コード例 #1
class TestXarray:
    func = georef.create_xarray_dataarray
    da = func(
        np.random.rand(360, 1000),
        r=np.arange(0.0, 100000.0, 100.0),
        phi=np.arange(0.0, 360.0),
        theta=np.ones(360) * 1.0,
        site=(9.0, 48.0, 100.0),
    da = georef.georeference_dataset(da)

    def test_create_xarray_dataarray(self):
        img = np.zeros((360, 10), dtype=np.float32)
        r = np.arange(0, 100000, 10000)
        az = np.arange(0, 360)
        th = np.zeros_like(az)
        proj = georef.epsg_to_osr(4326)
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        georef.create_xarray_dataarray(img, r, az, th, proj=proj)

    def test_georeference_dataset(self):
        src_da = self.da.copy()
        src_da.drop(["x", "y", "z", "gr", "rays", "bins"])
        da = georef.georeference_dataset(src_da)
        xr.testing.assert_equal(self.da, da)
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_georef.py プロジェクト: walshbp/wradlib
 def setUp(self):
     func = georef.create_xarray_dataarray
     self.da = func(np.random.rand(360, 1000),
                    r=np.arange(0., 100000., 100.),
                    phi=np.arange(0., 360.),
                    theta=np.ones(360) * 1.0,
                    site=(9., 48., 100.),
     self.da = georef.georeference_dataset(self.da)
コード例 #3
ファイル: test_vis.py プロジェクト: s-m-e/wradlib
    def setUp(self):
        img = np.zeros((360, 10), dtype=np.float32)
        img[2, 2] = 10  # isolated pixel
        img[5, 6:8] = 10  # line
        img[20, :] = 5  # spike
        img[60:120, 2:7] = 11  # precip field
        self.r = np.arange(0, 100000, 10000)
        self.az = np.arange(0, 360)
        self.el = np.arange(0, 90)
        self.th = np.zeros_like(self.az)
        self.az1 = np.ones_like(self.el) * 225
        self.img = img
        self.proj = georef.create_osr("dwd-radolan")

        self.da_ppi = georef.create_xarray_dataarray(img, self.r, self.az,
        self.da_ppi = georef.georeference_dataset(self.da_ppi, proj=None)
        self.da_rhi = georef.create_xarray_dataarray(img[0:90], self.r,
                                                     self.az1, self.el)
        self.da_rhi = georef.georeference_dataset(self.da_rhi, proj=None)
コード例 #4
def plot_rhi(data,
    """Plots a Range Height Indicator (RHI).

    This is a small wrapper around xarray dataarray.

    The radar data, coordinates and metadata is transformed into an
    xarray dataarray. Using the wradlib dataarray accessor the dataarray is
    enabled to plot polar data.

    Using ``cg=True`` the plotting is done in a curvelinear grid axes.
    Additional data can be plotted in polar coordinates or cartesian
    coordinates depending which axes object is used.

    ``**kwargs`` may be used to try to influence the
    :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.pcolormesh`, :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.contour`
    and :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.contourf` routines under the hood.

    data : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray`
        The data to be plotted. It is assumed that the first dimension is over
        the elevation angles, while the second dimension is over the range bins
    r : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray`
        The ranges. Units may be chosen arbitrarily. If None, a default is
        calculated from the dimensions of ``data``.
    rf: float
        If present, factor for scaling range axis, defaults to 1.
    th : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray`
        The elevation angles in degrees. If None, a default is
        calculated from the dimensions of ``data``.
    th_res : float or :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` of same shape as ``th``
        In RHI's it happens that the elevation angles are spaced wider than
        the beam width. If this beam width (in degrees) is given in ``th_res``,
        plot_rhi will plot the beams accordingly. Otherwise the behavior of
        :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.pcolormesh` assumes all beams to be adjacent
        to each other, which might lead to unexpected results.
    az : float or :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray` of same shape as ``th``
    site : tuple
        Tuple of coordinates of the radar site.
        If ``proj`` is not used, this simply becomes the offset for the origin
        of the coordinate system.
        If ``proj`` is used, values must be given as (longitude, latitude,
        tuple of geographical coordinates.
    proj : osr spatial reference object
        GDAL OSR Spatial Reference Object describing projection
        If this parameter is not None, ``site`` must be set. Then the function
        will attempt to georeference the radar bins in the
        coordinate system defined by the projection string.
    fig : :class:`matplotlib:matplotlib.figure.Figure`
        If given, the RHI will be plotted into this figure object. Axes are
        created as needed. If None, a new figure object will be created or
        current figure will be used, depending on ``ax``.
    ax : :class:`matplotlib:matplotlib.axes.Axes` | matplotlib grid definition
        If matplotlib Axes object is given, the RHI will be plotted into this
        axes object.
        If matplotlib grid definition is given (nrows/ncols/plotnumber),
        axis are created in the specified place.
        Defaults to '111', only one subplot/axis.
    func : str
        Name of plotting function to be used under the hood.
        Defaults to 'pcolormesh'. 'contour' and 'contourf' can be selected too.

    See also
    :func:`wradlib.vis.create_cg` : creation of curvelinear grid axes objects

    ax : :class:`matplotlib:matplotlib.axes.Axes`
        The axes object into which the RHI was plotted.
    pm : :class:`matplotlib:matplotlib.collections.QuadMesh` | \
        The result of the plotting function. Necessary, if you want to
        add a colorbar to the plot.

    If proj=``cg``, the ``cgax`` - curvelinear Axes (r-theta-grid)
    is returned. ``caax`` - Cartesian Axes (x-y-grid) and ``paax`` -
    parasite axes object for plotting polar data can be derived like this::

        caax = cgax.parasites[0]
        paax = cgax.parasites[1]

    The function :func:`~wradlib.vis.create_cg` uses the
    Matplotlib AXISARTIST namespace `mpl_toolkits.axisartist`_.

    Here are some limitations to normal Matplotlib Axes. See

    See :ref:`/notebooks/visualisation/wradlib_plot_curvelinear_grids.ipynb`.

    .. _mpl_toolkits.axisartist:
    .. _AxesGridToolkitUserGuide:
    # kwargs handling
    kwargs['zorder'] = kwargs.pop('zorder', 0)
    func = kwargs.pop('func', 'pcolormesh')

    # re/ke kwargs handling
    kw_spherical = {
        're': kwargs.pop('re', None),
        'ke': kwargs.pop('ke', 4. / 3.)

    if th is None:
        th = np.linspace(0., 90., num=data.shape[0], endpoint=True)
        th += (th[1] - th[0]) / 2.

    if th_res is not None:
        # we are given a beam resolution and thus may not just glue each
        # beam to its neighbor
        # solving this still with the efficient pcolormesh but interlacing
        # the data with masked values, simulating the gap between beams
        # make a temporary data array with one dimension twice the size of
        # the original
        img = np.ma.empty((data.shape[0], data.shape[1] * 2))
        # mask everything
        img.mask = np.ma.masked
        # set the data in the first half of the temporary array
        # this automatically unsets the mask
        img[:, :data.shape[1]] = data
        # reshape so that data and masked lines interlace each other
        img = img.reshape((-1, data.shape[1]))
        # produce lower and upper y coordinates for the actual data
        yl = th - th_res * 0.5
        yu = th + th_res * 0.5
        # glue them together to achieve the proper dimensions for the
        # interlaced array
        th = np.concatenate([yl[None, :], yu[None, :]], axis=0).T.ravel()
        img = data

    if r is None:
        if proj and proj != 'cg':
            warnings.warn("Parameter `r` is None, falling back to `proj=None`."
                          "If using projection, r must be given as "
                          "array with units m.")
            proj = None
        r = np.arange(data.shape[1], dtype=np.float)
        r += (r[1] - r[0]) / 2.

    if np.isscalar(az):
        az = np.ones_like(th) * az

    da = georef.create_xarray_dataarray(img,

    da = georef.georeference_dataset(da, proj=proj)

    # fallback to proj=None for GDAL OSR
    if isinstance(proj, osr.SpatialReference):
        proj = None

    pm = da.wradlib.plot_rhi(ax=ax, fig=fig, func=func, proj=proj, **kwargs)

    return pl.gca(), pm
コード例 #5
def plot_ppi(data,
    """Plots a Plan Position Indicator (PPI).

    This is a small wrapper around xarray dataarray.
    The radar data, coordinates and metadata is transformed into an
    xarray dataarray. Using the wradlib dataarray accessor the dataarray is
    enabled to plot polar data.

    Using ``proj=cg`` the plotting is done in a curvelinear grid axes.
    Additional data can be plotted in polar coordinates or cartesian
    coordinates depending which axes object is used.

    ``**kwargs`` may be used to try to influence the
    :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.pcolormesh`, :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.contour`,
    :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.contourf` and
    :func:`wradlib.georef.polar.spherical_to_proj` routines under the hood.

    Concerning the values of ``r``, ``az``, ``elev``, ``r`` should
    give the location of the center of each range bin, ``az`` and
    ``elev`` should give the angle at the center of the beam.

    data : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray`
        The data to be plotted. It is assumed that the first dimension is over
        the azimuth angles, while the second dimension is over the range bins
    r : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray`
        The ranges. Units may be chosen arbitrarily, unless proj is set. In
        that case the units must be meters. If None, a default is
        calculated from the dimensions of ``data``.
    rf: float
        If present, factor for scaling range axes, defaults to 1.
    az : :class:`numpy:numpy.ndarray`
        The azimuth angles in degrees. If None, a default is
        calculated from the dimensions of ``data``.
    elev : float or array of same shape as ``az``
        Elevation angle of the scan or individual azimuths.
        May improve georeferencing coordinates for larger elevation angles.
    site : tuple or None
        Tuple of coordinates of the radar site.
        If ``proj`` is not used, this simply becomes the offset for the origin
        of the coordinate system.
        If ``proj`` is used, values must be given as (longitude, latitude,
        altitude) tuple of geographical coordinates.
        Defaults to None.
    proj : GDAL OSR SRS | cartopy CRS | curvelinear grid dict | None
        GDAL OSR Spatial Reference Object describing projection
        If this parameter is not None, ``site`` must be set. Then the function
        will attempt to georeference the radar bins and display the PPI in the
        coordinate system defined by the projection string.
    fig : :class:`matplotlib:matplotlib.figure.Figure`
        If given, the PPI will be plotted into this figure object. Axes are
        created as needed. If None, a new figure object will be created or
        current figure will be used, depending on ``ax``.
    ax : :class:`matplotlib:matplotlib.axes.Axes` | matplotlib grid definition
        If matplotlib Axes object is given, the PPI will be plotted into this
        axes object.
        If matplotlib grid definition is given (nrows/ncols/plotnumber),
        axis are created in the specified place.
        Defaults to '111', only one subplot/axis.
    func : str
        Name of plotting function to be used under the hood.
        Defaults to 'pcolormesh'. 'contour' and 'contourf' can be selected too.

    See also

    ax : :class:`matplotlib:matplotlib.axes.Axes`
        The axes object into which the PPI was plotted
    pm : :class:`matplotlib:matplotlib.collections.QuadMesh` | \
        The result of the plotting function. Necessary, if you want to
        add a colorbar to the plot.

    If proj=``cg``, the ``cgax`` - curvelinear Axes (r-theta-grid)
    is returned. ``caax`` - Cartesian Axes (x-y-grid) and ``paax`` -
    parasite axes object for plotting polar data can be derived like this::

        caax = cgax.parasites[0]
        paax = cgax.parasites[1]

    The function :func:`~wradlib.vis.create_cg` uses the
    Matplotlib AXISARTIST namespace `mpl_toolkits.axisartist`_.

    Here are some limitations to normal Matplotlib Axes. See

    See :ref:`/notebooks/visualisation/wradlib_plot_ppi_example.ipynb`,

    .. _mpl_toolkits.axisartist:
    .. _AxesGridToolkitUserGuide:
    # check coordinate tuple
    if site and len(site) < 3:
        raise ValueError("WRADLIB: `site` need to be a tuple of coordinates "
                         "(longitude, latitude, altitude).")

