def update_time_cache(self): with self.dataset() as nc: if nc is None: logger.error("Failed update_time_cache, could not load dataset " "as a netCDF4 object") return time_cache = {} layer_cache = {} time_vars = nc.get_variables_by_attributes(standard_name='time') for time_var in time_vars: time_cache[] = nc4.num2date( time_var[:], time_var.units, getattr(time_var, 'calendar', 'standard') ) for ly in self.all_layers(): try: layer_cache[ly.access_name] = find_appropriate_time(nc.variables[ly.access_name], time_vars) except ValueError: layer_cache[ly.access_name] = None full_cache = {'times': time_cache, 'layers': layer_cache}"Built time cache for {0}".format( caches['time'].set(self.time_cache_file, full_cache, None) return full_cache
def update_grid_cache(self, force=False): with self.dataset() as nc: if nc is None: logger.error( "Failed update_grid_cache, could not load dataset " "as a netCDF4 object") return sg = load_grid(nc) # Atomic write tmphandle, tmpsave = tempfile.mkstemp() try: sg.save_as_netcdf(tmpsave) finally: os.close(tmphandle) if os.path.isfile(tmpsave): shutil.move(tmpsave, self.topology_file) else: logger.error( "Failed to create topology_file cache for Dataset '{}'" .format( return # Now do the RTree index self.make_rtree()
def times(self, layer): time_cache = caches['time'].get(self.time_cache_file, {'times': {}, 'layers': {}}) if layer.access_name not in time_cache['layers']: logger.error("No layer ({}) in time cache, returning nothing".format(layer.access_name)) return [] ltv = time_cache['layers'][layer.access_name] if ltv in time_cache['times']: return time_cache['times'][ltv] else: logger.error("No time ({}) in time cache, returning nothing".format(ltv)) return []
def update_cache(self, force=False): with self.dataset() as nc: ug = UGrid.from_nc_dataset(nc=nc) ug.save_as_netcdf(self.topology_file) if not os.path.exists(self.topology_file): logger.error( "Failed to create topology_file cache for Dataset '{}'". format(self.dataset)) return time_vars = nc.get_variables_by_attributes(standard_name='time') time_dims = list( itertools.chain.from_iterable( [time_var.dimensions for time_var in time_vars])) unique_time_dims = list(set(time_dims)) with EnhancedDataset(self.topology_file, mode='a') as cached_nc: # create pertinent time dimensions if they aren't already present for unique_time_dim in unique_time_dims: dim_size = len(nc.dimensions[unique_time_dim]) try: cached_nc.createDimension(unique_time_dim, size=dim_size) except RuntimeError: continue # support cases where there may be more than one variable with standard_name='time' in a dataset for time_var in time_vars: try: time_var_obj = cached_nc.createVariable( time_var._name, time_var.dtype, time_var.dimensions) except RuntimeError: time_var_obj = cached_nc.variables[] time_var_obj[:] = time_var[:] time_var_obj.units = time_var.units time_var_obj.standard_name = 'time' # Now do the RTree index self.make_rtree() self.cache_last_updated = datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc)
def update_cache(self, force=False): with self.dataset() as nc: sg = from_nc_dataset(nc) sg.save_as_netcdf(self.topology_file) if not os.path.exists(self.topology_file): logger.error("Failed to create topology_file cache for Dataset '{}'".format(self.dataset)) return # add time to the cached topology time_vars = nc.get_variables_by_attributes(standard_name='time') time_dims = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable([time_var.dimensions for time_var in time_vars])) unique_time_dims = list(set(time_dims)) with EnhancedDataset(self.topology_file, mode='a') as cached_nc: # create pertinent time dimensions if they aren't already present for unique_time_dim