def test_12(self): ''' takes long time test > in while''' prg1 = "havoc x; while x > 4 do {p:=1}" ast1 = ast.parse_string(prg1) sym = wlang.sym.SymExec() st = wlang.sym.SymState() out = [s for s in, st)] if out is None: print('[symexec]: no output states') else: count = 0 for state in out: count = count + 1 print('[symexec]: symbolic state reached') #print (state) print('[symexec]: found', count, 'symbolic states') self.assertEquals(len(out), 1)
def test_13(self): ''' takes long time test <><=>= = in while''' prg1 = "havoc x,y,s,q; while x <16 do {x:=x+2}; s:=3;while s <= 9 do {s:=s+2}; y:=0 while y >= -9 do {y:=y-3}; q:=10;while q = 4 do {s:=1}; while q < 16 do {q:=q+2};assert x>10" ast1 = ast.parse_string(prg1) sym = wlang.sym.SymExec() st = wlang.sym.SymState() out = [s for s in, st)] if out is None: print('[symexec]: no output states') else: count = 0 for state in out: count = count + 1 print('[symexec]: symbolic state reached') #print (state) print('[symexec]: found', count, 'symbolic states') self.assertEquals(len(out), 11)
def test_07(self): prg1 = """ havoc x, y; if x >= y or x <= y then z := x else z := y; if true or x > y then z := x else z := y """ ast1 = ast.parse_string(prg1) sym = wlang.sym.SymExec() st = wlang.sym.SymState() out = [s for s in, st)] self.assertEquals(len(out), 1)
def test_arithmetic_exp(self): prog = """ x := ((5 * 2) + 5) - ((-20 / 2) + 5); print_state """ # test parser ast1 = ast.parse_string(prog) printed = str(ast1) interp = st = st =, st) self.assertIsNotNone(st) # x is defined self.assertIn('x', st.env) # x is 10 self.assertEquals(st.env['x'], 20) # no other variables in the state self.assertEquals(len(st.env), 1)
def test_havoc_stmt(self): prog = """ havoc x, y; print_state """ # test parser ast1 = ast.parse_string(prog) printed = str(ast1) interp = st = st =, st) self.assertIsNotNone(st) # x is defined self.assertIn('x', st.env) self.assertIn('y', st.env) # x is 10 # no other variables in the state self.assertEquals(len(st.env), 2)
def test_assume_stmt(self): prog = """ x := 10; assume x = 10 """ # test parser ast1 = ast.parse_string(prog) printed = str(ast1) interp = st = st =, st) self.assertIsNotNone(st) # x is defined self.assertIn('x', st.env) # x is 10 self.assertEquals(st.env['x'], 10) # no other variables in the state self.assertEquals(len(st.env), 1)
def test_two(self): #Here we covered while statement,subtraction,multilication,addition,skip,block statements, statements list, assignment,print prg1 = "x:=1;y:=((x*100)/x)+1;if(x=1) then skip;while(x=1) do {res:=1;x:=x-1}; print_state" # test parser ast1 = ast.parse_string(prg1) interp = st = st =, st) self.assertIsNotNone(st) # x,y,res is defined self.assertIn('x', st.env) self.assertIn('res', st.env) self.assertIn('y', st.env) # x is 0 , res is 1,y is 101 self.assertEquals(st.env['x'], 0) self.assertEquals(st.env['y'], 101) self.assertEquals(st.env['res'], 1) # no other variables in the state self.assertEquals(len(st.env), 3)
def test_one(self): #Here we covered block statements, statements list, assignment, boolean Expression, if statement, print,bfactor,batom,relational operators prg1 = "{x := 10;y:=5};{if(x>y or x=10) then res:=1 else skip ;print_state}" # test parser ast1 = ast.parse_string(prg1) interp = st = st =, st) self.assertIsNotNone(st) # x,y,res is defined self.assertIn('x', st.env) self.assertIn('y', st.env) self.assertIn('res', st.env) # x is 10 , y is 5 , res is 1 self.assertEquals(st.env['x'], 10) self.assertEquals(st.env['y'], 5) self.assertEquals(st.env['res'], 1) # no other variables in the state self.assertEquals(len(st.env), 3)
