コード例 #1
 def read0(self, infile, nbasis, debug=None):
     """Reads in the matrix elements from a Fortran binary file.
 This is a reference implementation, very slow.
     assert nbasis > 0
     dbg = text_output(ifelse(debug, sys.stdout, None), flush=True)
     H2 = numpy.zeros((nbasis, nbasis, nbasis, nbasis), dtype=float)
     self.H2 = H2
     F = fortran_bin_file(infile)
     S = os.stat(infile)
     fsize = S.st_size
     rec_desc = (('i', numpy.int32, 4), ('v', numpy.float64))
     rec_bytesize = F.byte_length(*rec_desc) + F.default_int(0).itemsize * 2
     rec_count = fsize // rec_bytesize
     dbg("File %s: %d integral records to be read\n" % (infile, rec_count))
     for cc in xrange(rec_count):
         rec = F.read(*rec_desc)
         rec['i'] -= 1  # convert to py index
         (i, l, j, k) = rec['i']
         v = rec['v']
         # Use: V2b_inspect.permute_V2b('i','j','l','k',chem=1)
         # to generate this:
         H2[i, l, j, k] = v
         H2[j, k, i, l] = v
         H2[l, i, k, j] = v
         H2[k, j, l, i] = v
         H2[i, l, k, j] = v
         H2[k, j, i, l] = v
         H2[j, k, l, i] = v
         H2[l, i, j, k] = v
コード例 #2
def dets_dump_stats(wlkrs, out=sys.stdout, psiT_kwd='PsiT'):
    """Verbosely reports the statistics of the determinants (weight,
  local energies, etc, and wave function overlap).
    # In the development script elsewhere (Check_walkers.py),
    # it was called 'report_status_dets'.
    # But the layout has changed considerably.
    from wpylib.iofmt.text_output import text_output
    from wpylib.text_tools import str_fmt_heading
    fmt = "%4d  %17.9g  %17.9g  | %17.9g %17.9g | %17.9g %17.9gj | %17.9g %17.9gj | %17.9g %17.9gj || %17.9g %17.9gj | %17.9g %17.9gj | %17.9g %17.9gj |\n"
    fmt_heading = str_fmt_heading(fmt)
    #xkwd = lambda X : X.replace('%', psiT_kwd)
    heading = fmt_heading % (
        '%s_ovlp' % psiT_kwd,
        'up_%s_ovlp' % psiT_kwd,
        'dn_%s_ovlp' % psiT_kwd,
    Print = text_output(out)
    for (i, D) in enumerate(wlkrs.dets):
        impfn = getattr(D, 'impfn', 1e-99)
        det_norm = getattr(D, 'det_norm', 1e-99)
        ampl = getattr(D, 'ampl', 1e-99)
        o = getattr(D, '%s_ovlp' % psiT_kwd, 1e-99)
        up_o = getattr(D, 'up_%s_ovlp' % psiT_kwd, 1e-99)
        dn_o = getattr(D, 'dn_%s_ovlp' % psiT_kwd, 1e-99)

        Print(fmt \
              % (i+1,
                 D.El.real, D.El.imag,
                 impfn.real, impfn.imag,
                 det_norm.real, det_norm.imag,
                 ampl.real, ampl.imag,
                 o.real, o.imag,
                 up_o.real, dn_o.imag,
                 dn_o.real, dn_o.imag,
コード例 #3
ファイル: datfile.py プロジェクト: wirawan0/pyqmc
 def write(self, outfile):
     """Writes molecular orbital in GAMESS format.
 What written depends on the `nbasis` and `udet` attributes, and
 the data is in the `alpha` and (optionally) `beta` attributes.
 Comments are not written out; they must be appended manually if you
 want them.
 This method use the flexible `text_output` facility, so the outfile
 can be an open file object or a filename.
     F = text_output(outfile)
コード例 #4
ファイル: cost.py プロジェクト: wirawan0/pyqmc
 def printout_timing(self, out=None):
 Prints out a report for timing estimate.
     if out == None: out = sys.stdout
     O = text_output(out, flush=True)
     #info = self.info
     nblkstep = self.get_nblkstep
     h = 60 * 60  # secs per hour
     Mh = h * 1.0e6  # million secs per hour
     O("deltau = %.14g\n" % self.deltau)
     O("beta per blk = %10.3f  ( %9d steps = %10.4f M avg wlk-steps )\n" %
       (nblkstep * self.deltau, nblkstep, nblkstep * self.nwlk * 1e-6))
     O("beta_eq      = %10.3f  ( %9d steps = %10.4f M avg wlk-steps )\n" %
       (self.beta_eq, self.neqstep, self.neqstep * self.nwlk * 1e-6))
     O("beta_grth    = %10.3f  ( %9d steps = %10.4f M avg wlk-steps )\n" %
       (self.beta_grth, self.ngrthstep, self.ngrthstep * self.nwlk * 1e-6))
     O("beta_meas    = %10.3f  ( %9d steps = %10.4f M avg wlk-steps = %.6f M avg wlk-beta )\n"
       % (self.beta_meas, self.nmeastep, self.nmeastep * self.nwlk * 1e-6,
          self.nmeastep * self.deltau * self.nwlk * 1e-6))
     O("beta_total   = %10.3f  ( %9d steps = %10.4f M avg wlk-steps )\n" % (
         self.beta_eq + self.beta_grth + self.beta_meas,
         self.neqstep + self.ngrthstep + self.nmeastep,
         (self.neqstep + self.ngrthstep + self.nmeastep) * self.nwlk * 1e-6,
     O("num_tasks    = %d\n" % (self.num_tasks))
     O("num_threads  = %d\n" % (self.num_threads))
     O("num_cores    = %d total\n" % (self.num_tasks * self.num_threads))
     O("nwlkmin      = %d\n" % (self.get_nwlkmin))
     O("nwlk         = %d\n" % (self.nwlk))
     O("nwlkmax      = %d\n" % (self.get_nwlkmax))
     O("nwlkmax_proc = %d\n" % (self.get_nwlkmax_proc))
     O("wallclock stats:\n")
     O("teq          = %10.3f h\n" % (self.teq / h))
     O("tgrth        = %10.3f h\n" % (self.tgrth / h))
     O("tmeas1       = %10.3f h (%.2s secs) per measurement blk\n" %
       (self.tmeas1 / h, self.tmeas1))
     O("tmeas        = %10.3f h\n" % (self.tmeas / h))
     O("ttotal       = %10.3f h\n" %
       ((self.teq + self.tgrth + self.tmeas) / h))
     O("overall computer resource stats:\n")
     O("Teq          = %10.6f M core*h\n" % (self.Teq / Mh))
     O("Tgrth        = %10.6f M core*h\n" % (self.Tgrth / Mh))
     O("Tmeas1       = %10.6f M core*h\n" % (self.Tmeas1 / Mh))
     O("Tmeas        = %10.6f M core*h\n" % (self.Tmeas / Mh))
     O("Ttotal       = %10.6f M core*h\n" %
       ((self.Teq + self.Tgrth + self.Tmeas) / Mh))
コード例 #5
 def write(self, outfile, comment=None):
     F = text_output(outfile)
     if comment:
         cmt = " # " + str(comment)
         cmt = ""
     nbasis = self.nbasis
     nelem = nbasis * (nbasis + 1) / 2
     F.write("%d %d%s\n" % (nbasis, nelem, cmt))
                       getattr(self, "S_name", "Overlap"),
                       getattr(self, "H1_name", "Core Hamiltonian"),
コード例 #6
def h5meas_dump_reblk_raw_data(blk):
  """Dumps the reblocked datasets in a text table format.
  Used for debugging.

