def average_employment_duration(): stats = {} stats["current_users"] = query( """ with date_from_until as ( select user_id, date_from, case when date_until='9999-12-31' then current_date else date_until end as date_until from awt_employment e left join accounts_user u on where u.is_active=TRUE ), durations as ( select user_id, sum(date_until - date_from) as duration from date_from_until group by user_id ) select avg(duration)/365.24 from durations """, [], )[0][0] stats["all_users"] = query( """ with date_from_until as ( select user_id, date_from, case when date_until='9999-12-31' then current_date else date_until end as date_until from awt_employment ), durations as ( select user_id, sum(date_until - date_from) as duration from date_from_until group by user_id ) select avg(duration)/365.24 from durations """, [], )[0][0] return stats
def work_anniversaries(): anniversaries = [] today = for name, start in query( """ WITH employments AS ( SELECT user_id, date_from, date_until FROM awt_employment WHERE percentage>0 ORDER BY date_from ), ends AS ( SELECT user_id, array_agg(date_until + 1) AS ends FROM employments GROUP BY user_id ), earliest AS ( SELECT user_id, -- The latest start which ... MAX(date_from) AS start FROM employments LEFT JOIN ends USING (user_id) -- ... has no ending employment preceeding it (one day difference) WHERE date_from <> ALL(ends.ends) GROUP BY user_id ) SELECT _full_name, earliest.start FROM accounts_user u LEFT JOIN earliest ON WHERE earliest.start IS NOT NULL AND u.is_active=TRUE """, [], ): this_year = start.replace(year=today.year) anniversaries.append({ "name": name, "start": start, "this_year": this_year, "anniversary": this_year.year - start.year, "already": this_year > today, }) return sorted(anniversaries, key=lambda row: (row["this_year"], row["name"]))
def capacity(self): by_user = defaultdict(dict) total = defaultdict(int) user_ids = ([ for user in self.users] if self.users else list(self._user_ids)) for week, user, capacity in query( """ select week, user_id, percentage * 5 * planning_hours_per_day / 100 as capacity from generate_series(%s::date, %s::date, '7 days') as week left outer join lateral ( select user_id, date_from, date_until, percentage, planning_hours_per_day from awt_employment left join accounts_user on where user_id = any (%s) ) as employment on employment.date_from <= week and employment.date_until > week where percentage is not NULL -- NULL produced by outer join """, [min(self.weeks), max(self.weeks), user_ids], ): by_user[user][] = capacity total[] += capacity users = self.users or list(User.objects.filter(id__in=by_user)) return { "total": [total.get(week, 0) for week in self.weeks], "by_user": [{ "user": { "name": user.get_full_name(), "url": user.urls["planning"], }, "capacity": [by_user[].get(week, 0) for week in self.weeks], } for user in sorted(users)], }
def planning_vs_logbook(date_range, *, users): planned = defaultdict(dict) logged = defaultdict(dict) user_ids = [ for user in users] seen_weeks = set() for customer_id, week, planned_hours in query( """ with planned_per_week as ( select p.customer_id, unnest(weeks) as week, planned_hours / array_length(weeks, 1) / 5 as hours from planning_plannedwork pw left join projects_project p on pw.project_id = where user_id = any(%s) ), weeks as ( select date_trunc('week', day) as week, count(*) as days from generate_series(%s::date, %s::date, '1 day') as day where extract(dow from day) between 1 and 5 group by week ) select customer_id, weeks.week, sum(hours * weeks.days) from planned_per_week, weeks where planned_per_week.week = weeks.week group by customer_id, weeks.week """, [user_ids, *date_range], ): seen_weeks.add(week) planned[customer_id][week] = planned_hours for customer_id, week, worked_hours in query( """ select p.customer_id, date_trunc('week', rendered_on) as week, sum(hours) as hours from logbook_loggedhours lh left join projects_service ps on lh.service_id = left join projects_project p on ps.project_id = where rendered_by_id = any(%s) and rendered_on between %s::date and %s::date group by