コード例 #1
        def _inner():
            if initial_delay:

                while self._running:
                    start = timeutils.utcnow()
                    self.f(*self.args, **self.kw)
                    end = timeutils.utcnow()
                    if not self._running:
                    delay = interval - timeutils.delta_seconds(start, end)
                    if delay <= 0:
                        LOG.warn(_('task run outlasted interval by %s sec') %
                    greenthread.sleep(delay if delay > 0 else 0)
            except LoopingCallDone as e:
            except Exception:
                LOG.exception(_('in fixed duration looping call'))
コード例 #2
    def run_periodic_tasks(self, context, raise_on_error=False):
        """Tasks to be run at a periodic interval."""
        idle_for = DEFAULT_INTERVAL
        for task_name, task in self._periodic_tasks:
            full_task_name = ".".join([self.__class__.__name__, task_name])

            now = timeutils.utcnow()
            spacing = self._periodic_spacing[task_name]
            last_run = self._periodic_last_run[task_name]

            # If a periodic task is _nearly_ due, then we'll run it early
            if spacing is not None and last_run is not None:
                due = last_run + datetime.timedelta(seconds=spacing)
                if not timeutils.is_soon(due, 0.2):
                    idle_for = min(idle_for, timeutils.delta_seconds(now, due))

            if spacing is not None:
                idle_for = min(idle_for, spacing)

            LOG.debug(_("Running periodic task %(full_task_name)s"), {"full_task_name": full_task_name})
            self._periodic_last_run[task_name] = timeutils.utcnow()

                task(self, context)
            except Exception as e:
                if raise_on_error:
                LOG.exception(_("Error during %(full_task_name)s: %(e)s"), {"full_task_name": full_task_name, "e": e})

        return idle_for
コード例 #3
ファイル: api.py プロジェクト: ramielrowe/amqp_sandbox
def notify(context, publisher_id, event_type, priority, payload):
    """Sends a notification using the specified driver

    :param publisher_id: the source worker_type.host of the message
    :param event_type:   the literal type of event (ex. Instance Creation)
    :param priority:     patterned after the enumeration of Python logging
                         levels in the set (DEBUG, WARN, INFO, ERROR, CRITICAL)
    :param payload:       A python dictionary of attributes

    Outgoing message format includes the above parameters, and appends the

      a UUID representing the id for this notification

      the GMT timestamp the notification was sent at

    The composite message will be constructed as a dictionary of the above
    attributes, which will then be sent via the transport mechanism defined
    by the driver.

    Message example::

        {'message_id': str(uuid.uuid4()),
         'publisher_id': 'compute.host1',
         'timestamp': timeutils.utcnow(),
         'priority': 'WARN',
         'event_type': 'compute.create_instance',
         'payload': {'instance_id': 12, ... }}

    if priority not in log_levels:
        raise BadPriorityException(
            _('%s not in valid priorities') % priority)

    # Ensure everything is JSON serializable.
    payload = jsonutils.to_primitive(payload, convert_instances=True)

    msg = dict(message_id=str(uuid.uuid4()),

    for driver in _get_drivers():
            driver.notify(context, msg)
        except Exception as e:
            LOG.exception(_("Problem '%(e)s' attempting to "
                            "send to notification system. "
                          % dict(e=e, payload=payload))
コード例 #4
    def decorator(f):
        # Test for old style invocation
        if "ticks_between_runs" in kwargs:
            raise InvalidPeriodicTaskArg(arg="ticks_between_runs")

        # Control if run at all
        f._periodic_task = True
        f._periodic_external_ok = kwargs.pop("external_process_ok", False)
        if f._periodic_external_ok and not CONF.run_external_periodic_tasks:
            f._periodic_enabled = False
            f._periodic_enabled = kwargs.pop("enabled", True)

        # Control frequency
        f._periodic_spacing = kwargs.pop("spacing", 0)
        f._periodic_immediate = kwargs.pop("run_immediately", False)
        if f._periodic_immediate:
            f._periodic_last_run = None
            f._periodic_last_run = timeutils.utcnow()
        return f
コード例 #5
ファイル: quota.py プロジェクト: ramielrowe/amqp_sandbox
    def reserve(self, context, resources, deltas, expire=None,
                project_id=None, user_id=None):
        """Check quotas and reserve resources.

        For counting quotas--those quotas for which there is a usage
        synchronization function--this method checks quotas against
        current usage and the desired deltas.

        This method will raise a QuotaResourceUnknown exception if a
        given resource is unknown or if it does not have a usage
        synchronization function.

        If any of the proposed values is over the defined quota, an
        OverQuota exception will be raised with the sorted list of the
        resources which are too high.  Otherwise, the method returns a
        list of reservation UUIDs which were created.

        :param context: The request context, for access checks.
        :param resources: A dictionary of the registered resources.
        :param deltas: A dictionary of the proposed delta changes.
        :param expire: An optional parameter specifying an expiration
                       time for the reservations.  If it is a simple
                       number, it is interpreted as a number of
                       seconds and added to the current time; if it is
                       a datetime.timedelta object, it will also be
                       added to the current time.  A datetime.datetime
                       object will be interpreted as the absolute
                       expiration time.  If None is specified, the
                       default expiration time set by
                       --default-reservation-expire will be used (this
                       value will be treated as a number of seconds).
        :param project_id: Specify the project_id if current context
                           is admin and admin wants to impact on
                           common user's tenant.
        :param user_id: Specify the user_id if current context
                        is admin and admin wants to impact on
                        common user.

        # Set up the reservation expiration
        if expire is None:
            expire = CONF.reservation_expire
        if isinstance(expire, (int, long)):
            expire = datetime.timedelta(seconds=expire)
        if isinstance(expire, datetime.timedelta):
            expire = timeutils.utcnow() + expire
        if not isinstance(expire, datetime.datetime):
            raise InvalidReservationExpiration(expire=expire)

        # If project_id is None, then we use the project_id in context
        if project_id is None:
            project_id = context.project_id
        # If user_id is None, then we use the project_id in context
        if user_id is None:
            user_id = context.user_id

        # Get the applicable quotas.
        # NOTE(Vek): We're not worried about races at this point.
        #            Yes, the admin may be in the process of reducing
        #            quotas, but that's a pretty rare thing.
        quotas = self._get_quotas(context, resources, deltas.keys(),
                                  has_sync=True, project_id=project_id)
        user_quotas = self._get_quotas(context, resources, deltas.keys(),
                                       has_sync=True, project_id=project_id,
        # NOTE(Vek): Most of the work here has to be done in the DB
        #            API, because we have to do it in a transaction,
        #            which means access to the session.  Since the
        #            session isn't available outside the DBAPI, we
        #            have to do the work there.
        return self.db.quota_reserve(context, resources, quotas, user_quotas,
                                     deltas, expire,
                                     CONF.until_refresh, CONF.max_age,
                                     project_id=project_id, user_id=user_id)