コード例 #1
ファイル: webservers.py プロジェクト: zbrdge/woven
def deploy_webconf():
    """ Deploy nginx and other wsgi server site configurations to the host """
    deployed = []
    log_dir = '/'.join([deployment_root(), 'log'])
    #TODO - incorrect - check for actual package to confirm installation
    if webserver_list():
        if env.verbosity:
            print env.host, "DEPLOYING webconf:"
        if not exists(log_dir):
            run('ln -s /var/log log')
        #deploys confs for each domain based on sites app
        if 'apache2' in get_packages():
            deployed += _deploy_webconf('/etc/apache2/sites-available',
            deployed += _deploy_webconf('/etc/nginx/sites-available',
        elif 'gunicorn' in get_packages():
            deployed += _deploy_webconf('/etc/nginx/sites-available',

        sudo('chmod ugo+r /var/www/nginx-default/maintenance.html')
        print env.host, """WARNING: Apache or Nginx not installed"""

    return deployed
コード例 #2
ファイル: webservers.py プロジェクト: aweakley/woven
def deploy_wsgi():
    deploy python wsgi file(s)
    remote_dir = "/".join([deployment_root(), "env", env.project_fullname, "wsgi"])
    deployed = []
    if env.verbosity:
        print env.host, "DEPLOYING wsgi", remote_dir
    domains = domain_sites()
    for domain in domains:
        deployed += mkdirs(remote_dir)
        with cd(remote_dir):
            u_domain = domain.replace(".", "_")
            filename = "%s.wsgi" % u_domain
            context = {
                "deployment_root": deployment_root(),
                "user": env.user,
                "project_name": env.project_name,
                "u_domain": u_domain,
                "root_domain": env.root_domain,
            upload_template("/".join(["woven", "django-wsgi-template.txt"]), filename, context)
            if env.verbosity:
                print " * uploaded", filename
            # finally set the ownership/permissions
            # We'll use the group to allow www-data execute
            sudo("chown %s:www-data %s" % (env.user, filename))
            run("chmod ug+xr %s" % filename)
    return deployed
コード例 #3
ファイル: webservers.py プロジェクト: andreypaa/woven
def deploy_webconf():
    """ Deploy nginx and other wsgi server site configurations to the host """
    deployed = []
    log_dir = '/'.join([deployment_root(),'log'])
    #TODO - incorrect - check for actual package to confirm installation
    if webserver_list():
        if env.verbosity:
            print env.host,"DEPLOYING webconf:"
        if not exists(log_dir):
            run('ln -s /var/log log')
        #deploys confs for each domain based on sites app
        if 'apache2' in get_packages():
            deployed += _deploy_webconf('/etc/apache2/sites-available','django-apache-template.txt')
            deployed += _deploy_webconf('/etc/nginx/sites-available','nginx-template.txt')
        elif 'gunicorn' in get_packages():
            deployed += _deploy_webconf('/etc/nginx/sites-available','nginx-gunicorn-template.txt')
        if not exists('/var/www/nginx-default'):
            sudo('mkdir /var/www/nginx-default')
        sudo('chmod ugo+r /var/www/nginx-default/maintenance.html')
        print env.host,"""WARNING: Apache or Nginx not installed"""
    return deployed
コード例 #4
ファイル: ubuntu.py プロジェクト: aweakley/woven
def restrict_ssh(rollback=False):
    Set some sensible restrictions in Ubuntu /etc/ssh/sshd_config and restart sshd
    UseDNS no #prevents dns spoofing sshd defaults to yes
    X11Forwarding no # defaults to no
    AuthorizedKeysFile  %h/.ssh/authorized_keys

    uncomments PasswordAuthentication no and restarts sshd

    if not rollback:
        if server_state('ssh_restricted'):
            print env.host, 'Warning: sshd_config has already been modified. Skipping..'
            return False

