def log_probability_dist( solution_probs: tuple[dict[Role, float], ...]) -> None: """ Logs probability distributions from solutions. If the distribution is uniform, condenses it into a single 'All' key. If the distibution only has one nonzero value, only prints that value. Else prints all results as a dict. """ results = {} for index, probs in enumerate(solution_probs): prob_values = set(probs.values()) if len(prob_values) == 1: results[index] = { cast(Role, "ALL"): round(next(iter(prob_values)), 3) } elif len(prob_values) == 2: results[index] = { role: round(score, 3) for role, score in probs.items() if score > 0 } else: results[index] = { role: round(score, 3) for role, score in probs.items() } logger.debug(pformat(results))
def awake_init(cls, player_index: int, game_roles: list[Role]) -> Insomniac: """Initializes Insomniac - learns new role.""" is_user = const.IS_USER[player_index] insomniac_new_role = game_roles[player_index] logger.debug(f"[Hidden] Insomniac wakes up as a {insomniac_new_role}.") if is_user:"You woke up as a {insomniac_new_role}!", cache=True) return cls(player_index, insomniac_new_role)
def awake_init(cls, player_index: int, game_roles: list[Role]) -> Minion: """Initializes Minion - gets Wolf indices.""" is_user = const.IS_USER[player_index] wolf_indices = find_all_player_indices(game_roles, Role.WOLF) logger.debug(f"[Hidden] Wolves are at indices: {list(wolf_indices)}") if is_user:"Wolves are at indices: {list(wolf_indices)}", cache=True) return cls(player_index, wolf_indices)
def awake_init(cls, player_index: int, game_roles: list[Role]) -> Drunk: """Initializes Drunk - switches with a card in the center.""" is_user = const.IS_USER[player_index] choice_ind = get_center(is_user) logger.debug( f"[Hidden] Drunk switches with Center Card {choice_ind - const.NUM_PLAYERS}" f" and unknowingly becomes a {game_roles[choice_ind]}.") if is_user:"You do not know your new role.", cache=True) swap_characters(game_roles, player_index, choice_ind) return cls(player_index, choice_ind)
def get_confidence(all_predictions: tuple[tuple[Role, ...], ...]) -> tuple[float, ...]: """ Creates confidence levels for each prediction and takes most common role guess array as the final guess for that index. guess_histogram stores counts of prediction arrays. wolf_votes stores individual votes for Wolves. """ confidence = [] for i in range(const.NUM_ROLES): role_dict: dict[Role, int] = {role: 0 for role in const.ROLE_SET} for prediction in all_predictions: role_dict[prediction[i]] += 1 count = max(role_dict.values()) confidence.append(count / const.NUM_PLAYERS) logger.debug(f"Confidence levels: {[float(f'{conf:.2f}') for conf in confidence]}") return tuple(confidence)
def awake_init(cls, player_index: int, game_roles: list[Role]) -> Troublemaker: """Initializes Troublemaker - switches one player with another player.""" is_user = const.IS_USER[player_index] if is_user:"Choose two players to switch places:") choice_1 = get_player(is_user, (player_index,)) choice_2 = get_player(is_user, (player_index, choice_1)) swap_characters(game_roles, choice_1, choice_2) logger.debug( f"[Hidden] Troublemaker switches Player {choice_1} and Player {choice_2}." ) if is_user: f"You switch Player {choice_1} with Player {choice_2}.", cache=True ) return cls(player_index, choice_1, choice_2)
def awake_init(cls, player_index: int, game_roles: list[Role]) -> Seer: """Initializes Seer - either sees 2 center cards or 1 player card.""" is_user = const.IS_USER[player_index] if const.NUM_CENTER > 1: if is_user:"Do you want to see 1 player card or 2 center cards?") choose_center = bool(get_numeric_input(1, 3) - 1) else: # Pick two center cards more often, because # that generally yields higher win rates. choose_center = weighted_coin_flip(const.CENTER_SEER_PROB) if choose_center: peek_ind1 = get_center(is_user) peek_ind2 = get_center(is_user, (peek_ind1,)) peek_char1 = game_roles[peek_ind1] peek_char2 = game_roles[peek_ind2] logger.debug( f"[Hidden] Seer sees that Center {peek_ind1 - const.NUM_PLAYERS} " f"is a {peek_char1}, Center {peek_ind2 - const.NUM_PLAYERS} " f"is a {peek_char2}." ) if is_user: f"You see that Center {peek_ind1 - const.NUM_PLAYERS} " f"is a {peek_char1}, and " f"Center {peek_ind2 - const.NUM_PLAYERS} is a {peek_char2}.", cache=True, ) return cls( player_index, (peek_ind1, peek_char1), (peek_ind2, peek_char2) ) peek_ind = get_player(is_user, (player_index,)) peek_char = game_roles[peek_ind] logger.debug(f"[Hidden] Seer sees that Player {peek_ind} is a {peek_char}.") if is_user:"You see that Player {peek_ind} is a {peek_char}.", cache=True) return cls(player_index, (peek_ind, peek_char))
def awake_init(cls, player_index: int, game_roles: list[Role]) -> Doppelganger: """Initializes Doppelganger - learns new role.""" from wolfbot.roles import get_role_obj is_user = const.IS_USER[player_index] choice_ind = get_player(is_user, (player_index, )) choice_char = game_roles[choice_ind] logger.debug(f"[Hidden] Doppelganger copies Player {choice_ind} " f"and becomes a {choice_char}.") if is_user: f"You copied Player {choice_ind} and are now a {choice_char}!", cache=True, ) # Temporarily set Doppelganger in game_roles to the new role # so she wakes up with the other characters. game_roles[player_index] = choice_char if choice_char in (Role.WOLF, Role.MASON): get_role_obj(choice_char).awake_init(player_index, game_roles) # else do switches later return cls(player_index, choice_ind, choice_char)
def awake_init(cls, player_index: int, game_roles: list[Role]) -> Wolf: """ Constructor: original_roles defaults to [] when a player becomes a Wolf and realizes it. Initializes Wolf - gets Wolf indices and a random center card, if applicable. """ is_user = const.IS_USER[player_index] center_index, center_role = None, None wolf_indices = find_all_player_indices(game_roles, Role.WOLF) if len(wolf_indices) == 1 and const.NUM_CENTER > 0: center_index = get_center(is_user) center_role = game_roles[center_index] if is_user: f"You see Center {center_index - const.NUM_PLAYERS} " f"is a {center_role}.", cache=True, ) logger.debug(f"[Hidden] Wolves are at indices: {list(wolf_indices)}") if is_user:"Wolves are at indices: {list(wolf_indices)}", cache=True) return cls(player_index, wolf_indices, center_index, center_role)