コード例 #1
def test_decomp_sumcomp(adv,
    """Test that the total advective tendency is indeed the sum of the mean and
    resolved turbulent components in all three spatial directions.

    The test fails if the Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency coefficient (NSE)
    is below the given threshold. If avg_dims_error is given, the averaging in the
    NSE calculation is only carried out over these dimensions. Afterwards the minimum NSE
    value is taken over the remaining dimensions.

    adv : xarray DataArray
        Advective tendencies.
    avg_dims_error : str or list of str, optional
        Dimensions over which to calculate the NSE. The default is None.
    thresh : float, optional
        Threshold value for NSE below which the test fails
    loc : dict, optional
        Mapping for label based indexing before running the test. The default is None.
    iloc : dict, optional
        Mapping for integer-location based indexing before running the test. The default is None.
    plot : bool, optional
        Create scatter plot if test fails. The default is True.
    **plot_kws :
        keyword arguments passed to plotting.scatter_hue.

    failed : bool
        Test failed.
    err : float
        Test statistic NSE

    failed = False
    err = []
    for ID in adv.ID.values:
        ref = adv.sel(ID=ID, comp="adv_r")
        dat = adv.sel(ID=ID, comp=["mean", "trb_r"]).sum("comp")
        dat = tools.loc_data(dat, loc=loc, iloc=iloc)
        ref = tools.loc_data(ref, loc=loc, iloc=iloc)
        e = tools.nse(dat, ref, dim=avg_dims_error).min().values
        if e < thresh:
            log = "decomp_sumcomp, {} (XYZ) for ID={}: min. NSE less than {}: {:.11f}".format(
                dat.description, ID, thresh, e)
            if plot:
                ref.name = "adv_r"
                dat.name = "mean + trb_r"
                plotting.scatter_hue(dat, ref, title=log, **plot_kws)
            failed = True
    return failed, min(err)
コード例 #2
def test_2nd(adv,
    """Test that the advective tendencies resulting from 2nd-order and
    correct advection order are equal in all three directions and components
    (usually carried out if correct order is equal to 2nd order).

    The test fails if the Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency coefficient (NSE)
    is below the given threshold. If avg_dims_error is given, the averaging in the
    NSE calculation is only carried out over these dimensions. Afterwards the minimum NSE
    value is taken over the remaining dimensions.

    adv : xarray DataArray
        Advective tendencies.
    avg_dims_error : str or list of str, optional
        Dimensions over which to calculate the NSE. The default is None.
    thresh : float, optional
        Threshold value for NSE below which the test fails
    loc : dict, optional
        Mapping for label based indexing before running the test. The default is None.
    iloc : dict, optional
        Mapping for integer-location based indexing before running the test. The default is None.
    plot : bool, optional
        Create scatter plot if test fails. The default is True.
    **plot_kws :
        keyword arguments passed to plotting.scatter_hue.

    failed : bool
        Test failed.
    err : float
        Test statistic NSE

    failed = False
    ref = adv.sel(ID="cartesian")
    dat = adv.sel(ID="cartesian 2nd")
    dat = tools.loc_data(dat, loc=loc, iloc=iloc)
    ref = tools.loc_data(ref, loc=loc, iloc=iloc)
    err = tools.nse(dat, ref, dim=avg_dims_error).min().values
    if err < thresh:
        log = "test_2nd, {} (XYZ): min. NSE less than {}: {:.5f}".format(
            dat.description, thresh, err)
        if plot:
            ref.name = "correct order"
            dat.name = "2nd order"
            plotting.scatter_hue(dat, ref, title=log, **plot_kws)
        failed = True
    return failed, err
コード例 #3
def test_w(dat_inst,
    """Test that the instantaneous vertical velocity is very similar to the
    instantaneous diagnosed vertical velocity used in the tendency calculations.

    The test fails if the Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency coefficient (NSE)
    is below the given threshold. If avg_dims_error is given, the averaging in the
    NSE calculation is only carried out over these dimensions. Afterwards the minimum NSE
    value is taken over the remaining dimensions.

    adv : xarray DataArray
        Advective tendencies.
    avg_dims_error : str or list of str, optional
        Dimensions over which to calculate the NSE. The default is None.
    thresh : float, optional
        Threshold value for NSE below which the test fails
    loc : dict, optional
        Mapping for label based indexing before running the test. The default is None.
    iloc : dict, optional
        Mapping for integer-location based indexing before running the test. The default is None.
    plot : bool, optional
        Create scatter plot if test fails. The default is True.
    **plot_kws :
        keyword arguments passed to plotting.scatter_hue.

    failed : bool
        Test failed.
    err : float
        Test statistic NSE

    dat_inst = tools.loc_data(dat_inst, loc=loc, iloc=iloc)
    ref = dat_inst["W"]
    dat = dat_inst["W_DIAG"]
    err = tools.nse(dat, ref, dim=avg_dims_error).min().values
    failed = False
    if err < thresh:
        log = "test_w: min. NSE less than {}: {:.5f}".format(thresh, err)
        if plot:
            plotting.scatter_hue(dat, ref, title=log, **plot_kws)
        failed = True
    return failed, err
コード例 #4
def scatter_hue(dat, ref, plot_diff=False, hue="bottom_top", ignore_missing_hue=False,
                discrete=False, iloc=None, loc=None, savefig=False, fname=None, figloc=None,
                close=False, title=None, **kwargs):
    """Scatter plot of dat vs. ref with coloring based on hue variable.

    dat : xarray DataArray
        Data plotted on y-axis.
    ref : xarray DataArray
        Reference data plotted on x-axis.
    plot_diff : bool, optional
        Plot the difference dat-ref against ref. The default is False.
    hue : str, optional
        Hue variable. All xarray dimensions are allowed. "_stag" is automatically appended,
        if necessary. The default is "bottom_top".
    ignore_missing_hue : bool, optional
        If hue variable is not available, use default instead of raising an exception.
        The default is False.
    discrete : bool, optional
        Use discrete color map to facilitate discrimination of close values. The default is False.
    loc : dict, optional
        Mapping for label based indexing before plotting. The default is None.
    iloc : dict, optional
        Mapping for integer-location based indexing before plotting. The default is None.
    savefig : bool, optional
        Save figure to disk. The default is False.
    fname : str, optional
        File name of plot if savefig=True. If no file type extension is included, use png.
        The default is None.
    figloc : str or path-like, optional
        Directory to save plot in. Defaults to the directory of this script.
    close : bool, optional
        Close the figure after creation. The default is False.
    title : str, optional
        Title of the plot. The default is None.
    **kwargs :
        keyword argument passed to plt.scatter.

    fig : matplotlib figure
    ax : matplotlib axes
    cax : matplotlib axes
        Colorbar axes.

    dat = tools.loc_data(dat, loc=loc, iloc=iloc)
    ref = tools.loc_data(ref, loc=loc, iloc=iloc)
    pdat = xr.concat([dat, ref], "concat_dim")

    if plot_diff:
        pdat[0] = dat - ref

    if ignore_missing_hue:
        if ((hue not in pdat.dims) and (hue + "_stag" not in pdat.dims)):
            hue = "bottom_top"
            discrete = False
    if (hue not in pdat.dims) and (hue + "_stag" in pdat.dims):
        hue = hue + "_stag"

    # create integer hue variable to allow non-numeric hue variables
    n_hue = len(pdat[hue])
    hue_int = np.arange(n_hue)
    pdat = pdat.assign_coords(hue=(hue, hue_int))
    pdatf = pdat[0].stack(s=pdat[0].dims)

    # set color
    cmap = "cool"
    if ("bottom_top" in hue) and (not discrete):
        color = -pdatf[hue]
    elif (hue == "Time") and (not discrete):
        # use integer hue variable to prevent error
        color = pdatf["hue"]
        color = pdatf[hue]
            color.astype(int)  # check if hue is numeric
        except ValueError:
            discrete = True
        if discrete:
            cmap = plt.get_cmap("tab20", n_hue)
            if n_hue > 20:
                raise ValueError("Too many different hue values for cmap tab20!")
            discrete = True
            # use integer hue variable to prevent error
            color = pdatf["hue"]

    kwargs.setdefault("cmap", cmap)

    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    kwargs.setdefault("s", 10)
    p = plt.scatter(pdat[1], pdat[0], c=color.values, **kwargs)

    # set x and y labels
    labels = []
    for d in [ref, dat]:
        label = ""
        if d.name is not None:
            label = d.name
        elif "description" in d.attrs:
            label = d.description
    if plot_diff and (labels[0] != "") and (labels[1] != ""):
        labels[1] = "{} - {}".format(labels[1], labels[0])
    # add units
    for i, d in enumerate([ref, dat]):
        if (labels[i] != "") and ("units" in d.attrs):
            labels[i] += " ({})".format(d.units)

    for i in [0, 1]:
        pdat = pdat.where(~pdat[i].isnull())
    # set axis limits equal for x and y axis
    if not plot_diff:
        minmax = [pdat.min(), pdat.max()]
        # tak full range of data increased by 3%
        dist = minmax[1] - minmax[0]
        minmax[0] -= 0.03 * dist
        minmax[1] += 0.03 * dist
        plt.plot(minmax, minmax, c="k")

    # colorbar
    cax = fig.add_axes([0.92, 0.125, 0.05, .75], frameon=True)
    clabel = hue
    if "bottom_top" in hue:
        clabel = "$\eta$"
    if ("bottom_top" in hue) and (not discrete):
        cb = plt.colorbar(p, cax=cax, label=clabel)
        # highest value must be at bottom
        cb.set_ticks(np.arange(-0.8, -0.2, 0.2))
        cb.set_ticklabels(np.linspace(0.8, 0.2, 4).round(1))
        cb = plt.colorbar(p, cax=cax, label=clabel)
        if discrete:
            # set ticks for all hue values
            if n_hue > 1:
                d = (n_hue - 1) / n_hue
                cb.set_ticks(np.arange(d / 2, n_hue - 1, d))

