score) lld = int(lld) print "GATT reported score=%d lld=%d" % (score, lld) if score is not None: ipc.send("Your score is %d" % score) if score < (lld+1)*250: ipc.send("Try again when it reaches %d" % ((lld+1)*250)) else: ipc.send("Eligible for a trinket!") if check_dispenser_idle(): pulse_dispenser() if await_dispenser_start(): ipc.send("Here's a gift for you!") if await_dispenser_done(): ipc.send("Please take your gift") trinket_log(mac) # put_badge_lld(lld+1) if not badge_increment_lld(mac): ipc.send("Where did you go?") else: ipc.send("Oops, I'm broken!") ipc.send("Please ask for help") else: ipc.send("Dispenser not responding") ipc.send("Try again later") else: ipc.send("Dispenser busy!") ipc.send("Try again later") else: ipc.send("Where did you go?") delay(window_close_delay_ms) ipc.close()
def setup(): ans = 0 sup.dSPIN_init() print("Confug:" + ('%x' % hd.dSPIN_CONFIG)) print("Status:" + ('%x' % hd.dSPIN_STATUS)) print("config register = {0}".format( hex(com.dSPIN_GetParam(hd.dSPIN_CONFIG)))) com.dSPIN_SetParam(hd.dSPIN_STEP_MODE, (not hd.dSPIN_SYNC_EN) | hd.dSPIN_STEP_SEL_1_2 | hd.dSPIN_SYNC_SEL_1) print("step_mode = {0}".format(hex(com.dSPIN_GetParam( hd.dSPIN_STEP_MODE)))) com.dSPIN_SetParam(hd.dSPIN_MAX_SPEED, sup.MaxSpdCalc(2000)) print("max_speed = {0}".format(hex(com.dSPIN_GetParam( hd.dSPIN_MAX_SPEED)))) com.dSPIN_SetParam(hd.dSPIN_FS_SPD, sup.FSCalc(400)) print("fs_speed = {0}".format(hex(com.dSPIN_GetParam(hd.dSPIN_FS_SPD)))) com.dSPIN_SetParam(hd.dSPIN_ACC, 0x05) print("acc = {0}".format(hex(com.dSPIN_GetParam(hd.dSPIN_ACC)))) com.dSPIN_SetParam(hd.dSPIN_OCD_TH, hd.dSPIN_OCD_TH_3750mA) print("OCD_TH = {0}".format(hex(com.dSPIN_GetParam(hd.dSPIN_OCD_TH)))) com.dSPIN_SetParam( hd.dSPIN_CONFIG, hd.dSPIN_CONFIG_PWM_DIV_2 | hd.dSPIN_CONFIG_PWM_MUL_1 | hd.dSPIN_CONFIG_SR_290V_us | hd.dSPIN_CONFIG_OC_SD_DISABLE | hd.dSPIN_CONFIG_VS_COMP_ENABLE | hd.dSPIN_CONFIG_SW_USER | hd.dSPIN_CONFIG_INT_16MHZ) print("dSPIN_CONFIG = {0}".format(hex(com.dSPIN_GetParam( hd.dSPIN_CONFIG)))) com.dSPIN_SetParam(hd.dSPIN_KVAL_RUN, 0xFF) print("KVAL_RUN = {0}".format(hex(com.dSPIN_GetParam(hd.dSPIN_KVAL_RUN)))) print("Status code is:{0} See datasheet sec.9.1.22 to decode.".format( hex(com.dSPIN_GetStatus()))) wp.delay(200) ans = com.dSPIN_GetStatus() & 0x0200 print("ans = {0}".format(hex)) print(hex(ans)) while (ans == 0x0000): print("Undervoltage lockout is active:") print(com.dSPIN_GetStatus()) ans = com.dSPIN_GetStatus() & 0x0200 wp.delay(500)
def fade(self, red, green, blue, delay=500, step=5): for i in range(0, delay, step): f = (0.0+i)/delay r = + (red * f wiringpi2.softPwmWrite(self.r_pin, int(r)) g = + ( * f wiringpi2.softPwmWrite(self.g_pin, int(g)) b = + (blue * f wiringpi2.softPwmWrite(self.b_pin, int(b)) wiringpi2.delay(step) = red = blue = green
