DOT_80211_MAC_EDCA_CW_MAX = Attribute( key='DOT_80211_MAC_EDCA_CW_MAX', type=int, isReadOnly=False) #: EDCA Contention Window Max value DOT_80211_MAC_EDCA_TX_OP = Attribute( key='DOT_80211_MAC_EDCA_TX_OP', type=int, isReadOnly=False) #: EDCA Transmit Opportunity value DOT_80211_PHY_REGURATORY_DOMAIN = Attribute( key='DOT_80211_PHY_REGURATORY_DOMAIN', type=str, isReadOnly=False) #: Reguratory domain information DOT_80211_POWER_MANAGEMENT = Attribute( key='DOT_80211_POWER_MANAGEMENT', type=int, isReadOnly=False) #: Power Managemenet Scheme: Fixed, Auto # MEASUREMENTS DOT_80211_MAC_STATE_IDLE_TIME = Measurement( key='DOT_80211_MAC_STATE_IDLE_TIME', type=int) #: Time MAC spent in idle state in last sampling interval DOT_80211_MAC_STATE_IDLE_RATIO = Measurement( key='DOT_80211_MAC_STATE_IDLE_RATIO', type=float ) #: Ratio of time that MAC spent in idle state in last sampling interval DOT_80211_MAC_STATE_BUSY_TIME = Measurement( key='DOT_80211_MAC_STATE_BUSY_TIME', type=int) #: Time MAC spent in busy state in last sampling interval DOT_80211_MAC_STATE_BUSY_RATIO = Measurement( key='DOT_80211_MAC_STATE_BUSY_RATIO', type=float ) #: Ratio of time that MAC spent in busy state in last sampling interval DOT_80211_MAC_STATE_TX_TIME = Measurement( key='DOT_80211_MAC_STATE_TX_TIME', type=int) #: Time MAC spent in TX state in last sampling interval DOT_80211_MAC_STATE_TX_RATIO = Measurement( key='DOT_80211_MAC_STATE_TX_RATIO', type=float
DOT_802154_PHY_TXPOWER = Attribute("IEEE802154_phyTXPower", type=int, isReadOnly=False) #: The transmit power of the device. DOT_802154_MAC_EXTENDEDADDRESS = Attribute("IEEE802154_macExtendedAddress", type=list, isReadOnly=False) #: The extended 64-bit IEEE address assigned to the device. DOT_802154_MAC_SHORTADDRESS = Attribute("IEEE802154_macShortAddress", type=int, isReadOnly=False) #: The short 16-bit address that the device uses to communicate in the PAN. DOT_802154_MAC_PANID = Attribute("IEEE802154_macPANId", type=int, isReadOnly=False) #: The 16-bit identifier of the PAN on which the device is operating. DOT_802154_MAC_CW = Attribute("IEEE802154_macCW", type=int, isReadOnly=False) #: IEEE-802.15.4 channel. DOT_802154_MAC_MAX_BE = Attribute("IEEE802154_macMaxBE", type=int, isReadOnly=False) #: The maximum value of the backoff exponent, BE, in the CSMA-CA algorithm, as defined in Section of the IEEE-802.15.4 standard. DOT_802154_MAC_MIN_BE = Attribute("IEEE802154_macMinBE", type=int, isReadOnly=False) #: IEEE-802.15.4 channel. DOT_802154_MAC_MAXCSMABACKOFFS = Attribute("IEEE802154_macMaxCSMABackoffs", type=int, isReadOnly=False) #: IEEE-802.15.4 channel. DOT_802154_MAC_MAXFRAMERETRIES = Attribute("IEEE802154_macMaxFrameRetries", type=int, isReadOnly=False) #: IEEE-802.15.4 channel. DOT_802154E_MAC_HOPPINGSEQUENCELENGTH = Attribute("IEEE802154e_macHoppingSequenceLength", type=int, isReadOnly=False) #: IEEE-802.15.4 channel. DOT_802154E_MAC_HOPPINGSEQUENCELIST = Attribute("IEEE802154e_macHoppingSequenceList", type=list, isReadOnly=False) #: IEEE-802.15.4 