customer_id, week """, [user_ids, *date_range], ): seen_weeks.add(week) logged[customer_id][week] = worked_hours customers = { customer for customer in Organization.objects.filter( id__in=planned.keys() | logged.keys() ) } weeks = sorted(seen_weeks) def _customer(planned, logged): ret = [ { "customer": customers[customer_id], "per_week": [ { "week": week, "planned": planned[customer_id].get(week), "logged": logged[customer_id].get(week), } for week in weeks ], "planned": sum(planned[customer_id].values(), Z1), "logged": sum(logged[customer_id].values(), Z1), } for customer_id in planned.keys() | logged.keys() ] return sorted(ret, key=lambda row: (-row["planned"], -row["logged"])) ret = { "per_customer": _customer(planned, logged), "weeks": weeks, } ret["planned"] = sum((c["planned"] for c in ret["per_customer"]), Z1) ret["logged"] = sum((c["logged"] for c in ret["per_customer"]), Z1) return ret
def capacity(self): by_user = defaultdict(dict) total = defaultdict(int) user_ids = ( [ for user in self.users] if self.users else list(self._user_ids) ) for week, user, capacity in query( """ select week, user_id, coalesce(percentage, 0) * 5 * coalesce(planning_hours_per_day, 0) / 100 - coalesce(pw_hours, 0) - coalesce(abs_hours, 0) - coalesce(ph_days, 0) * coalesce(planning_hours_per_day, 0) * coalesce(percentage, 0) / 100 as capacity -- -- Determine the employment percentage and planning_hours_per_day -- for each user and week -- from generate_series(%s::date, %s::date, '7 days') as week left outer join lateral ( select user_id, date_from, date_until, percentage, planning_hours_per_day from awt_employment left join accounts_user on where user_id = any (%s) ) as employment on employment.date_from <= week and employment.date_until > week -- -- Aggregate planned hours per week, distributing equally the planned_hours -- value over all weeks in the planned work record -- left outer join lateral ( select user_id as pw_user_id, sum(planned_hours / cardinality(weeks)) as pw_hours, unnest(weeks) as pw_week from planning_plannedwork where user_id = any (%s) group by pw_user_id, pw_week ) as planned on week=pw_week and user_id=pw_user_id left outer join lateral( -- -- Generate rows of absences (user_id, days, planning_hours, weeks::date[]) -- with sq as ( select user_id as abs_user_id, days, planning_hours_per_day, ( select array_agg(w::date) from generate_series( date_trunc('week', starts_on), date_trunc('week', ends_on), '7 days' ) as w ) as weeks from awt_absence where user_id = any(%s) and user_id=employment.user_id and employment.date_from <= date_trunc('week', week) and employment.date_until > date_trunc('week', week) ) -- -- Calculate the planning hours for each absence and distribute the hours -- over all weeks in which the absence takes place -- select abs_user_id, sum(days * planning_hours_per_day / cardinality(weeks)) as abs_hours, unnest(weeks) as abs_week from sq group by abs_user_id, abs_week ) as absences on week=abs_week and user_id=abs_user_id left outer join lateral( select date_trunc('week', date) as ph_week, sum(fraction) as ph_days from planning_publicholiday where extract(dow from date) between 1 and 6 group by ph_week ) as public_holidays on week=ph_week """, [min(self.weeks), max(self.weeks), user_ids, user_ids, user_ids], ): by_user[user][] = capacity total[] += capacity users = self.users or list(User.objects.filter(id__in=by_user)) return { "total": [total.get(week, 0) for week in self.weeks], "by_user": [ { "user": { "name": user.get_full_name(), "url": user.urls["planning"], }, "capacity": [by_user[].get(week, 0) for week in self.weeks], } for user in sorted(users) ], }