    # site must be given, if proj is OSR
    if isinstance(proj, osr.SpatialReference) and site is None:
        raise TypeError("WRADLIB: If `proj` is Spatial Reference System "
                        "(GDAL OSR SRS) site need to be given "
                        "as tuple of (longitude, latitude, altitude)")

    # site given without proj
    if site and not proj:
        warnings.warn("WRADLIB: site is given without `proj`, it will be used "
                      "as simple xy-offset")

    # re/ke kwargs handling
    kw_spherical = {
        're': kwargs.pop('re', None),
        'ke': kwargs.pop('ke', 4. / 3.)

    if az is None:
        az = np.arange(data.shape[0], dtype=np.float)
        az += (az[1] - az[0]) / 2.

    if r is None:
        if proj and proj != 'cg':
            warnings.warn("Parameter `r` is None, falling back to `proj=None`."
                          "If using projection, r must be given as "
                          "array with units m.")
            proj = None
        r = np.arange(data.shape[1], dtype=np.float)
        r += (r[1] - r[0]) / 2.

    if np.isscalar(elev):
        elev = np.ones_like(az) * elev

    da = georef.create_xarray_dataarray(data,

    da = georef.georeference_dataset(da, proj=proj)

    # fallback to proj=None for GDAL OSR
    if isinstance(proj, osr.SpatialReference):
        proj = None

    pm = da.wradlib.plot_ppi(ax=ax, fig=fig, func=func, proj=proj, **kwargs)

    return pl.gca(), pm
コード例 #6
 def test_georeference_dataset(self):
     src_da = self.da.copy()
     src_da.drop(["x", "y", "z", "gr", "rays", "bins"])
     da = georef.georeference_dataset(src_da)
     xr.testing.assert_equal(self.da, da)
コード例 #7
ファイル: test_vis.py プロジェクト: kayarre/wradlib
class TestPolarPlot:
    img = np.zeros((360, 10), dtype=np.float32)
    img[2, 2] = 10  # isolated pixel
    img[5, 6:8] = 10  # line
    img[20, :] = 5  # spike
    img[60:120, 2:7] = 11  # precip field
    r = np.arange(0, 100000, 10000)
    az = np.arange(0, 360)
    el = np.arange(0, 90)
    th = np.zeros_like(az)
    az1 = np.ones_like(el) * 225
    img = img
    proj = georef.create_osr("dwd-radolan")

    da_ppi = georef.create_xarray_dataarray(img, r, az, th)
    da_ppi = georef.georeference_dataset(da_ppi, proj=None)
    da_rhi = georef.create_xarray_dataarray(img[0:90], r, az1, el)
    da_rhi = georef.georeference_dataset(da_rhi, proj=None)

    def test_plot_ppi(self):
        ax, pm = vis.plot_ppi(self.img, re=6371000.0, ke=(4.0 / 3.0))
        ax, pm = vis.plot_ppi(self.img, self.r, self.az, re=6371000.0, ke=(4.0 / 3.0))
        ax, pm = vis.plot_ppi(
            self.img, self.r, self.az, re=6371000.0, ke=(4.0 / 3.0), ax=ax
        ax, pm = vis.plot_ppi(
            self.img, self.r, self.az, re=6371000.0, ke=(4.0 / 3.0), ax=212
        ax, pm = vis.plot_ppi(self.img)
        vis.plot_ppi_crosshair(site=(0, 0, 0), ranges=[2, 4, 8])
            site=(0, 0, 0),
            ranges=[2, 4, 8],
            angles=[0, 45, 90, 180, 270],
            line=dict(color="white", linestyle="solid"),
        ax, pm = vis.plot_ppi(self.img, self.r, site=(10.0, 45.0, 0.0), proj=self.proj)
            site=(10.0, 45.0, 0.0),
            ranges=[2, 4, 8],
            angles=[0, 45, 90, 180, 270],
            line=dict(color="white", linestyle="solid"),
        ax, pm = vis.plot_ppi(self.img, func="contour")
        ax, pm = vis.plot_ppi(self.img, func="contourf")
        ax, pm = vis.plot_ppi(self.img, self.r, self.az, proj=self.proj, site=(0, 0, 0))
        with pytest.warns(UserWarning):
            ax, pm = vis.plot_ppi(self.img, site=(10.0, 45.0, 0.0), proj=self.proj)
        with pytest.warns(UserWarning):
            ax, pm = vis.plot_ppi(self.img, proj=None, site=(0, 0, 0))
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            ax, pm = vis.plot_ppi(self.img, proj=self.proj)
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            ax, pm = vis.plot_ppi(self.img, site=(0, 0), proj=self.proj)
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            vis.plot_ppi_crosshair(site=(0, 0), ranges=[2, 4, 8])

    def test_plot_ppi_xarray(self):
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        fig = pl.figure()
        ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            self.da_ppi.wradlib.pcolormesh(proj={"rot": 0, "scale": 1}, ax=ax)

