コード例 #1
def writeCombineBAMJobsFromSAI(outDir, fastqDir, fastaPath, lockDirPath):
    combinedBAMJobsName = "combinedBAMFrmSingleSAIJob.jobs"
    combinedBAMJobsPath = os.path.join(outDir, combinedBAMJobsName)
    tools = workerForBam.getToolsDict()

    # contained all fastas against which to map the fastqs
    fastaFilePaths = workerForBam.getFastaFilePaths(fastaPath)

    # contained all fastqs
    fastqFilePaths = workerForBam.getFastqFilePaths(fastqDir)

    print "fastaFilePaths: ", fastaFilePaths
    with open(combinedBAMJobsPath, "w") as combinedBAMJobsFile:
        for fastqPath in fastqFilePaths:
            for fastaFilePath in fastaFilePaths:
                workerForBam.writeSAIIToBAMJob(combinedBAMJobsFile, fastaFilePath, fastqPath, lockDirPath, tools)
    return combinedBAMJobsPath
コード例 #2
def writeCombineSAIJobs(outDir, fastqDir, fastaPath, lockDirPath, numThreads):
    combinedSAIJobsName = 'combinedSAIJob.jobs'
    combinedSAIJobsPath = os.path.join(outDir, combinedSAIJobsName)
    tools = workerForBam.getToolsDict()
    #contained all fastas against which to map the fastqs
    fastaFilePaths = workerForBam.getFastaFilePaths(fastaPath)   

    #contained all fastqs
    fastqFilePaths = workerForBam.getFastqFilePaths(fastqDir)
    print 'fastaFilePaths: ', fastaFilePaths
    with open(combinedSAIJobsPath, 'w') as combinedSAIJobsFile:
        for fastqPath in fastqFilePaths:
            for fastaFilePath in fastaFilePaths:
                workerForBam.writeSAIJob(combinedSAIJobsFile, fastaFilePath,\
                                             fastqPath, lockDirPath, tools,\
    return combinedSAIJobsPath
コード例 #3
def writeCombineBAMJobsFromSAI(outDir, fastqDir, fastaPath, lockDirPath):
    combinedBAMJobsName = 'combinedBAMFrmPairedSAIsJob.jobs'
    combinedBAMJobsPath = os.path.join(outDir, combinedBAMJobsName)
    tools = workerForBam.getToolsDict()
    #contained all fastas against which to map the fastqs
    fastaFilePaths = workerForBam.getFastaFilePaths(fastaPath)

    print 'fastaFilePaths: ', fastaFilePaths
    with open(combinedBAMJobsPath, 'w') as combinedBAMJobsFile:
        pairedReads = getPairedReads(fastqDir)
        print 'pairedReads: ', pairedReads
        for pairedReadTuple in pairedReads:
            for fastaFilePath in fastaFilePaths:
                workerForBam.writePairedSAIToBAMJob(combinedBAMJobsFile, \
                                                        lockDirPath, tools)
    return combinedBAMJobsPath
コード例 #4
def main():

    logger = multiprocessing.log_to_stderr()

    if len(sys.argv) >= 4:
        #directory containing fastq library
        fastqsDir = workerForBam.getAbsPath(sys.argv[1])
        #directory containing other directories with fasta names
        fastaDir = workerForBam.getAbsPath(sys.argv[2])

        #directory containing file locks
        lockDirPath = workerForBam.getAbsPath(sys.argv[3])
        #directory containing temp output -> fastQ's, jobsFile 
        outDir = workerForBam.getAbsPath(sys.argv[4])

        #write all fastq's processing in job file
        #combineJobPath = writeCombineFastqJobs(outDir, fastqsDir, fastaDir,\
        #    lockDirPath)

        tools = workerForBam.getToolsDict()
        """retcode = workerForBam.callParallelDrone(combineJobPath,\

        if retcode != 0:
            #error occured while calling parallel drone
            print "parallel drone erred, in executing combined jobs"
            return -1
        #now for all scaffolds combined bams and look for SNPs
        parallelSNPsFinder.snpsFinder(fastaDir, outDir, lockDirPath)
        print 'err: files missing'
コード例 #5
def snpsFinder(fastaPath, outDir, lockDirPath):

    #get all tools
    tools = workerForBam.getToolsDict()

    #get all scaffold folder names inside fasta dir
    fastaDirs = workerForBam.getAllFastas(fastaPath)

    #file containing snpfinder job for each scaffold
    snpsFinderJobFileName = fastaPath.split('/')[-1]+"SNPFinderJobs.jobs"
    print snpsFinderJobFileName + ' job file to be created '
        #open the snpsFinderJob file
        snpsFinderJobFile = open(outDir + snpsFinderJobFileName, 'w')

        for fastaDir in fastaDirs:
            #get fasta file path
            fastaFilePath = fastaPath + fastaDir + "/" + fastaDir + ".fasta"
            writeJob(snpsFinderJobFile, fastaFilePath, lockDirPath, tools)
    except IOError as (errno, strerror):
        print "I/O error({0}): {1}".format(errno, strerror)        
        return -1
コード例 #6
def writeCombineFastqJobs(outDir, fastqDir, fastaPath, lockDirPath):
    combinedBAMJobsName = 'combinedBAMJob.jobs'
    combinedBAMJobsPath = os.path.join(outDir, combinedBAMJobsName)
    tools = workerForBam.getToolsDict()
    #contained all fastas against which to map the fastqs
    fastaFilePaths = []    
    #fastaPath contains all .fasta inside a dir with same name as fasta
    #get all fasta name without ext ".fasta" in a list
    fastaDirs = workerForBam.getAllFastas(fastaPath)
    for fastaDir in fastaDirs:
        #get fasta File Path        
        fastaFilePath = fastaPath + fastaDir + "/" + fastaDir + ".fasta"
    print 'fastaFilePaths: ', fastaFilePaths
    with open(combinedBAMJobsPath, 'w') as combinedBAMJobsFile:
        dirContents = os.listdir(fastqDir)
        for fileName in dirContents:
            fastqPath = os.path.join(fastqDir, fileName)
            if os.path.isfile(fastqPath) and\
                for fastaFilePath in fastaFilePaths:
                    workerForBam.writeJob(combinedBAMJobsFile, fastaFilePath,\
                                              fastqPath, lockDirPath, tools)
    return combinedBAMJobsPath