in unique_time_dims: dim_size = len(nc.dimensions[unique_time_dim]) try: cached_nc.createDimension(unique_time_dim, size=dim_size) except RuntimeError: continue # support cases where there may be more than one variable with standard_name='time' in a dataset for time_var in time_vars: try: time_var_obj = cached_nc.createVariable(, time_var.dtype, time_var.dimensions) except RuntimeError: time_var_obj = cached_nc.variables[] finally: time_var_obj[:] = time_var[:] time_var_obj.units = time_var.units time_var_obj.standard_name = 'time' # Now do the RTree index self.make_rtree() self.cache_last_updated = datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc)
def times(self, layer): time_cache = caches['time'].get(self.time_cache_file, { 'times': {}, 'layers': {} }) if layer.access_name not in time_cache['layers']: logger.error( "No layer ({}) in time cache, returning nothing".format( layer.access_name)) return [] ltv = time_cache['layers'].get(layer.access_name) if ltv is None: # Legit this might not be a layer with time so just return empty list (no error message) return [] if ltv in time_cache['times']: return time_cache['times'][ltv] else: logger.error( "No time ({}) in time cache, returning nothing".format(ltv)) return []
def update_cache(self, force=False): with self.dataset() as nc: ug = UGrid.from_nc_dataset(nc) ug.save_as_netcdf(self.topology_file) if not os.path.exists(self.topology_file): logger.error( "Failed to create topology_file cache for Dataset '{}'". format(self.dataset)) return uamp = nc.get_variables_by_attributes( standard_name='eastward_sea_water_velocity_amplitude')[0] vamp = nc.get_variables_by_attributes( standard_name='northward_sea_water_velocity_amplitude')[0] uphase = nc.get_variables_by_attributes( standard_name='eastward_sea_water_velocity_phase')[0] vphase = nc.get_variables_by_attributes( standard_name='northward_sea_water_velocity_phase')[0] tnames = nc.get_variables_by_attributes( standard_name='tide_constituent')[0] tfreqs = nc.get_variables_by_attributes( standard_name='tide_frequency')[0] with netCDF4.Dataset(self.topology_file, mode='a') as cnc: ntides = uamp.shape[uamp.dimensions.index('ntides')] nlocs = uamp.shape[uamp.dimensions.index(uamp.location)] cnc.createDimension('ntides', ntides) cnc.createDimension('maxStrlen64', 64) vdims = ('ntides', '{}_num_{}'.format(uamp.mesh, uamp.location)) # Swap ntides to always be the first dimension.. it can be the second in the source files! transpose = False if uamp.shape[0] > uamp.shape[1]: "Found flipped dimensions in source file... fixing in local cache." ) transpose = True # We are changing the variable names to 'u' and 'v' from 'u_amp' and 'v_amp' so # the layer.access_method can find the variable from the virtual layer 'u,v' ua = cnc.createVariable('u', uamp.dtype, vdims, zlib=True, fill_value=uamp._FillValue, chunksizes=[1, nlocs / 4]) for x in uamp.ncattrs(): if x != '_FillValue': ua.setncattr(x, uamp.getncattr(x)) va = cnc.createVariable('v', vamp.dtype, vdims, zlib=True, fill_value=vamp._FillValue, chunksizes=[1, nlocs / 4]) for x in vamp.ncattrs(): if x != '_FillValue': va.setncattr(x, vamp.getncattr(x)) up = cnc.createVariable('u_phase', uphase.dtype, vdims, zlib=True, fill_value=uphase._FillValue, chunksizes=[1, nlocs / 4]) for x in uphase.ncattrs(): if x != '_FillValue': up.setncattr(x, uphase.getncattr(x)) vp = cnc.createVariable('v_phase', vphase.dtype, vdims, zlib=True, fill_value=vphase._FillValue, chunksizes=[1, nlocs / 4]) for x in vphase.ncattrs(): if x != '_FillValue': vp.setncattr(x, vphase.getncattr(x)) tc = cnc.createVariable('tidenames', tnames.dtype, tnames.dimensions) tc[:] = tnames[:] for x in tnames.ncattrs(): if