コード例 #1
    def serialize(self):
        # Convert bssid to byte string for transmit
        bssid_tmp     = self['bssid']
        self['bssid'] = util.str_to_mac_addr(self['bssid'])
        self['bssid'] = util.mac_addr_to_byte_str(self['bssid'])

        ret_val = super(BSSConfig, self).serialize()

        # Revert bssid to colon delimited string
        self['bssid'] = bssid_tmp

        return ret_val
コード例 #2
ファイル: info.py プロジェクト: dwsl/mu_mimo_WarpRx
    def serialize(self):
        # Convert bssid to byte string for transmit
        bssid_tmp     = self['bssid']
        self['bssid'] = util.str_to_mac_addr(self['bssid'])
        self['bssid'] = util.mac_addr_to_byte_str(self['bssid'])

        ret_val = super(BSSConfig, self).serialize()

        # Revert bssid to colon delimited string
        self['bssid'] = bssid_tmp

        return ret_val
コード例 #3
    def __init__(self, mac_address, name=None, ht_capable=False):
        self.name = name
        self.ht_capable = ht_capable
        if mac_address is not None:        
            if type(mac_address) in [int, long]:
                self.wlan_mac_address = mac_address
            elif type(mac_address) is str:
                    import wlan_exp.util as util                    
                    self.wlan_mac_address = util.str_to_mac_addr(mac_address)
                except TypeError:
                    raise TypeError("MAC address is not valid")
                raise TypeError("MAC address is not valid")
            raise TypeError("MAC address is not valid")

        self.description  = self.__repr__()
コード例 #4
ファイル: device.py プロジェクト: dwsl/mu_mimo_WarpRx
    def __init__(self, mac_address, name=None, ht_capable=False):
        self.name = name
        self.ht_capable = ht_capable
        if mac_address is not None:        
            if type(mac_address) in [int, long]:
                self.wlan_mac_address = mac_address
            elif type(mac_address) is str:
                    import wlan_exp.util as util                    
                    self.wlan_mac_address = util.str_to_mac_addr(mac_address)
                except TypeError:
                    raise TypeError("MAC address is not valid")
                raise TypeError("MAC address is not valid")
            raise TypeError("MAC address is not valid")

        self.description  = self.__repr__()
コード例 #5
ファイル: node_ap.py プロジェクト: dwsl/mu_mimo_WarpRx
    def configure_bss(self, bssid=False, ssid=None, channel=None, beacon_interval=False, ht_capable=None):
        """Configure the BSS information of the node

        Each node is either a member of no BSS (colloquially "unassociated")
        or a member of one BSS.  A node requires a minimum valid set of BSS 
        information to be a member of a BSS. The minimum valid set of BSS 
        information for an AP is:

            #. BSSID: 48-bit MAC address
            #. Channel: Logical channel for Tx/Rx by BSS members
            #. SSID: Variable length string (ie the name of the network)
            #. Beacon Interval:  Interval (in TUs) for beacons

        If a node is not a member of a BSS (i.e. ``n.get_bss_info()`` returns
        ``None``), then the node requires all parameters of a minimum valid 
        set of BSS information be specified (i.e. Channel, SSID, and
        Beacon Interval).  For an AP, if BSSID is not specified, then it is 
        assumed to be the wlan_mac_address of the node.  
        See https://warpproject.org/trac/wiki/802.11/wlan_exp/bss
        for more documentation on BSS information / configuration.

            bssid (int, str):  48-bit ID of the BSS either None or
                the wlan_mac_address of the node.  If not specified, it is 
                by default the wlan_mac_address of the node.
            ssid (str):  SSID string (Must be 32 characters or less)
            channel (int): Channel number on which the BSS operates
            beacon_interval (int): Integer number of beacon Time Units in [10, 65534]
                (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TU_(Time_Unit); a TU is 1024 microseconds);
                A value of None will disable beacons;  A value of False will not
                update the current beacon interval.
            ht_capable (bool):  Is the PHY mode HTMF (True) or NONHT (False)?

