コード例 #1
def main():

    if not util.can_edit_ref:
        elog('%s reference field not editable on this install' % (rtid,))

    pmig = phdb(db=config.rtmigrate_db)
    bugs = return_bug_list(dbcon=pmig)

    #Serious business
    if 'failed' in sys.argv or '-r' in sys.argv:
        for b in bugs:
            util.notice("Removing rtid %s" % (b,))
            log(util.remove_issue_by_bugid(b, rtlib.prepend))

    from multiprocessing import Pool
    pool = Pool(processes=int(config.bz_createmulti))
    _ =  pool.map(run_create, bugs)
    missing = len([i for i in _ if i == 'missing'])
    complete = len(filter(bool, [i for i in _ if i not in ['missing']]))
    failed = (len(_) - missing) - complete
    print '%s completed %s, missing %s, failed %s' % (sys.argv[0], complete, missing, failed)
コード例 #2
def create(rtid):

    phab = Phabricator(config.phab_user,

    phabm = phabmacros('', '', '')
    phabm.con = phab

    pmig = phdb(db=config.rtmigrate_db)

    response = resource.RTResource(config.rt_url,

    current = pmig.sql_x("SELECT priority, header, \
                          comments, created, modified \
                          FROM rt_meta WHERE id = %s",
    if current:
        import_priority, rtinfo, com, created, modified = current[0]
        log('%s not present for migration' % (rtid,))
        return 'missing'

    if not rtinfo:
        log("ignoring invalid data for issue %s" % (rtid,))
        return False
    def get_ref(id):
        refexists = phabdb.reference_ticket('%s%s' % (rtlib.prepend, id))
        if refexists:
            return refexists

    if get_ref(rtid):
        log('reference ticket %s already exists' % (rtid,))
        return True

    def remove_sig(content):
        return re.split('--\s?\n', content)[0]

    def uob(obj, encoding='utf-8'):
        """ unicode or bust"""
        if isinstance(obj, basestring):
            if not isinstance(obj, unicode):
                obj = unicode(obj, encoding)
        return obj

    def sanitize_text(line):
        if line.strip() and not line.lstrip().startswith('>'):
            # in remarkup having '--' on a new line seems to bold last
            # line so signatures really cause issues
            if all(map(lambda c: c in '-', line.strip())):
                return '%%%{0}%%%'.format(line.strip())
            elif line.strip() == '-------- Original Message --------':
                return '%%%{0}%%%'.format(line.strip())
            elif line.strip() == '---------- Forwarded message ----------':
                return '%%%{0}%%%'.format(unicode(line.strip()))
            elif line.strip().startswith('#'):
                return uob('%%%') + uob(line.strip()) + uob('%%%')
                return uob('%%%') + uob(line).strip() + uob('%%%')
        elif line.strip().startswith('>'):
            quoted_content = line.lstrip('>').strip()
            if not quoted_content.lstrip('>').strip():
                return line.strip()
            if all(map(lambda c: c in '-', quoted_content.lstrip('>').strip())):
                return "> ~~"
                return uob(line.strip())
            vlog("ignoring content line %s" % (line,))
            return None

    botphid = phabdb.get_phid_by_username(config.phab_user)
    viewpolicy = phabdb.get_project_phid('WMF-NDA')
    if not viewpolicy:
        elog("View policy group not present: %s" % (viewpolicy,))
        return False

    # Example:
    # id: ticket/8175/attachments\n
    # Attachments: 141490: (Unnamed) (multipart/mixed / 0b),
    #              141491: (Unnamed) (text/html / 23b),
    #              141492: 0jp9B09.jpg (image/jpeg / 117.4k),
    attachments = response.get(path="ticket/%s/attachments/" % (rtid,))
    if not attachments:
        raise Exception("no attachment response: %s" % (rtid))

    history = response.get(path="ticket/%s/history?format=l" % (rtid,))

    rtinfo = json.loads(rtinfo)
    comments = json.loads(com)

    comment_dict = {}
    for i, c in enumerate(comments):
        cwork = {}
        comment_dict[i] = cwork
        if not 'Attachments:' in c:
        attachsplit = c.split('Attachments:')
        if len(attachsplit) > 1:
            body, attached = attachsplit[0], attachsplit[1]
            body, attached = c, '0'
        comment_dict[i]['text_body'] = unicode(body)
        comment_dict[i]['attached'] = attached