def add_public_holidays(self): ud = { user for user in User.objects.filter(id__in=self._user_ids)} for ( id, date, name, user_id, planning_hours_per_day, fraction, percentage, ) in query( """ select,,, user_id, planning_hours_per_day, fraction, percentage from planning_publicholiday ph left outer join lateral ( select user_id, date_from, date_until, percentage, planning_hours_per_day from awt_employment left join accounts_user on where user_id = any (%s) ) as employment on employment.date_from <= and employment.date_until > where between %s and %s and user_id is not null order by """, [list(ud.keys()), min(self.weeks), max(self.weeks)], ): # Skip weekends if date.weekday() >= 5: continue week = monday(date) idx = self.weeks.index(week) user = ud[user_id] ph_hours = ( (planning_hours_per_day or 0) * (fraction or 0) * (percentage or 0) / 100 ) detail = " × ".join( ( f"{hours(planning_hours_per_day)}/d", f"{percentage}%", f"{fraction}d", ) ) self._absences[user][idx].append( ( ph_hours, f"{name} ({detail} = {hours(ph_hours)})", reverse("planning_publicholiday_detail", kwargs={"pk": id}), ) ) self._by_week[week] += ph_hours
def logged_hours(user): stats = {} from_ = monday(in_days(-180)) hours_per_week = {} for week, type, hours in query( """ WITH sq AS ( SELECT date_trunc('week', rendered_on) AS week, project.type AS type, SUM(hours) AS hours FROM logbook_loggedhours hours LEFT JOIN projects_service service ON LEFT JOIN projects_project project ON WHERE rendered_by_id=%s AND rendered_on>=%s GROUP BY week, project.type ) SELECT series.week, sq.type, COALESCE(sq.hours, 0) FROM generate_series(%s, %s, '7 days') AS series(week) LEFT OUTER JOIN sq ON series.week=sq.week ORDER BY series.week """, [, from_, from_, monday() + dt.timedelta(days=6)], ): if week in hours_per_week: hours_per_week[week]["hours"] += hours hours_per_week[week]["by_type"][type] = hours else: hours_per_week[week] = { "week": week, "hours": hours, "by_type": { type: hours }, } stats["hours_per_week"] = [ row[1] for row in sorted(hours_per_week.items()) ] hours_per_customer = defaultdict(dict) total_hours_per_customer = defaultdict(int) for week, customer, hours in query( """ WITH sq AS ( SELECT date_trunc('week', rendered_on) AS week, AS customer, SUM(hours) AS hours FROM logbook_loggedhours hours LEFT JOIN projects_service service ON LEFT JOIN projects_project project ON LEFT JOIN contacts_organization customer ON WHERE rendered_by_id=%s AND rendered_on>=%s GROUP BY week, ) SELECT series.week, COALESCE(sq.customer, ''), COALESCE(sq.hours, 0) FROM generate_series(%s, %s, '7 days') AS series(week) LEFT OUTER JOIN sq ON series.week=sq.week ORDER BY series.week """, [, from_, from_, monday() + dt.timedelta(days=6)], ): customer = customer.split("\n")[0] hours_per_customer[week][customer] = hours total_hours_per_customer[customer] += hours customers = [ row[0] for row in sorted(total_hours_per_customer.items(), key=lambda row: row[1], reverse=True) ][:10] weeks = sorted(hours_per_customer.keys()) stats["hours_per_customer"] = { "weeks": weeks, "by_customer": [{ "name": customer, "hours": [hours_per_customer[week].get(customer, 0) for week in weeks], } for customer in customers], } customers = set(customers) stats["hours_per_customer"]["by_customer"].append({ "name": _("All others"), "hours": [ sum( (hours for customer, hours in hours_per_customer[week].items() if customer not in customers), 0, ) for week in weeks ], }) dows = [ None, _("Monday"), _("Tuesday"), _("Wednesday"), _("Thursday"), _("Friday"), _("Saturday"), _("Sunday"), ] stats["rendered_hours_per_weekday"] = [{ "dow": int(dow), "name": dows[int(dow)], "hours": hours } for dow, hours in query( """ WITH sq AS ( SELECT (extract(isodow from rendered_on)::integer) as dow, SUM(hours) AS hours FROM logbook_loggedhours WHERE rendered_by_id=%s AND rendered_on>=%s GROUP BY dow ORDER BY dow ) SELECT series.dow, COALESCE(sq.hours, 0) FROM generate_series(1, 7) AS series(dow) LEFT OUTER JOIN sq ON series.dow=sq.dow ORDER BY series.dow """, [, from_], )] stats["created_hours_per_weekday"] = [{ "dow": int(dow), "name": dows[int(dow)], "hours": hours } for dow, hours in query( """ WITH sq AS ( SELECT (extract(isodow from timezone('CET', created_at))::integer) as dow, SUM(hours) AS hours FROM logbook_loggedhours WHERE rendered_by_id=%s AND rendered_on>=%s GROUP BY dow ORDER BY dow ) SELECT series.dow, COALESCE(sq.hours, 0) FROM generate_series(1, 7) AS series(dow) LEFT OUTER JOIN sq ON series.dow=sq.dow ORDER BY series.dow """, [, from_], )] return stats