def fade(self, red, green, blue, delay=500, step=5): for i in range(0, delay, step): f = (0.0 + i) / delay r = + (red - * f wiringpi2.softPwmWrite(self.r_pin, int(r)) g = + (green - * f wiringpi2.softPwmWrite(self.g_pin, int(g)) b = + (blue - * f wiringpi2.softPwmWrite(self.b_pin, int(b)) wiringpi2.delay(step) = red = blue = green
def softPwm(): print "SoftPwm Mode" wiringpi2.wiringPiSetup() wiringpi2.pinMode(PIN_TO_PWM,OUTPUT) wiringpi2.softPwmCreate(PIN_TO_PWM,0,100) # Setup PWM using Pin, Initial Value and Range parameters for time in range(0,4): for brightness in range(0,100): # Going from 0 to 100 will give us full off to full on wiringpi2.softPwmWrite(PIN_TO_PWM,brightness) # Change PWM duty cycle wiringpi2.delay(10) # Delay for 0.2 seconds for brightness in reversed(range(0,100)): wiringpi2.softPwmWrite(PIN_TO_PWM,brightness) wiringpi2.delay(10)
def lcd_check_buttons(delay): lbutton = 0 rbutton = 0 wiringpi2.delay(delay) if wiringpi2.digitalRead(5) == 0: # Left button print("left button pressed") lbutton = 1 if wiringpi2.digitalRead(6) == 0: # Right button print("right button pressed") rbutton = 1 return (lbutton, rbutton)
def get_distance(sensor): #wiringpi.digitalWrite(30,HIGH) wiringpi.digitalWrite(sensor.echo, LOW) wiringpi.delay(1000) wiringpi.digitalWrite(sensor.trigger, HIGH) wiringpi.delay(1) wiringpi.digitalWrite(sensor.trigger, LOW) start = time.time() while wiringpi.digitalRead(sensor.echo) == LOW: wait = True #print( "Pin Echo: " + str(wiringpi.digitalRead(sensor.echo))) # Below divide by 340.29 for air distance, or divide by 1484 for water distance return (time.time() - start)*(340.29/2)
def run(self): while self.run_temp_control: #time.sleep(0.001) wiringpi2.delay(100) if self.queue_set.empty() != True: temp = self.queue_set.get(0) if temp == -100: self.run_temp_control = 0 else: self.temp_set = int(temp) #self.temp_read = self.temp_set + 2 self.temp_read = self.temp_controller.read_thermo_temp() self.temp_controller.regulate_temp(self.temp_set, self.temp_read) wiringpi2.delay(100) self.queue_read.put(self.temp_read)
def animations(): allOff() while 1: flashEach( 125 ) flashRows( 150 ) flashCols( 150 ) snake( 100 ) flatWipe( 200 ) spiral( 75 ) diagWipe( 150 ) for i in range( 0, 3 ): flashAll( 125 ) wiringpi.delay( 750 )
def mae(radian): print("Status code is:{0} See datasheet sec.9.1.22 to decode.".format( hex(com.dSPIN_GetStatus()))) com.dSPIN_Move(hd.FWD, int(radian)) print("command completed 'dSPIN_Move(FWD, 200);'\n") while (wp.digitalRead(hd.dSPIN_BUSYN) == wp.GPIO.LOW): pass print("no longer busy; sending next command") com.dSPIN_SoftStop() while (wp.digitalRead(hd.dSPIN_BUSYN) == wp.GPIO.LOW): pass wp.delay(500)
def piglow_set_white(b): #global INTENSITY, saved_hue global saved_white delay = 2 #500/abs(b-saved_white) #INTENSITY=b #piglow_set_hue(saved_hue) if (b > saved_white): for i in range(saved_white, b): wpi.piGlowRing(WHITE, i) wpi.delay(delay) else: for i in reversed(range(b, saved_white)): wpi.piGlowRing(WHITE, i) wpi.delay(delay) saved_white = b
