def engine_boxes(loader: Any, checkpoint: Dict[str, Any]): checkpoint['model'].eval() df = {'Id': [], 'index': [], 'score': [], 'box': []} start = time.time() all_preds = [] all_labels = [] map_scores = [] org_size = (1024, 1024) new_size = (224, 224) with torch.set_grad_enabled(False): for iter_num, data in enumerate(loader): scores, indices, boxes = checkpoint['model'](data[0].cuda().float().unsqueeze(dim=0)) scores, order = torch.sort(scores) scores = scores.tolist() indices = indices.tolist() indices = [indices[i] for i in order] boxes = boxes.tolist() boxes = [boxes[i] for i in order] df['Id'] += [data[3]] * len(scores) df['score'] += scores df['index'] += indices df['box'] += boxes all_labels.append(data[2]) all_preds.append(max(scores + [0.0])) if data[2] == 0: continue ground_map = box_to_map(loader.df[loader.df.Id == data[3]].box.to_list(), np.zeros(org_size)) predicted_map = box_to_map(boxes, np.zeros(org_size), scores) ground_map = cv2.resize(ground_map, new_size, interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST).clip(0, 1) predicted_map = cv2.resize(predicted_map, new_size, interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA).clip(0, 1) map_scores.append(roc_auc_score(ground_map.flatten(), predicted_map.flatten())) speed = iter_num // (time.time() - start) print('Epoch:', checkpoint['epoch'], 'Iter:', iter_num, 'Score:', np.mean(map_scores), 'Speed:', int(speed), 'img/s', end='\r', flush=True) df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(df) rmetric = roc_auc_score(all_labels, all_preds) wild_metric = np.mean(map_scores) return df, rmetric, wild_metric
def engine_boxes(loader: Any, checkpoint: Dict[str, Any]): checkpoint['model'].eval() df = {'Id': [], 'index': [], 'score': [], 'box': []} start = time.time() all_preds = [] all_labels = [] map_scores = [] org_size = (1024, 1024) new_size = (224, 224) threshold = 0.1 box_labels = [] box_scores = [] with torch.set_grad_enabled(False): for iter_num, data in enumerate(loader): scores, indices, boxes = checkpoint['model']( data[0].cuda().float().unsqueeze(dim=0)) scores, order = torch.sort(scores) scores = scores.tolist() indices = indices.tolist() indices = [indices[i] for i in order] boxes = boxes.tolist() boxes = [boxes[i] for i in order] df['Id'] += [data[3]] * len(scores) df['score'] += scores df['index'] += indices df['box'] += boxes all_labels.append(data[2]) all_preds.append(max(scores + [0.0])) ground_map = box_to_map( loader.df[loader.df.Id == data[3]].box.to_list(), np.zeros(org_size)) predicted_map = box_to_map(boxes, np.zeros(org_size), scores) ground_map = cv2.resize(ground_map, new_size, interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST).clip( 0, 1) predicted_map = cv2.resize(predicted_map, new_size, interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA).clip( 0, 1) if data[2] != 0: map_scores.append( average_precision_score(ground_map.flatten(), predicted_map.flatten())) if len(boxes) > 1: box = boxes[-1] h, w = (box[0] + box[2] / 2) * new_size[0] / org_size[0], ( box[1] + box[3] / 2) * new_size[1] / org_size[1] box = [[ max(0, int(h - new_size[0] / 14)), max(0, int(w - new_size[1] / 14)), min(new_size[0], int(h + new_size[0] / 14)), min(new_size[1], int(w + new_size[1] / 14)) ]] score = scores[-1:] predicted_map = box_to_map(box, np.zeros(new_size), score) else: predicted_map = np.zeros(new_size) overlap = np.sum(np.multiply( ground_map, predicted_map)) / np.sum(predicted_map) if data[2] == 1 and overlap < threshold: box_labels += [0, 1] box_scores += [np.max(predicted_map), 0] else: box_labels += [data[2]] box_scores += [np.max(predicted_map)] speed = iter_num // (time.time() - start) print('Epoch:', checkpoint['epoch'], 'Iter:', iter_num, 'Score:', np.mean(map_scores), 'Speed:', int(speed), 'img/s', end='\r', flush=True) df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(df) rmetric = roc_auc_score(all_labels, all_preds) wild_metric = np.mean(map_scores) pointwise = average_precision_score(box_labels, box_scores) return df, rmetric, wild_metric, pointwise