def test_five(self): #Here we covered both branches of if statement ,along with various elements prg1 = "{x := 10;y:=5};{if(x>y or x=10) then res:=1 else skip ;if(x<10) then skip else res:=1;print_state}" # test parser ast1 = ast.parse_string(prg1) interp = st = st =, st) self.assertIsNotNone(st) # x,y,res is defined self.assertIn('x', st.env) self.assertIn('y', st.env) self.assertIn('res', st.env) # x is 10 , y is 5 , res is 1 self.assertEquals(st.env['x'], 10) self.assertEquals(st.env['y'], 5) self.assertEquals(st.env['res'], 1) # no other variables in the state self.assertEquals(len(st.env), 3)
def test_stats_visitor(self): prg1 = """{a := 1; b := -1; c := a + b; d := b - a; e := a * b; f := a / b}; if a > 1 and a >= b then b := 3; if a <= 1 or b < 3 then a := 1; if false and not a = 1 then a := 1 else print_state; skip; print_state; while (a < 3) and true do {a := a + 1}; assume b = -1; havoc c,d; assert a = 3""" ast1 = ast.parse_string(prg1) sv = stats_visitor.StatsVisitor() sv.visit(ast1) self.assertEquals(sv.get_num_stmts(), 20) self.assertEquals(sv.get_num_vars(), 6)
def visit_WhileStmt_inv(self, node, *args, **kwargs): """" Symbolic execution of while loops with invariants """ uv = undef_visitor.UndefVisitor() uv.check(node.body) vars = uv.get_undefs() c = node.inv.args[0] vars = list(vars) st = kwargs['state'] for i in node.body.stmts: c = i prg = "assert " + str(node.inv) + ";havoc " + str(vars[0]) + "," + str( vars[1]) + "; assume " + str(node.inv.args[0]) + "; if " + str( node.cond) + "then {" + str(node.body.stmts[0]) + ";" + str( node.body.stmts[1]) + ";assert " + str( node.inv) + "; assume false}" #prg = "assert "+str(node.inv.args[0]); ast1 = ast.parse_string(prg) for i in self._run_Stmts(ast1.stmts, st): yield i
def test_10(self): prg1 = """ havoc x, y; assume y >= 0; c := 0; r := x; while c < y inv c < y and r = x + c do { r := r + 1; c := c + 1 }; assert r = x + y """ ast1 = ast.parse_string(prg1) sym = wlang.sym.SymExec() st = wlang.sym.SymState() out = [s for s in, st)] self.assertEquals(len(out), 0)
def test_undef_visitor(self): prg1 = """ a := 1; b := -1; if a > 1 and a >= b then b := 3; if a <= 1 or b < 3 then a := c; if false and not a = 1 then a := 1 else e := 2; skip; print_state; while (a < 3) and true do {a := a + 1}; assume b = -1; havoc c,d; assert a = 3; d := a + e """ ast1 = ast.parse_string(prg1) uv = undef_visitor.UndefVisitor() uv.check(ast1) self.assertEquals(set([ast.IntVar('c'), ast.IntVar('e')]), uv.get_undefs())
def test_04(self): prg1 = """ x:=0; y:=0; z:=0; havoc a, b, c; if not a = 0 then { x := -2 }; if b < 5 then { if a = 0 and not(c = 0) then y := 1; z := 2 } """ ast1 = ast.parse_string(prg1) sym = wlang.sym.SymExec() st = wlang.sym.SymState() out = [s for s in, st)] self.assertEquals(len(out), 5)