        sshd_config = '/etc/ssh/sshd_config'
        if env.verbosity:
            print env.host, "RESTRICTING SSH with "+sshd_config
        filename = 'sshd_config'
        if not exists('/home/%s/.ssh/authorized_keys'% env.user): #do not pass go do not collect $200
            print env.host, 'You need to upload_ssh_key first.'
            return False
        context = {"HOST_SSH_PORT": env.HOST_SSH_PORT}
        # Restart sshd
        sudo('/etc/init.d/ssh restart')
        # The user can modify the sshd_config file directly but we save
        if env.INTERACTIVE and contains('#PasswordAuthentication no','/etc/ssh/sshd_config',use_sudo=True):
            c_text = 'Woven will now remove password login from ssh, and use only your ssh key. \n'
            c_text = c_text + 'CAUTION: please confirm that you can ssh %s@%s -p%s from a terminal without requiring a password before continuing.\n'% (env.user, env.host, env.port)
            c_text += 'If you cannot login, press enter to rollback your sshd_config file'
            proceed = confirm(c_text,default=False)
        if not env.INTERACTIVE or proceed:
            #uncomments PasswordAuthentication no and restarts
            sudo('/etc/init.d/ssh restart')
        else: #rollback
            print env.host, 'Rolling back sshd_config to default and proceeding without passwordless login'
            _restore_file('/etc/ssh/sshd_config', delete_backup=False)
            sed('/etc/ssh/sshd_config','Port '+ str(env.DEFAULT_SSH_PORT),'Port '+str(env.HOST_SSH_PORT),use_sudo=True)
            sudo('/etc/init.d/ssh restart')
            return False
        return True
    else: #Full rollback
        if server_state('ssh_port_changed'):
            sed('/etc/ssh/sshd_config','Port '+ str(env.DEFAULT_SSH_PORT),'Port '+str(env.HOST_SSH_PORT),use_sudo=True)
            sudo('/etc/init.d/ssh restart')
        sudo('/etc/init.d/ssh restart')
        set_server_state('ssh_restricted', delete=True)
        return True
コード例 #5
ファイル: webservers.py プロジェクト: depleater/woven
def _deploy_webconf(remote_dir, template):
    if not 'http:' in env.MEDIA_URL:
        media_url = env.MEDIA_URL
        media_url = ''
    if not 'http:' in env.STATIC_URL:
        static_url = env.STATIC_URL
        static_url = ''
    if not static_url:
        static_url = env.ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX
    deployed = []
    users_added = []

    domains = domain_sites()
    for d in domains:
        u_domain = d.name.replace('.', '_')
        wsgi_filename = d.settings.replace('.py', '.wsgi')
        site_user = ''.join(['site_', str(d.site_id)])
        filename = ''.join([remote_dir, '/', u_domain, '-',
                env.project_version, '.conf'])
        context = {
            "project_name": env.project_name,
            "deployment_root": deployment_root(),
            "u_domain": u_domain,
            "domain": d.name,
            "root_domain": env.root_domain,
            "user": env.user,
            "site_user": site_user,
            "SITE_ID": d.site_id,
            "host_ip": socket.gethostbyname(env.host),
            "wsgi_filename": wsgi_filename,
            "MEDIA_URL": media_url,
            "STATIC_URL": static_url,

        upload_template('/'.join(['woven', template]),
        if env.verbosity:
            print " * uploaded", filename

        # Add site users if necessary.
        site_users = _site_users()
        if site_user not in users_added and site_user not in site_users:
            add_user(username=site_user, group='www-data', site_user=True)
            if env.verbosity:
                print " * useradded", site_user

    return deployed
コード例 #6
ファイル: webservers.py プロジェクト: zbrdge/woven
def _deploy_webconf(remote_dir, template):

    if not 'http:' in env.MEDIA_URL: media_url = env.MEDIA_URL
    else: media_url = ''
    if not 'http:' in env.STATIC_URL: static_url = env.STATIC_URL
    else: static_url = ''
    if not static_url: static_url = env.ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX
    log_dir = '/'.join([deployment_root(), 'log'])
    deployed = []
    users_added = []

    domains = domain_sites()
    for d in domains:
        u_domain = d.name.replace('.', '_')
        wsgi_filename = d.settings.replace('.py', '.wsgi')
        site_user = ''.join(['site_', str(d.site_id)])
        filename = ''.join(
            [remote_dir, '/', u_domain, '-', env.project_version, '.conf'])
        context = {
            "project_name": env.project_name,
            "deployment_root": deployment_root(),
            "u_domain": u_domain,
            "domain": d.name,
            "root_domain": env.root_domain,
            "user": env.user,
            "site_user": site_user,
            "SITE_ID": d.site_id,
            "host_ip": socket.gethostbyname(env.host),
            "wsgi_filename": wsgi_filename,
            "MEDIA_URL": media_url,
            "STATIC_URL": static_url,

        upload_template('/'.join(['woven', template]),
        if env.verbosity:
            print " * uploaded", filename