def main(name: str, start: int, plot: bool): if name == 'all': model_dirs = wsl_model_dir.glob('rsna*') else: if 'rsna' in name: model_dirs = wsl_model_dir.glob(f'*{name}*') else: model_dirs = wsl_model_dir.glob(f'rsna*{name}*') model_dirs = list(model_dirs) num_model_dirs = 50 print(f'Number of potential model directory matches = {len(model_dirs)}, but doing top {num_model_dirs} models for now.') model_dirs = model_dirs[start:start + num_model_dirs] if plot: ncolors = 256 color_array = plt.get_cmap('viridis')(range(ncolors)) # change alpha values color_array[:, -1] = np.linspace(1.0, 0.0, ncolors) for m_idx, model_dir in enumerate(model_dirs): if 'debug' in str(model_dir): # Debugging model print('Debugging model') continue elif not (model_dir / 'configs.json').exists(): # Model not completed print('Model not completed') continue else: with open(model_dir / 'configs.json') as f: configs = json.load(f) dataset = Loader(data=configs['data'], split='test', extension=configs['extension'], classes=configs['classes'], column=configs['column'], variable_type=configs['variable_type']) print('Number of images -', len(dataset)) print(f'Model {m_idx} : {model_dir}') if configs['data'] in known_tasks: task = known_tasks[configs['data']] checkpoint = torch.load(model_dir / '', map_location='cuda:0' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') checkpoint['model'].gradient = None checkpoint['model'].eval() # currently hardcoded, should ideally be inferred from image org_size = (1024, 1024) new_size = (224, 224) all_scores = defaultdict(list) GD = BackProp(checkpoint['model']) GBP = BackProp(checkpoint['model'], True) start_time = time.time() for idx, data in enumerate(dataset): checkpoint['model'].zero_grad() name, img, label = data label = label.squeeze().cuda() if label != 1: continue # Make the ground map if task == 'detect': ground_map = box_to_map(dataset.df[dataset.df.Id == name].box.to_list(), np.zeros(org_size)) elif task == 'segment': ground_map = np.zeros(org_size) eps = dataset.df[dataset.df.Id == name].EncodedPixels.to_list() for ep in eps: ground_map += rle2mask(ep, np.zeros(org_size)).T ground_map = cv2.resize(ground_map, new_size, interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST).clip(0, 1) # Make the saliency map checkpoint['model'].get_map = True if configs['wildcat']: _, _, wild, handle = checkpoint['model'](img.unsqueeze(dim=0).cuda().float()) handle.remove() wild = torch.max(wild, dim=1)[0] wild = wild.squeeze().cpu().data.numpy() wild = (wild - wild.min()) / (wild.max() - wild.min()) wild = cv2.resize(wild, new_size, interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST) else: wild = np.zeros_like(ground_map) gcam = GD.generate_cam(img.unsqueeze(dim=0).cuda().float()).squeeze() checkpoint['model'].get_map = False grad = GD.generate_gradients(img.unsqueeze(dim=0).cuda().float()) ig = GD.generate_integrated_gradients(img.unsqueeze(dim=0).cuda().float(), 25) sg = GD.generate_smooth_grad(img.unsqueeze(dim=0).cuda().float(), 5, 0.1, 0) sig = GD.generate_smooth_grad(img.unsqueeze(dim=0).cuda().float(), 5, 0.1, 10) gbp = GBP.generate_gradients(img.unsqueeze(dim=0).cuda().float()) ggcam = np.multiply(gcam, gbp) all_scores['WILD'].append(aupr(ground_map.flatten(), wild.flatten())) all_scores['GRAD'].append(aupr(ground_map.flatten(), grad.flatten())) all_scores['SG'].append(aupr(ground_map.flatten(), sg.flatten())) all_scores['IG'].append(aupr(ground_map.flatten(), ig.flatten())) all_scores['SIG'].append(aupr(ground_map.flatten(), sig.flatten())) all_scores['GBP'].append(aupr(ground_map.flatten(), gbp.flatten())) all_scores['GCAM'].append(aupr(ground_map.flatten(), gcam.flatten())) all_scores['GGCAM'].append(aupr(ground_map.flatten(), ggcam.flatten())) if plot: row, col = 2, 5 map_names = [['XRAY', 'WILD', 'GRAD', 'GCAM', 'GGCAM'], ['MASK', 'GBP', 'SG', 'IG', 'SIG']] maps = [[img, wild, grad, gcam, ggcam], [ground_map, gbp, sg, ig, sig]] x = LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list(name='rainbow', colors=color_array) plt.register_cmap(cmap=x) fig, ax = plt.subplots(row, col, figsize=(18, 8)) for i in range(row): for j in range(col): ax[i, j].imshow(np.transpose(img, (1, 2, 0))) if not (i == 0 and j == 0): ax[i, j].imshow(maps[i][j], alpha=0.8, cmap='rainbow') ax[i, j].text(0, 220, map_names[i][j], fontsize='x-large', color='white', weight='bold', bbox=dict(fill=True, linewidth=0)) ax[i, j].axis('off') plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.05, hspace=0.05) plt.savefig(f'{wsl_plot_dir}/saliency_{name}.png', dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close() print_str = f'{idx}: | ' for key, value in all_scores.items(): print_str += f'{key}-{int(np.mean(value) * 100)} | ' print_str += str(round((time.time() - start_time) / (idx + 1), 2)) + ' s/img' print(print_str, end='\r') for key in all_scores.keys(): configs[key] = np.mean(all_scores[key]) print(key, ' ', configs[key]) with open(model_dir / 'configs.json', 'w') as fp: json.dump(configs, fp)
def main(name: str, task: str): if name == 'all': models = wsl_model_dir.glob('*') else: models = wsl_model_dir.glob(f'*{name}*') models = list(models) models.reverse() print('Number of potential model matches =', len(models)) all_configs = [] for m, path in enumerate(models): if 'debug' in str(path): # Debugging model print('Debugging model') continue elif 'wild' not in str(path): continue elif not (path / 'configs.json').exists(): # Model not completed print('Model not completed') continue else: with open(path / 'configs.json') as f: configs = json.load(f) print(configs) dataset = Loader(data=configs['data'], split='valid', extension=configs['extension'], classes=configs['classes'], column=configs['column'], regression=configs['regression']) print(f'Model {m} : {path}') if configs['data'] in known_tasks: task = known_tasks[configs['data']] checkpoint = torch.load( path / '', map_location='cuda:0' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') checkpoint['model'] = checkpoint['model'].module checkpoint['model'].get_map = True checkpoint['model'].eval() org_size = (1024, 1024) new_size = (224, 224) sigmoid = torch.nn.Sigmoid().cuda() all_scores = [] with torch.set_grad_enabled(False): for idx, data in enumerate(dataset): img, label = data name = dataset.names[idx] labels = dataset.labels[idx] predicted_map = checkpoint['model']( img.unsqueeze(dim=0).cuda().float()).squeeze(dim=0) predicted_map = sigmoid( predicted_map.sum(dim=0)).cpu().data.numpy() score = [] for i, label in enumerate(labels): if label == 0: continue if task == 'detect': ground_map = box_to_map( dataset.df[dataset.df.Id == name].box.to_list(), np.zeros(org_size)) elif task == 'segment': ground_map = np.zeros(org_size) eps = dataset.df[dataset.df.Id == name].EncodedPixels.to_list() for ep in eps: ground_map += rle2mask(ep, np.zeros(org_size)).T else: print('Ground truth not available.') # plt.imshow(ground_map) ground_map = cv2.resize( ground_map, new_size, interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST).clip(0, 1) re_pred_map = cv2.resize(predicted_map[i], new_size, interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA) score.append( roc_auc_score(ground_map.flatten(), re_pred_map.flatten())) all_scores += score if (len(all_scores) + 1) % 32 == 0: print('Idx:', idx, 'Mean:', np.mean(all_scores), end='\r') configs['wild_metric'] = np.mean(all_scores) print('Wild Metric:', configs['wild_metric']) with open(path / 'configs.json', 'w') as fp: json.dump(configs, fp)