def piglow_set_white(b): #global INTENSITY, saved_hue global saved_white delay = 2 #500/abs(b-saved_white) #INTENSITY=b #piglow_set_hue(saved_hue) if(b > saved_white): for i in range(saved_white,b): wpi.piGlowRing(WHITE,i) wpi.delay(delay) else: for i in reversed(range(b,saved_white)): wpi.piGlowRing(WHITE,i) wpi.delay(delay) saved_white = b
def lcd_initialise(): wiringpi.pinMode(PIN_BACKLIGHT, OUTPUT) wiringpi.digitalWrite(PIN_BACKLIGHT, HIGH) wiringpi.pinMode(PIN_SCE, OUTPUT) wiringpi.pinMode(PIN_RESET, OUTPUT) wiringpi.pinMode(PIN_DC, OUTPUT) wiringpi.pinMode(PIN_SDIN, OUTPUT) wiringpi.pinMode(PIN_SCLK, OUTPUT) wiringpi.digitalWrite(PIN_RESET, LOW) wiringpi.delay(SLOW_DOWN) wiringpi.digitalWrite(PIN_RESET, HIGH) wiringpi.delay(SLOW_DOWN) lcd_write(LCD_C, 0x21) # LCD Extended Commands. lcd_write(LCD_C, 0xCC) # Set LCD Vop (Contrast). lcd_write(LCD_C, 0x04) # Set Temp coefficent. //0x04 lcd_write(LCD_C, 0x14) # LCD bias mode 1:48. //0x13 lcd_write(LCD_C, 0x0C) # LCD in normal mode. lcd_write(LCD_C, 0x20) lcd_write(LCD_C, 0x0C)
def main(self): wiringpi2.pwmSetClock(int(self.divisor)) for i, note in enumerate(Music.melody): if len(note) == 0: wiringpi2.pwmWrite(self.SPEAKER, 0) else: period, dutyCycle = self.calcParams(note) wiringpi2.pwmSetRange(period) wiringpi2.pwmWrite(self.SPEAKER, dutyCycle) wiringpi2.delay(Music.delay * ([i] + 1)) if note[len(note) - 1:] == ':': wiringpi2.pwmWrite(self.SPEAKER, 0) wiringpi2.delay(Music.delay) curses.endwin() wiringpi2.pinMode(self.SPEAKER, 0)
def lcd_initialise(): wiringpi.pinMode(PIN_BACKLIGHT,OUTPUT) wiringpi.digitalWrite(PIN_BACKLIGHT, HIGH) wiringpi.pinMode(PIN_SCE, OUTPUT) wiringpi.pinMode(PIN_RESET, OUTPUT) wiringpi.pinMode(PIN_DC, OUTPUT) wiringpi.pinMode(PIN_SDIN, OUTPUT) wiringpi.pinMode(PIN_SCLK, OUTPUT) wiringpi.digitalWrite(PIN_RESET, LOW) wiringpi.delay(SLOW_DOWN) wiringpi.digitalWrite(PIN_RESET, HIGH) wiringpi.delay(SLOW_DOWN) lcd_write(LCD_C, 0x21 ) # LCD Extended Commands. lcd_write(LCD_C, 0xCC ) # Set LCD Vop (Contrast). lcd_write(LCD_C, 0x04 ) # Set Temp coefficent. //0x04 lcd_write(LCD_C, 0x14 ) # LCD bias mode 1:48. //0x13 lcd_write(LCD_C, 0x0C ) # LCD in normal mode. lcd_write(LCD_C, 0x20 ) lcd_write(LCD_C, 0x0C )
def main(self): wiringpi2.pwmSetClock(int(self.divisor)) for i, note in enumerate(Music.melody): if len(note) == 0: wiringpi2.pwmWrite(self.SPEAKER, 0) else: period, dutyCycle = self.calcParams(note) wiringpi2.pwmSetRange(period) wiringpi2.pwmWrite(self.SPEAKER, dutyCycle) wiringpi2.delay(Music.delay*([i]+1)) if note[len(note)-1:] == ':': wiringpi2.pwmWrite(self.SPEAKER, 0) wiringpi2.delay(Music.delay) curses.endwin() wiringpi2.pinMode(self.SPEAKER, 0)