        #add site users if necessary
        site_users = _site_users()
        if site_user not in users_added and site_user not in site_users:
            add_user(username=site_user, group='www-data', site_user=True)
            if env.verbosity:
                print " * useradded", site_user

    return deployed
コード例 #7
def restrict_ssh(rollback=False):
    Set some sensible restrictions in Ubuntu /etc/ssh/sshd_config and restart sshd
    UseDNS no #prevents dns spoofing sshd defaults to yes
    X11Forwarding no # defaults to no
    AuthorizedKeysFile  %h/.ssh/authorized_keys

    uncomments PasswordAuthentication no and restarts sshd

    if not rollback:
        if server_state('ssh_restricted'):
            return False

        sshd_config = '/etc/ssh/sshd_config'
        if env.verbosity:
            print env.host, "RESTRICTING SSH with "+sshd_config
        filename = 'sshd_config'
        if not exists('/home/%s/.ssh/authorized_keys'% env.user): #do not pass go do not collect $200
            print env.host, 'You need to upload_ssh_key first.'
            return False
        context = {"HOST_SSH_PORT": env.HOST_SSH_PORT}
        # Restart sshd
        sudo('/etc/init.d/ssh restart')
        # The user can modify the sshd_config file directly but we save
        proceed = True
        if not env.key_filename and (env.DISABLE_SSH_PASSWORD or env.INTERACTIVE) and contains('/etc/ssh/sshd_config','#PasswordAuthentication no',use_sudo=True):
            print "WARNING: You may want to test your node ssh login at this point ssh %s@%s -p%s"% (env.user, env.host, env.port)
            c_text = 'Would you like to disable password login and use only ssh key authentication'
            proceed = confirm(c_text,default=False)
        if not env.INTERACTIVE or proceed or env.DISABLE_SSH_PASSWORD:
            #uncomments PasswordAuthentication no and restarts
            sudo('/etc/init.d/ssh restart')
        return True
    else: #Full rollback
        if server_state('ssh_port_changed'):
            sed('/etc/ssh/sshd_config','Port '+ str(env.DEFAULT_SSH_PORT),'Port '+str(env.HOST_SSH_PORT),use_sudo=True)
            sudo('/etc/init.d/ssh restart')
        sudo('/etc/init.d/ssh restart')
        set_server_state('ssh_restricted', delete=True)
        return True
コード例 #8
ファイル: ubuntu.py プロジェクト: aweakley/woven
def upload_etc():
    Upload and render all templates in the woven/etc directory to the respective directories on the nodes
    Only configuration for installed packages will be uploaded where that package creates it's own subdirectory
    in /etc/ ie /etc/apache2.
    For configuration that falls in some other non package directories ie init.d, logrotate.d etc
    it is intended that this function only replace existing configuration files. To ensure we don't upload 
    etc files that are intended to accompany a particular package.
    #determine the templatedir
    if env.verbosity:
        print "UPLOAD ETC configuration templates"
    if not hasattr(env, 'project_template_dir'):
        #the normal pattern would mean the shortest path is the main one.
        #its probably the last listed
        length = 1000
        env.project_template_dir = ''
        for dir in env.TEMPLATE_DIRS:
            if dir:
                len_dir = len(dir)
                if len_dir < length:
                    length = len_dir
                    env.project_template_dir = dir