  Input `blk' object is the output of h5meas_reblk routine.
  from wpylib.iofmt.text_output import text_output
  rawblk = blk.raw_blocks
  for (pblk, tblk) in rawblk.keys():
    fn = "dump-%dx%d" % (pblk, tblk)
    fd = text_output(fn)
    rblk = rawblk[pblk,tblk]
    X = rblk['Xw'] / rblk['w']
    w = rblk['w']
    for t in xrange(rblk.shape[1]):
      for p in xrange(rblk.shape[0]):
        fd("%3d %3d %16.9f %16.9f\n" % (p, t, X[p,t], w[p,t]))

コード例 #7
ファイル: cost.py プロジェクト: wirawan0/pyqmc
    def printout(self, out=None):
        from pyqmc.results.gafqmc_info import gafqmc_info
        from pyqmc.results.pwqmc_info import pwqmc_info
        from wpylib.iofmt.text_output import text_output
        if out == None: out = sys.stdout
        O = text_output(out, flush=True)
        info = self.info
        if isinstance(info, gafqmc_info):
            O("Calculation: GAFQMC\n")
        elif isinstance(info, gafqmc_info):
            O("Calculation: PWQMC\n")

        beta_meas = self.nblk_actual * self.info.betablk
        O("walltime          = %g secs  (%g hours)\n" %
          (self.walltime, self.walltime / 3600.0))
        O("cpu core count    = %d\n" % (info.num_tasks * info.num_threads))
        O("cputime          >= %.6f M core*h\n" % (self.cputime * 1e-6))
        O("num meas blocks   = %d    ( beta = %.3f  <-->  %.4f M avg wlk-steps = %.6f M avg wlk-beta )\n"
          % (
              self.nblk_actual * info.nblkstep * info.nwlk * 1e-6,
              beta_meas * info.nwlk * 1e-6,
        O("num all blocks    = %d\n" %
          (info.neq + info.ngrth + self.nblk_actual))
        O("num all steps     = %d\n" % (self.nsteps_all))
        O("nwlkmax_proc      = %d\n" % (self.nwlkmax_proc))
        O("AVERAGE CASE\n")
        O("nwlkavg_proc      = %.10g\n" % (self.nwlkavg_proc))
        O("avg tot wlk steps = %.10g (per MPI task)\n" % (self.nwsteps_avg))
        O("avg step time     = %.10g\n" % (self.tsteps_avg))
        O("WORST CASE\n")
        O("nwlkmin_proc      = %.10g\n" % (self.nwlkmin_proc))
        O("min tot wlk steps = %.10g (per MPI task)\n" % (self.nwsteps_min))
        O("WORST step time   = %.10g\n" % (self.tsteps_max))
コード例 #8
    def write(self, outfile, comment=None, udet=False, verbose=None):  #{
        """Writes orbitals in eigen_gms formatted file.

    If only `alpha' orbitals exist then only the alpha sector is written out.
    This can be overriden by setting udet==True; then the alpha sector is
    duplicated as beta as well.
    The `udet' argument is not used if `beta' exists; both sectors will
    always be written out.
        out = text_output(outfile)

        (nbasis, norb) = self.alpha.shape
        if comment:
            cmt = " # " + str(comment)
            cmt = ""

        if hasattr(self, "beta"):
            sectors = (self.alpha, self.beta)
            if verbose:
                print "EigenGms.write: (alpha,beta) nbasis=%d, norb=%d" % (
                    nbasis, norb)
        elif udet:
            sectors = (self.alpha, self.alpha)
            if verbose:
                print "EigenGms.write: (alpha,alpha) nbasis=%d, norb=%d" % (
                    nbasis, norb)
            sectors = (self.alpha, )
            if verbose:
                print "EigenGms.write: (alpha only) nbasis=%d, norb=%d" % (
                    nbasis, norb)

        for SS in sectors:
            out("%d %d%s\n\n" % (nbasis, norb, cmt))

            for orb in numpy.array(SS, copy=False).T:
                out("\n".join(["%.15g" % a for a in orb] + ["\n"]))
コード例 #9
    def read(self, src, verbose=0, output=sys.stdout, rank=0, indep_rng=1):
        """Opens the `src' file and loads the walker data.
    Input parameters:
    - verbose = log verbosity level (default 0)
    - output = file-like stream for log output (default stdout)
    - rank = MPI rank of the process producing this checkpoint file
    - indep_rng = indicator whether an independent random number generator
      is used per each MPI process.
        Complex = self.Complex
        Float = self.Float
        Int = self.Int
        Str = lambda length: numpy.dtype('S' + str(length))
        if verbose:
            w = text_output(output, flush=True)
            w = text_output(None)
        rec = struct()
        self.data = rec
        w("Reading checkpoint file %s\n" % (src, ))
        F = fortran_bin_file(src)
        if rank == 0:
            F.read(('code_version', Float), dest=rec)
            F.read(('date', Str(10)), dest=rec)
            F.read(('time', Str(10)), dest=rec)
            if verbose >= 10:
                w(("GAFQMC walker file data\n" \
                   "  code_version = %.14g\n" \
                   "  date = %s\n" \
                   "  time = %s\n") \
                   % (rec.code_version, rec.date, rec.time))
            F.read(('lran', Int, 4), dest=rec)
            F.read(('nblktot', Int), dest=rec)
            F.read(('uptot', Float), dest=rec)
            F.read(('downtot', Float), dest=rec)
            F.read(('srun', Float), dest=rec)
            F.read(('s2run', Float), dest=rec)
        elif indep_rng:
            F.read(('lran', Int, 4), dest=rec)
        F.read(('fmt_version', Float), dest=rec)  # checkpoint format version
        F.read(('nh', Int), ('anorm', Float), ('etrial', Float),
               ('istpacc', Int),
        F.read(('timeshift', Float), dest=rec)
        F.read(('nwlkr_proc', Int), dest=rec)
        if verbose >= 10:
            w(("  lran        = %s\n" % rec.lran))
            if rank == 0:
                w( \
                  ("  nblktot     = %i\n" % rec.nblktot) + \
                  ("  uptot       = %.14g\n" % rec.uptot) + \
                  ("  downtot     = %.14g\n" % rec.downtot) + \
                  ("  srun        = %.14g\n" % rec.srun) + \
                  ("  s2run       = %.14g\n" % rec.s2run) + \
                  ("  fmt_version = %.14g\n" % rec.fmt_version) + \
                  ("  nh          = %i\n" % rec.nh) + \
                  ("  anorm       = %.14g\n" % rec.anorm) + \
                  ("  etrial      = %.14g\n" % rec.etrial) + \
                  ("  istpacc     = %i\n" % rec.istpacc) + \
                  ("  timeshift   = %i\n" % rec.timeshift) + \
                  ("  nwlkr_proc  = %i\n" % rec.nwlkr_proc) + \

        if self.udet:
            nptot = self.nup + self.ndn
            nptot = self.nup

        if verbose >= 20:
            w("# Walker data: wtwlkr, phasefac, re(El), im(El)\n")

        pop = MultiDet()
        pop.dets = []
        rec.wlkrs = pop
        for iwlk in xrange(rec.nwlkr_proc):
            wlk = Det()
            wlk.proc_rank = rank
            F.read(('iw', Int), dest=wlk)
            F.read(('wtwlkr', Float), dest=wlk)
            #wlk.wtwlkr = wlk.ampl
            # Note: the correct ampl is wtwlkr / <psiT|wlk> .
            # This must be applied later.
            F.read(('phasefac', Float), dest=wlk)
            F.read(('El', Complex), dest=wlk)
            orbs = numpy.zeros((self.nbasis, nptot), dtype=Complex)
            for ip in xrange(nptot):
                orbs[:, ip] = F.read(('col', Complex, self.nbasis))['col']
            if self.udet:
                wlk.make(src_up=orbs[:, 0:self.nup],
                         src_dn=orbs[:, self.nup:nptot])
                wlk.make(src_up=orbs[:, 0:self.nup],
                         src_dn=orbs[:, 0:self.ndn])
            if verbose >= 20:
                w("%5d %14.10f %14.10f %16.10f %14.10f\n" \
                  % (wlk.iw, wlk.wtwlkr, wlk.phasefac, wlk.El.real, wlk.El.imag))
        w("  :: %d walkers read from file %s\n" % (len(pop), src))

        if rec.fmt_version >= 2.0:
            F.read(('iflg_chkpt_impfn', Int), dest=rec)
            if rec.iflg_chkpt_impfn > 0:
                F.read(('nwlkr_proc_1', Int), dest=rec)
                assert rec.nwlkr_proc_1 == rec.nwlkr_proc
                F.read(('impfn', Complex, (rec.nwlkr_proc_1, )), dest=rec)
                # todo: affix impfn to Det objects above
                # NOTE: if you use read_all() method instead, these values
                # would have been affixed there!

        return rec
コード例 #10
    def read_all(self,
        """Reads all walker files into a single big result record.
    The `procs` argument can be one of the following:
    - an integer > 0, which is the number of MPI processes
      (for parallel run), indicating that all the walker files woud
      be read
    - a list/tuple/array of process ranks, from which associated
      checkpoint files we want to read in the walkers.

    By default, we assume that all the walker files reside in a subdir
    called "wlk/" .
        from wpylib.sugar import is_iterable
        from pyqmc import PyqmcDataError
        from itertools import izip

        if verbose:
            w = text_output(output, flush=True)
            w = text_output(None)

        if not is_iterable(procs):
            ranks = xrange(procs)
            ranks = procs

        w("read_all: Reading from %d checkpoint files\n" % len(ranks))
        dest = None
        impfn_all = []
        has_impfn = None
        for rank in ranks:
            filename = fname_pattern % (dict(fname_args, rank=rank))
            chk = self.read(src=filename,
            # don't leave the `data` field, or else it will confuse user later.
            # Use `data_all` instead!
            del self.data
            if dest is None:
                dest = chk
                self.data_all = chk
                dest.NUM_WARNINGS = 0
                dest.ranks = [rank]
                dest.lran_proc = {rank: dest.lran}
                del dest.lran
                dest.wlkrs_proc = {rank: dest.wlkrs}
                has_impfn = hasattr(chk, 'impfn')

                # Do some sanity checks and issues warning irregular stuff.
                def check_param(name, val, ref_val):
                    if ref_val != val:
                        w(" Warning: parameter `%s' is different from expected value (%s, ref: %s)\n" \
                          % (name, val, ref_val))
                        dest.NUM_WARNINGS = dest.NUM_WARNINGS + 1

                check_param('nh', chk.nh, dest.nh)
                check_param('anorm', chk.anorm, dest.anorm)
                check_param('etrial', chk.etrial, dest.etrial)
                check_param('istpacc', chk.istpacc, dest.istpacc)
                check_param('timeshift', chk.timeshift, dest.timeshift)

                dest.lran_proc[rank] = chk.lran
                dest.wlkrs_proc[rank] = chk.wlkrs

                if has_impfn != hasattr(chk, 'impfn'):
                    raise PyqmcDataError, \
                      (("Inconsistent existence of impfn field across walker files " \
                        " (currently on rank #%s; first-rank impfn status was %s)") \
                       % rank)

            if has_impfn:

        # Final brush-up:
        if has_impfn:
            dest.impfn = numpy.concatenate(impfn_all)
            # Affix impfn to D
            for (impfn, D) in izip(dest.impfn, dest.wlkrs):
                D.impfn = impfn

        return dest
コード例 #11
ファイル: output.py プロジェクト: wirawan0/pyqmc
    def parse_dataset_results_(self, baserec, F, index):
        """Parses a dataset: the `result' part.
    The """
        global DEBUG_FD
        scf_cycle = []
        rx = self.rx_
        dt = self.dt_
            dbg = DEBUG_FD
            dbg = text_output(None)  # sys.stdout, flush=True)
        self['MyErrors'] = 0
        self['dataset_index'] = index
        self['parent_'] = weakref.ref(baserec)

        # We can get the following from the outvars section of the output preamble
        def getoutvar(kwd, default, mapfunc=None):
                r = getattr(baserec.outvars, kwd + str(index))
            except AttributeError:
                r = getattr(baserec.outvars, kwd, default)
                return map(mapfunc, r)
                if mapfunc == None:
                    return r
                        return mapfunc(r)
                        return r

        #ngfft = getattr(baserec.outvars, "ngfft%d" % index, getattr(baserec.outvars, "ngfft", None))
        self['ngfft'] = tuple(getoutvar("ngfft", None, mapfunc=int))
        istwfk = getoutvar("istwfk", None, mapfunc=int)
        kpt_npw = {}

        for L in F:
            dbg("L:  %s\n" % L.rstrip())
            if rx.dataset_end % L:
                dbg("** end dataset detected **\n")
                F.file.push(L)  # put back the text data to the file
            elif rx.kpt_npw % L:
                # record the number of planewaves (w/o istwfk correction)
                kpt_npw[int(rx.kpt_npw['ikpt']) - 1] = int(rx.kpt_npw['npw'])
            elif rx.scf_begin % L:
                # Extracts the SCF cycle data plus whether it converges
                dbg("** SCF section **\n")
                L2 = ""
                for L2 in F:
                    #dbg("L2: %s\n" % L2.rstrip())
                    if not (rx.scf_line1 % L2):
                self['scf_data'] = numpy.array(scf_cycle, dtype=dt.scf_cycle)
                self['scf'] = True

                for L2 in F:
                    if L2.strip() != "": break

                if rx.scf_convg1 % L2:
                    self['scf_nsteps'] = rx.scf_convg1['numscf']
                    self['scf_converged'] = True

            elif rx.E_begin % L:
                dbg("** Energy section **\n")
                for L2 in F:
                    L2 = L2.rstrip()
                    dbg("L2: %s\n" % L2)
                    if rx.E_end % L2:
                    elif len(L2) == 0:
                        for (pat, act, arg1) in rx.E_parts_list:
                            if pat % L2:
                                if isinstance(act, basestring):
                                    self[act] = arg1(pat[1])

            elif rx.eigen_begin % L:
                # Begins reading info of eigensolutions here: eigenvals, occ, ...
                self['nkpt'] = int(rx.eigen_begin['nkpt'])
                if (istwfk == None): istwfk = (0, ) * self['nkpt']
                spin = rx.eigen_begin['spin']
                dbg("** Eigenvector sector: spin = %s **\n" % spin)
                if spin == None:
                    self['udet'] = False
                    spins = ('up', )
                    wfk = result_base(up=[])
                    wfk['dn'] = wfk['up']
                elif str(spin).lower() == 'up':
                    self['udet'] = True
                    spins = ('up', 'dn')
                    wfk = result_base(up=[], dn=[])
                    raise PyqmcDataError, "Error: Unknown spin type detected"
                self['wfk'] = wfk

                for (ispin, s) in enumerate(spins):
                    wfk_s = wfk[s]
                    for k in xrange(self['nkpt']):
                        L2 = F.next()
                        dbg("  spin %s kpt %d: %s\n" % (s, k, L2.strip()))
                        if not (rx.eigen_kpt1 % L2):
                            if (rx.eigen_kpt_stop % L2):
                                    "Cannot parse all kpt data; reason: `%s'" %
                                self['MyErrors'] += 1
                                raise PyqmcDataError, "Expected `kpt#' line, got `%s'" % L2
                        e = rx.eigen_kpt1
                        # CAVEAT: The results here have a very limited precision.
                        wfk_s_k = result_base(
                            ikpt=int(e['ikpt']) - 1,  # convert to 0-based
                        npwbasis = get_num_pw(kpt_npw[k], wfk_s_k.kpt,
                        if DEBUG_LEVEL >= 10:
                            print(kpt_npw[k], wfk_s_k.kpt,
                                  istwfk[k]), "->", npwbasis
                        wfk_s_k['npwbasis'] = npwbasis
                        wfk_s_k['istwfk'] = istwfk[k]
                        if k != wfk_s_k['ikpt']:
                            warn("Unexpected kpt index in Abinit output: given %d, expecting %d" \
                                 % (wfk_s_k['ikpt'], k))
                            self['MyErrors'] += 1
                            # In case of discrepancy, we proceed, but at your risk
                        # Reads in eigenvalues
                        egnvals = []
                        mbands = wfk_s_k['nband']
                        for L2 in F:
                            dbg("  egn: " + L2)
                            m = map(float, L2.split())
                            egnvals += m
                            mbands -= len(m)
                            if mbands <= 0: break
                        wfk_s_k['egnval'] = numpy.array(egnvals)

                        # Reads in occupancy (if any)
                        L2 = F.next()
                        if not (L2.strip().startswith('occupation numbers')):
                            # Maybe this one does not have occupancy; push back and continue
                            # FIXME: Must get the occ from the end of the file.
                            # For now we don't give the 'occ' field.
                            occ = []
                            mbands = wfk_s_k['nband']
                            for L2 in F:
                                m = map(float, L2.split())
                                occ += m
                                mbands -= len(m)
                                if mbands <= 0: break
                            wfk_s_k['occ'] = numpy.array(occ)


                    if ispin + 1 < len(spins):
                        assert rx.eigen_begin % F.next()

            elif rx.densph_begin % L:
                # spin density within a spherical boundary: for local spin moments
                self['local_spin_moment'] = \
                  F.read_items((0, int, 'iatom'), (1, float, 'sphere_radius'),
                               (2, float, 'up_spin_dens'), (3, float, 'dn_spin_dens'),
                               (4, float, 'tot_spin_dens'), (5, float, 'diff_spin_dens'),
                               end_line_match=r'Note: Diff')


        # Fallback: if no SCF output exists, most likely it is not a SCF run.
        if not 'scf' in self:
            self['scf'] = False
コード例 #12
    def convert(self, src=None, info=None, output=None, **_opts_):
        #def convert(src="PWAF-meas.tar.lzma", info="INFO",
        #            output="measurements.h5",
        #            backend_opts={},
        #            debug=1):
        """Converts a set of measurement data (*.ene) to a standard meas_hdf5's
    HDF5 database.
    Also adds some useful metadata from the INFO file.
    Required parameters to be properly set:
    * src = the filename of the tarball, or the glob of
      the measurement files (*.ene).
    * info = the INFO file.
    * output = the target HDF5 data file.

    Additional methods, if defined in the derived object, will be called:
    * convert_preamble_steps_(hint, info, opts)
    * convert_postamble_steps_(hdf5_raw_group, info, opts)

    Optional arguments:
    * logfile: a file-like object (or a filename) to log the output of this
      routine and its called routines.
      A default can be given as "self.opts.logfile".
      - `logfile' parameter is more recommended than the lower-level
        backend_opts['debug_out'] field passed to the actual converter routine.
      - If both are defined, the `debug_out' takes greater precedence.
        from wpylib.iofmt.text_output import text_output
        # FIXME: use self-introspection to reduce kitchen-sink params here:
        #p = Parameters(locals(), _opts_, _opts_.get('opts'), self.opts, _defaults)
        # The function defaults are now provided in the
        # Default_params...['convert_defaults'] field.
        p = self.opts._create_(
        if info == None:
            info_file = p.info
            info_file = info
        if src == None: src = p.src
        if output == None: output = p.output
        orig_dir = os.getcwd()

        tm1 = time.clock()
        if not isinstance(info_file, pwqmc_info):
            info = self.info_class(info_file)
            info = info_file
            info_file = info['info_file']

            lf = p.logfile
            logfile = text_output()
            has_logfile = False
            logfile = text_output(lf)
            has_logfile = True

        # Deduce the datatype of the info structure:
        info_dtype = None
        for klass in self.Default_desc.keys():
            if isinstance(info, klass):
                info_dtype = klass
        if info_dtype == None:
            raise RuntimeError, \
              "Cannot deduce the datatype of the info structure: %s" % type(info)

        Default_desc = self.Default_desc[info_dtype]
        if not issubclass(info_dtype, self.info_class):
            from warnings import warn
            warn("INFO class (%s) does not match the converter's info_class!" \
                 % (info_dtype, self.info_class),

        # do these fetches here just in case they fail due to my mistake/negligence
        #kpt_data1 = ALL_KPTS_DATA[cellstr][volstr][kpt_str]
        #E_GGA = ALL_KPTS_DATA[cellstr][volstr]['kgrid']['E_GGA']
        if 'Etrial_noconst' not in info:
            raise PyqmcDataError, \
              "Trial energy is not found in the INFO file: %s" % (info_file)

        use_tmpdir = False
        if isinstance(src, basestring):
            if src.endswith(".tar.lzma"):
                sh.system("rm -rf *")  # always start clean
                os.run("tar", ("-C", p.TMPDIR, "--use-compress-program=lzma",
                               "-xf", src))
                files = TMPDIR + "/*.ene"
                use_tmpdir = True
            elif src.endswith(".tar.bz2"):
                sh.system("rm -rf *")  # always start clean
                os.run("tar", ("-C", p.TMPDIR, "-j", "-xf", src))
                files = TMPDIR + "/*.ene"
                use_tmpdir = True
            elif src.endswith(".ene"):  # or src.endswith(".meas"):
                # *.meas is OLD. Don't use anymore.
                files = src
                raise ValueError, "Don't know how to handle src = %s" % (src)
            raise ValueError, "Don't know how to handle src %s = %s" % (str(
                type(src)), str(src))

            backend_opts = dict(p.backend_opts)
            backend_opts = {}

            'nwlkavg': info['nwlk'],
            'nwlkmax': info['nwlkmax'],
            #'default_raw_chunks': [1, info['nwlkmax']],
            #'value_processor': valpx,
        is_free_proj = info['constraint'] in ('none', )
        if backend_opts.get('keep_El_imag') == 'auto':
            backend_opts['keep_El_imag'] = is_free_proj
        if backend_opts.get('keep_phasefac') == 'auto':
            backend_opts['keep_phasefac'] = is_free_proj
        if "debug_out" not in backend_opts and has_logfile:
            backend_opts['debug_out'] = logfile

        if p.E_prefactor != 1.0 and 'value_processor' not in backend_opts:

            def valpx(data, meta, *junk1, **junk2):
                """Rescales the energy values (real and imaginary!)."""
                data['E_l'] *= p.E_prefactor

            backend_opts['value_processor'] = valpx

        if 'convert_preamble_steps_' in dir(self):
            # This is useful for e.g. adding default_raw_chunks, defining
            # value_processor, etc.
            self.convert_preamble_steps_(hints=backend_opts, info=info, opts=p)
            # Examples:
            # in MnO 2x2x2:
            #    natoms = cell_info[cellstr]['natoms']
            #    E_prefactor = 4.0 / natoms
            #    def valpx(data, meta, *junk1, **junk2):
            #      """Renormalize the energy values (real and imaginary!) to 4-atom
            #      cell value."""
            #      data['E_l'] *= E_prefactor
            # NOTE: special to MnO runs,
            # We use chunksize = [1,nwlkmax] because we know the popsizes are
            # hovering near nwlkmax anyway.

        db = self.meas_module.convert_meas_to_hdf5_v2(output,
        if p.debug > 0:
            self.last_db = db

        # The last opened raw group is given as db.raw
        # --this is also the data group which contain the dataset from the
        # conversion just done.
        job0 = db.raw.job()
        # Add some useful attributes:
        if 'System' in p:
            System = p.System
        elif 'System' in info:
            System = info['System']
        elif 'System' in Default_desc:
            System = Default_desc['System']
            System = '(Unknown calculation)'
        job0.attrs['System'] = System
        job0.attrs['H0'] = info['H0']
        job0.attrs['deltau'] = info['deltau']
        job0.attrs['Evar'] = info['Evar'] * p.E_prefactor
        ET = (info['Etrial_noconst'] + info['H0']) * p.E_prefactor
        ET_delta = 2 / math.sqrt(info['deltau']) * p.E_prefactor
        job0.attrs['Etrial'] = ET * p.E_prefactor  # for El_bounds
        job0.attrs['Ebounds'] = ((ET - ET_delta) * p.E_prefactor,
                                 (ET + ET_delta) * p.E_prefactor)
        job0.attrs['units'] = Default_desc['unit']
        extra_meta_copy = Default_desc.get('extra_meta_copy', None)
        if extra_meta_copy != None:
            extra_meta_copy(info, job0)

        if 'convert_postamble_steps_' in dir(self):
            # This is useful for e.g. adding more metadata
            self.convert_postamble_steps_(raw_group=job0, info=info, opts=p)

        tm2 = time.clock()
        logfile("%s : ET = %g; total time = %d s; %s\n" % \
           tm2 - tm1,
           str_trunc_begin(System, 64),

        return db
コード例 #13
def h5meas_dump_reblk_stats(blk, fn):
  """Dumps the reblocking statistics in a text table format.
  Input `blk' object is the output of h5meas_reblk routine.
  The output is like this:

      #tblk   pblk           mean_g            err_g            mean_b            err_b              w_tot tbsz            mean_jk           err_jk
         25      1  -8092.438212090      0.003446285   -8092.437398380      0.003932366    77093.632027542    2    -8092.438213362      0.003502350
         10      1  -8092.438212090      0.003178238   -8092.437240991      0.003409631    77093.632027542    5    -8092.438220600      0.003732636
          5      1  -8092.438212090      0.003726210   -8092.437043970      0.004222428    77093.632027542   10    -8092.438238199      0.004836244

  The fields are:

    tblk: number of blocks in the imaginary-time axis

    tbsz: list of the number of blocks in the imaginary-time axis

    pblk: size of each block in the imaginary-time axis (or,
        the number of time slices averaged for reblocking along time axis)

    mean_g, err_g: the 'grand' weighted statistics mean and (biased) error estimate

    mean_b, err_b: the unweighted statistics mean and error estimate
        (sometimes called 'block average'--i.e. plain averaging
        of the reblocked data),

    mean_jk, err_jk: mean and error restimate from the delete-1 jackknife procedure.

    w_tot: total weight of all the raw data points accounted
        in the reblocking process.

  from wpylib.iofmt.text_output import text_output
  from wpylib.text_tools import str_fmt_heading
  from wpylib.math.stats.jackknife1 import jk_generate_averages, jk_stats_aa
  from numpy import average, product, std, sqrt, sum
  rawblk = blk.raw_blocks
  #fn = "reblock-stats"
  fd = text_output(fn)
  fmt = "%5d %6d %16.9f %16.9f  %16.9f %16.9f   %16.9f %4d   %16.9f %16.9f\n"
  fd(str_fmt_heading(fmt) % ('#tblk', 'pblk', 'mean_g', 'err_g', 'mean_b', 'err_b', 'w_tot', 'tbsz', 'mean_jk', 'err_jk'))
  for (pblk, tblk) in sorted(rawblk.keys()):
    rblk = rawblk[pblk,tblk]
    ndata = product(rblk.shape)
    # reblocked "measurements":
    X_ds = rblk['Xw'] / rblk['w']
    wtot = sum(rblk['w'])
    w2tot = sum(rblk['w']**2)
    # grand (weighted) averages
    Xg = sum(rblk['Xw']) / sum(rblk['w'])
    # REF: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weighted_arithmetic_mean#Weighted_sample_variance
    # biased sample variance
    Xg_var_biased = sum(rblk['w'] * (X_ds - Xg)**2) / wtot
    #Xg_var_unbiased =
    # biased error estimate of the "grand" average
    Xg_err_biased = sqrt(Xg_var_biased / (ndata))
    # FIXME: Add also unbiased error estimate
    # poor but simplest attempt to reduce bias in var estimate above:
    Xg_err_unbiased1 = sqrt(Xg_var_biased / (ndata-1))
    # unweighted statistics: block average, standard error of the blk avg
    Xb = average(X_ds)
    Xerr = std(X_ds, ddof=1) / sqrt(ndata)
    # Jackknife statistics
    Emix_aa_jk = jk_generate_averages(a=X_ds.flatten(), weights=rblk['w'].flatten())
    (Emix_jk, Emix_jk_err, Emix_jk_corrected) = jk_stats_aa(aa_jk=Emix_aa_jk)

    fd(fmt % (rblk.shape[1], pblk, Xg, Xg_err_biased, \
              Xb, Xerr, wtot, tblk, Emix_jk, Emix_jk_err))
コード例 #14
 def init(self, info, wlkr_dir, chkfile_pattern=None, logfile=sys.stdout):
     self.wlkr_dir = wlkr_dir
     if chkfile_pattern is not None:
         self.chkfile_pattern = chkfile_pattern
     self.logfile = text_output(logfile)
コード例 #15
ファイル: walker_hacks.py プロジェクト: wirawan0/pyqmc
class emergency_walkers_fixup(object):
    """A tool to quickly fix a collection of QMC walkers for reuse in a subsequent
  QMC run.

  Motivation: In very large computers sometimes walker files can get corrupted.
  In this case, to prevent the QMC job from failing, we simply 'sample' the
  walker population to regenerate the missing/broken walker file.

  This tool provides a general framework to perform this emergency saving
  in the case of broken files.

    # walkers_fixup_dir is a relative subdirectory to contain fixed up walker file set
    # walkers_fixup_note_bad_dir is a relative subdirectory to contain ONLY the replaced
    # bad walker filenames (for human inspection)
    walkers_fixup_dir = "fixup"
    walkers_fixup_note_bad_dir = "fixup/bad"

    verbose = 1
    log = text_output(sys.stdout, flush=True)

    # The following must be overriden:
    walkers_glob = None
  Transient variables:
  - walkers_dir
  - walkers_absdir
  - walkers[]
  - walkers_bad[]
  - walkers_ibad[] -- index of bad walkers
  - walkers_good[]
  - walkers_reserved[] -- names of walker files that are NOT to be used
    as replacement for bad walkers.
    def is_bad_walker_file(self, filename):
        """Decides if a walker file is bad. Must be overriden in actual class."""
        return 0

    def collect_walker_files(self, dir="wlk"):
        orig_pwd = os.getcwd()
        self.walkers_absdir = abspath(dir)
        self.walkers_dir = dir
        self.walkers = sh.sorted_glob(self.walkers_glob)
        if self.verbose:
            self.log(": Found %d walker files\n" % len(self.walkers))
            del self.walkers_bad
            del self.walkers_ibad
            del self.walkers_good

    def check_walker_files(self, report=None):
        """Checks the walker files (can take awhile), and returns the number of
    bad walker files found."""
        self.walkers_bad = []
        self.walkers_ibad = []
        self.walkers_good = []
        for (iw, w) in enumerate(self.walkers):
            if self.is_bad_walker_file(w):
        return len(self.walkers_bad)

    def has_bad_walkers(self):
        if not hasattr(self, "walkers_bad"):
        return len(self.walkers_bad) > 0

    def report_bad_walkers(self, level):
        if self.has_bad_walkers:
            self.log("! Found %d bad walker files...\n" %
            if level > 0 and level < 10:
                self.log("".join(["! Bad files (indices): "] +
                                 [" %s" % iw
                                  for iw in self.walkers_ibad] + ["\n"]))
                self.log("".join(["! Bad files:\n"] + [
                    "! - %6d  %s\n" % (iw, w)
                    for (iw, w) in zip(self.walkers_ibad, self.walkers_bad)

    def fixup_walkers1(self):
        #if not self.has_bad_walkers:
        #  return False

        orig_pwd = os.getcwd()
        sh.mkdir("-p", self.walkers_fixup_dir)
        sh.mkdir("-p", self.walkers_fixup_note_bad_dir)