def analyze_with_kinect(): gpio_down(18) response = subprocess.check_output(['bash','']) res = str(response[-2:]) output = res[0] print "python response: " + str(output) if int(output) == 1: print 'drowning' gpio_up(18) wiringpi.delay(5000) gpio_down(18) print 'drowning' return False elif int(output) == 0: print 'not drowning' return True else: print 'no kinect found'
def __init__(self, node_name="servo_control"): rospy.init_node(node_name) sub = rospy.Subscriber("deg_control", Int16, self.callback) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self.exit_handler) self.gp_out = 18 wiringpi2.wiringPiSetupGpio() wiringpi2.pinMode(self.gp_out, wiringpi2.GPIO.PWM_OUTPUT) wiringpi2.pwmSetMode(wiringpi2.GPIO.PWM_MODE_MS) wiringpi2.pwmSetClock(375) self.RIGHT = 56 self.CENTER = 76 self.LEFT = 96 self.current_deg = self.CENTER wiringpi2.pwmWrite(self.gp_out, self.current_deg) wiringpi2.delay(500)
def SendData(command, delay = 0): wiringpi2.pinMode(data_pin,1) wiringpi2.digitalWrite(data_pin,0) prev = 1 for i in range(len(command)): while prev == wiringpi2.digitalRead(clock_pin): pass prev = wiringpi2.digitalRead(clock_pin) wiringpi2.digitalWrite(data_pin, int(command[i])) while prev == wiringpi2.digitalRead(clock_pin): pass prev = wiringpi2.digitalRead(clock_pin) wiringpi2.digitalWrite(data_pin, 1) wiringpi2.pinMode(data_pin, 0) wiringpi2.delay(delay)
def run_event(self): time = self.time() temp = self._read_temp() if temp is None: self.loge("Failed to read CPU temperature") return False pidout = int(self._pid.compute(temp)) if not self._autocontrol: self._fan_setpwm(self._userpwm) else: if self._ecomode: # should we leave eco mode? # yes if temp >= profile if temp >= self.get_profile(): self._ecomode = False # turn on full speed self._fan_fullspeed() wiringpi2.delay(self.FAN_SPINUP) self._fan_setpwm(pidout) else: # turn(keep) fan off self._fan_stop() else: # should we enter eco mode # yes if temp < profile - threshold if temp < (self.get_profile() - self.ECO_THRESHOLD): self._ecomode = True # turn off self._fan_stop() else: self._fan_setpwm(pidout) # log pwm as percent fanspeed = 100 * self._pwm / (self.PWM_RANGE - 1) self._speedlog.log(time.jstimestamp(), fanspeed) self._templog.log(time.jstimestamp(), temp) return True
def _playLoop(self, freq, music): divisor = (19.2*(10**3))/freq Music = import_module(music) wiringpi2.pwmSetClock(int(divisor)) for note, beat in Music.melody: if note == ' ': wiringpi2.pwmWrite(self.SPEAKER, 0) else: period, dutyCycle = self._calcParams(note) wiringpi2.pwmSetRange(period) wiringpi2.pwmWrite(self.SPEAKER, dutyCycle) wiringpi2.delay(Music.tempo*beat) if note[len(note)-1:] == ':': wiringpi2.pwmWrite(self.SPEAKER, 0) wiringpi2.delay(Music.tempo) elif note[len(note)-1:] == ';': wiringpi2.pwmWrite(self.SPEAKER, 0) wiringpi2.delay(int(Music.tempo/2)) # Make sure that music stop wiringpi2.pwmWrite(self.SPEAKER, 0)
