コード例 #1
ファイル: diagnostics.py プロジェクト: aecryan/WRFToolbox
def compute_CLTFR(varobj, onc, wnfiles, wntimes, options):
    """Computation of total cloud fraction in case CLT	(from p_interp) is not
     available cldfra: partial cloud fraction [1]

    Following Sundqvist, 1989, Mont. Weather Rev.
    NOTE: This computation is not really comparable to CLT, since is
    computed from pressure levels instead of the native sigma levels
    if wnfiles.current.variables.has_key("CLT"):
        # The file was correctly processed by p_interp
        var = wnfiles.current.variables["CLT"]
        copyval = var[:]
        oncvar = get_oncvar(varobj, var, onc, options)
        # We need to compute it using Sundqvist (1989) MWR, eq 5.1
        log.warning("Computing total cloud cover in Python!")
        cldfra = wnfiles.current.variables["CLDFRA"]
        bj = cldfra[:]
        ceros = np.zeros(cldfra.shape[:1] + (1, ) + cldfra.shape[2:],
        bjm1 = np.concatenate([ceros, cldfra[:, :-1, :, :]], axis=1)
        bjmax = np.maximum(bjm1, bj)
        denom = 1. - bjm1
        denom = np.where(denom == 0., 1., denom)  # Avoid singularities
        copyval = 1. - np.multiply.reduce((1. - bjmax) / denom, axis=1)
        oncvar = get_oncvar(varobj,
    return oncvar, copyval
コード例 #2
ファイル: diagnostics.py プロジェクト: aecryan/WRFToolbox
def compute_WIND10(varobj, onc, wnfiles, wntimes, options):
    incvar = wnfiles.current.variables["U10"]
    u = incvar[:]
    v = wnfiles.current.variables["V10"][:]
    copyval = np.sqrt(u * u + v * v)
    oncvar = get_oncvar(varobj, incvar, onc, options, screenvar_at_10m=True)
    return oncvar, copyval
コード例 #3
ファイル: diagnostics.py プロジェクト: aecryan/WRFToolbox
def compute_RH2MEAN(varobj, onc, wnfiles, wntimes, options):
    """Computation of relative humidity at 2 m
    t2: 2m temperature [K]
    q2: 2m mixing ratio [kg kg-1]
    psfc: surface prssure (assumed the same at 2m) [Pa]
    e: vapor pressure in air [Pa]
    es: saturation vapor pressure [Pa]

    Some required physical constants: epsilon_gamma, tkelvin, es_[A/B]tetens_[ice/vapor]
    t2 = wnfiles.current.variables["T2MEAN"][:]
    q2 = wnfiles.current.variables["Q2MEAN"][:]
    psfc = wnfiles.current.variables["PSFCMEAN"]
    e = q2 * psfc[:] / (100. * (Constants.epsilon_gamma + q2))
    es = np.where(
        t2 - Constants.tkelvin <= 0., Constants.es_base_tetens *
        10.**(((t2 - Constants.tkelvin) * Constants.es_Atetens_ice) /
              ((t2 - Constants.tkelvin) + Constants.es_Btetens_ice)),
        Constants.es_base_tetens *
        10.**(((t2 - Constants.tkelvin) * Constants.es_Atetens_vapor) /
              ((t2 - Constants.tkelvin) + Constants.es_Btetens_vapor)))
    copyval = e / es
    copyval.shape = psfc.shape[:1] + (1, ) + psfc.shape[1:]
    oncvar = get_oncvar(varobj, psfc, onc, options, screenvar_at_2m=True)
    #	rh2 = e/es
    #	copyval = max(min(rh2, 1.), 0.)
    return oncvar, copyval
コード例 #4
ファイル: diagnostics.py プロジェクト: aecryan/WRFToolbox
def compute_MRSOL(varobj, onc, wnfiles, wntimes, options):
    incvar = wnfiles.current.variables['SMOIS']
    if wnfiles.current.variables.has_key("DZS"):
        layer_width = wnfiles.current.variables['DZS'][:]
        if wnfiles.full.variables.has_key("DZS"):
            layer_width = wnfiles.full.variables['DZS'][:]
            print >> sys.stderr, "Error: 'DZS' variable not found!"
