コード例 #1
ファイル: unwrap_phase.py プロジェクト: rockman507/tfi_py
    rms = np.sqrt(np.mean(arr[mask==1]**2))

    # Saves surface image
    return (filename+','+str(rms))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Get path
    path = diropenbox('Pick directory to process',default=r'd:\phase')
    path = win32api.GetShortPathName(path)
    path_raw, path_images, filenames = get_path(path, filetype = 'unwrapped')
    algorithm_exe = fileopenbox('Pick algorithm exe to use',default=r'd:\phase')
    # Check if qual or mcut, both require mode to be choosen
    arg =''
    algorithm_exe = fileopenbox('Pick algorithm exe to use',default=r'd:\phase')
    if re.search('mcut',algorithm_exe) or re.search('qual',algorithm_exe):
        mode = choicebox('mcut and qual need a mode, choose mode below','Choose mode',\
                         ['min_grad','min_var','max_corr', 'max_pseu'])
        arg = ' -mode '+mode

    # Setup dimensions of array from %path%/debug.csv in col x row format
    xsize, ysize, data = unwrap_setup(path)

    # Setup mask
コード例 #2
ファイル: test.py プロジェクト: rockman507/tfi_py
from multiprocessing import Pool
#from Tkinter import *

from calc_phase import calc_phase
from mask import get_mask
from wrapped_phase import get_phase, get_path

if __name__ == '__main__':
    #path = diropenbox('Pick directory to process',default=r'c:\phase')
    path = r'C:\Users\jsaredy\Desktop\4 1_20130710'
    path = r'C:\Users\jsaredy\Desktop\run3'
    path_raw, path_images, filenames = get_path(path, 'h5')
    first_file = os.path.join(path,filenames[0])
    mask,coord = get_mask(first_file, border=2)
    mask = mask[coord[0]:coord[1],coord[2]:coord[3]]

    #coord [0] = x_min, [1] = x_max, [2] = y_min, [3] = y_max
    deb = ''
    #for filename in filenames:
    #    deb = get_phase(filename, path, path_raw, path_images, mask, coord, deb)
    pool = Pool()
    for filename in filenames:
        A.append((filename, path, path_raw, path_images, mask, coord))
    zz = time.clock()
    imap1 = pool.imap(get_phase,A)
    #imap1 = map(get_phase,A)