channel. DOT_802154E_MAC_SLOTFRAMESIZE = Attribute("IEEE802154e_macSlotframeSize", type=int, isReadOnly=False) #: IEEE-802.15.4 channel. DOT_802154E_MAC_TIMESLOT = Attribute("IEEE802154e_macTimeslot", type=DOT_802154E_TimeSlot, isReadOnly=False) #: IEEE-802.15.4 channel. DOT_802154E_MAC_TSTIMESLOTLENGTH = Attribute("IEEE802154e_macTsTimeslotLength", type=int, isReadOnly=False) #: IEEE-802.15.4 channel. DOT_802154E_MAC_SLOTLIST = Attribute("IEEE802154e_macSlotList", type=DOT_802154E_SlotList, isReadOnly=False) #: IEEE-802.15.4 channel. DOT_802154E_MAC_SLOTFRAME = Attribute("IEEE802154e_macSlotFrame", type=DOT_802154E_SlotFrame, isReadOnly=False) #: IEEE-802.15.4 channel. # protocol (LPL, e.g. contiki_mac specific attributes or TAISC SPECIFIC) DOT_802154_MAC_LPL_CHANNELCHECKRATE = Attribute("IEEE802154_macLplChannelCheckRate", type=int, isReadOnly=False) #: IEEE-802.15.4 channel. DOT_802154_MAC_LPL_PHASEOPTIMIZATION = Attribute("IEEE802154_macLplPhaseOptimization", type=bool, isReadOnly=False) #: IEEE-802.15.4 channel. DOT_802154_MAC_TAISC_ACTIVE_RADIO_PROGRAM = Attribute("TAISCActiveRadioProgram", type=str, isReadOnly=False) #: IEEE-802.15.4 channel. # MEASUREMENTS DOT_802154_MAC_STATISTICS = Measurement("IEEE802154_macStats", type=list) # EVENTS DOT_802154_MAC_STATISTICS_EVENT = Event("IEEE802154_macStatsEvent", type=list) def blacklist_channels(): return
isReadOnly=False) #:CSMA protocol.Duration of the EIFS time CSMA_DIFS = Attribute( key='CSMA_DIFS', type=int, isReadOnly=False) #:CSMA protocol.Duration of the DIFS time CSMA_SIFS = Attribute( key='CSMA_SIFS', type=int, isReadOnly=False) #:CSMA protocol.Duration of the SIFS time CSMA_MAC_PRIORITY_CLASS = Attribute( key='CSMA_MAC_PRIORITY_CLASS', type=int, isReadOnly=False ) #:CSMA protocol.QUEUE class service associated with CSMA radio program CSMA_NUM_FREEZING_COUNT = Attribute( key='CSMA_NUM_FREEZING_COUNT', type=int, isReadOnly=True ) #:CSMA protocol.Total number of freezing during the backoff phase # MEASUREMENTS NOISE = Measurement(key='NOISE', type=int) #: Level of noise in dBm CSI = Measurement(key='CSA', type=int) #: Channel State Information' last measured value RSSI = Measurement( key='RSSI', type=int ) #:Received Signal Strength Indication (RSSI); it refers to the last received frame in dBm. SNR = Measurement( key='SNR', type=int) #:Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the last received frame in dB. LQI = Measurement(key='LQI', type=int) #:Link Quality Indicator (LQI) FER = Measurement(key='FER', type=int) #:Frame Erasure Rate (FER) BER = Measurement(key='BER', type=int) #:Bit Error Rate (BER) BUSY_TYME = Measurement( key='BUSY_TYME', type=int ) #:Time interval in which the transceiver has been active (including reception, transmission and carrier sense) TX_ACTIVITY = Measurement(