    mrsol = incvar[:] * layer_width[:, :, np.newaxis,
                                    np.newaxis] * 1000.  # m3/m3 -> Kg/m2
    # Sets sea points to missing values.
    if wnfiles.current.variables.has_key("LANDMASK"):
        landmask = wnfiles.current.variables["LANDMASK"][:]
        if not wnfiles.geo:
            print >> sys.stderr, "Error: The geo_em file is needed to read the landmask."
            landmask = wnfiles.geo.variables["LANDMASK"][:]
    landmask = np.resize(landmask, mrsol.shape)
    copyval = np.where(landmask == 0, -9.e+33, mrsol[:])
    oncvar = get_oncvar(varobj, incvar, onc, options)
    oncvar.missing_value = np.array(-9.e+33).astype(oncvar.dtype)
    return oncvar, copyval
コード例 #5
ファイル: diagnostics.py プロジェクト: aecryan/WRFToolbox
def compute_MRSO(varobj, onc, wnfiles, wntimes, options):
    incvar = wnfiles.current.variables['SMOIS']
    if wnfiles.current.variables.has_key("DZS"):
        layer_width = wnfiles.current.variables['DZS'][0]
        if wnfiles.full.variables.has_key("DZS"):
            layer_width = wnfiles.full.variables['DZS'][0]
            print >> sys.stderr, "Error: 'DZS' variable not found!"
    smois = incvar[:]
    smois_byarea = smois * layer_width[np.newaxis, :, np.newaxis, np.newaxis]
    smois_total = np.sum(smois_byarea, axis=1) * 1000.
    if wnfiles.current.variables.has_key("LANDMASK"):
        landmask = wnfiles.current.variables["LANDMASK"][:]
        if not wnfiles.geo:
            print >> sys.stderr, "Error: I need the geo_em file to read the landmask!"
            landmask = wnfiles.geo.variables["LANDMASK"][:]
    landmask = np.resize(landmask, smois_total.shape)
    copyval = np.where(landmask == 0, -9.e+33, smois_total[:])
    oncvar = get_oncvar(varobj, incvar, onc, options, out_is_2D_but_in_3D=True)
    oncvar.missing_value = np.array(-9.e+33).astype(oncvar.dtype)
    return oncvar, copyval
コード例 #6
def compute_GEOP(varobj, onc, wnfiles, wntimes, options):
    incvar = wnfiles.current.variables['PH']
    copyval = incvar[:wntimes.nrec] + wnfiles.current.variables["PHB"][:wntimes.nrec]
    # De-stagger the geopotential
    copyval = (copyval[:,:-1]+copyval[:,1:])/2.
    oncvar = get_oncvar(varobj, incvar, onc)
    return oncvar, copyval
コード例 #7
ファイル: diagnostics.py プロジェクト: aecryan/WRFToolbox
def compute_RAINFMAX1H(varobj, onc, wnfiles, wntimes, options):
    """Deaccumulates the precipitation field and changes it's name

    This function looks for RAINTOT if available, otherwise adds up RAINNC and
    RAINCV. It deaccumulates from the value on the previous output time step.
    A flux is computed dividing by the timestep in seconds.
    if wnfiles.current.variables.has_key(
            "RAINTOT"):  # The file was processed by p_interp
        incvar = wnfiles.current.variables["RAINTOT"]
        pr = incvar[:]
    else:  # We should add convective and large-scale rainfall
        incvar = wnfiles.current.variables["RAINNC"]
        pr = incvar[:] + wnfiles.current.variables["RAINC"][:]
    if not wnfiles.prv:
        lastpr = pr[0]
    elif wnfiles.current.variables.has_key("RAINTOT"):
        lastpr = wnfiles.prv.variables["RAINTOT"][:][-1]
        lastpr = wnfiles.prv.variables["RAINNC"][:][
            -1] + wnfiles.prv.variables["RAINC"][:][-1]
    lastpr.shape = (1, ) + lastpr.shape
    copyval = pr - np.concatenate([lastpr, pr[:-1]])
    copyval = np.where(copyval < 0., 0, copyval)
    oncvar = get_oncvar(varobj, incvar, onc, options)
    oncvar.warning = "This is not a real extreme, extremes still need to be computed."