    template_dir = os.path.join(os.path.split(os.path.realpath(__file__))[0],'templates','')
    default_templates = _get_template_files(template_dir)
    if env.project_template_dir: user_templates = _get_template_files(os.path.join(env.project_template_dir,''))
    else: user_templates = set([])
    etc_templates = user_templates | default_templates
    context = {'host_ip':socket.gethostbyname(env.host)}
    for t in etc_templates:
        dest = t.replace('woven','')
        directory = os.path.split(dest)[0]
        if directory in ['/etc','/etc/init.d','/etc/init','/etc/logrotate.d','/etc/rsyslog.d']:
            #must be replacing an existing file
            if exists(dest): upload = True
        elif exists(directory, use_sudo=True): upload = True
        else: upload = False
        if upload:
            sudo(' '.join(["chown root:root",dest]))
            if 'init.d' in dest: sudo(' '.join(["chmod ugo+rx",dest]))
            else: sudo(' '.join(["chmod ugo+r",dest]))
            if env.verbosity:
                print " * uploaded",dest
コード例 #9
ファイル: linux.py プロジェクト: depleater/woven
def setup_ufw():
    Setup basic ufw rules just for ssh login
    if not env.ENABLE_UFW:

    ufw_state = server_state("ufw_installed")
    if ufw_state and not env.overwrite or ufw_state == str(env.HOST_SSH_PORT):
    # Check for actual package.
    ufw = run("dpkg -l | grep 'ufw' | awk '{print $2}'").strip()
    if not ufw:
        if env.verbosity:
            print env.host, "INSTALLING & ENABLING FIREWALL ufw"

    if env.verbosity:
        print env.host, "CONFIGURING FIREWALL ufw"
    # Upload basic woven (ssh) ufw app config.
        "/".join(["woven", "ufw.txt"]),
        {"HOST_SSH_PORT": env.HOST_SSH_PORT},
    sudo("chown root:root /etc/ufw/applications.d/woven")
    with settings(warn_only=True):
        if not ufw_state:
            sudo("ufw allow woven")
            sudo("ufw app update woven")

    # Enable ufw.
    sed("/etc/ufw/ufw.conf", "ENABLED=no", "ENABLED=yes", use_sudo=True, backup="")
    with settings(warn_only=True):
        output = sudo("ufw reload")
        if env.verbosity:
            print output

    set_server_state("ufw_installed", str(env.HOST_SSH_PORT))
コード例 #10
ファイル: linux.py プロジェクト: zbrdge/woven
def upload_etc():
    Upload and render all templates in the woven/etc directory to the respective directories on the nodes
    Only configuration for installed packages will be uploaded where that package creates it's own subdirectory
    in /etc/ ie /etc/apache2.
    For configuration that falls in some other non package directories ie init.d, logrotate.d etc
    it is intended that this function only replace existing configuration files. To ensure we don't upload 
    etc files that are intended to accompany a particular package.
    role = env.role_lookup[env.host_string]
    packages = env.packages[role]
    #determine the templatedir
    if env.verbosity:
        print "UPLOAD ETC configuration templates"
    if not hasattr(env, 'project_template_dir'):
        #the normal pattern would mean the shortest path is the main one.
        #its probably the last listed
        length = 1000
        env.project_template_dir = ''
        for dir in env.TEMPLATE_DIRS:
            if dir:
                len_dir = len(dir)
                if len_dir < length:
                    length = len_dir
                    env.project_template_dir = dir

    template_dir = os.path.join(os.path.split(os.path.realpath(__file__))[0],'templates','')
    default_templates = _get_template_files(template_dir)
    if env.project_template_dir: user_templates = _get_template_files(os.path.join(env.project_template_dir,''))
    else: user_templates = set([])
    etc_templates = user_templates | default_templates

    context = {'host_ip':socket.gethostbyname(env.host)}
    if env.overwrite or env.installed_packages[env.host]: mod_only = False
    else: mod_only = True
    for t in etc_templates:
        dest = t.replace('woven','',1)
        directory,filename = os.path.split(dest)
        package_name = filename.split('.')[0]
        if directory in ['/etc','/etc/init.d','/etc/init','/etc/logrotate.d','/etc/rsyslog.d']:
            #must be replacing an existing file
            if not exists(dest) and package_name not in packages: continue
        elif directory == '/etc/ufw/applications.d':
            #must be a package name
            if filename not in packages: continue
        elif not exists(directory, use_sudo=True): continue
        uploaded = upload_template(t,dest,context=context,use_sudo=True, modified_only=mod_only)
        if uploaded:
            sudo(' '.join(["chown root:root",dest]))
            if 'init.d' in dest: sudo(' '.join(["chmod ugo+rx",dest]))
            else: sudo(' '.join(["chmod ugo+r",dest]))
            if env.verbosity:
                print " * uploaded",dest
コード例 #11
ファイル: webservers.py プロジェクト: aweakley/woven
def deploy_webconf():
    """ Deploy apache & nginx site configurations to the host """
    deployed = []
    log_dir = "/".join([deployment_root(), "log"])
    # TODO - incorrect - check for actual package to confirm installation
    if exists("/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/") and exists("/etc/nginx/sites-enabled"):
        if env.verbosity:
            print env.host, "DEPLOYING webconf:"
        if not exists(log_dir):
            run("ln -s /var/log log")