def dSPIN_init(): err = 0; err = wp.wiringPiSetupGpio(); wp.pinMode(hd.dSPIN_BUSYN, wp.GPIO.INPUT); wp.pinMode(hd.dSPIN_RESET, wp.GPIO.OUTPUT); wp.pinMode(hd.dSPIN_CS, wp.GPIO.OUTPUT); wp.digitalWrite(hd.dSPIN_CS, wp.GPIO.HIGH); if( err !=0): print("wiringPi Setup failed with Error"+err); return hd.dSPIN_STATUS_FATAL; wp.pinMode(hd.dSPIN_MOSI, wp.GPIO.OUTPUT); wp.pinMode(hd.dSPIN_MISO, wp.GPIO.INPUT); wp.pinMode(hd.dSPIN_CLK, wp.GPIO.OUTPUT); # //SPI_MODE3 (clock idle high, latch data on rising edge of clock) wp.digitalWrite(hd.dSPIN_CLK, wp.GPIO.HIGH); # // reset the dSPIN chip. This could also be accomplished by # // calling the "dSPIN_ResetDev()" function after SPI is initialized. wp.digitalWrite(hd.dSPIN_RESET, wp.GPIO.HIGH); wp.delay(2); wp.digitalWrite(hd.dSPIN_RESET, wp.GPIO.LOW); wp.delay(2); wp.digitalWrite(hd.dSPIN_RESET, wp.GPIO.HIGH); wp.delay(2); return 0;
def _playLoop(self, freq, music): divisor = (19.2 * (10**3)) / freq Music = import_module(music) wiringpi2.pwmSetClock(int(divisor)) for note, beat in Music.melody: if note == ' ': wiringpi2.pwmWrite(self.SPEAKER, 0) else: period, dutyCycle = self._calcParams(note) wiringpi2.pwmSetRange(period) wiringpi2.pwmWrite(self.SPEAKER, dutyCycle) wiringpi2.delay(Music.tempo * beat) if note[len(note) - 1:] == ':': wiringpi2.pwmWrite(self.SPEAKER, 0) wiringpi2.delay(Music.tempo) elif note[len(note) - 1:] == ';': wiringpi2.pwmWrite(self.SPEAKER, 0) wiringpi2.delay(int(Music.tempo / 2)) # Make sure that music stop wiringpi2.pwmWrite(self.SPEAKER, 0)
def callback(self, disconfort): if == 1: """ if self.rest_counter < 200: return rospy.wait_for_service("serv_off") try: soff = rospy.ServiceProxy("serv_off", Empty) soff() except rospy.ServiceException, e: print "Service call failed: %s" % e """ wiringpi2.pwmWrite(self.gp_out, self.LEFT) wiringpi2.delay(500) wiringpi2.pwmWrite(self.gp_out, self.RIGHT) wiringpi2.delay(500) wiringpi2.pwmWrite(self.gp_out, self.CENTER) wiringpi2.delay(500) try: son = rospy.ServiceProxy("serv_on", Empty) son() except rospy.ServiceException, e: print "Service call failed: %s" % e self.rest_counter = 0
def unlock(): print "Unlock Key" param = sys.argv setdegree = int(90) print setdegree wiringpi2.wiringPiSetupGpio() wiringpi2.pinMode(servopin,2) wiringpi2.pwmSetMode(wiringpi2.GPIO.PWM_MODE_MS) wiringpi2.pwmSetClock(375) wiringpi2.pwmWrite(servopin,133) for i in range(133,73-1,1): print i wiringpi2.pwmWrite(servopin, i) wiringpi2.delay(500) wiringpi2.pwmWrite(servopin,26) wiringpi2.delay(500) wiringpi2.pwmWrite(servopin,74)
def slow_shift_out(data_pin, clock_pin, data): for bit in bin(data).replace('0b','').rjust(8,'0'): wiringpi.digitalWrite(clock_pin,LOW) wiringpi.delay(SLOW_DOWN) wiringpi.digitalWrite(data_pin,int(bit)) wiringpi.delay(SLOW_DOWN) wiringpi.digitalWrite(clock_pin,HIGH) wiringpi.delay(SLOW_DOWN)
def slow_shift_out(data_pin, clock_pin, data): for bit in bin(data).replace('0b', '').rjust(8, '0'): wiringpi.digitalWrite(clock_pin, LOW) wiringpi.delay(SLOW_DOWN) wiringpi.digitalWrite(data_pin, int(bit)) wiringpi.delay(SLOW_DOWN) wiringpi.digitalWrite(clock_pin, HIGH) wiringpi.delay(SLOW_DOWN)