    return oncvar, copyval
コード例 #8
ファイル: diagnostics.py プロジェクト: aecryan/WRFToolbox
def compute_TDPS(varobj, onc, wnfiles, wntimes, options):
    """Computation of relative humidity at 2 m
    t2: 2m temperature [K]
    q2: 2m mixing ratio [kg kg-1]
    psfc: surface prssure (assumed the same at 2m) [Pa]
    e: vapor pressure in air [hPa]
    es: saturation vapor pressure [hPa]

    Some required physical constants: tkelvin, es_base_bolton, es_[A/B]bolton, RdRv
    t2 = wnfiles.current.variables["T2"][:]
    q2 = wnfiles.current.variables["Q2"][:]
    psfc = wnfiles.current.variables["PSFC"]
    es = 10. * Constants.es_base_bolton * np.exp(
        Constants.es_Abolton * (t2 - Constants.tkelvin) /
        (t2 - Constants.tkelvin + Constants.es_Bbolton))
    rh = 0.01 * psfc[:] / es * (q2 / (Constants.RdRv + q2))
    rh = np.where(rh > 1., 1., rh)
    rh = np.where(rh < 0., 0., rh)

    e = rh * Constants.es_base_bolton * np.exp(
        Constants.es_Abolton * (t2 - Constants.tkelvin) /
        (t2 - Constants.tkelvin + Constants.es_Bbolton))
    copyval = (116.9 + 237.3 * np.log(e)) / (16.78 -
                                             np.log(e)) + Constants.tkelvin
    copyval.shape = psfc.shape[:1] + (1, ) + psfc.shape[1:]
    oncvar = get_oncvar(varobj, psfc, onc, options, screenvar_at_2m=True)
    return oncvar, copyval
コード例 #9
ファイル: diagnostics.py プロジェクト: aecryan/WRFToolbox
def compute_RLT(varobj, onc, wnfiles, wntimes, options):
    incvar = wnfiles.current.variables["OLR"]
    olr = incvar
    aclwdnt = wnfiles.current.variables["ACLWDNT"]
    deac_aclwdnt = deaccumulate_var(aclwdnt, "ACLWDNT", wnfiles, wntimes)
    copyval = (olr - deac_aclwdnt) / float(wntimes.outstep_s)
    oncvar = get_oncvar(varobj, incvar, onc, options)
    return oncvar, copyval
コード例 #10
ファイル: diagnostics.py プロジェクト: aecryan/WRFToolbox
def compute_WINDFMAX(varobj, onc, wnfiles, wntimes, options):
    incvar = wnfiles.current.variables["U10"]
    u = incvar[:]
    v = wnfiles.current.variables["V10"][:]
    copyval = np.sqrt(u * u + v * v)
    oncvar = get_oncvar(varobj, incvar, onc, options, screenvar_at_10m=True)
    oncvar.warning = "This is not a real extreme, extremes still need to be computed."