x != '_FillValue': tc.setncattr(x, tnames.getncattr(x)) tf = cnc.createVariable('tidefreqs', tfreqs.dtype, ('ntides', )) tf[:] = tfreqs[:] for x in tfreqs.ncattrs(): if x != '_FillValue': tf.setncattr(x, tfreqs.getncattr(x)) for r in range(ntides):"Saving ntide {} into cache".format(r)) if transpose is True: ua[r, :] = uamp[:, r].T va[r, :] = vamp[:, r].T up[r, :] = uphase[:, r].T vp[r, :] = vphase[:, r].T else: ua[r, :] = uamp[r, :] va[r, :] = vamp[r, :] up[r, :] = uphase[r, :] vp[r, :] = vphase[r, :] # Now do the RTree index self.make_rtree() self.cache_last_updated = datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc)
def update_cache(self, force=False): with self.dataset() as nc: ug = UGrid.from_nc_dataset(nc) ug.save_as_netcdf(self.topology_file) if not os.path.exists(self.topology_file): logger.error("Failed to create topology_file cache for Dataset '{}'".format(self.dataset)) return uamp = nc.get_variables_by_attributes(standard_name='eastward_sea_water_velocity_amplitude')[0] vamp = nc.get_variables_by_attributes(standard_name='northward_sea_water_velocity_amplitude')[0] uphase = nc.get_variables_by_attributes(standard_name='eastward_sea_water_velocity_phase')[0] vphase = nc.get_variables_by_attributes(standard_name='northward_sea_water_velocity_phase')[0] tnames = nc.get_variables_by_attributes(standard_name='tide_constituent')[0] tfreqs = nc.get_variables_by_attributes(standard_name='tide_frequency')[0] with netCDF4.Dataset(self.topology_file, mode='a') as cnc: ntides = uamp.shape[uamp.dimensions.index('ntides')] nlocs = uamp.shape[uamp.dimensions.index(uamp.location)] cnc.createDimension('ntides', ntides) cnc.createDimension('maxStrlen64', 64) vdims = ('ntides', '{}_num_{}'.format(uamp.mesh, uamp.location)) # Swap ntides to always be the first dimension.. it can be the second in the source files! transpose = False if uamp.shape[0] > uamp.shape[1]:"Found flipped dimensions in source file... fixing in local cache.") transpose = True # We are changing the variable names to 'u' and 'v' from 'u_amp' and 'v_amp' so # the layer.access_method can find the variable from the virtual layer 'u,v' ua = cnc.createVariable('u', uamp.dtype, vdims, zlib=True, fill_value=uamp._FillValue, chunksizes=[1, nlocs/4]) for x in uamp.ncattrs(): if x != '_FillValue': ua.setncattr(x, uamp.getncattr(x)) va = cnc.createVariable('v', vamp.dtype, vdims, zlib=True, fill_value=vamp._FillValue, chunksizes=[1, nlocs/4]) for x in vamp.ncattrs(): if x != '_FillValue': va.setncattr(x, vamp.getncattr(x)) up = cnc.createVariable('u_phase', uphase.dtype, vdims, zlib=True, fill_value=uphase._FillValue, chunksizes=[1, nlocs/4]) for x in uphase.ncattrs(): if x != '_FillValue': up.setncattr(x, uphase.getncattr(x)) vp = cnc.createVariable('v_phase', vphase.dtype, vdims, zlib=True, fill_value=vphase._FillValue, chunksizes=[1, nlocs/4]) for x in vphase.ncattrs(): if x != '_FillValue': vp.setncattr(x, vphase.getncattr(x)) tc = cnc.createVariable('tidenames', tnames.dtype, tnames.dimensions) tc[:] = tnames[:] for x in tnames.ncattrs(): if x != '_FillValue': tc.setncattr(x, tnames.getncattr(x)) tf = cnc.createVariable('tidefreqs', tfreqs.dtype, ('ntides',)) tf[:] = tfreqs[:] for x in tfreqs.ncattrs(): if x != '_FillValue': tf.setncattr(x, tfreqs.getncattr(x)) for r in range(ntides):"Saving ntide {} into cache".format(r)) if transpose is True: ua[r, :] = uamp[:, r].T va[r, :] = vamp[:, r].T up[r, :] = uphase[:, r].T vp[r, :] = vphase[:, r].T else: ua[r, :] = uamp[r, :] va[r, :] = vamp[r, :] up[r, :] = uphase[r, :] vp[r, :] = vphase[r, :] # Now do the RTree index self.make_rtree() self.cache_last_updated = datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc)