コード例 #1
def setup_paths(engine_dir):

    import wrapper_util
    paths = wrapper_util.Paths(engine_dir)
    script_name = os.path.basename(__file__)
    sys.path[0:0] = paths.script_paths(script_name)
    return script_name, paths.script_file(script_name)
コード例 #2
def _SetupPaths():
    """Sets up the sys.path with special directories for endpointscfg.py."""
    sdk_path = _FindSdkPath()
    if sdk_path:
            import wrapper_util  # pylint: disable=g-import-not-at-top
            paths = wrapper_util.Paths(sdk_path)
            additional_paths = paths.v1_extra_paths + paths.endpointscfg_extra_paths
            sys.path = additional_paths + sys.path
        except ImportError:

    # Add the path above this directory, so we can import the endpoints package
    # from the user's app code (rather than from another, possibly outdated SDK).
    sys.path = [os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))] + sys.path
コード例 #3
def activate(sandbox_name, add_sdk_to_path=False, new_env_vars=None, **overrides):
    """Context manager for command-line scripts started outside of dev_appserver.

    :param sandbox_name: str, one of 'local', 'remote' or 'test'
    :param add_sdk_to_path: bool, optionally adds the App Engine SDK to sys.path
    :param options_override: an options structure to pass down to dev_appserver setup

    Available sandboxes:

      local: Adds libraries specified in app.yaml to the path and initializes local service stubs as though
             dev_appserver were running.

      remote: Adds libraries specified in app.yaml to the path and initializes remote service stubs.

      test: Adds libraries specified in app.yaml to the path and sets up no service stubs. Use this
            with `google.appengine.ext.testbed` to provide isolation for tests.

    Example usage:

        import djangae.sandbox as sandbox

        with sandbox.activate('local'):
            from django.core.management import execute_from_command_line

    if sandbox_name not in SANDBOXES:
        raise RuntimeError('Unknown sandbox "{}"'.format(sandbox_name))

    project_root = environment.get_application_root()

   # Store our original sys.path before we do anything, this must be tacked
    # onto the end of the other paths so we can access globally installed things (e.g. ipdb etc.)
    original_path = sys.path[:]

    # Setup paths as though we were running dev_appserver. This is similar to
    # what the App Engine script wrappers do.
    if add_sdk_to_path:
            import wrapper_util  # Already on sys.path
        except ImportError:
            sys.path[0:0] = [_find_sdk_from_path()]
            import wrapper_util
            import wrapper_util
        except ImportError:
            raise RuntimeError("Couldn't find a recent enough Google App Engine SDK, make sure you are using at least 1.9.6")

    sdk_path = _find_sdk_from_python_path()
    _PATHS = wrapper_util.Paths(sdk_path)

    project_paths = [] # Paths under the application root
    system_paths = [] # All other paths
    app_root = environment.get_application_root()

    # We need to look at the original path, and make sure that any paths
    # which are under the project root are first, then any other paths
    # are added after the SDK ones
    for path in _PATHS.scrub_path(_SCRIPT_NAME, original_path):
        if commonprefix([app_root, path]) == app_root:

    # We build a list of SDK paths, and add any additional ones required for
    # the oauth client
    appengine_paths = _PATHS.script_paths(_SCRIPT_NAME)
    for path in _PATHS.oauth_client_extra_paths:
        if path not in appengine_paths:

    # Now, we make sure that paths within the project take precedence, followed
    # by the SDK, then finally any paths from the system Python (for stuff like
    # ipdb etc.)
    sys.path = (
        project_paths +
        appengine_paths +

    # Gotta set the runtime properly otherwise it changes appengine imports, like wepapp
    # when you are not running dev_appserver
    import yaml
    with open(os.path.join(project_root, 'app.yaml'), 'r') as app_yaml:
        app_yaml = yaml.load(app_yaml)
        os.environ['APPENGINE_RUNTIME'] = app_yaml.get('runtime', '')

    # Initialize as though `dev_appserver.py` is about to run our app, using all the
    # configuration provided in app.yaml.
    import google.appengine.tools.devappserver2.application_configuration as application_configuration
    import google.appengine.tools.devappserver2.python.sandbox as sandbox
    import google.appengine.tools.devappserver2.devappserver2 as devappserver2
    import google.appengine.tools.devappserver2.wsgi_request_info as wsgi_request_info
    import google.appengine.ext.remote_api.remote_api_stub as remote_api_stub
    import google.appengine.api.apiproxy_stub_map as apiproxy_stub_map

    gae_args = [
        s for s in sys.argv
        if any(s.lstrip('--').startswith(gae_option) for gae_option in WHITELISTED_DEV_APPSERVER_OPTIONS)