    return oncvar, copyval
コード例 #11
def compute_MSLP(varobj, onc, wnfiles, wntimes, options):
    if wnfiles.current.variables.has_key("MSLP"):
        incvar = wnfiles.current.variables['MSLP']
        copyval = incvar[:wntimes.nrec]
        oncvar = get_oncvar(varobj, incvar, onc, options)
        incvar = wnfiles.current.variables['P']
        p = incvar[:]
        pb = wnfiles.current.variables['PB'][:]
        ph = wnfiles.current.variables['PH'][:]
        phb = wnfiles.current.variables['PHB'][:]
        t = wnfiles.current.variables['T'][:]
        qvapor = wnfiles.current.variables['QVAPOR'][:]
        copyval = compute_mslp(p, pb, ph, phb, t , qvapor)
        oncvar = get_oncvar(varobj, incvar, onc, options,
        return oncvar, copyval
コード例 #12
ファイル: generic.py プロジェクト: markelg/WRFToolbox
def screenvar_at_100m(varobj, onc, wnfiles, wntimes, options):
    # Works for any variable defined at 100m with no other transformation.
    incvar = wnfiles.current.variables[varobj.varname]
    copyval = np.reshape(incvar[:],
                         incvar.shape[:1] + (1, ) + incvar.shape[1:])
    oncvar = get_oncvar(varobj, incvar, onc, options, screenvar_at_100m=True)
    return oncvar, copyval
コード例 #13
ファイル: generic.py プロジェクト: markelg/WRFToolbox
def deaccumulate(varobj, onc, wnfiles, wntimes, options):
    # De-accumulates any variable if no other transformation is required
    incvar = wnfiles.current.variables[varobj.varname]
    copyval = deaccumulate_var(incvar, varobj.varname, wnfiles, wntimes,
    oncvar = get_oncvar(varobj, incvar, onc, options)
    return oncvar, copyval
コード例 #14
ファイル: diagnostics.py プロジェクト: aecryan/WRFToolbox
def compute_RLB(varobj, onc, wnfiles, wntimes, options):
    incvar = wnfiles.current.variables["ACLWUPB"]
    aclwupb = incvar
    deac_aclwupb = deaccumulate_var(aclwupb, "ACLWUPB", wnfiles, wntimes)
    aclwdnb = wnfiles.current.variables["ACLWDNB"]
    deac_aclwdnb = deaccumulate_var(aclwdnb, "ACLWDNB", wnfiles, wntimes)

    copyval = (deac_aclwupb - deac_aclwdnb) / float(wntimes.outstep_s)
    oncvar = get_oncvar(varobj, incvar, onc, options)
    return oncvar, copyval
コード例 #15
ファイル: diagnostics.py プロジェクト: aecryan/WRFToolbox
def compute_RST(varobj, onc, wnfiles, wntimes, options):
    incvar = wnfiles.current.variables["ACSWUPT"]
    acswupt = incvar[:]
    deac_acswupt = deaccumulate_var(acswupt, "ACSWUPT", wnfiles, wntimes)
    acswdnt = wnfiles.current.variables["ACSWDNT"][:]
    deac_acswdnt = deaccumulate_var(acswdnt, "ACSWDNT", wnfiles, wntimes)
    rst = deac_acswdnt - deac_acswupt
    copyval = rst / float(wntimes.outstep_s)
    oncvar = get_oncvar(varobj, incvar, onc, options)
    return oncvar, copyval
コード例 #16
def compute_TEMP(varobj, onc, wnfiles, wntimes, options):
    if wnfiles.current.variables.has_key("TT"):
        incvar = wnfiles.current.variables['TT']
        copyval = incvar
        incvar = wnfiles.current.variables['T']
        pres = wnfiles.current.variables['P'][:wntimes.nrec] + wnfiles.current.variables["PB"][:wnt.nrec]
        copyval = compute_temperature(pres, incvar[:wntimes.nrec])
    oncvar = get_oncvar(varobj, incvar, onc, options)
    return oncvar, copyval
コード例 #17
ファイル: diagnostics.py プロジェクト: aecryan/WRFToolbox
def compute_SPDUV10(varobj, onc, wnfiles, wntimes, options):
    """Computation of wind speed at 10 m
    u10: 10 m horizontal WE-wind speed
    v10: 10 m horizontal NS-wind speed
    u10 = wnfiles.current.variables["U10"]
    v10 = wnfiles.current.variables["V10"][:]
    copyval = np.sqrt(u10[:] * u10[:] + v10 * v10)
    copyval.shape = u10.shape[:1] + (1, ) + u10.shape[1:]
    oncvar = get_oncvar(varobj, u10, onc, options, screenvar_at_2m=True)
    return oncvar, copyval
コード例 #18
ファイル: diagnostics.py プロジェクト: aecryan/WRFToolbox
def compute_RHODRY2(varobj, onc, wnfiles, wntimes, options):
    """Computes the 2 meter dry air density from 2m temperature, and surface pressure.