        deployed += _deploy_webconf("/etc/apache2/sites-available", "django-apache-template.txt")
        deployed += _deploy_webconf("/etc/nginx/sites-available", "nginx-template.txt")
        upload_template("woven/maintenance.html", "/var/www/nginx-default/maintenance.html", use_sudo=True)
        sudo("chmod ugo+r /var/www/nginx-default/maintenance.html")
        print env.host, """WARNING: Apache or Nginx not installed"""

    return deployed
コード例 #12
ファイル: linux.py プロジェクト: zbrdge/woven
def setup_ufw():
    Setup basic ufw rules just for ssh login
    if not env.ENABLE_UFW: return
    ufw_state = server_state('ufw_installed')
    if ufw_state and not env.overwrite or ufw_state == str(env.HOST_SSH_PORT): return
    #check for actual package
    ufw = run("dpkg -l | grep 'ufw' | awk '{print $2}'").strip()
    if not ufw:
        if env.verbosity:
            print env.host, "INSTALLING & ENABLING FIREWALL ufw"

    if env.verbosity:
        print env.host, "CONFIGURING FIREWALL ufw"
    #upload basic woven (ssh) ufw app config
    sudo('chown root:root /etc/ufw/applications.d/woven')
    with settings(warn_only=True):
        if not ufw_state:
            sudo('ufw allow woven')
            sudo('ufw app update woven')
    #enable ufw
    sed('/etc/ufw/ufw.conf','ENABLED=no','ENABLED=yes',use_sudo=True, backup='')
    with settings(warn_only=True):
        output = sudo('ufw reload')
        if env.verbosity:
            print output
コード例 #13
ファイル: webservers.py プロジェクト: aweakley/woven
def _deploy_webconf(remote_dir, template):

    if not "http:" in env.MEDIA_URL:
        media_url = env.MEDIA_URL
        media_url = ""
    if not "http:" in env.STATIC_URL:
        static_url = env.STATIC_URL
        static_url = ""
    if not static_url:
        static_url = env.ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX
    log_dir = "/".join([deployment_root(), "log"])
    deployed = []
    domains = domain_sites()
    for d in domains:

        u_domain = d.replace(".", "_")

        filename = "".join([remote_dir, "/", u_domain, "-", env.project_version, ".conf"])
        context = {
            "project_name": env.project_name,
            "deployment_root": deployment_root(),
            "u_domain": u_domain,
            "domain": d,
            "root_domain": env.root_domain,
            "user": env.user,
            "host_ip": socket.gethostbyname(env.host),
            "media_url": media_url,
            "static_url": static_url,

        upload_template("/".join(["woven", template]), filename, context, use_sudo=True)
        if env.verbosity:
            print " * uploaded", filename

    return deployed
コード例 #14
ファイル: linux.py プロジェクト: depleater/woven
def restrict_ssh(rollback=False):
    Set some sensible restrictions in Ubuntu /etc/ssh/sshd_config and
    restart sshd.