    # Example:
    # Ticket: 8175\nTimeTaken: 0\n
    # Type: 
    # Create\nField:
    # Data: \nDescription: Ticket created by cpettet\n\n
    # Content: test ticket description\n\n\n
    # Creator: cpettet\nCreated: 2014-08-21 21:21:38\n\n'}
    params = {'id': 'id:(.*)',
              'ticket': 'Ticket:(.*)',
              'timetaken': 'TimeTaken:(.*)',
              'content': 'Content:(.*)',
              'creator': 'Creator:(.*)',
              'description': 'Description:(.*)',
              'created': 'Created:(.*)',
              'ovalue': 'OldValue:(.*)',
              'nvalue': 'NewValue:(.*)'}

    for k, v in comment_dict.iteritems():
        text_body = v['text_body']
        comment_dict[k]['body'] = {}
        for paramkey, regex in params.iteritems():
            value = re.search(regex, text_body)
            if value:
                comment_dict[k]['body'][paramkey] = value.group(1).strip()
                comment_dict[k]['body'][paramkey] = None

        if 'Content' in text_body:
            content = text_body.split('Content:')[1]
            content = content.split('Creator:')
            comment_dict[k]['body']['content'] = content

        creator = comment_dict[k]['body']['creator']
        if creator and '@' in creator:
            comment_dict[k]['body']['creator'] = rtlib.sanitize_email(creator)

        #15475: untitled (18.7k)
        comment_attachments= re.findall('(\d+):\s', v['attached'])
        comment_dict[k]['body']['attached'] = comment_attachments

    # due to the nature of the RT api sometimes whitespacing becomes
    # a noise comment
    if not any(comment_dict[comment_dict.keys()[0]]['body'].values()):
        vlog('dropping %s comment' % (str(comment_dict[comment_dict.keys()[0]],)))
        del comment_dict[0]

    #attachments into a dict
    def attach_to_kv(attachments_output):
        attached = re.split('Attachments:', attachments_output, 1)[1]
        ainfo = {}
        for at in attached.strip().splitlines():
            if not at:
            k, v = re.split(':', at, 1)
            ainfo[k.strip()] = v.strip()
        return ainfo

    ainfo = attach_to_kv(attachments)
    #lots of junk attachments from emailing comments and ticket creation
    ainfo_f = {}
    for k, v in ainfo.iteritems():
        if '(Unnamed)' not in v:
            ainfo_f[k] = v

    #taking attachment text and convert to tuple (name, content type, size)
    ainfo_ext = {}
    comments = re.split("\d+\/\d+\s+\(id\/.\d+\/total\)", history)
    for k, v in ainfo_f.iteritems():
        # Handle general attachment case:
        # NO: 686318802.html (application/octet-stream / 19.5k),
        # YES: Summary_686318802.pdf (application/unknown / 215.3k),
        extract = re.search('(.*)\.(\S{3,4})\s\((.*)\s\/\s(.*)\)', v)
        # due to goofy email handling of signature/x-header/meta info
        # it seems they sometimes
        # become malformed attachments.  Such as when a response into
        # rt was directed to a mailinglist
        # Example:
        #     ->Attached Message Part (text/plain / 158b)
        #    Private-l mailing list
        #    [email protected]
        #    https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/private-l
        if extract:
            fdetails = extract.groups()
        if not extract and v.startswith('Attached Message Part'):
        if not extract:
            extract = re.match('(\S+)\s\((.*)\/(.*)\),.*', v)
            if not extract:
                elog("attachment CORRUPT or FAILED extraction: %s %s (%s)" % (k, v, rtid))

            fdetails = extract.group(1), '', extract.group(2), extract.group(3)

        if not fdetails:
            elog("attachment CORRUPT or FAILED extraction: %s %s (%s)" % (k, v, rtid))
        ainfo_ext[k] = fdetails

    # deb
    # cgi
    attachment_types = ['pdf',

    #Uploading attachment
    dl = []
    #('Quote Summary_686318802', 'pdf', 'application/unknown', '215.3k')
    uploaded = {}
    for k, v in ainfo_ext.iteritems():
        file_extension = v[1].lower()