    # The argparser is the easiest way to get the default options.
    options = devappserver2.PARSER.parse_args([project_root] + gae_args)
    options.enable_task_running = False # Disable task running by default, it won't work without a running server
    options.skip_sdk_update_check = True

    for option in overrides:
        if not hasattr(options, option):
            raise ValueError("Unrecognized sandbox option: {}".format(option))

        setattr(options, option, overrides[option])

    configuration = application_configuration.ApplicationConfiguration(options.config_paths, app_id=options.app_id)

    # Enable built-in libraries from app.yaml without enabling the full sandbox.
    module = configuration.modules[0]
    for l in sandbox._enable_libraries(module.normalized_libraries):
        sys.path.insert(1, l)

    # Propagate provided environment variables to the sandbox.
    # This is required for the runserver management command settings flag,
    # which sets an environment variable needed by Django.
    from google.appengine.api.appinfo import EnvironmentVariables
    old_env_vars = module.env_variables if module.env_variables else {}
    if new_env_vars is None:
        new_env_vars = {}
    module._app_info_external.env_variables = EnvironmentVariables.Merge(

        global _OPTIONS
        global _CONFIG
        _CONFIG = configuration
        _OPTIONS = options # Store the options globally so they can be accessed later
        kwargs = dict(
        with SANDBOXES[sandbox_name](**kwargs):

        sys.path = original_path
コード例 #4
import os
import sys

sys_path = sys.path
    sys.path = [os.path.dirname(__file__)] + sys.path

    import wrapper_util

    sys.path = sys_path

wrapper_util.reject_old_python_versions((2, 7))

_DIR_PATH = wrapper_util.get_dir_path(__file__, os.path.join('lib', 'ipaddr'))
_PATHS = wrapper_util.Paths(_DIR_PATH)

EXTRA_PATHS = _PATHS.v2_extra_paths

def fix_sys_path(extra_extra_paths=()):
    """Fix the sys.path to include our extra paths.

  fix_sys_path should be called before running testbed-based unit tests so that
  third-party modules are correctly added to sys.path.
    sys.path[1:1] = EXTRA_PATHS

def _run_file(file_path, globals_):
    """Execute the given script with the passed-in globals.
コード例 #5
def activate(sandbox_name, add_sdk_to_path=False, **overrides):
    """Context manager for command-line scripts started outside of dev_appserver.

    :param sandbox_name: str, one of 'local', 'remote' or 'test'
    :param add_sdk_to_path: bool, optionally adds the App Engine SDK to sys.path
    :param options_override: an options structure to pass down to dev_appserver setup

    Available sandboxes:

      local: Adds libraries specified in app.yaml to the path and initializes local service stubs as though
             dev_appserver were running.

      remote: Adds libraries specified in app.yaml to the path and initializes remote service stubs.

      test: Adds libraries specified in app.yaml to the path and sets up no service stubs. Use this
            with `google.appengine.ext.testbed` to provide isolation for tests.

    Example usage:

        import djangae.sandbox as sandbox

        with sandbox.activate('local'):
            from django.core.management import execute_from_command_line

    if sandbox_name not in SANDBOXES:
        raise RuntimeError('Unknown sandbox "{}"'.format(sandbox_name))

    project_root = utils.find_project_root()

   # Store our original sys.path before we do anything, this must be tacked
    # onto the end of the other paths so we can access globally installed things (e.g. ipdb etc.)
    original_path = sys.path[:]

    # Setup paths as though we were running dev_appserver. This is similar to
    # what the App Engine script wrappers do.
    if add_sdk_to_path:
            import wrapper_util  # Already on sys.path
        except ImportError:
            sys.path[0:0] = [_find_sdk_from_path()]
            import wrapper_util
            import wrapper_util
        except ImportError:
            raise RuntimeError("Couldn't find a recent enough Google App Engine SDK, make sure you are using at least 1.9.6")

    sdk_path = _find_sdk_from_python_path()
    _PATHS = wrapper_util.Paths(sdk_path)

    # Set the path to just the app engine SDK
    sys.path[:] = _PATHS.script_paths(_SCRIPT_NAME) + _PATHS.scrub_path(_SCRIPT_NAME, original_path)

    # Gotta set the runtime properly otherwise it changes appengine imports, like wepapp
    # when you are not running dev_appserver
    import yaml
    with open(os.path.join(project_root, 'app.yaml'), 'r') as app_yaml:
        app_yaml = yaml.load(app_yaml)
        os.environ['APPENGINE_RUNTIME'] = app_yaml.get('runtime', '')