    incvar = wnfiles.current.variables["T2"]  # K
    tas = incvar[:]
    psfc = wnfiles.current.variables["PSFC"][:]  # Pa
    Rd = 286.9  # J kg -1 K -1
    rho = (psfc / (Rd * tas))[:]
    copyval = rho[:]
    copyval.shape = psfc.shape[:1] + (1, ) + psfc.shape[1:]
    oncvar = get_oncvar(varobj, incvar, onc, options, screenvar_at_2m=True)
    return oncvar, copyval
コード例 #19
ファイル: generic.py プロジェクト: markelg/WRFToolbox
def fake_extreme_screenvar_at_100m(varobj, onc, wnfiles, wntimes, options):
    # Extracts a variable, changes it's name and adds an attribute so
    # extremes must be computed LATER the CDO. It's called "fake extreme"
    # because it is made to replace a extreme that's not computed by CLWRF.
    incvar = wnfiles.current.variables[
        varobj.varname[:-4]]  #[:-4]removes "MAX" or "MIN"
    copyval = np.reshape(incvar[:],
                         incvar.shape[:1] + (1, ) + incvar.shape[1:])
    oncvar = get_oncvar(varobj, incvar, onc, options, screenvar_at_100m=True)
    oncvar.warning = "This is not a real extreme, extremes still need to be computed."
    return oncvar, copyval
コード例 #20
ファイル: generic.py プロジェクト: markelg/WRFToolbox
def fake_extreme(varobj, onc, wnfiles, wntimes, options):
    # Extracts a variable, changes it's name and adds an attribute so extremes
    # must be computed LATER the CDO. It's called "fake extreme" because it is
    # made to replace a extreme that's not computed by CLWRF.
    incvar = wnfiles.current.variables[
        varobj.varname[:-4]]  #[:-4]removes "FMAX" or "FMIN"
    copyval = incvar[:]
    oncvar = get_oncvar(varobj, incvar, onc, options)
    oncvar.warning = ("This is not a real extreme, extremes still need to be "
    return oncvar, copyval
コード例 #21
ファイル: diagnostics.py プロジェクト: aecryan/WRFToolbox
def compute_RAIN(varobj, onc, wnfiles, wntimes, options):
    """Deaccumulates the precipitation field
    This function adds RAINNC and RAINC, RAINTOT has been deprecated since it does not support buckets.
 It deaccumulates from the value on the previous output time step.
    incvar = wnfiles.current.variables["RAINNC"]
    rainnc = incvar[:]
    rainc = wnfiles.current.variables["RAINC"][:]
    deac_rainnc = deaccumulate_var(rainnc, "RAINNC", wnfiles, wntimes)
    deac_rainc = deaccumulate_var(rainc, "RAINC", wnfiles, wntimes)

    copyval = deac_rainnc + deac_rainc
    oncvar = get_oncvar(varobj, incvar, onc, options)
    return oncvar, copyval
コード例 #22
ファイル: generic.py プロジェクト: markelg/WRFToolbox
def rotate_vv(varobj, onc, wnfiles, wntimes, options):
    uvarname = "UU"
    vvarname = "VV"
    u = wnfiles.current.variables[uvarname]
    v = wnfiles.current.variables[vvarname]
    if not wnfiles.geo:
        raise IOError("Error: The geo_em file is needed to rotate the winds")
        sina = wnfiles.geo.variables["SINALPHA"][:]
        cosa = wnfiles.geo.variables["COSALPHA"][:]
    copyval = (u[:] * sina[np.newaxis, ...] + v[:] * cosa[np.newaxis, ...])
    copyval.shape = v.shape[:1] + (1, ) + v.shape[1:]
    oncvar = get_oncvar(varobj, v, onc, options, screenvar_at_100m=True)
    return oncvar, copyval
コード例 #23
ファイル: generic.py プロジェクト: markelg/WRFToolbox
def rotate_uas(varobj, onc, wnfiles, wntimes, options):
    uvarname = varobj.varname[:-2]  # remove the "ER"
    vvarname = "V" + varobj.varname[1:-2]  # remove the "U" and the "ER"
    u = wnfiles.current.variables[uvarname]
    v = wnfiles.current.variables[vvarname]
    if not wnfiles.geo:
        raise IOError("Error: The geo_em file is needed to rotate the winds")
        sina = wnfiles.geo.variables["SINALPHA"][:]
        cosa = wnfiles.geo.variables["COSALPHA"][:]
    copyval = (u[:] * cosa[np.newaxis, ...] - v[:] * sina[np.newaxis, ...])
    copyval.shape = u.shape[:1] + (1, ) + u.shape[1:]
    oncvar = get_oncvar(varobj, u, onc, options, screenvar_at_10m=True)
    return oncvar, copyval
コード例 #24
ファイル: generic.py プロジェクト: markelg/WRFToolbox
def deaccumulate_flux(varobj, onc, wnfiles, wntimes, options):
    # De-accumulates any variable and divides it by the time interval used to
    # deaccumulate in seconds.
    incvar = wnfiles.current.variables[varobj.varname]
    copyval = deaccumulate_var(incvar, varobj.varname, wnfiles, wntimes,
    if float(wntimes.outstep_s) == 0:
        raise RuntimeError("Unable to compute a flux with only 1 timestep")

    copyval = copyval / float(wntimes.outstep_s)
    oncvar = get_oncvar(varobj, incvar, onc, options)
    return oncvar, copyval
コード例 #25
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: markelg/WRFToolbox
 def execute(self, varobj, onc, wnfiles, wntimes, vardic):
     cmdstr = self.transformstr
     if self.variables:
         for var in set(self.variables):
             cmdstr = re.sub(r"\b%s\b" % var, "vardic['%s']" % var, cmdstr)
         log.debug("Executing -> %s" % cmdstr)
         exec("copyval = %s" % cmdstr)
         oncvar = base.get_oncvar(
             varobj, wnfiles.current.variables[self.variables[0]], onc,
         log.debug("Using function: %s" % self.functions[0])
         process_func = getattr(generic, self.functions[0])
         oncvar, copyval = process_func(varobj, onc, wnfiles, wntimes,
     return oncvar, copyval
コード例 #26
ファイル: diagnostics.py プロジェクト: aecryan/WRFToolbox
def compute_VER(varobj, onc, wnfiles, wntimes, options):
    if wnfiles.current.variables.has_key(
            "UU"):  # wind on p-levels from p_interp
        u = wnfiles.current.variables["UU"]
        v = wnfiles.current.variables["VV"]
        u = wnfiles.current.variables["U"]
        v = wnfiles.current.variables["V"]
    if not wnfiles.geo:
        print >> sys.stderr, "Error: The geo_em file is needed to rotate the winds"
        sina = wnfiles.geo.variables["SINALPHA"][:]
        cosa = wnfiles.geo.variables["COSALPHA"][:]
    copyval = (u[:] * sina[np.newaxis, ...] + v[:] * cosa[np.newaxis, ...])
    oncvar = get_oncvar(varobj, v, onc, options)
    return oncvar, copyval
コード例 #27
ファイル: diagnostics.py プロジェクト: aecryan/WRFToolbox
def compute_MRRO(varobj, onc, wnfiles, wntimes, options):
    """Deaccumulates the total runoff field

        This function adds SFROFF and UDROFF. It deaccumulates from the value on the previous 
        output time step. The flux is computed dividing by the time interval in seconds.