        # vendors have this weird habit of capitalizing extension names
        # make sure we can handle the extension type otherwise
        #if file_extension not in attachment_types:
        #    elog("Unknown Exception (%s) %s %s" % (rtid, v, file_extension))
        #    #raise Exception('unknown extension: %s (%s)' % (v, rtid))

        full = "ticket/%s/attachments/%s/content" % (rtid, k)
        vcontent = response.get(path=full, headers={'Content-Type': v[2], 'Content-Length': v[3] })
        #PDF's don't react well to stripping header -- fine without it
        if file_extension.strip() == 'pdf':
            sanscontent = ''.join(vcontent.readlines())
            vcontent = vcontent.readlines()
            sanscontent = ''.join(vcontent[2:])

        if file_extension:
            fname = "%s.%s" % (v[0], file_extension)
            fname = v[0]

        upload = phabm.upload_file(fname,
        uploaded[k] = upload

    if rtinfo['Queue'] not in rtlib.enabled:
        log("%s not in an enabled queue" % (rtid,))
        return True

    ptags = []

    # In a practical sense ops-requets seemed to get tagged
    # with straight Operations group in Phab so we backfill
    # this for consistency.
    if rtinfo['Queue'] == 'ops-requests':

    pname = rtlib.project_translate(rtinfo['Queue'])

    phids = []
    for p in ptags:

    rtinfo['xpriority'] = rtlib.priority_convert(rtinfo['Priority'])
    rtinfo['xstatus'] = rtlib.status_convert(rtinfo['Status'])

    import collections
    # {'ovalue': u'open',
    # 'description': u"Status changed from 'open' to 'resolved' by robh",
    # 'nvalue': None, 'creator': u'robh', 'attached': [],
    # 'timetaken': u'0', 'created': u'2011-07-01 02:47:24', 
    # 'content': [u' This transaction appears to have no content\n', u'
    #              robh\nCreated: 2011-07-01 02:47:24\n'],
    # 'ticket': u'1000', 'id': u'23192'}
    ordered_comments = collections.OrderedDict(sorted(comment_dict.items()))
    upfiles = uploaded.keys()

    # much like bugzilla comment 0 is the task description
    header = comment_dict[comment_dict.keys()[0]]
    del comment_dict[comment_dict.keys()[0]]

    dtext_san = []
    dtext_list = header['body']['content'][0].splitlines()
    for t in dtext_list:
    dtext = '\n'.join(filter(None, dtext_san))
    #dtext = '\n'.join(filter(None, sanitize_text(rtlib.shadow_emails(dtext_list))))
    full_description = "**Author:** `%s`\n\n**Description:**\n%s\n" % (rtinfo['Creator'].strip(),

    hafound = header['body']['attached']
    header_attachments = []
    for at in hafound:
        if at in upfiles:
            header_attachments.append('{F%s}' % uploaded[at]['id'])
    if 'CF.{Bugzilla ticket}' in rtinfo and rtinfo['CF.{Bugzilla ticket}'] or header_attachments: 
        full_description += '\n__________________________\n\n'
        if 'CF.{Bugzilla ticket}' in rtinfo and rtinfo['CF.{Bugzilla ticket}']:
            obzurl = 'https://old-bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id='
            obz = "[[ %s%s | %s ]]" % (obzurl,
                                       rtinfo['CF.{Bugzilla ticket}'],
                                       rtinfo['CF.{Bugzilla ticket}'],)
            bzref = int(rtinfo['CF.{Bugzilla ticket}'].strip())
            newbzref = bzref + 2000
            full_description += "**Bugzilla Ticket**: %s => %s\n" % (obz, '{T%s}' % (newbzref,))
        if header_attachments:
            full_description += '\n'.join(header_attachments)

    vlog("Ticket Info: %s" % (full_description,))
    ticket =  phab.maniphest.createtask(title=rtinfo['Subject'],
                                        auxiliary={"std:maniphest:external_reference":"rt%s" % (rtid,)})