def test_three(self): ''' takes long time test */''' prg1 = "havoc x; r:=0;if x>8 then r:=x-7 else r:=x-5; if x>5 then r:=x*2 else r:=x/3" ast1 = ast.parse_string(prg1) sym = wlang.sym.SymExec() st = wlang.sym.SymState() out = [s for s in, st)] list_result = [] if out is None: print('[symexec]: no output states') else: count = 0 for state in out: count = count + 1 print('[symexec]: symbolic state reached') #print (state) result = state.pick_concerete() list_result.append(result) print('[symexec]: found', count, 'symbolic states') #for result in list_result: # print(result) self.assertEquals(len(out), 3)
def test_two(self): ''' takes short time assume and assert''' prg1 = "havoc x;assume x > 10;assert x > 15" ast1 = ast.parse_string(prg1) sym = wlang.sym.SymExec() st = wlang.sym.SymState() out = [s for s in, st)] list_result = [] if out is None: print('[symexec]: no output states') else: count = 0 for state in out: count = count + 1 print('[symexec]: symbolic state reached') #print (state) result = state.pick_concerete() list_result.append(result) print('[symexec]: found', count, 'symbolic states') #for result in list_result: # print(result) self.assertEquals(len(out), 1)
def test_14(self): ''' takes long time test if and <><= >= =''' prg1 = "havoc x; if 8<x then r:=x-7 else r:=x-5;if 10>x then r:=x-7;if 5>=x then r:=x-7;if x<=10 then r:=x-7 else r:=x-5;if 12<=x then r:=x-7;if x>=8 then r:=x-7 else r:=x-5;if x<12 then r:=x-7;if x<8 then r:=x-7 else r:=x-5;if 10=x then r:=x-7;if x=8 then r:=x-7 else r:=x-5" ast1 = ast.parse_string(prg1) sym = wlang.sym.SymExec() st = wlang.sym.SymState() out = [s for s in, st)] list_result = [] if out is None: print('[symexec]: no output states') else: count = 0 for state in out: count = count + 1 print('[symexec]: symbolic state reached') #print (state) result = state.pick_concerete() list_result.append(result) print('[symexec]: found', count, 'symbolic states') #for result in list_result: #print(result) self.assertEquals(len(out), 7)
def test_four(self): ''' takes short time test ???''' prg1 = "x:=10; while x > 4 do {x:=x-3};if x>8 then r:=x+7 else r:=x+5;if x<8 then s:=1;if x>=8 then s:=1;if x=8 then s:=1;if x<=8 then s:=1" ast1 = ast.parse_string(prg1) sym = wlang.sym.SymExec() st = wlang.sym.SymState() out = [s for s in, st)] list_result = [] if out is None: print('[symexec]: no output states') else: count = 0 for state in out: count = count + 1 print('[symexec]: symbolic state reached') #print (state) result = state.pick_concerete() list_result.append(result) print('[symexec]: found', count, 'symbolic states') #for result in list_result: # print(result) self.assertEquals(len(out), 1)
def test_nine(self): ''' takes ??? time test assume ''' prg1 = "havoc x,y,z,e; assume x>10;assume y<5;assume x<=20;assume y>=2;assume z=1;skip;print_state" ast1 = ast.parse_string(prg1) sym = wlang.sym.SymExec() st = wlang.sym.SymState() out = [s for s in, st)] list_result = [] if out is None: print('[symexec]: no output states') else: count = 0 for state in out: count = count + 1 print('[symexec]: symbolic state reached') #print (state) result = state.pick_concerete() list_result.append(result) print('[symexec]: found', count, 'symbolic states') #for result in list_result: #print(result) self.assertEquals(len(out), 1)