    @pytest.mark.skipif("cartopy" not in sys.modules, reason="without Cartopy")
    def test_plot_ppi_cartopy(self):
        if cartopy:
            if (LooseVersion(cartopy.__version__) < LooseVersion("0.18.0")) and (
                LooseVersion(mpl.__version__) >= LooseVersion("3.3.0")
                pytest.skip("fails for cartopy < 0.18.0 and matplotlib >= 3.3.0")
            site = (7, 45, 0.0)
            map_proj = cartopy.crs.Mercator(central_longitude=site[1])
            ax, pm = vis.plot_ppi(self.img, self.r, self.az, proj=map_proj)
            assert isinstance(ax, cartopy.mpl.geoaxes.GeoAxes)
            fig = pl.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
            ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection=map_proj)

    def test_plot_rhi(self):
        ax, pm = vis.plot_rhi(self.img[0:90, :])
        ax, pm = vis.plot_rhi(self.img[0:90, :], th_res=0.5)
        ax, pm = vis.plot_rhi(self.img[0:90, :], th_res=0.5, ax=212)
        ax, pm = vis.plot_rhi(self.img[0:90, :], r=np.arange(10), th=np.arange(90))
        ax, pm = vis.plot_rhi(self.img[0:90, :], func="contour")
        ax, pm = vis.plot_rhi(self.img[0:90, :], func="contourf")
        ax, pm = vis.plot_rhi(
            self.img[0:90, :],
            site=(0, 0, 0),

    def test_plot_rhi_xarray(self):
        assert (
            repr(self.da_rhi.wradlib).split("\n", 1)[1]
            == repr(self.da_rhi).split("\n", 1)[1]

    def test_plot_cg_ppi(self):
        cgax, pm = vis.plot_ppi(self.img, elev=2.0, proj="cg")
        cgax, pm = vis.plot_ppi(self.img, elev=2.0, proj="cg", site=(0, 0, 0))
        cgax, pm = vis.plot_ppi(self.img, elev=2.0, proj="cg", ax=cgax)
        fig, ax = pl.subplots(2, 2)
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            vis.plot_ppi(self.img, elev=2.0, proj="cg", ax=ax[0, 0])
        cgax, pm = vis.plot_ppi(self.img, elev=2.0, proj="cg", ax=111)
        cgax, pm = vis.plot_ppi(self.img, elev=2.0, proj="cg", ax=121)
        cgax, pm = vis.plot_ppi(self.img, proj="cg")
        cgax, pm = vis.plot_ppi(self.img, func="contour", proj="cg")
        cgax, pm = vis.plot_ppi(self.img, func="contourf", proj="cg")
        cgax, pm = vis.plot_ppi(self.img, func="contourf", proj="cg")

    def test_plot_cg_rhi(self):
        cgax, pm = vis.plot_rhi(self.img[0:90, :], proj="cg")
        cgax, pm = vis.plot_rhi(self.img[0:90, :], proj="cg", ax=cgax)
        fig, ax = pl.subplots(2, 2)
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            vis.plot_rhi(self.img[0:90, :], proj="cg", ax=ax[0, 0])
        cgax, pm = vis.plot_rhi(self.img[0:90, :], th_res=0.5, proj="cg")
        cgax, pm = vis.plot_rhi(self.img[0:90, :], proj="cg")
        cgax, pm = vis.plot_rhi(
            self.img[0:90, :], r=np.arange(10), th=np.arange(90), proj="cg"
        cgax, pm = vis.plot_rhi(self.img[0:90, :], func="contour", proj="cg")
        cgax, pm = vis.plot_rhi(self.img[0:90, :], func="contourf", proj="cg")

    def test_create_cg(self):
        cgax, caax, paax = vis.create_cg()
        cgax, caax, paax = vis.create_cg(subplot=121)
コード例 #8
ファイル: test_georef.py プロジェクト: walshbp/wradlib
 def test_georeference_dataset(self):
     src_da = self.da.copy()
     src_da.drop(['x', 'y', 'z', 'gr', 'rays', 'bins'])
     da = georef.georeference_dataset(src_da)
     xr.testing.assert_equal(self.da, da)