def createTopic(theJMSResource, topicname, jms_module_path): print "Creating Conn@ct Topic..." ref = wl.getMBean(jms_module_path + "/Topics/" + topicname.strip()) if ref == None: jmstopic = theJMSResource.createTopic(topicname.strip()) jmstopic.setJNDIName("jms." + topicname.strip()) else: print "Topic " + topicname + " already exists in " + ref.toString()
def createQueue(theJMSResource, queuename, jms_module_path): print "Creating Conn@ct Queues..." ref = wl.getMBean(jms_module_path + "/Queues/" + queuename.strip()) if ref == None: jmsqueue = theJMSResource.createQueue(queuename.strip()) jmsqueue.setJNDIName("jms." + queuename.strip()) else: print "Queue " + queuename + " already exists in " + ref.toString()
topicList = topics.split(",") for t in topicList: createTopic(theJMSResource, t, jms_module_path) print "Python version = " + sys.version print "Connecting to the server ..." wl.connect("weblogic", "welcome1", "t3://localhost:7021") wl.edit() wl.startEdit() # set('CompatibilityMBeanServerEnabled', 'true') print "Show command line arguments" print "Argument List:", str(sys.argv) checkParams() servermb = wl.getMBean("Servers/" + adminServer) if servermb is None: print "servermb Value is Null" else: createJMS() try: # wl.serverRuntime() wl.activate(block="true") importSecuritySettings() print "script returns SUCCESS" except: print "Error while trying to save and/or activate!!!" dumpStack()
print "Creating OSBListenTopic..." jmsqueue1 = theJMSResource.createTopic('OSBListenTopic') jmsqueue1.setJNDIName('jms.OSBListenTopic') jmsqueue1.setSubDeploymentName('OSBSamplesJMSSubdeploy') print "Creating OSBWriteTopic..." jmsqueue1 = theJMSResource.createTopic('OSBWriteTopic') jmsqueue1.setJNDIName('jms.OSBWriteTopic') jmsqueue1.setSubDeploymentName('OSBSamplesJMSSubdeploy') print "Connecting to the server ..." wl.connect('weblogic','welcome1','t3://localhost:7021') wl.edit() wl.startEdit() # set('CompatibilityMBeanServerEnabled', 'true') servermb=wl.getMBean("Servers/ServiceBusSamples") if servermb is None: print 'servermb Value is Null' else: createJMS() try: wl.activate(block="true") print "script returns SUCCESS" except: print "Error while trying to save and/or activate!!!" dumpStack()