コード例 #1
def __build_modified_profiles(mix):
    for handle in mix.handles:
        print 'processing modified profile %s ...' % (handle.name)
        # Load TS
        ts_name = wmeta.times_name(handle, wmeta.MUTATION_PNORM, mix)

        # Modify CPU normal profile     
        profile = profile_modifier.process_trace(tc.connection(), ts_name,
                                                            handle.modifier, handle.additive,
                                                            handle.scale, handle.shift)
        # Attach profile to handle
        handle.profile_frequency, handle.profile = profile
    # Store profiles
    for handle in mix.handles:
        profile = np.array(handle.profile)
        profile_frequency = handle.profile_frequency
        for size in xrange(conf_domainsize.count_domain_sizes()):
            size = conf_domainsize.get_domain_spec(size).max_user_demand()
            user_profile = (profile / 100.0) * size.users
            profile_frequency = profile_frequency / (wmeta.CYCLE_TIME / schedule_builder.EXPERIMENT_DURATION)
            user_profile = np.array(user_profile)
            user_profile += 5
            if not DRY_RUN:
                print 'storing modified profile %s ...' % (handle.name)
                __write_profile(wmeta.times_name(handle, wmeta.MUTATION_PUSER, mix), user_profile,
コード例 #2
def __store_profile_yarns(mix, handle, normalizing_value, profile, profile_frequency):
    # 1) RAW profile (e.g. for plotting)
    raw_profile = np.array(profile)
    if not DRY_RUN:
        __write_profile(wmeta.times_name(handle, wmeta.MUTATION_PRAW, mix), raw_profile, profile_frequency)
    # 2) NORMALIZED profile (normalized with the set maximum, see above) (e.g. to feed into SSAPv)
    maxval = float(normalizing_value[handle.htype.id])
    profile /= maxval
    norm_profile = np.array(profile)
    norm_profile[norm_profile > 1] = 1
    norm_profile *= 100  # Times does not support float values
    if not DRY_RUN:
        __write_profile(wmeta.times_name(handle, wmeta.MUTATION_PNORM, mix), norm_profile, profile_frequency)
    # 3) Store USER profiles (-> e.g. for Rain workload driver)
    for size in xrange(conf_domainsize.count_domain_sizes()):
        size = conf_domainsize.get_domain_spec(size).max_user_demand()
        user_profile = profile * size.users
        user_profile = np.array(user_profile)
        user_profile += 5
        user_profile_frequency = profile_frequency / (wmeta.CYCLE_TIME / schedule_builder.EXPERIMENT_DURATION)
        user_profile_name = wmeta.times_name(handle, wmeta.MUTATION_PUSER, mix, size)
        print 'FREQ - USER YARN: %s @ %f' % (user_profile_name, user_profile_frequency)
        if not DRY_RUN:
            __write_profile(user_profile_name, user_profile, user_profile_frequency)
コード例 #3
def __build_convolutions(mix, handles):
    # Build profiles by convolution
    for handle in handles:
        print 'processing convolution: %s ...' % (handle.name)
        profile = profile_convolution.process_trace(tc.connection(), wmeta.times_name(handle, wmeta.MUTATION_RAW),
        # Attach profile to handle
        handle.profile_frequency, handle.profile = profile
    # Get normalizing value for each handle type
    normalizing_value = __get_normalizing_value(handles)

    # Store profiles
    for handle in handles:
        print 'storing convolution: %s ...' % (handle.name)
        __store_profile_yarns(mix, handle, normalizing_value, handle.profile, handle.profile_frequency)
コード例 #4
def __build_sampleday(mix, handles):
    # Build profiles from sample days
    for handle in handles:
        print 'processing sample day %s ...' % (handle.name)
        profile = profile_sampleday.process_trace(tc.connection(), wmeta.times_name(handle, wmeta.MUTATION_RAW),
                                                  wmeta.CYCLE_TIME, handle.htype.day)
        # Attach profile to handle
        handle.profile_frequency, handle.profile = profile
    # Max value in each set of TS
    normalizing_value = __get_normalizing_value(handles)

    # Store profiles
    for handle in handles:
        print 'storing sample day %s ...' % (handle.name)
        __store_profile_yarns(mix, handle, normalizing_value, handle.profile, handle.profile_frequency)