    # Initialize as though `dev_appserver.py` is about to run our app, using all the
    # configuration provided in app.yaml.
    import google.appengine.tools.devappserver2.application_configuration as application_configuration
    import google.appengine.tools.devappserver2.python.sandbox as sandbox
    import google.appengine.tools.devappserver2.devappserver2 as devappserver2
    import google.appengine.tools.devappserver2.wsgi_request_info as wsgi_request_info
    import google.appengine.ext.remote_api.remote_api_stub as remote_api_stub
    import google.appengine.api.apiproxy_stub_map as apiproxy_stub_map

    # The argparser is the easiest way to get the default options.
    options = devappserver2.PARSER.parse_args([project_root])
    options.enable_task_running = False # Disable task running by default, it won't work without a running server

    for option in overrides:
        if not hasattr(options, option):
            raise ValueError("Unrecognized sandbox option: {}".format(option))

        setattr(options, option, overrides[option])

    configuration = application_configuration.ApplicationConfiguration(options.config_paths)

    # Enable built-in libraries from app.yaml without enabling the full sandbox.
    module = configuration.modules[0]
    for l in sandbox._enable_libraries(module.normalized_libraries):
        sys.path.insert(1, l)

        global _OPTIONS
        _OPTIONS = options # Store the options globally so they can be accessed later
        kwargs = dict(
        with SANDBOXES[sandbox_name](**kwargs):

        sys.path = original_path
コード例 #6
ファイル: sandbox.py プロジェクト: meizon/djangae
def activate(sandbox_name, add_sdk_to_path=False):
    """Context manager for command-line scripts started outside of dev_appserver.

    :param sandbox_name: str, one of 'local', 'remote' or 'test'
    :param add_sdk_to_path: bool, optionally adds the App Engine SDK to sys.path

    Available sandboxes:

      local: Adds libraries specified in app.yaml to the path and initializes local service stubs as though
             dev_appserver were running.

      remote: Adds libraries specified in app.yaml to the path and initializes remote service stubs.

      test: Adds libraries specified in app.yaml to the path and sets up no service stubs. Use this
            with `google.appengine.ext.testbed` to provide isolation for tests.

    Example usage:

        import djangae.sandbox as sandbox

        with sandbox.activate('local'):
            from django.core.management import execute_from_command_line

    if sandbox_name not in SANDBOXES:
        raise RuntimeError('Unknown sandbox "{}"'.format(sandbox_name))

    project_root = utils.find_project_root()

    # Setup paths as though we were running dev_appserver. This is similar to
    # what the App Engine script wrappers do.

    if add_sdk_to_path:
            import wrapper_util  # Already on sys.path
        except ImportError:
            sys.path[0:0] = [_find_sdk_from_path()]
            import wrapper_util
            import wrapper_util
        except ImportError:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Couldn't find a recent enough Google App Engine SDK, make sure you are using at least 1.9.6"

    original_path = sys.path[:]

    sdk_path = _find_sdk_from_python_path()
    _PATHS = wrapper_util.Paths(sdk_path)
    sys.path = (_PATHS.script_paths(_SCRIPT_NAME) +
                _PATHS.scrub_path(_SCRIPT_NAME, sys.path))

    # Initialize as though `dev_appserver.py` is about to run our app, using all the
    # configuration provided in app.yaml.
    import google.appengine.tools.devappserver2.application_configuration as application_configuration
    import google.appengine.tools.devappserver2.python.sandbox as sandbox
    import google.appengine.tools.devappserver2.devappserver2 as devappserver2
    import google.appengine.tools.devappserver2.wsgi_request_info as wsgi_request_info
    import google.appengine.ext.remote_api.remote_api_stub as remote_api_stub
    import google.appengine.api.apiproxy_stub_map as apiproxy_stub_map

    # The argparser is the easiest way to get the default options.
    options = devappserver2.PARSER.parse_args([project_root])
    configuration = application_configuration.ApplicationConfiguration(

    # Take dev_appserver paths off sys.path - GAE apps cannot access these
    sys.path = original_path[:]

    # Enable built-in libraries from app.yaml without enabling the full sandbox.
    module = configuration.modules[0]
    for l in sandbox._enable_libraries(module.normalized_libraries):
        sys.path.insert(0, l)

        kwargs = dict(
        with SANDBOXES[sandbox_name](**kwargs):

        sys.path = original_path