        # Copy over the good walkers
        for w in self.walkers_good:
            self.copy_file(w, joinpath(self.walkers_fixup_dir, w))

        num_good = len(self.walkers_good)
        max_tries = 100

        for wb in self.walkers_bad:
            tries = 0
            while tries <= max_tries:
                tries += 1
                r = numpy.random.randint(num_good)
                wg = self.walkers_good[r]
                if wg not in self.walkers_reserved:
                elif tries == max_tries:
                    raise RuntimeError, \
                      "Fatal: cannot find good replacement for walker file %s" % wb
            if self.verbose >= 10:
                self.log("fixup: %s -> %s\n" % (wb, wg))
            self.copy_file(wg, joinpath(self.walkers_fixup_dir, wb))
            self.copy_file(wg, joinpath(self.walkers_fixup_note_bad_dir, wb))


    def generate_replacement_list(self):
        """Generates a list of walker replacement. Excluding those that are in
    walkers_reserved array.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def copy_file(self, src, dest):
        from wpylib.file.file_utils import relpath
        # FIXME--may want real copy command, perhaps?
        sh.provide_link(dest, relpath(dirname(abspath(dest)), abspath(src)))
コード例 #16
ファイル: datfile.py プロジェクト: wirawan0/pyqmc
    def read(self,
        """Reads off molecular orbital vectors.
      movecs = pyqmc.gamess.datfile.movecs(fname, [options])
    Valid options:
      vec_select = <integer>  (default: 1; 1-based choice)
      verbose    = 0|1        (default: 0)
      nbasis     = <integer>  (default: autodetected)
    This routine was translated from Gamess::ReadGamessMOVecs routine
    in my Gamess.pm perl module.
    The latter routine was derived from C2_UHF_gamess.pl dated ~20070813.
    The resulting orbital (orbitals_alpha, orbitals_beta) arrays are 1-based,
    both in the orbital index and the basis index.

    Strict vector ordering (1, 2, 3, ..., N) is required in the $VEC data.
    We will check orbital indices strictly.
    This requires the orbitals be strictly ordered, with no skipping, etc.
    Strict checking is necessary for proper reading when we have more than 99
    basis functions.
    In anticipating for large basis size, the rule for deducing UHF-type
    movecs is more complicated. For nbasis >= 100, the tag number rolls back
    to zero, unfortunately, which makes thing a bit difficult: when we see a
    tag of " 1" again, is it UHF beta sector, or movec #101?
    One way we can be assured that it IS an UHF movecs is prohibiting the size
    of movecs to be greater than the deduced nbasis, which is a reasonable
    restriction. Then, when we apparently encounter movec "101" when nbasis==100,
    we can be sure that the 101st vector is actually beta movec #1.
    Thus UHF movecs can be detected by the following rule:
    - ( old $VecTag != 0, or old $VecIndex == $nbasis already ) AND
      new $VecTag == 1 .
    The solution above is still not foolproof in two cases:
    1) suppose we have an UHF-type movecs with nbasis=220,
    but each spin sector only has 100 orbitals listed.
    Then this will be interpreted as an RHF-type movecs with nbasis=220
    and norbitals=200.
    2) in spherical basis, maximum norbitals is <= nbasis.
    When this happens, then the deduced nbasis is not the right number of
    spherical basis functions (thus the nbasis deduced above is not right).
    But I haven't seen this case yet, so forget about them temporarily.
        from wpylib.regexps import regex
        # MOVECS comments (always 3 lines preceding the $VEC block)
        rx_comment = regex(r'^--- ')
        rx_vec = regex(r'^(?i) \$vec')
        rx_endvec = regex(r'^(?i)  ?\$end')
        F = text_input(infile)
        comments = None
        found = False
        vec_blk_count = 0
        n_comment_lines = 0
        O = text_output(out, flush=True)
        spin = "alpha"
        udet = False
        AllVecs = {}
        for txt in F:
            if rx_comment % txt:
                comments = []
                n_comment_lines = 3
            if n_comment_lines > 0:
                n_comment_lines -= 1
            if rx_vec % txt:
                vec_blk_count += 1
                if vec_blk_count < vec_select:
                    # the comments we just read (if any) are irrelevant, so
                    # remove them.
                    comments = None

                found = True
                # This is the actual movecs reading loop ---
                # The $END marker for initial orbital guess (PUNMO=.TRUE.) is
                # buggy--we must tolerate that
                txt = F.next()
                # VecIndex = MO index to identify the whole vector
                # VecTag = MO "tag" number
                # In general VecTag is equal to VecIndex except when we have >= 100
                # basis funcs (where VecTag has only the last two digits).
                # NOTE: VecTag is *always* a 2-character string!
                VecIndex = 1
                VecTag = " 1"
                AmplIndex = 0
                Ampl = []
                Vecs = [Ampl]
                while not (rx_endvec % txt):
                    NewVecTag = txt[0:2]
                    #print "H: $txt\n";
                    #print "V: $NewVecTag\n";

                    # We should safely assume that VecTag > 1 at the end
                    # of alpha orbitals; if that's not the case, that's
                    # YOUR fault (why doing 1-basis quantum chemistry?)
                    if NewVecTag != VecTag:
                        # Just in case, we are very pedantic in checking for errors here:
                        if nbasis != None:
                            # (1) nbasis must be consistent
                            if AmplIndex != nbasis:
                                raise PyqmcDataError, \
                                  ("%s:%d: Inconsistent nbasis " + \
                                   "(original guess was = %d, most recently deduced value = %d) " + \
                                   "for %s vector #%d") \
                                  % (infile, F.lineno, nbasis, AmplIndex, spin, VecIndex)
                            # Deduce nbasis
                            nbasis = AmplIndex
                            if nbasis == 0:
                                raise PyqmcDataError, \
                                  ("%s:%d: nbasis detected as zero! " + \
                                   "Maybe there is corruption in the input file?") \
                                  % (infile, F.lineno)
                            if verbose > 0:
                                O("pyqmc.gamess.movecs.read:%s: Deduced nbasis = %d\n" \
                                  % (infile, nbasis))

                        # UHF-type vector detection scheme: see the notes above
                        if (VecTag != " 0"
                                or VecIndex == nbasis) and NewVecTag == " 1":
                            if verbose > 0:
                                O("pyqmc.gamess.movecs.read:%s: Found UHF-type movecs\n" \
                                  % (infile,))

                            if udet:
                                raise PyqmcDataError, \
                                  ("%s:%d: alpha and beta orbitals were already defined?! " + \
                                   "Maybe there is a mistake with your $VEC data?") \
                                  % (infile, F.lineno)