        if bssid is not None:
            if bssid is not False:
                # User supplied a not-None BSSID argument
                error = False

                if type(bssid) in [int, long]:
                    if (bssid != self.wlan_mac_address):
                        error = True
                elif type(bssid) is str:
                    import wlan_exp.util as util
                        if (util.str_to_mac_addr(bssid) != self.wlan_mac_address):
                            error = True
                        error = True

                if (error):
                    raise AttributeError("BSSID must be either None or the wlan_mac_address of the node.")
                # User did not provide a BSSID argument - use the AP's MAC address
                bssid = self.wlan_mac_address

        resp_args = self.send_cmd(cmds.NodeConfigBSS(bssid=bssid, ssid=ssid, channel=channel,
                                                     beacon_interval=beacon_interval, ht_capable=ht_capable))
        # Process response arguments
        if (resp_args is not False):
            status  = resp_args[0]
            msg     = "ERROR:  Invalid response from node:\n"
            ret_val = True
            # Check status
            if (status & cmds.ERROR_CONFIG_BSS_BSSID_INVALID):
                if type(self.bssid) in [int, long]:
                    import wlan_exp.util as util
                    self.bssid = util.mac_addr_to_str(self.bssid)
                msg    += "    BSSID {0} was invalid.\n".format(self.bssid)
                ret_val = False
                msg    += "    Insufficient arguments to create BSS.  Must provide:\n"
                if (bssid is False): 
                    msg    += "        BSSID\n"
                if (ssid is None):
                    msg    += "        SSID\n"
                if (channel is None):
                    msg    += "        CHANNEL\n"
                if (beacon_interval is False):
                    msg    += "        BEACON_INTERVAL\n"
                ret_val = False
            if (status & cmds.ERROR_CONFIG_BSS_CHANNEL_INVALID):
                msg    += "    Channel {0} was invalid.\n".format(self.channel)
                ret_val = False
            if (status & cmds.ERROR_CONFIG_BSS_BEACON_INTERVAL_INVALID):
                msg    += "    Beacon interval {0} was invalid.\n".format(self.beacon_interval)
                ret_val = False
            if (status & cmds.ERROR_CONFIG_BSS_HT_CAPABLE_INVALID):
                msg    += "    HT capable {0} was invalid.\n".format(self.ht_capable)
                ret_val = False
            if not ret_val:
コード例 #6
ファイル: node_ap.py プロジェクト: dwsl/mu_mimo_WarpRx
    def set_authentication_address_filter(self, allow):
        """Command to set the authentication address filter on the node.

        This command will reset the current address filter and then set the
        address filter to the values in the allow list.  The filter only affects
        over-the-air associations.  Assocaitions created by wlan_exp will
        bypass any filters configured by this method.

        Clients will be allowed to associate if they pass any of the filters
        that are set.

            allow (list of tuple):  List of (address, mask) tuples that will be
                used to filter addresses on the node.  A tuple can be substituted
                with a predefined string:  "NONE", "ALL", or "MANGO-W3"

        For the mask, bits that are 0 are treated as "any" and bits that are 1 
        are treated as "must equal".  For the address, locations of one bits 
        in the mask must match the incoming addresses to pass the filter.


        * Only allow client with MAC address ``01:23:45:67:89:AB``:

            >>> n_ap.set_authentication_address_filter(allow=(0x0123456789AB, 0xFFFFFFFFFFFF))

        * Only allow clients with MAC addresses starting with ``01:23:45``:

            >>> n_ap.set_authentication_address_filter(allow=(0x012345000000, 0xFFFFFF000000))

        * Allow clients with MAC addresses starting with ``01:23:45`` or ``40:``

            >>> n_ap.set_authentication_address_filter(allow=[(0x012345000000, 0xFFFFFF000000), (0x400000000000, 0xFF0000000000)])
        * Use one of the pre-defined address filter configurations:

            >>> n_ap.set_authentication_address_filter(allow='NONE')     # Same as allow=(0x000000000000, 0xFFFFFFFFFFFF)
            >>> n_ap.set_authentication_address_filter(allow='ALL')      # Same as allow=(0x000000000000, 0x000000000000)
            >>> n_ap.set_authentication_address_filter(allow='MANGO-W3') # Same as allow=(0x40d855042000, 0xFFFFFFFFF000)

        filters = []

        if (type(allow) is not list):
            allow = [allow]

        for value in allow:
            # Process pre-defined strings
            if type(value) is str:
                if   (value == 'NONE'):
                    filters.append((0x000000000000, 0xFFFFFFFFFFFF))
                elif (value == 'ALL'):
                    filters.append((0x000000000000, 0x000000000000))
                elif (value == 'MANGO-W3'):
                    filters.append((0x40d855042000, 0xFFFFFFFFF000))
                    msg  = "\n    String '{0}' not recognized.".format(value)
                    msg += "\n    Please use 'NONE', 'ALL', 'MANGO-W3' or a (address, mask) tuple"
                    raise AttributeError(msg)

            elif type(value) is tuple:
                import wlan_exp.util as util

                # Process address
                if type(value[0]) in [int, long]:
                    address = value[0]
                elif type(value[0]) is str:
                        address = util.str_to_mac_addr(value[0])
                        raise AttributeError("Address {0} is not valid".format(value[0]))
                    raise AttributeError("Address type {0} is not valid".format(type(value[0])))

                # Process mask
                if type(value[1]) in [int, long]:
                    mask = value[1]
                elif type(value[1]) is str:
                        mask = util.str_to_mac_addr(value[1])
                        raise AttributeError("Mask {0} is not valid".format(value[1]))
                    raise AttributeError("Mask type {0} is not valid".format(type(value[1])))

                filters.append((address, mask))

                msg  = "\n    Value {0} with type {1} not recognized.".format(value, type(value))
                msg += "\n    Please use 'NONE', 'ALL', 'MANGO-W3' or a (address, mask) tuple"
                raise AttributeError(msg)

コード例 #7
    def configure_bss(self,
        """Configure the BSS information of the node

        Each node is either a member of no BSS (colloquially "unassociated")
        or a member of one BSS.  A node requires a minimum valid set of BSS 
        information to be a member of a BSS. The minimum valid set of BSS 
        information for an AP is:

            #. BSSID: 48-bit MAC address
            #. Channel: Logical channel for Tx/Rx by BSS members
            #. SSID: Variable length string (ie the name of the network)
            #. Beacon Interval:  Interval (in TUs) for beacons

        If a node is not a member of a BSS (i.e. ``n.get_bss_info()`` returns
        ``None``), then the node requires all parameters of a minimum valid 
        set of BSS information be specified (i.e. Channel, SSID, and
        Beacon Interval).  For an AP, if BSSID is not specified, then it is 
        assumed to be the wlan_mac_address of the node.  
        See https://warpproject.org/trac/wiki/802.11/wlan_exp/bss
        for more documentation on BSS information / configuration.

            bssid (int, str):  48-bit ID of the BSS either None or
                the wlan_mac_address of the node.  If not specified, it is 
                by default the wlan_mac_address of the node.
            ssid (str):  SSID string (Must be 32 characters or less)
            channel (int): Channel number on which the BSS operates
            beacon_interval (int): Integer number of beacon Time Units in [10, 65534]
                (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TU_(Time_Unit); a TU is 1024 microseconds);
                A value of None will disable beacons;  A value of False will not
                update the current beacon interval.
            ht_capable (bool):  Is the PHY mode HTMF (True) or NONHT (False)?

        if bssid is not None:
            if bssid is not False:
                # User supplied a not-None BSSID argument
                error = False

                if type(bssid) in [int, long]:
                    if (bssid != self.wlan_mac_address):
                        error = True
                elif type(bssid) is str:
                    import wlan_exp.util as util
                        if (util.str_to_mac_addr(bssid) !=
                            error = True
                        error = True

                if (error):
                    raise AttributeError(
                        "BSSID must be either None or the wlan_mac_address of the node."
                # User did not provide a BSSID argument - use the AP's MAC address
                bssid = self.wlan_mac_address

        resp_args = self.send_cmd(

        # Process response arguments
        if (resp_args is not False):
            status = resp_args[0]
            msg = "ERROR:  Invalid response from node:\n"
            ret_val = True

            # Check status
            if (status & cmds.ERROR_CONFIG_BSS_BSSID_INVALID):
                if type(self.bssid) in [int, long]:
                    import wlan_exp.util as util
                    self.bssid = util.mac_addr_to_str(self.bssid)
                msg += "    BSSID {0} was invalid.\n".format(self.bssid)
                ret_val = False

                msg += "    Insufficient arguments to create BSS.  Must provide:\n"
                if (bssid is False):
                    msg += "        BSSID\n"
                if (ssid is None):
                    msg += "        SSID\n"
                if (channel is None):
                    msg += "        CHANNEL\n"
                if (beacon_interval is False):
                    msg += "        BEACON_INTERVAL\n"
                ret_val = False

            if (status & cmds.ERROR_CONFIG_BSS_CHANNEL_INVALID):
                msg += "    Channel {0} was invalid.\n".format(self.channel)
                ret_val = False

            if (status & cmds.ERROR_CONFIG_BSS_BEACON_INTERVAL_INVALID):
                msg += "    Beacon interval {0} was invalid.\n".format(
                ret_val = False

            if (status & cmds.ERROR_CONFIG_BSS_HT_CAPABLE_INVALID):
                msg += "    HT capable {0} was invalid.\n".format(
                ret_val = False

            if not ret_val:
コード例 #8
    def set_authentication_address_filter(self, allow):
        """Command to set the authentication address filter on the node.

        This command will reset the current address filter and then set the
        address filter to the values in the allow list.  The filter only affects
        over-the-air associations.  Assocaitions created by wlan_exp will
        bypass any filters configured by this method.

        Clients will be allowed to associate if they pass any of the filters
        that are set.

            allow (list of tuple):  List of (address, mask) tuples that will be
                used to filter addresses on the node.  A tuple can be substituted
                with a predefined string:  "NONE", "ALL", or "MANGO-W3"

        For the mask, bits that are 0 are treated as "any" and bits that are 1 
        are treated as "must equal".  For the address, locations of one bits 
        in the mask must match the incoming addresses to pass the filter.


        * Only allow client with MAC address ``01:23:45:67:89:AB``:

            >>> n_ap.set_authentication_address_filter(allow=(0x0123456789AB, 0xFFFFFFFFFFFF))

        * Only allow clients with MAC addresses starting with ``01:23:45``:

            >>> n_ap.set_authentication_address_filter(allow=(0x012345000000, 0xFFFFFF000000))

        * Allow clients with MAC addresses starting with ``01:23:45`` or ``40:``

            >>> n_ap.set_authentication_address_filter(allow=[(0x012345000000, 0xFFFFFF000000), (0x400000000000, 0xFF0000000000)])
        * Use one of the pre-defined address filter configurations:

            >>> n_ap.set_authentication_address_filter(allow='NONE')     # Same as allow=(0x000000000000, 0xFFFFFFFFFFFF)
            >>> n_ap.set_authentication_address_filter(allow='ALL')      # Same as allow=(0x000000000000, 0x000000000000)
            >>> n_ap.set_authentication_address_filter(allow='MANGO-W3') # Same as allow=(0x40d855042000, 0xFFFFFFFFF000)

        filters = []

        if (type(allow) is not list):
            allow = [allow]

        for value in allow:
            # Process pre-defined strings
            if type(value) is str:
                if (value == 'NONE'):
                    filters.append((0x000000000000, 0xFFFFFFFFFFFF))
                elif (value == 'ALL'):
                    filters.append((0x000000000000, 0x000000000000))
                elif (value == 'MANGO-W3'):
                    filters.append((0x40d855042000, 0xFFFFFFFFF000))
                    msg = "\n    String '{0}' not recognized.".format(value)
                    msg += "\n    Please use 'NONE', 'ALL', 'MANGO-W3' or a (address, mask) tuple"
                    raise AttributeError(msg)

            elif type(value) is tuple:
                import wlan_exp.util as util

                # Process address
                if type(value[0]) in [int, long]:
                    address = value[0]
                elif type(value[0]) is str:
                        address = util.str_to_mac_addr(value[0])
                        raise AttributeError("Address {0} is not valid".format(
                    raise AttributeError(
                        "Address type {0} is not valid".format(type(value[0])))

                # Process mask
                if type(value[1]) in [int, long]:
                    mask = value[1]
                elif type(value[1]) is str:
                        mask = util.str_to_mac_addr(value[1])
                        raise AttributeError("Mask {0} is not valid".format(
                    raise AttributeError("Mask type {0} is not valid".format(

                filters.append((address, mask))

                msg = "\n    Value {0} with type {1} not recognized.".format(
                    value, type(value))
                msg += "\n    Please use 'NONE', 'ALL', 'MANGO-W3' or a (address, mask) tuple"
                raise AttributeError(msg)