def arduinoListen(): global wiringpi2 global arduinoIn global arduino wiringpi2.wiringPiSetup() arduino = wiringpi2.serialOpen("/dev/ttyACM0", 9600) wiringpi2.delay(250) wiringpi2.pinMode(0,1) wiringpi2.digitalWrite(0, 1) arduinoInReady.acquire() arduinoListenerReady.set() while(True): while(True): if(wiringpi2.serialDataAvail(arduino) > 0): arduinoIn = chr(wiringpi2.serialGetchar(arduino)) arduinoInReady.release() time.sleep(0.5) break else: time.sleep(0.5) arduinoInReady.acquire()
def _genimage(*img): inputt = img[1] a = mpimg.imread(inputt) a = 1 * (a > 0) # for i in range(0,len(a)): # pin=65 # for j in range(0,32): # print ( pin ,'=',a[i,j,1]) # pin+=1 # print len(a) for i in range(0, len(a)): pin = 65 for j in range(0, 32): wiringpi2.digitalWrite(pin, int(a[i, j, 1])) pin = pin + 1 wiringpi2.delay(65) for pin in range(65, 97): wiringpi2.digitalWrite(pin, 0) wiringpi2.delay(800)
def gameTiedAnimation(): wiringpi.delay(LONG_PAUSE) # flip the colors back and forth for i in range(0, 3): drawBoard(True) wiringpi.delay(MED_PAUSE) drawBoard() wiringpi.delay(MED_PAUSE)
def _find_minspeed(self): # get idle load self._fan_stop() wiringpi2.delay(self.FAN_SPINUP) # find minimum self._idleload = self._read_fanload() # get full speed load self._fan_fullspeed() wiringpi2.delay(self.FAN_SPINUP) self._maxload = self._read_fanload() - self._idleload # find lowest pwm # 50% of maxload load_min = self._maxload * self.FAN_THRESHOLD # from highest to lowest minpwm = self.PWM_RANGE - 1 while minpwm != 0: self._fan_setpwm(minpwm) wiringpi2.delay(500) load = self._read_fanload() - self._idleload if load < load_min: break minpwm -= self.FAN_RECAL_PWM # turn fan off again self._fan_stop() if minpwm >= self.FAN_DEAD_PWM: self.loge("RIP FAN. It seems to be dead!") return False # update controller self._pid.set_coeff(self.PID_P, self.PID_I, self.PID_D) self._pid.set_limit(minpwm, self.PWM_RANGE - 1) # update minspeed self._minpwm = minpwm self._minspeed = 100 * minpwm / (self.PWM_RANGE - 1) self._caltime = self.time().jstimestamp() return True
def softPwm(): print "SoftPwm Mode" wiringpi2.wiringPiSetup() wiringpi2.pinMode(PIN_TO_PWM,SET_PWM) wiringpi2.pwmSetMode(PWM_MODE_MS) #wiringpi2.softPwmCreate(PIN_TO_PWM,0,100) # Setup PWM using Pin, Initial Value and Range parameters #wiringpi2.softServoSettup() #softServoWrite() while True: for i in range(900, 1000): wiringpi2.pwmWrite(PIN_TO_PWM, i) wiringpi2.delay(150) print "Write to PWM: ", i for k in reversed(range(800, 1000)): wiringpi2.pwmWrite(PIN_TO_PWM, k) wiringpi2.delay(150) print "Write to PWM: ", k for i in range(800, 900): wiringpi2.pwmWrite(PIN_TO_PWM, i) wiringpi2.delay(150) print "Write to PWM: ", i
# softPwm uses a fixed frequency import wiringpi2 OUTPUT = 1 # GPIO17 = GPIO_GEN0 = P1.11, connecting a red led PIN_TO_PWM = 0 wiringpi2.wiringPiSetup() wiringpi2.pinMode(PIN_TO_PWM,OUTPUT) wiringpi2.softPwmCreate(PIN_TO_PWM,0,100) # Setup PWM using Pin, Initial Value and Range parameters for time in range(0,4): for brightness in range(0,100): # Going from 0 to 100 will give us full off to full on wiringpi2.softPwmWrite(PIN_TO_PWM,brightness) # Change PWM duty cycle wiringpi2.delay(10) # Delay for 0.2 seconds for brightness in reversed(range(0,100)): wiringpi2.softPwmWrite(PIN_TO_PWM,brightness) wiringpi2.delay(10)
def emitData(): # Délai nécessaire pour que le serveur ait le temps de démarrer wiringpi2.delay(5000) while True: loop() # appelle fonction loop sans fin
import wiringpi2 import sys pin = 31 #wiringpi2.wiringPiSetup() #wiringpi2.wiringPiSetupSys() #wiringpi2.wiringPiSetupGpio() wiringpi2.wiringPiSetupPhys() wiringpi2.pinMode(pin,2) #PWM_OUTPUT while 1: #wiringpi2.pwmWrite(pin,128) print "===== set clock" wiringpi2.pwmSetClock(0) # 24M/120 * 256 = 781HZ wiringpi2.delay(1000) wiringpi2.pwmSetClock(1);# 24M/180 * 256 = 520.8HZ wiringpi2.delay(1000) wiringpi2.pwmSetClock(2);# 24/240 * 256 = 390HZ wiringpi2.delay(1000) #wiringpi2.pwmSetRange(255); # wiringpi2.pwmWrite(pin,1); # wiringpi2.delay(1000) # wiringpi2.pwmWrite(pin,128); # wiringpi2.delay(1000) # wiringpi2.pwmWrite(pin,255) # wiringpi2.delay(1000) # print "================>>>>" # pwmSetMode(0); #wiringpi2.pwmWrite(pin,128)
import wiringpi2 as wiringpi INPUT = 0 OUTPUT = 1 LOW = 0 HIGH = 1 BUTTONS = [13, 12, 10, 11] LEDS = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] PUD_UP = 2 wiringpi.wiringPiSetup() for button in BUTTONS: wiringpi.pinMode(button, INPUT) wiringpi.pullUpDnControl(button, PUD_UP) for led in LEDS: wiringpi.pinMode(led, OUTPUT) while 1: for index, button in enumerate(BUTTONS): button_state = wiringpi.digitalRead(button) first_led = LEDS[index * 2] second_led = LEDS[(index * 2) + 1] #print str(button) + ' ' + str(button_state) wiringpi.digitalWrite(first_led, 1 - button_state) wiringpi.digitalWrite(second_led, 1 - button_state) wiringpi.delay(20)
# 4) Divisor do clock # divisor = clock base / frequencia de afinação # Tendo que o clock base do pwm é 19.2mhz: # divisor = (19.2x1000)/440 # divisor = 43.6363636364 divisor = (19.2*(10**3))/440 wiringpi2.pwmSetClock(int(divisor)) def calcParams(freq): period = (1/freq)*(10**6) dutyCycle = period/2 return (int(period), int(dutyCycle)) try: while True: for freq in range(500, 1001, 1): period, dutyCycle = calcParams(freq) wiringpi2.pwmSetRange(period) wiringpi2.pwmWrite(SPEAKER, dutyCycle) wiringpi2.delay(1) for freq in range(1000, 499, -1): period, dutyCycle = calcParams(freq) wiringpi2.pwmSetRange(period) wiringpi2.pwmWrite(SPEAKER, dutyCycle) wiringpi2.delay(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: wiringpi2.pwmWrite(SPEAKER, 0) wiringpi2.pinMode(SPEAKER, 0) exit(0)