def main(name: str, start: int, plot: bool): if name == 'all': model_dirs = wsl_model_dir.glob('*') else: model_dirs = wsl_model_dir.glob(f'*{name}*') model_dirs = list(model_dirs) model_dirs = model_dirs[start:] print('Number of potential model directory matches =', len(model_dirs)) if plot: ncolors = 256 color_array = plt.get_cmap('viridis')(range(ncolors)) # change alpha values color_array[:, -1] = np.linspace(1.0, 0.0, ncolors) for m_idx, model_dir in enumerate(model_dirs): if 'debug' in str(model_dir): # Debugging model print('Debugging model') continue elif not (model_dir / 'configs.json').exists(): # Model not completed print('Model not completed') continue else: with open(model_dir / 'configs.json') as f: configs = json.load(f) dataset = Loader(data=configs['data'], split='test', extension=configs['extension'], classes=configs['classes'], column=configs['column'], regression=configs['regression']) print('Number of images -', len(dataset)) print(f'Model {m_idx} : {model_dir}') if configs['data'] in known_tasks: task = known_tasks[configs['data']] checkpoint = torch.load( model_dir / '', map_location='cuda:0' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') checkpoint['model'] = checkpoint['model'].module checkpoint['model'].gradient = None checkpoint['model'].eval() org_size = (1024, 1024) new_size = (224, 224) all_scores = defaultdict(list) GD = BackProp(checkpoint['model']) GBP = BackProp(checkpoint['model'], True) start_time = time.time() for idx, data in enumerate(dataset): print( f'{idx} speed-{(time.time() - start_time) // (idx + 1)} s/img', end='\r') checkpoint['model'].zero_grad() name, img, label = data label = label.squeeze().cuda() if label != 1: continue # Make the ground map if task == 'detect': ground_map = box_to_map( dataset.df[dataset.df.Id == name].box.to_list(), np.zeros(org_size)) elif task == 'segment': ground_map = np.zeros(org_size) eps = dataset.df[dataset.df.Id == name].EncodedPixels.to_list() for ep in eps: ground_map += rle2mask(ep, np.zeros(org_size)).T ground_map = cv2.resize(ground_map, new_size, interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST).clip( 0, 1) # Make the saliency map if configs['wildcat']: checkpoint['model'].get_map = True with torch.set_grad_enabled(False): wild, _, handle = checkpoint['model']( img.unsqueeze(dim=0).cuda().float()) handle.remove_hook() wild = wild.squeeze().cpu().data.numpy() wild = (wild - wild.min()) / (wild.max() - wild.min()) wild = cv2.resize(wild, new_size, interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST) all_scores['WILD'].append( aupr(ground_map.flatten(), wild.flatten())) if plot: plt.figure(figsize=(4, 12)) x = LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list(name='rainbow', colors=color_array) plt.register_cmap(cmap=x) plt.subplot(1, 3, 1) plt.imshow(np.transpose(img, (1, 2, 0))) plt.subplot(1, 3, 2) plt.imshow(ground_map, alpha=0.8, cmap='rainbow') plt.subplot(1, 3, 2) plt.imshow(wild, alpha=0.8, cmap='rainbow') plt.savefig(f'{wsl_plot_dir}/wild_{name}.png', dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close() else: checkpoint['model'].get_map = False grad = GD.generate_gradients( img.unsqueeze(dim=0).cuda().float()) ig = GD.generate_integrated_gradients( img.unsqueeze(dim=0).cuda().float(), 100) sg = GD.generate_smooth_grad( img.unsqueeze(dim=0).cuda().float(), 5, 0.3, 0) sig = GD.generate_smooth_grad( img.unsqueeze(dim=0).cuda().float(), 5, 0.3, 0) gbp = GBP.generate_gradients( img.unsqueeze(dim=0).cuda().float()) checkpoint['model'].get_map = True gcam = GD.generate_cam( img.unsqueeze(dim=0).cuda().float()).squeeze() ggcam = np.multiply(gcam, gbp) all_scores['GRAD'].append( aupr(ground_map.flatten(), grad.flatten())) all_scores['SG'].append( aupr(ground_map.flatten(), sg.flatten())) all_scores['IG'].append( aupr(ground_map.flatten(), ig.flatten())) all_scores['SIG'].append( aupr(ground_map.flatten(), sig.flatten())) all_scores['GBP'].append( aupr(ground_map.flatten(), gbp.flatten())) all_scores['GCAM'].append( aupr(ground_map.flatten(), gcam.flatten())) all_scores['GGCAM'].append( aupr(ground_map.flatten(), ggcam.flatten())) if plot: row, col = range(2), range(4) map_names = [['MASK', 'GRAD', 'SG', 'IG'], ['SIG', 'GCAM', 'GBP', 'GGCAM']] maps = [[ground_map, grad, sg, ig], [sig, gcam, gbp, ggcam]] x = LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list(name='rainbow', colors=color_array) plt.register_cmap(cmap=x) fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 4, figsize=(18, 8)) for i in row: for j in col: ax[i, j].imshow(np.transpose(img, (1, 2, 0))) ax[i, j].imshow(maps[i][j], alpha=0.8, cmap='rainbow') ax[i, j].text(0, 220, map_names[i][j], fontsize='x-large', color='white', weight='bold', bbox=dict(fill=True, linewidth=0)) ax[i, j].axis('off') plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.05, hspace=0.05) plt.savefig(f'{wsl_plot_dir}/saliency_{name}.png', dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close() del data for key in all_scores.keys(): configs[key] = np.mean(all_scores[key]) print(key, ' ', configs[key]) with open(path / 'configs.json', 'w') as fp: json.dump(configs, fp)
def main(name: str, task: str, store: bool): if name == 'all': models = wsl_model_dir.glob('*') else: models = wsl_model_dir.glob(f'*{name}*') models = list(models) device = torch.device("cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") print('Number of potential model matches =', len(models)) all_configs = [] for m, path in enumerate(models): if 'debug' in str(path): # Debugging models print('Debugging model') continue elif 'vgg19' not in str(path): # Model is not wildcat print('Model is not densenet') continue elif 'wildcat' in str(path): # Model is not wildcat print('Model is wildcat') continue elif not (path / 'configs.json').exists(): # Model not completed print('Model not completed') continue else: with open(path / 'configs.json') as f: configs = json.load(f) print(configs) # if configs['pretrained'] == False: # continue dataset = Loader(data=configs['data'], split='test', extension=configs['extension'], classes=configs['classes'], column=configs['column'], regression=configs['regression']) # print(f'Model {m} : {path}') try: checkpoint = torch.load(path / '', map_location='cuda:0' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') except: continue # checkpoint = torch.load(path / '', map_location='cpu') checkpoint['model'] = checkpoint['model'].module checkpoint['model'].get_map = True checkpoint['model'].eval() # summary(checkpoint['model'],(3,224,224)) org_size = (1024, 1024) new_size = (224, 224) sigmoid = torch.nn.Sigmoid().cuda() all_scores = defaultdict(list) VBP = vanilla_backprop.VanillaBackprop(checkpoint['model']) IG = integrated_gradients.IntegratedGradients(checkpoint['model']) GBP = guided_backprop.GuidedBackprop(checkpoint['model']) GCAM = gradcam.GradCam(checkpoint['model'],target_layer=34) # with torch.set_grad_enabled(False): print(len(dataset)) for idx, data in tqdm(enumerate(dataset)): img, label = data name = dataset.names[idx] labels = dataset.labels[idx] saliency_label = 1 for i, label in enumerate(labels): if label == 0: saliency_label = 0 break if saliency_label == 0: continue # saliency_label = torch.tensor(saliency_label) saliency_label = torch.tensor(saliency_label).to(device) vanilla_grads = VBP.generate_gradients(img.unsqueeze(dim=0).cuda().float(), saliency_label) grayscale_vanilla_grads = vanilla_backprop.convert_to_grayscale(vanilla_grads) # print(np.shape(grayscale_vanilla_grads)) # vanilla_backprop.save_gradient_images(grayscale_vanilla_grads, '/data/2015P002510/nishanth/WSL/wsl/wsl/Example_maps/GRAD') integrated_grads = IG.generate_integrated_gradients(img.unsqueeze(dim=0).cuda().float(), saliency_label, 100) grayscale_integrated_grads = integrated_gradients.convert_to_grayscale(integrated_grads) # vanilla_backprop.save_gradient_images(grayscale_integrated_grads, '/data/2015P002510/nishanth/WSL/wsl/wsl/Example_maps/IG') guided_grads = GBP.generate_gradients(img.unsqueeze(dim=0).cuda().float(), saliency_label) grayscale_guided_grads = guided_backprop.convert_to_grayscale(guided_grads) # vanilla_backprop.save_gradient_images(grayscale_guided_grads, '/data/2015P002510/nishanth/WSL/wsl/wsl/Example_maps/GBP') smooth_grad_mask = smooth_grad.generate_smooth_grad(VBP, img.unsqueeze(dim=0).cuda().float(), saliency_label, 5, 0.3) grayscale_smooth_grad = smooth_grad.convert_to_grayscale(smooth_grad_mask) smooth_grad_mask = smooth_grad.generate_smooth_grad(IG, img.unsqueeze(dim=0).cuda().float(), saliency_label, 5, 0.3) grayscale_smooth_ig = smooth_grad.convert_to_grayscale(smooth_grad_mask) cam = GCAM.generate_cam(img.unsqueeze(dim=0).cuda().float(), saliency_label) # grayscale_cam = guided_backprop.convert_to_grayscale(cam) cam_gb = guided_gradcam.guided_grad_cam(cam, guided_grads) grayscale_cam_gb = guided_gradcam.convert_to_grayscale(cam_gb) # vanilla_backprop.save_gradient_images(cam, '/data/2015P002510/nishanth/WSL/wsl/wsl/Example_maps/GCAM') # # Save mask2 # save_class_activation_images(img, cam, '/data/2015P002510/nishanth/WSL/wsl/wsl/Example_maps/GCAM_color') # score = [] #'/data/2015P002510/nishanth/WSL/wsl/wsl/AUPRC_scores/{}_{}.npy'.format('GRAD','resnet18'),np.zeros((2,2))) #test for i, label in enumerate(labels): if label == 0: continue if task == 'detect': ground_map = box_to_map(dataset.df[dataset.df.Id == name].box.to_list(), np.zeros(org_size)) ground_map = cv2.resize(ground_map, new_size, interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST).clip(0, 1) all_scores['GRAD'].append(aupr(grayscale_vanilla_grads,ground_map)) all_scores['SG'].append(aupr(grayscale_smooth_grad,ground_map)) all_scores['IG'].append(aupr(grayscale_integrated_grads,ground_map)) all_scores['SIG'].append(aupr(grayscale_smooth_ig,ground_map)) all_scores['GBP'].append(aupr(grayscale_guided_grads,ground_map)) all_scores['GCAM'].append(aupr(cam,ground_map)) all_scores['GGCAM'].append(aupr(grayscale_cam_gb,ground_map)) # all_scores['GRAD'].append(aupr(cv2.resize(grayscale_vanilla_grads, new_size, interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA),ground_map)) elif task == 'segment': ground_map = np.zeros(org_size) eps = dataset.df[dataset.df.Id == name].EncodedPixels.to_list() for ep in eps: ground_map += rle2mask(ep, np.zeros(org_size)).T else: print('Ground truth not available.') for key in all_scores.keys(): print(key, ' ', np.mean(all_scores[key]))'/data/2015P002510/nishanth/WSL/wsl/wsl/AUPRC_scores/{}_{}.npy'.format(key,'vgg_test'),all_scores[key]) configs['wild'] = np.mean(all_scores) all_configs.append(configs) df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(all_configs) print(df) time ='%H_%d_%m') if store: df.to_csv(wsl_summary_dir / f'wild_{time}')