def test_eleven(self): ''' takes short ime test not ''' prg1 = "x := 10; { p := 25; x := 1; n := 5 }; if not x>n then p :=10 " ast1 = ast.parse_string(prg1) sym = wlang.sym.SymExec() st = wlang.sym.SymState() out = [s for s in, st)] list_result = [] if out is None: print('[symexec]: no output states') else: count = 0 for state in out: count = count + 1 print('[symexec]: symbolic state reached') #print (state) result = state.pick_concerete() list_result.append(result) print('[symexec]: found', count, 'symbolic states') #for result in list_result: #print(result) self.assertEquals(len(out), 1)
def test_eight(self): ''' takes short time test assert ><=<>''' prg1 = "havoc x,y,z,e; if x > 4 then assert x<2 else assert x<5;if y > 4 then assert y>2 else assert y>=5;if z > 1 then assert z<=2 else assert z=5" ast1 = ast.parse_string(prg1) sym = wlang.sym.SymExec() st = wlang.sym.SymState() out = [s for s in, st)] list_result = [] if out is None: print('[symexec]: no output states') else: count = 0 for state in out: count = count + 1 print('[symexec]: symbolic state reached') #print (state) result = state.pick_concerete() list_result.append(result) print('[symexec]: found', count, 'symbolic states') #for result in list_result: #print(result) self.assertEquals(len(out), 1)
def test_08(self): prg1 = """ havoc x, y; assume y >= 0; c := 0; r := x; while c < y inv c <= y and r = x + c do { r := r + 1; c := c + 1 }; assert r = x + y """ ast1 = ast.parse_string(prg1) sym = wlang.sym.SymExec() st = wlang.sym.SymState() out = [s for s in, st)] self.assertEquals( reduce((lambda x, y: x or y), map((lambda x: x.is_error()), out)), False) self.assertEquals(len(out), 1)
def test_five(self): ''' takes long time test <=>= in if''' prg1 = "x:=10; if x>8 then r:=x-7 else r:=x-5;if x>10 then r:=x-7;if x<=5 then r:=x-7;if x<=10 then r:=x-7 else r:=x-5;if x>=12 then r:=x-7;if x>=8 then r:=x-7 else r:=x-5;if x<12 then r:=x-7;if x<8 then r:=x-7 else r:=x-5;if x=10 then r:=x-7;if x=8 then r:=x-7 else r:=x-5" ast1 = ast.parse_string(prg1) sym = wlang.sym.SymExec() st = wlang.sym.SymState() out = [s for s in, st)] list_result = [] if out is None: print('[symexec]: no output states') else: count = 0 for state in out: count = count + 1 print('[symexec]: symbolic state reached') #print (state) print(state.__repr__()) result = state.pick_concerete() list_result.append(result) print('[symexec]: found', count, 'symbolic states') #for result in list_result: #print(result) self.assertEquals(len(out), 1)
def test_if_stmt(self): prog = """ if true or true then x := 10; if false and true then x := 10; if not true and true then x := 10 else x := 0 """ # test parser ast1 = ast.parse_string(prog) printed = str(ast1) interp = st = st =, st) self.assertIsNotNone(st) # x is defined self.assertIn('x', st.env) # x is 10 self.assertEquals(st.env['x'], 0) # no other variables in the state self.assertEquals(len(st.env), 1)
def test_while2(self): prg2 = "{ p := 0; x := 1; n :=3 }; while x <= n do { x := x+1; p := p + n }" ast2 = ast.parse_string(prg2) print ast2 interp2 = print repr(ast2) print str(ast2) self.assertTrue(ast2 == ast2) self.assertTrue(ast2.stmts[1] == ast2.stmts[1]) #create a state st = #run ast2 under the state st =, st) self.assertIsNotNone(st) # x, p, n are defined (state environment) self.assertIn('x', st.env) self.assertIn('p', st.env) self.assertIn('n', st.env) # x is 4 self.assertEquals(st.env['x'], 4) self.assertEquals(st.env['p'], 9) self.assertEquals(st.env['n'], 3) # no other variables in the state self.assertEquals(len(st.env), 3)