        UseDNS no           # Prevents dns spoofing sshd defaults to yes
        X11Forwarding no    # Defaults to no
        AuthorizedKeysFile  %h/.ssh/authorized_keys

    Also uncomment PasswordAuthentication no and restart sshd.

    if not rollback:
        if server_state("ssh_restricted"):
            return False

        sshd_config = "/etc/ssh/sshd_config"
        if env.verbosity:
            print env.host, "RESTRICTING SSH with " + sshd_config
        if not exists("/home/%s/.ssh/authorized_keys" % env.user):
            # Do not pass go, do not collect $200.
            print env.host, "You need to upload_ssh_key first."
            return False
        context = {"HOST_SSH_PORT": env.HOST_SSH_PORT}

        upload_template("woven/ssh/sshd_config", "/etc/ssh/sshd_config", context=context, use_sudo=True)
        # Restart sshd.
        sudo("/etc/init.d/ssh restart")

        # The user can modify the sshd_config file directly but we save.
        proceed = True
        if (
            not env.key_filename
            and (env.DISABLE_SSH_PASSWORD or env.INTERACTIVE)
            and contains("/etc/ssh/sshd_config", "#PasswordAuthentication no", use_sudo=True)
            print "WARNING: You may want to test your node ssh login " "at this point ssh %s@%s -p%s" % (
            c_text = "Would you like to disable password login and use " "only ssh key authentication"
            proceed = confirm(c_text, default=False)

        if not env.INTERACTIVE or proceed or env.DISABLE_SSH_PASSWORD:
            # Uncomments PasswordAuthentication no and restarts.
            uncomment(sshd_config, "#(\s?)PasswordAuthentication(\s*)no", use_sudo=True)
            sudo("/etc/init.d/ssh restart")
        return True
        # Full rollback.
        if server_state("ssh_port_changed"):
                "Port " + str(env.DEFAULT_SSH_PORT),
                "Port " + str(env.HOST_SSH_PORT),
            sudo("/etc/init.d/ssh restart")
        sudo("/etc/init.d/ssh restart")
        set_server_state("ssh_restricted", delete=True)
        return True
コード例 #15
ファイル: webservers.py プロジェクト: wil/woven
def deploy_wsgi():
    deploy python wsgi file(s)
    if 'libapache2-mod-wsgi' in get_packages():
        remote_dir = '/'.join([deployment_root(),'env',env.project_fullname,'wsgi'])
        wsgi = 'apache2'
    elif 'gunicorn' in get_packages():
        remote_dir = '/etc/init'
        wsgi = 'gunicorn'
    deployed = []
    #ensure project apps path is also added to environment variables as well as wsgi
        pap = '/'.join([deployment_root(),'env',
        pap = ''.join(['export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:',pap])
        postactivate = '/'.join([deployment_root(),'env','postactivate'])
        if not exists(postactivate):
            append('#!/bin/bash', postactivate)
            run('chmod +x %s'% postactivate)
        if not contains('PYTHONPATH',postactivate):
    if env.verbosity:
        print env.host,"DEPLOYING wsgi", wsgi, remote_dir

    for file in _sitesettings_files(): 
        deployed += mkdirs(remote_dir)
        with cd(remote_dir):
            settings_module = file.replace('.py','')
            context = {"deployment_root":deployment_root(),
                       "user": env.user,
                       "project_name": env.project_name,
                       "project_package_name": env.project_package_name,
                       "settings": settings_module,
            if wsgi == 'apache2':
                filename = file.replace('.py','.wsgi')
            elif wsgi == 'gunicorn':
                filename = 'gunicorn-%s.conf'% env.project_name
            if env.verbosity:
                print " * uploaded", filename
            #finally set the ownership/permissions
            #We'll use the group to allow www-data execute
            if wsgi == 'apache2':
                sudo("chown %s:www-data %s"% (env.user,filename))
                run("chmod ug+xr %s"% filename)
            elif wsgi == 'gunicorn':
                sudo("chown root:root %s"% filename)
                sudo("chmod go+r %s"% filename)
    return deployed
コード例 #16
ファイル: webservers.py プロジェクト: zbrdge/woven
def deploy_wsgi():
    deploy python wsgi file(s)
    if 'libapache2-mod-wsgi' in get_packages():
        remote_dir = '/'.join(
            [deployment_root(), 'env', env.project_fullname, 'wsgi'])
        wsgi = 'apache2'
    elif 'gunicorn' in get_packages():
        remote_dir = '/etc/init'
        wsgi = 'gunicorn'
    deployed = []

