def test_sexp_mapping_types(self): good_sexps = [ ( '( Addition ( Variable x ) ( Variable y ))',base_objects.Addition), ( '( Variable x )', base_objects.Variable) , ] for sexp, cls in good_sexps: parsed = parse_sexp(sexp) self.assertEqual(parsed.classname, cls.__name__)
def ws_read(request, ws_id): ws = get_object_or_404(models.Workspace, pk=ws_id) if ( != ) and not ws.public: return HttpResponseForbidden() cells = models.Cell.objects.filter(workspace=ws_id) if not cells: cells = [] # HTML elements to inject into the #workspace div html_cells = [] uid = uidgen() # Populate the Cell for index,cell in enumerate(cells): # Load toplevel expressions eqs = models.Expression.objects.filter(cell=cell).order_by('index') top_exprs = [] #asms = Assumption.objects.filter(cell=cell).order_by('index') #top_asms = [] for eq in eqs: if 'Text:' in eq.sexp: top_exprs.append(TextAtom(eq.sexp)) else: # Build up the object from the sexp in the database etree = parse_sexp(eq.sexp) etree.annotation = eq.annotation etree.uid_walk(uid) top_exprs.append(etree) # Initialize the new Cell instance ncell = basecell.Cell(top_exprs, [], index = index, cid = 'cell'+str(index), id = ) html_cells.append(html(ncell)) response = render_to_response('worksheet_read.html', { 'title':, 'author': ws.owner, 'cells': html_cells, }, context_instance = RequestContext(request), ) return response
def test_sexp_mapping(self): good_sexps = [ '( Addition ( Variable x ) ( Variable y ) )', '( Variable x )', '( Equation 1 1 )', '( Placeholder )', '( Numeric 3.14159 )', ] bad_sexps = [ '( Variable 1 )', '( Numeric x )', '( Numeric 1 1 )', '( Equation foo )', '( Addition )', ] for sexp in good_sexps: self.assertIsNotNone(parse_sexp(sexp)) for sexp in bad_sexps: with self.assertRaises(Exception): parsed = parse_sexp(sexp)
def ws(request, ws_id): ws = get_object_or_404(models.Workspace, pk=ws_id) if ( != ): return HttpResponseForbidden() # Start a uid generator at cid0 uid = uidgen() cells = models.Cell.objects.filter(workspace=ws_id) # If the worksheet is empty give it an empty cell if not cells: ncell = models.Cell(workspace=ws, index=0) cells = [] cells.append(ncell) # HTML elements to inject into the #workspace div html_cells = [] # inline javascript global variable `JSON_TREE` json_cells = [] # Populate the Cell for index,cell in enumerate(cells): # Load toplevel expressions eqs = models.Expression.objects.filter(cell=cell).order_by('index') top_exprs = [] #asms = Assumption.objects.filter(cell=cell).order_by('index') #top_asms = [] for eq in eqs: if 'Text:' in eq.sexp: top_exprs.append(TextAtom(eq.sexp)) else: # Build up the object from the sexp in the database etree = parse_sexp(eq.sexp) etree.uid_walk(uid) etree.sid = etree.annotation = eq.annotation top_exprs.append(etree) # Initialize the new Cell instance ncell = basecell.Cell(top_exprs, [], index = index, id =, sid = ) html_cells.append(html(ncell)) json_cells.append(json_flat(ncell)) response = render_to_response('worksheet.html', { 'title':, 'ws_id':, 'cells': html_cells, 'namespace_index':[3:], 'cell_index': len(cells), 'json_cells': json.dumps(json_cells), 'xhtml': True, 'debug': 'true' if settings.DEBUG else 'false', }, context_instance = RequestContext(request), ) # XHTMLMiddleware will look for this attribute and set # Content-Type to application/xhtml+xml which is needed by # some browsers (i.e. Firefox 3.5) to render MathML response.xhtml = True return response