def test_Havoc_My(self): prg2 = "havoc x" ast2 = ast.parse_string(prg2) sv = MyVisitorAst2() sv.visit(ast2)
def test_pick_concrete(self): prg1 = "x := 1; while x < 5 do {x := x + 1}" ast1 = ast.parse_string(prg1) sym = wlang.sym.SymExec() st = wlang.sym.SymState(z3.Solver()) self.assertIsNotNone(st.pick_concrete())
def test_While_My_Parser(self): prg2 = "while true do x := 99" ast2 = ast.parse_string(prg2) testLang = parser.WhileLangSemantics() self.assertEquals(parser.WhileLangSemantics.start(testLang, ast2), ast2) self.assertEquals(parser.WhileLangSemantics.stmt_list(testLang, ast2), ast2) self.assertEquals(parser.WhileLangSemantics.stmt(testLang, ast2), ast2) self.assertEquals(parser.WhileLangSemantics.asgn_stmt(testLang, ast2), ast2) self.assertEquals(parser.WhileLangSemantics.block_stmt(testLang, ast2), ast2) self.assertEquals(parser.WhileLangSemantics.skip_stmt(testLang, ast2), ast2) self.assertEquals( parser.WhileLangSemantics.print_state_stmt(testLang, ast2), ast2) self.assertEquals(parser.WhileLangSemantics.if_stmt(testLang, ast2), ast2) self.assertEquals(parser.WhileLangSemantics.while_stmt(testLang, ast2), ast2) self.assertEquals( parser.WhileLangSemantics.assert_stmt(testLang, ast2), ast2) self.assertEquals( parser.WhileLangSemantics.assume_stmt(testLang, ast2), ast2) self.assertEquals(parser.WhileLangSemantics.havoc_stmt(testLang, ast2), ast2) self.assertEquals(parser.WhileLangSemantics.bexp(testLang, ast2), ast2) self.assertEquals(parser.WhileLangSemantics.bterm(testLang, ast2), ast2) self.assertEquals(parser.WhileLangSemantics.bfactor(testLang, ast2), ast2) self.assertEquals(parser.WhileLangSemantics.batom(testLang, ast2), ast2) self.assertEquals(parser.WhileLangSemantics.var_list(testLang, ast2), ast2) self.assertEquals(parser.WhileLangSemantics.rexp(testLang, ast2), ast2) self.assertEquals(parser.WhileLangSemantics.rop(testLang, ast2), ast2) self.assertEquals(parser.WhileLangSemantics.aexp(testLang, ast2), ast2) self.assertEquals(parser.WhileLangSemantics.addition(testLang, ast2), ast2) self.assertEquals( parser.WhileLangSemantics.subtraction(testLang, ast2), ast2) self.assertEquals(parser.WhileLangSemantics.term(testLang, ast2), ast2) self.assertEquals(parser.WhileLangSemantics.mult(testLang, ast2), ast2) self.assertEquals(parser.WhileLangSemantics.division(testLang, ast2), ast2) self.assertEquals(parser.WhileLangSemantics.neg_number(testLang, ast2), ast2) self.assertEquals(parser.WhileLangSemantics.atom(testLang, ast2), ast2) self.assertEquals(, ast2), ast2) self.assertEquals(parser.WhileLangSemantics.number(testLang, ast2), ast2) self.assertEquals(parser.WhileLangSemantics.INT(testLang, ast2), ast2) self.assertEquals(parser.WhileLangSemantics.NAME(testLang, ast2), ast2) self.assertEquals(parser.WhileLangSemantics.NEWLINE(testLang, ast2), ast2) self.assertEquals(parser.WhileLangSemantics.factor(testLang, ast2), ast2) self.assertEquals(parser.WhileLangSemantics.bool_const(testLang, ast2), ast2) sv = MyVisitorAst2() sv.visit(ast2)
def test_Print_My(self): prg2 = "print_state" ast2 = ast.parse_string(prg2) sv = MyVisitorAst2() sv.visit(ast2)
def test_Assert_My(self): prg2 = "assert y>5" ast2 = ast.parse_string(prg2) sv = MyVisitorAst2() sv.visit(ast2)