    incvar = wnfiles.current.variables["SFROFF"]
    sfroff = incvar[:]
    udroff = wnfiles.current.variables["UDROFF"][:]
    deac_sfroff = deaccumulate_var(sfroff, "SFROFF", wnfiles, wntimes, options)
    deac_udroff = deaccumulate_var(udroff, "UDROFF", wnfiles, wntimes, options)

    copyval = deac_sfroff + deac_udroff
    #copyval = np.where(copyval<0., 0, copyval)/float(wntimes.outstep_s)
    copyval = copyval / float(wntimes.outstep_s)
    oncvar = get_oncvar(varobj, incvar, onc, options)
    return oncvar, copyval
コード例 #28
def compute_RAINFORWARD(varobj, onc, wnfiles, wntimes, options):
    if wnfiles.current.variables.has_key("RAINTOT"): # The file was processed by p_interp
        incvar = wnfiles.current.variables["RAINTOT"]
        pr = incvar[:]
    else:	# We should add convective and large-scale rainfall
        incvar = wnfiles.current.variables["RAINNC"]
        pr = incvar[:] + wnfiles.current.variables["RAINC"][:]
    if not wnfiles.nxt:
        nextpr = pr[-1]
    elif wnfiles.current.variables.has_key("RAINTOT"):
        nextpr = wnfiles.nxt.variables["RAINTOT"][0]
        nextpr = wnfiles.nxt.variables["RAINNC"][0] + wnfiles.nxt.variables["RAINC"][0]
    nextpr.shape = (1,) + nextpr.shape
    copyval = np.concatenate([pr[1:], nextpr]) - pr
    copyval = np.where(copyval<0., 0, copyval)
    oncvar = get_oncvar(varobj, incvar, onc, options)
    return oncvar, copyval
コード例 #29
ファイル: diagnostics.py プロジェクト: aecryan/WRFToolbox
def compute_VIS(varobj, onc, wnfiles, wntimes, options):
    incvar = wnfiles.current.variables['QCLOUD']
    qcloud = incvar[:, 0, :, :]  # kg kg-1
    density = 1 / wnfiles.current.variables['ALT'][:, 0, :, :]  # kg m-3
    qcdensity = 1000 * qcloud * density  # g m-3
    qcdensity = np.where(qcdensity < 0, 0, qcdensity)
    # Visibility following Stoelinga and Warner (1998)
    beta = 144.7 * (qcdensity**0.88)  # km-1
    beta = np.where(beta <= 1e-20, 1e-20, beta)
    vis = np.empty(beta.shape)
    vis = np.where(beta == 0, 11000, (-np.log(0.02) / beta) * 1000)  # m
    #vis = np.where(beta == 0, 11000, vis)
    vis = np.where(vis > 11000, 11000, vis)
    copyval = vis
    oncvar = get_oncvar(varobj, incvar, onc, options, out_is_2D_but_in_3D=True)
    return oncvar, copyval
コード例 #30
ファイル: diagnostics.py プロジェクト: aecryan/WRFToolbox
def compute_RAINF(varobj, onc, wnfiles, wntimes, options):
    """Deaccumulates the precipitation field

    This function adds RAINNC and RAINC, support for RAINTOT has been deprecated since
    it does not support buckets. It deaccumulates from the value on the previous output
    time step. The flux is computed dividing by the time interval in seconds.
    incvar = wnfiles.current.variables["RAINNC"]
    rainnc = incvar[:]
    rainc = wnfiles.current.variables["RAINC"][:]
    deac_rainnc = deaccumulate_var(rainnc, "RAINNC", wnfiles, wntimes, options)
    deac_rainc = deaccumulate_var(rainc, "RAINC", wnfiles, wntimes, options)

    copyval = deac_rainnc + deac_rainc
    #copyval = np.where(copyval<0., 0, copyval)/float(wntimes.outstep_s)
    copyval = copyval / float(wntimes.outstep_s)
    oncvar = get_oncvar(varobj, incvar, onc, options)
    return oncvar, copyval