    # labels for error stats
    err = abs(dat - ref)
    rmse = (err**2).mean().values**0.5
    ns = tools.nse(dat, ref)
    ax.text(0.74, 0.07, "RMSE={0:.2E}\nNSE={1:.7f}".format(rmse, ns.values),
            horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='bottom', transform=ax.transAxes)
    if title is not None:

    if savefig:
        if figloc is None:
            figloc = Path(__file__).parent
            os.makedirs(figloc, exist_ok=True)
        if fname is None:
            fname = "scatter"
        fpath = Path(figloc) / fname
            fig.savefig(fpath, dpi=300, bbox_inches="tight")
        except ValueError:
            fig.savefig(str(fpath) + ".png", dpi=300, bbox_inches="tight")

    if close:

    return fig, ax, cax
コード例 #5
def test_decomp_sumdir(adv,
    Test that budget methods "native" and "cartesian" give equal advective tendencies
    in all components if the three spatial directions are summed up.

    The test fails if the Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency coefficient (NSE)
    is below the given threshold. If avg_dims_error is given, the averaging in the
    NSE calculation is only carried out over these dimensions. Afterwards the minimum NSE
    value is taken over the remaining dimensions.

    adv : xarray DataArray
        Advective tendencies.
    corr : xarray DataArray
        Cartesian corrections for advective tendencies.
    avg_dims_error : str or list of str, optional
        Dimensions over which to calculate the NSE. The default is None.
    thresh : float, optional
        Threshold value for NSE below which the test fails
    loc : dict, optional
        Mapping for label based indexing before running the test. The default is None.
    iloc : dict, optional
        Mapping for integer-location based indexing before running the test. The default is None.
    plot : bool, optional
        Create scatter plot if test fails. The default is True.
    **plot_kws :
        keyword arguments passed to plotting.scatter_hue.

    failed : bool
        Test failed.
    err : float
        Test statistic NSE

    data = adv.sel(dir="sum")
    ref = data.sel(ID="native")
    dat = data.sel(ID="cartesian") + corr.sel(ID="cartesian", dir="T")
    dat = tools.loc_data(dat, loc=loc, iloc=iloc)
    ref = tools.loc_data(ref, loc=loc, iloc=iloc)
    err = tools.nse(dat, ref, dim=avg_dims_error).min().values
    failed = False
    if err < thresh:
        log = "test_decomp_sumdir, {}: min. NSE less than {}: {:.7f}".format(
            dat.description, thresh, err)
        if plot:
            dat.name = "cartesian"
            ref.name = "native"
            plotting.scatter_hue(dat, ref, title=log, **plot_kws)
        failed = True
    return failed, err
コード例 #6
def test_budget(tend,
    Test closure of budget: tend = forcing.

    Only the budget methods "native" and "cartesian" are tested.
    The test fails if the Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency coefficient (NSE)
    is below the given threshold. If avg_dims_error is given, the averaging in the
    NSE calculation is only carried out over these dimensions. Afterwards the minimum NSE
    value is taken over the remaining dimensions.

    tend : xarray DataArray
        Total tendency.
    forcing : xarray DataArray
        Total forcing.
    avg_dims_error : str or list of str, optional
        Dimensions over which to calculate the NSE. The default is None.
    thresh : float, optional
        Threshold value for NSE below which the test fails
    loc : dict, optional
        Mapping for label based indexing before running the test. The default is None.
    iloc : dict, optional
        Mapping for integer-location based indexing before running the test. The default is None.
    plot : bool, optional
        Create scatter plot if test fails. The default is True.
    **plot_kws :
        keyword arguments passed to plotting.scatter_hue.

    failed : bool
        Test failed.
    err : float
        Test statistic NSE

    failed = False
    err = []
    for ID in ["native", "cartesian"]:
        if ID not in tend.ID:
        ref = tend.sel(ID=ID, drop=True)
        dat = forcing.sel(ID=ID, drop=True)
        dat = tools.loc_data(dat, loc=loc, iloc=iloc)
        ref = tools.loc_data(ref, loc=loc, iloc=iloc)
        e = tools.nse(dat, ref, dim=avg_dims_error).min().values
        if e < thresh:
            log = "test_budget for ID='{}': min. NSE less than {}: {:.5f}\n".format(
                ID, thresh, e)
            if plot:
                dat.name = dat.description[:2] + "forcing"
                ref.name = ref.description
                plotting.scatter_hue(dat, ref, title=log, **plot_kws)
            failed = True
    return failed, min(err)