    #ensure project apps path is also added to environment variables as well as wsgi
        pap = '/'.join([
            deployment_root(), 'env', env.project_name, 'project',
            env.project_package_name, env.PROJECT_APPS_PATH
        pap = ''.join(['export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:', pap])
        postactivate = '/'.join([deployment_root(), 'env', 'postactivate'])
        if not exists(postactivate):
            append('#!/bin/bash', postactivate)
            run('chmod +x %s' % postactivate)
        if not contains('PYTHONPATH', postactivate):
            append(pap, postactivate)

    if env.verbosity:
        print env.host, "DEPLOYING wsgi", wsgi, remote_dir

    for file in _sitesettings_files():
        deployed += mkdirs(remote_dir)
        with cd(remote_dir):
            settings_module = file.replace('.py', '')
            context = {
                "deployment_root": deployment_root(),
                "user": env.user,
                "project_name": env.project_name,
                "project_package_name": env.project_package_name,
                "project_apps_path": env.PROJECT_APPS_PATH,
                "settings": settings_module,
            if wsgi == 'apache2':
                filename = file.replace('.py', '.wsgi')
                    '/'.join(['woven', 'django-wsgi-template.txt']),
            elif wsgi == 'gunicorn':
                filename = 'gunicorn-%s.conf' % env.project_name
                upload_template('/'.join(['woven', 'gunicorn.conf']),

            if env.verbosity:
                print " * uploaded", filename
            #finally set the ownership/permissions
            #We'll use the group to allow www-data execute
            if wsgi == 'apache2':
                sudo("chown %s:www-data %s" % (env.user, filename))
                run("chmod ug+xr %s" % filename)
            elif wsgi == 'gunicorn':
                sudo("chown root:root %s" % filename)
                sudo("chmod go+r %s" % filename)

    return deployed
コード例 #17
ファイル: linux.py プロジェクト: depleater/woven
def upload_etc():
    Upload and render all templates in the woven/etc directory to the
    respective directories on the nodes.

    Only configuration for installed packages will be uploaded where
    that package creates its own subdirectory in /etc/ eg. /etc/apache2.

    For configuration that falls in some other non package
    directories, ie. init.d, logrotate.d etc., it is intended that
    this function only replace existing configuration files. To ensure
    we don't upload etc files that are intended to accompany a
    particular package.
    role = env.role_lookup[env.host_string]
    packages = env.packages[role]
    # Determine the templatedir.
    if env.verbosity:
        print "UPLOAD ETC configuration templates"
    if not hasattr(env, "project_template_dir"):
        # The normal pattern would mean the shortest path is the main
        # one. It's probably the last listed.
        length = 1000
        env.project_template_dir = ""
        for directory in env.TEMPLATE_DIRS:
            if directory:
                len_dir = len(directory)
                if len_dir < length:
                    length = len_dir
                    env.project_template_dir = directory

    template_dir = os.path.join(os.path.split(os.path.realpath(__file__))[0], "templates", "")
    default_templates = _get_template_files(template_dir)
    if env.project_template_dir:
        user_templates = _get_template_files(os.path.join(env.project_template_dir, ""))
        user_templates = set([])
    etc_templates = user_templates | default_templates

    context = {"host_ip": socket.gethostbyname(env.host)}
    if env.overwrite or env.installed_packages[env.host]:
        mod_only = False
        mod_only = True
    for t in etc_templates:
        dest = t.replace("woven", "", 1)
        directory, filename = os.path.split(dest)
        package_name = filename.split(".")[0]
        if directory in ["/etc", "/etc/init.d", "/etc/init", "/etc/logrotate.d", "/etc/rsyslog.d"]:
            # Must be replacing an existing file.
            if not exists(dest) and package_name not in packages:
        elif directory == "/etc/ufw/applications.d":
            # Must be a package name.
            if filename not in packages:
        elif not exists(directory, use_sudo=True):
        uploaded = upload_template(t, dest, context=context, use_sudo=True, modified_only=mod_only)

        if uploaded:
            sudo(" ".join(["chown root:root", dest]))
            if "init.d" in dest:
                sudo(" ".join(["chmod ugo+rx", dest]))
                sudo(" ".join(["chmod ugo+r", dest]))
            if env.verbosity:
                print " * uploaded", dest