                            AllVecs[spin] = numpy.array(Vecs, dtype=float).T
                            # start all over with a new MO block
                            Ampl = []
                            Vecs = [Ampl]
                            spin = "beta"
                            udet = True
                            VecIndex = 0
                            # end UHF-type detection scheme
                            # Some additional error checking(s)
                            if VecIndex >= nbasis:  # and nbasis != 100:
                                # NOTE: We disallow norbitals > nbasis in our reader.
                                raise PyqmcDataError, \
                                  ("%s:%d: The $VEC block has more than %d orbitals, " + \
                                   "which is prohibited by this routine") \
                                  % (infile, F.lineno, nbasis)

                            Ampl = []

                        AmplIndex = 0
                        # Start off a new vector
                        VecIndex += 1
                        VecTag = NewVecTag
                    # end new vector/new spin sector detection

                    # Strict index vs. tag checking:
                    TagChk = "%2d" % (VecIndex % 100)
                    if TagChk != VecTag:
                        raise PyqmcDataError, \
                          ("%s:%d: Mismatch vector tag number in vector #%d " + \
                           "(wanted '%s', got '%s')") \
                          % (infile, F.lineno, VecIndex, TagChk, VecTag)

                    # the amplitudes are always stored in -n.nnnnnnnnE+nn fixed format
                    # (15 characters wide)
                    txtdata = txt[5:].rstrip()
                    lendata = len(txtdata) // 15

                    Ampl += [
                        float(txtdata[i * 15:i * 15 + 15])
                        for i in xrange(0, lendata)
                    AmplIndex += lendata

                    # TODO: $i < 5 is allowed ONLY on the last line;
                    # Make sure we catch that.
                    #print $VecIndex, " ", $AmplIndex, "\n";

                        txt = F.next()
                    except StopIteration:
                        raise PyqmcDataError, \
                          ("%s:%d: Unexpected EOF while reading in $VEC data") \
                          % (infile, F.lineno)
                # end loop for reading in $VEC data

                # Finalization: do final checks, etc.

                AllVecs[spin] = numpy.array(Vecs, dtype=float).T

                if AmplIndex != nbasis:
                    raise PyqmcDataError, \
                      ("%s:%d: Inconsistent nbasis " + \
                       "(original guess was = %d, most recently deduced value = %d) " + \
                       "for %s vector #%d") \
                      % (infile, F.lineno, nbasis, AmplIndex, spin, VecIndex)

                if udet:
                    if AllVecs['alpha'].shape != AllVecs['beta'].shape:
                        raise PyqmcDataError, \
                          ("%s:%d: Inconsistent shape of MO matrix: " + \
                           "(alpha = %s, beta = %s)") \
                          % (infile, F.lineno, \
                             AllVecs['alpha'].shape, \
                             AllVecs['beta'].shape, \
                if verbose > 0:
                    O("pyqmc.gamess.movecs.read:%s: Total MO vectors read = %s%s\n" \
                      % (infile, VecIndex, ifelse(udet, " (UHF-type)", "")))

                # stop reading if the desired vectors have been loaded

        # end main text reading loop

        if not found:
            raise PyqmcDataError, \
              ("%s: Cannot find $VEC block number %s") \
              % (infile, vec_select)

        # Save the reading results to the "self" record:
        self.filename = infile
        self.vec_select = vec_select
        self.comments = comments
        self.udet = udet
        self.nbasis = nbasis
        for (spin, mo) in AllVecs.iteritems():
            setattr(self, spin, mo)
        return self
コード例 #17
    def read(self, infile, nbasis, debug=None, blksize=16384, perm='default'):
        """Reads in the matrix elements from a Fortran binary file.
    This is supposed to be an accelerated implementation.
    We *bypass* the fortran binary format and slurp the file into memory
    before doing further processing.

    Permutation flags (`perm`) honored:
    * 0, False, None = No permutation  (generally you don't want this except for
    * 1, 'standard' = standard fourfold permutation for a Hermitian two-body
    * 2, 'real' = eightfold permutation for a Hermitian two-body
      Hamiltonian with real basis functions in real space
        from numpy import conj
        from os.path import abspath
        assert nbasis > 0
            perm = self.V2b_permutation_options[perm]
        except KeyError:
            raise ValueError, "Invalid permutation options: `%s'" % perm
        self.nbasis = nbasis
        dbg = text_output(ifelse(debug, sys.stdout, None), flush=True)
        H2 = numpy.zeros((nbasis, nbasis, nbasis, nbasis), dtype=float)
        self.H2 = H2
        nn = nbasis * (nbasis + 1) // 2
        S = os.stat(infile)
        fsize = S.st_size
        # net bytesize excluding marker
        rec_count = fsize // self.rectype.itemsize
        dbg("File %s: %d integral records to be read\n" % (infile, rec_count))
        dbg("Matrix element permutation flag = %s\n" % (perm))
        F = open(infile, "rb")
        self.filename = infile
        self.filename_abs = abspath(infile)
        # We use blocked read and assignment to minimize the python overhead
        for iblk in xrange(0, rec_count, blksize):
            read_blksize = min(blksize, rec_count - iblk)
            blob = numpy.fromfile(F, dtype=self.rectype, count=read_blksize)
            # The following provides a minimal consistency check if the file just read
            # is indeed a valid two_body_gms_ufmt file:
            if not numpy.all(blob['m1'] == self.recsize_net):
                raise PyqmcDataError, \
                  "Invalid record marker (m1) detected: file %s may be corrupt or of incorrect format." \
                  % (infile,)
            if not numpy.all(blob['m2'] == self.recsize_net):
                raise PyqmcDataError, \
                  "Invalid record marker (m2) detected: file %s may be corrupt or of incorrect format." \
                  % (infile,)
            # convert to py index (0-based)
            blob['i'] -= 1
            blob['l'] -= 1
            blob['j'] -= 1
            blob['k'] -= 1
            get_flat_perm_index = lambda iljk: \
              self.make_flat_index(blob[iljk[0]], blob[iljk[1]], blob[iljk[2]], blob[iljk[3]])
            # Use: V2b_inspect.permute_V2b('i','j','l','k',chem=1)
            # to generate this:
            v = blob['v']
            H2.put(get_flat_perm_index('iljk'), v)
            if (perm == 1 or perm == 2):
                H2.put(get_flat_perm_index('jkil'), v)
                H2.put(get_flat_perm_index('likj'), conj(v))
                H2.put(get_flat_perm_index('kjli'), conj(v))
                if (perm == 2):
                    # Only usable if the basis orbitals are real in real-space.
                    H2.put(get_flat_perm_index('ilkj'), v)
                    H2.put(get_flat_perm_index('kjil'), v)
                    H2.put(get_flat_perm_index('jkli'), v)
                    H2.put(get_flat_perm_index('lijk'), v)