    # XXX: perms

    phabdb.set_task_ctime(ticket['phid'], rtlib.str_to_epoch(rtinfo['Created']))
    phabdb.set_task_policy(ticket['phid'], viewpolicy)

    fmt_comments = {}
    for comment, contents in comment_dict.iteritems():
        fmt_comment = {}
        dbody = contents['body']
        if dbody['content'] is None and dbody['creator'] is None:
        elif dbody['content'] is None:
            content = 'no content found'
            mailsan = rtlib.shadow_emails(dbody['content'][0])
            content_literal = []
            for c in mailsan.splitlines():
            content = '\n'.join(filter(None, content_literal))

            # In case of attachment but not much else
            if not content and dbody['attached']:
                content = True

        void_content = 'This transaction appears to have no content'
        if not content == True and void_content in content:
            content = None

        auto_actions = ['Outgoing email about a comment recorded by RT_System',
                        'Outgoing email recorded by RT_System']

        if dbody['description'] in auto_actions:
            vlog("ignoring comment: %s/%s" % (dbody['description'], content))

        preamble = ''
        cbody = ''
        if content:
            if dbody['creator'] is None:
                dbody['creator'] = '//creator field not set in source//'
            preamble += "`%s  wrote:`\n\n" % (dbody['creator'].strip(),)

            if content == True:
                content = ''
            cbody += "%s" % (content.strip() or '//no content//',)

        if dbody['nvalue'] or dbody['ovalue']:
            value_update = ''
            value_update_text = rtlib.shadow_emails(dbody['description'])
            value_update_text = value_update_text.replace('fsck.com-rt', 'https')

            relations = ['Reference by ticket',
                         'Dependency by',
                         'Reference to ticket',
                         'Dependency on',
                         'Merged into ticket',
                         'Membership in']

            states = ['open', 'resolved', 'new', 'stalled']
            if any(map(lambda x: x in dbody['description'], relations)):
                value_update = value_update_text
            elif re.search('tags\s\S+\sadded', dbody['description']):
                value_update = "%s added tag %s" % (dbody['creator'], dbody['nvalue'])
            elif re.search('Taken\sby\s\S+', dbody['description']):
                value_update = "Issue taken by **%s**" % (dbody['creator'],)
                value_update = "//%s//" % (value_update_text,)
            cbody += value_update

        afound = contents['body']['attached']
        cbody_attachments = []
        for a in afound:
            if a in upfiles:
                cbody_attachments.append('{F%s}' % uploaded[a]['id'])
        if cbody_attachments:
            cbody += '\n__________________________\n\n'
            cbody += '\n'.join(cbody_attachments)
            fmt_comment['xattached'] = cbody_attachments

        phabm.task_comment(ticket['id'], preamble + cbody)
        ctransaction = phabdb.last_comment(ticket['phid'])

            created = rtlib.str_to_epoch_comments(dbody['created'])
        except (ValueError, TypeError):
            # A handful of issues seems to show NULL creation times
            # for now reason: see 1953 for example of NULL
            # 3001 for example of None
            elog("Could not determine comment time for %s" % (rtid,))
            dbody['created'] = rtlib.str_to_epoch(rtinfo['Created'])


        fmt_comment['xctransaction'] = ctransaction
        fmt_comment['preamble'] = preamble
        fmt_comment['content'] = cbody
        fmt_comment['created'] = created
        fmt_comment['author'] = dbody['creator']
        fmt_comment['creator'] = rtlib.user_lookup(dbody['creator'])

        # XXX TRX both ways?
        cid =  len(fmt_comments.keys()) + 1
        fmt_comment['count'] = cid
        fmt_comments[cid] = fmt_comment

    if rtinfo['Status'].lower() != 'open':
        log('setting %s to status %s' % (rtid, rtinfo['xstatus'].lower()))
        phabdb.set_issue_status(ticket['phid'], rtinfo['xstatus'].lower())

    log("Created task: T%s (%s)" % (ticket['id'], ticket['phid']))
    phabdb.set_task_mtime(ticket['phid'], rtlib.str_to_epoch(rtinfo['LastUpdated']))
    xcomments = json.dumps(fmt_comments)
    pmig.sql_x("UPDATE rt_meta SET xcomments=%s WHERE id = %s", (xcomments, rtid))
    pmig.sql_x("UPDATE rt_meta SET priority=%s, modified=%s WHERE id = %s",
               (ipriority['creation_success'], now(), rtid))
    return True