from wishful_upis.meta_models import Attribute, Measurement, Event, Action # The protocol-specific definition of the WiSHFUL network control interface, UPI_N, for configuration/monitoring of the higher # layers of the network protocol stack (upper MAC and higher). # IEEE 802.11 protocol family # ATTRIBUTES DOT_80211_MODE = Attribute(key='DOT_80211_MODE', type=int, isReadOnly=False) #: Mode of device: STA, AP, P2P, MESH, AD-HOC DOT_80211_STA_BLACKLIST = Attribute(key='DOT_80211_STA_BLACKLIST', type=str, isReadOnly=False) #: List of MAC addressed of blacklisted STAs DOT_80211_STA_TX_POWER = Attribute(key='DOT_80211_STA_TX_POWER', type=int, isReadOnly=False) #: Per STA TX power # MEASUREMENTS DOT_80211_AP_NUMBER = Measurement(key='DOT_80211_STA_NUMBER', type=int) #: Number of APs in communication range DOT_80211_STA_NUMBER = Measurement(key='DOT_80211_STA_NUMBER', type=int) #: Number of STAs in communication range DOT_80211_SEEN_SSIDS = Measurement(key='DOT_80211_SEEN_SSIDS', type=str) #: List of SSIDs seen in communication range DOT_80211_CONNECTED_STA_NUMBER = Measurement(key='DOT_80211_CONNECTED_STA_NUMBER', type=int) #: Number of connected STAs to AP DOT_80211_STA_RSSI = Measurement(key='DOT_80211_STA_RSSI', type=str) #: Per-STA RSSI DOT_80211_STA_TX_BITRATE = Measurement(key='DOT_80211_STA_TX_BITRATE', type=str) #: Per-STA bitrate DOT_80211_STA_TX_BYTES = Measurement(key='DOT_80211_STA_TX_BYTES', type=str) #: Per-STA TX bytes DOT_80211_STA_TX_PKTS = Measurement(key='DOT_80211_STA_TX_PKTS', type=str) #: Per-STA TX packets DOT_80211_STA_RX_BYTES = Measurement(key='DOT_80211_STA_RX_BYTES', type=str) #: Per-STA RX bytes DOT_80211_STA_RX_PKTS = Measurement(key='DOT_80211_STA_RX_PKTS', type=str) #: Per-STA RX packets DOT_80211_STA_INACTIVE_TIME = Measurement(key='DOT_80211_STA_INACTIVE_TIME', type=str) #: Per-STA inactivity time DOT_80211_STA_RETRY_NUM = Measurement(key='DOT_80211_STA_RETRY_NUM', type=str) #: Per-STA TX retries number DOT_80211_STA_TX_FAILED = Measurement(key='DOT_80211_STA_TX_FAILED', type=str) #: Per-STA number of failed transmissions # EVENTS DOT_80211_PROBE_REQUEST = Event(key='DOT_80211_PROBE_REQUEST', type=None) #: Event triggered on Probe Request reception
Key_StartStopUSRP = 5 # 0: Stop, 1, Start Key_EnableDisableSI = 6 # SelfInterferance: 0: Enable, 1, 0:Disable Key_RetuneDuplexer = 7 # 0: Enable, 1, 0:Disable Key_CollisionDetector = 8 # b0: Reset, b1:Train, b2: FixAlpha, b3: Start Key_DeviceAdd = 9 # 16 bits Key_DestinationAdd = 10 # 16 bits Key_PacketRec_CD_Test = 11 # Key_ReceivedPacketReq = 12 # Request for the received packet Key_IQDataReq = 13 # Request for the IQ Key_MACSetting = 14 # b0:Payload From Host, b1: TxMAC.CD.Enable Key_CD_Average = 15 # CD.Average Length (uint8) Key_CD_Average_Th = 16 # CD.Average.Th (uint8) Key_HostPayload = 21 N_Payload = 118 RX_DATA = Measurement(key='RX_DATA', type=List) CD_RESULT = Measurement(key='CD_RESULT', type=int) NUM_RX = Measurement(key='NUM_RX', type=int) # ******************************************* def double2bytearray(double_num): return reversed(bytearray(struct.pack("d", double_num))) def MakePacket(Key, data): # Make Packet: Tx frequency if Key <= 20: # Key 0-20 for setting try: data_len = 8 + len(data) # for doubel numbers except: data_len = 9